iMovie tutorial 2021- Step by step for beginners.

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hi guys colin here from computerclasses.e and applecourses.e so guys every year i try to do an imovie tutorial in where we look at the latest versions and just trying to get a step-by-step guide so that you can get them small video clips pictures and wee bits of music stitch them all together and create a simple movie now we're not going to create a masterpiece what we're going to do is just look at the fundamentals of video editing to try and get it in as quick a time as possible there is a full course on this i'll put a link in the description below if you do want to delve deeper into it and if there is anything in particular that you would like to cover don't be afraid just to comment below the video i always get back to people in the comments and if this is the first time you've looked at one of my tutorials please subscribe to the channel it really helps me and give that video a like okay so we'll delve into imovie now and see what it's like okay so what we'll do first of all is on the screen here we're just going to go down we're going to go to imovie and open it up now if you have a mac um it will more than likely be installed on your mac already but if not you can just go to the app store just type in imovie and it's a simple step-by-step thing so we'll open up imovie i've just downloaded um today i've downloaded a new fresh version of it so you can see it's coming up and asking me what's new in imo or it's telling me what's new so it's optimized for the latest apple macbooks and they've updated ios support new backgrounds and so on so you take your time do have a we read through them we're just going to click on continue here so you can see here we're in our projects what we're going to do first of all is like i said earlier we're going to just try and get this and as quick as possible we're not going to try to create a masterpiece or a hollywood blockbuster what we're going to do is we're going to learn how to put a video clip in how to put a title in how to maybe put a transition in um and how to look at the timeline if you can put in one video you can put in 10 so there's no point in us sitting here looking at it so this is more about video editing and not movie making so we're not going to move you make we're just going to learn the fundamentals do we simple things okay so we're going to click on create new once we click on create new it asks us if we want to create a movie or a trailer so we're going to create a movie so you can see it's telling us here a movie what it does is it combines videos photos and music to make your own movie and a trailer then it allows you to follow a template so apple have created these trailers and they have sections in it and they say i put a video of this in put a video of that in it tells you the type of video that it expects to go in so what you do is you follow apple's template they have music pre-prepared in the background and you just stitch in your videos where you want i will do one of them in a later video but for this one we're just going to focus on movie so it's just going to be where we create our own um we create our own movie we have our own movie clips and i'm going to use movie clips here and what i'll do is i'll put a link in the description of the video that you can click on the link and you can go and get the same video clips as i'm using here and there are video tips that i i talk while on holidays a couple of years ago they're 1080p which means they're 1080 hd they're not 4k dealing with 4k stuff on 1080 it's all the same okay so you can use them they're copyright free and so don't don't be afraid to use them and it just means that you can follow along with what i'm doing and maybe use similar clips but by all means for this use your own videos once you have some sort of video clips there it's perfect so first things first we're going to have a quick tour of imovie just have a look around the window to familiarize ourselves with everything that that's here over on the left hand side you can see here i'm just going to zoom in and out of the different areas so you can see it so we've a project media so that's the movie that we're currently walking on so you can see it's coming up with today's date there then we have our libraries now we're not going to go into too much detail like i said there is a full course for this we're just going to familiarize where things are so this is where any movies or anything any events that we're going to create are going to be labeled right down along the left hand side there there will be so as we walk on movies so remember this is the first movie that we're working on on imovie in this current laptop or macbook here so it's pretty blank so there's not going to be and as you um do your projects there's going to be more projects listed down along that left hand side there so down below where it says imovie library you will have your movies named there okay across the top now we will go through this at the time so my media so you can see we've nothing selected here so if i go into my imovie library there's no media in here and it's giving me the option to import media we're going to do that in a second audio then will show me any audio that is on the macbook that we have so any music any clips and imovie has their clips there too we have titles and again we'll put a title in so titles is going to allow us to put titles and put text across our um our movie any backgrounds that we have so the backgrounds are all there so apple earlier said that it had 16 new backgrounds so you can see down through it there's new backgrounds there so these are just backgrounds that allow you to be able to put it in we might get a look at these tonight if not i will do a video a video specifically on backgrounds transitions then we'll talk later on about transitions transitions are whenever you have one video clip and you want to move to the other video clip it's how it moves from one to the other so instead of one common and the other one going so transition so we will look at them later on on the right hand side i'm going to zoom in again just to give you a wee preview of it so you can see here we have a preview window now the preview window is where you're going to be able to see what your movie looks like now don't worry um obviously depending on the macbook that you're using and if you're using 1080 footage so footage may be shot on an older camera or an iphone just with the settings a bit lower or if you're using 4k video sometimes the preview that you see in that window might appear to be a wee bit choppy what i mean by choppy is it might look as if maybe the sound isn't right on the video or if it's a wee bit blurry or if it's going um not looking as smooth as it was when you took it on the camera don't worry about that imovie when you're creating your movie imovie is rendering in the background so what rendering means is it's just getting ready for that final export when you're ready to put the finished version of the video out so it's trying to get the bulk of the work done in the background so that when you hit save or finish it has maybe 60 percent of its work done so it's just walking away in the background it makes the the videos choppy sometimes it might happen it obviously all depends on the spec of the computer and the quality of the footage that you're using okay so this is it as we go through and start putting in the video we'll have a look back at that window the other options then so we have these adjustment options up here at the top so there's different ones like we can brighten it we can brighten videos up we can correct the color we can crop we can stabilize video we can tinker with the volume remove noise this is the speed we can maybe slow motion or put it down we have filters then and then we have information about the clips okay now we probably won't get looking at too many of them tonight this isn't about that it's not about doing the fine tuning or things this is just about getting a video started so this is your entry-level step-by-step guide so if you have previously been video editing or if you have used imovie in the past and you're um comfortable with it this probably isn't the video for you it this is for someone who's maybe trying to learn that wee bit more trying to get that wee bit of speed or someone who's just starting off it's perfect for okay then when we go back out so i'm just going to zoom back out for you we have our timeline down along the bottom here so it's it runs right along the bottom here our timeline so you can see where i'm shaking the mouse right along the bottom the timeline is where we are going to drag and drop our movie or our video clips so once we start um take putting it down think of this as a video editors table and what we're going to do is we're going to get a clip of this video on a clip of that video and we're going to lay them all out side by side in the order that we want them to appear this is your your playhead okay i'm going to zoom in just so you can see it that way a bit better so i know it's quite hard some of you might be watching on phones or ipads so you can see we have our playhead here and the important thing i want to point out here is this arrow that's pointing down so the arrow that's pointing down is what's called bird's eye view now not many people will call it that but i like to call it that when i'm teaching so it's a bird's-eye view so you're looking straight down on top of the videos that we're going to put so that the preview window over in the right hand side plays whatever it can see directly below it that's why i call it the bird's eye view as we start putting videos in this will all become more clear okay so why don't we jump straight in so that's imovie's window so there's not that much more to it okay it's pretty simple application all video editing applications are similar and what i mean by that is so you may have heard of people maybe using final cut pro or davinci resolve or adobe premiere pro so they're just um scaled up versions of imovie they're not they're scaled up versions of video editors but the principles behind video editing is all the exact same you will always have an area where your media is so i'm just after clicking back in the my media so you'll always have an area for your media and that's known as it could be called different programs we call it different things but maybe it could be your clip in your media area my media as it's called here but it's where the videos that you take or the videos that you're using to compile for your movie it's where they're going to rest before you start putting them in there'll always be a preview window so where you're going to preview your window and then there'll always be a timeline down along the bottom now each program or each application will will differ in the way you do things but the fundamental things of video adding are always going to remain the same you're going to import the move the clips and the media that you have so the media is going to be your video clips your music your pictures anything like that you're going to import them into the program and they will go into your clip bin then you're going to select the movies or the clips that you have and you're going to drag them down and you're going to place them on the timeline that doesn't change um the preview is going to remain the same the only difference is then when you come to do the other things like fine-tuning it or color correction or green screen things that type of thing you are gonna get um more complex tasks but video editing as a whole is very simple and the way we are laying it out here so what we're going to do is we're going to import media i'm going to import the media now by all means your media could be on a sd card a usb it could be on um on your computer it could be in your photos application it could be on your iphone or whatever it is so once we go to import media it's going to ask me where is the media that we're doing now i have placed my media i've just put it on the desktop you may have seen it at the start i've just placed it in a folder there i'm going to click on desktop now if you plug in a usb or if you have anything else there you would see it layered down along the left hand side here so depending what it is you would see it so if you plug in the usb i don't have any sitting on front of me if you plugged in a usb it would appear here on the left hand side if you plugged in an iphone it would appear on the left hand side and so on you can see this is is my hard drive of my computer the one that says macintosh hd this is my own home folder yours will have your name there or a family member's name or maybe a walk profile whatever it is and then we have desktop we should all have that desktop there so you can see i have this imovie folder now i'm going to take the full folder in there i'm not going to even take them all if i wanted to select them i could click on this small arrow at the side of it i'll just zoom in to show you i could look at that small arrow at the side of it and select individual photographs okay or individual movies and you can see it's um it's let me see a quick preview of what the video is there okay so these are all videos i talk while on on holidays one year i'm going to import the whole movie so i'm going to put that back up i'm just going to take the whole folder in i'm going to click on it like that and i'm just going to say import selected so once i click import selected you're going to see as soon as i import them now again obviously depending on the quality of the movies imovie will try and determine what type of files they are so what's in the files is the people in them is the things like that you'll see like a small clock going around on them now it'll be very quick with these because this is a a brand new macbook and the files are only 1080 hd so they're not massive files they're small enough files but you might see it so we'll click on it so you can see that all going now here is the small clock i'm going to zoom in and one of them you if they're even gone that quick so we put them in that quick but you may be able to see i'll i'll try in in post production to go in and see it you'll just see a small circle appearing on it now if your your movie clips are 4k or if they're longer um you would see that circle appearing for longer so usually the macbooks get them straight away they don't have to take that long analyzing them and the fact that i have used these movies previously um the mace they'll be somewhere in the background and they might just reference them so you can see there there's 29 videos or 30 videos so these are just videos these are pictures here you can see so they have a small um picture or a camera icon on them so it shows you that they're a picture the movies are here further on up and if we wanted we could go through and we could maybe have a look at the video so if i go and see if i can have a video so this video here i just clicked on the space bar now that automatically starts playing so you can see it's just a video of two people walking past in the background and maybe the ones of cars coming up so i'm just clicking on the video and what i'm doing is so you may have a trackpad if you've a trackpad i'm just moving one finger across the video there and you can see in the preview it's showing me what's happening now that's called scrubbing okay and it's just you scrubbing across some video editing applications may um play the sound too imovie doesn't okay imovie doesn't play the sound in the in the background but some of them might so if you do find yourself going on to use davinci resolve or adobe premiere pro or final cut pro you might hear when you scrub your finger across that that you can hear that bit of background noise in it but it's perfectly fine that's just the one of the features of the application so you can see each video has there it all gives you a wee time stamp to show you what videos they are or what what length they are so you could go go through them and you can you can do things like if you click on them you can scrub through them and so on you can right click them and you can favorite them okay and if you right click or secondary two finger click on the keyboard or you can do a right tick on a mouse okay so you can favorite them so this is where you could go through and you know disregard the videos that you don't want okay get rid of them now or maybe um take the videos in that you do want by favoriting them okay and you can see it puts that small green um line at the top i'll zoom in so you can see it so you can see it puts a green line on the top once we use them they'll then have like an orange or red line across at the top to show that they have been used in your project so it just saves you using the same movie twice okay so we have our um our videos in now we're going to look at the timeline then so what we're going to do with the timeline is we're going to see the first video so the first video we're going to use is this video here it's the video about the car it's video number two just if anyone wants to follow along but again as i said it doesn't matter what videos you have once you have videos and you're actually using them um it's perfectly fine so we're going to put this video in so this video we want to put it in and um we'll just click where we want so there's two ways of doing this okay we can play the entire video and the way we play and stop in video editing is the space bar on the keyboard so we're going to learn a couple of shortcuts here now so we have space bar for player and stop and then we're going to have i and o so the letter i and the letter o so the letter i can be for n and the letter o for out okay so once we play it you would need to be watching your preview window here so we press space bar it starts playing we can then press i you can see it goes in and o it goes out and once we do that it gives us our in point and our out point so it gives us our in point for i on a out point for all okay so that's the way we do it and you can see that i can scrub in and i can see that it's showing me the portion of the video that i selected okay so that's how we would select the portion of the video we can also click and drag across it and this is the method that i would use more so so clicking and dragging so i'm gonna just show you if i move into the second video so i'm gonna with this one i'm just gonna click and i'm going to drag sometimes you might have to select yeah you do still in this version of imovie so the letter r on the keyboard so or for roger people sometimes have trouble um thinking what am i saying it's all for roger or or for range okay so holding your finger down on the or key and you can just then click and drag and it'll allow you to select a portion that's the way i tend to like to do it with imovie some versions you may not have to hold down that or key but um in in a good few of the latest versions you do i have heard people saying to me in the past that um that you don't have to do it or they don't have to do it it may depend on the macbook but you can try it by clicking and dragging i tend to not use the i and the o i always show people it because it is an option and some people do like shortcuts i and oh one space bar of course to play but you can select the the videos okay so we're ready to just start selecting this these videos now so we're going to go backwards now for a second so we're going to take our first video in i did say we'd put that car coming in but we'll just take this is a small village that that's um it's actually in portugal and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just take one of these videos in it's a four second video i'm gonna take the whole video in so i'm going to click on the video once that selects the video and then i'm just going to click and drag it down okay you can press the plus there but i think it's easier just to click and drag it down so we just clicked and dragged it down until it gets to that timeline okay and you see it goes in with what's called frames okay now frames are there i'm going to scroll into you can see it so these are frames okay video frames and the longer you allow it to be on your timeline the more frames you will see it doesn't make the video last any longer on your screen it just means you can see more of it on your timeline so this slider that we have over at the right hand side here so you can see we have this slider slide over and back when i slide this over and back you'd see what it does it lengthens and shortens your timeline for you the video still remains the same it's 4.6 seconds but if you drag it out to the right it shows more of the frames of the video and if you drag it to the left it shows less of the frames of the video so what happens is if you wanted to fine tune or if you wanted to pick a certain point it's easier if you have this slider all the way to the right because you you can do it so at the minute this is four seconds long so you can see we have one two three four five six seven eight nine and a bit so obviously each frame there that we can see or each square is half a second whereas when we drag the slider over to the right hand side you can see there's not even one square so each frame then is one second or half a second then okay so it's it's even less it's yeah that's half a second there so with the longer the video have the more frames you will see on it okay so i tend to leave it i like to be able to see a bit more of my timeline i like to leave it around the middle here just that i can see maybe here so you can see that each frame now is two seconds so there's two seconds two seconds and roughly half so it's 4.6 seconds so it's not a big thing but if you're video editing and if you do want to do any refine changes or fine print you can slide it out to the right hand side okay so we have our first video in now we want to put our second video in so we just go to the video and i'm just going to do this quickly we're going to go to the second video that we want i'm going to take this one with the car in but i don't want the entire video in i just want it and i'm going to show you what i'm doing here i'm just going to zoom in and show you what i'm doing so you can see here with this one we don't want we just want the car from maybe when it goes to here okay so i'm going to hold my finger on r i'm going to start dragging and i'm going to click just until it gets to the round about there so you can see it's about the same about four seconds okay so once we have that selected so that's two ways of doing it so we see now that we could click and drag a full video in or a full video clip or we can just select a portion by holding that r key now once we click it then we drag it down and i find that's the easiest way to do that clicking and dragging them down those people will say to you you know click on the plus button so i'll just select that that next video frame okay we'll go go through it again maybe this video here it's a wee bit longer it's 21 seconds we'll put a portion of this in we'll just put 10 seconds into it okay so there's 10 seconds once we have the video selected we could make sure our playhead so you just make sure your playhead is at the end of the video we can click the plus that's on the bottom here and it will put it down but i find it's the same thing i tend to like clicking and dragging down because i know where i'm putting it down i don't have to worry about where the playhead is but that's totally personal preference okay continuing on then i'm going to just put a couple of video clips in i'm going to select just portions of them i'm not going to i'm going to keep talking in the background just i'm putting them in you can see how quick you control them in once you're clicking and dragging you're not um with the playhead and we're putting it in i find you have to um make sure when you're clicking that plus button i find you're constantly trying to um trying to show where your playhead is and you'll have to worry whereas when you're clicking a dragon it's just simple as keep clicking and dragging the whole out there and that video is a wee bit long so i'm not going to take that then now you by all means don't be afraid to um have a look and you know be more precise than i am i'm just throwing them in here i'm just getting so you can see you have about 40 44 seconds now of the video if you did ever want to um rearrange video so this is just a wind surfer going along i i just went on holidays one year and i i took videos because what i was having pro problems is um using normal videos on youtube so sometimes copyright can be an issue so it was easier for me just to go take my own videos and then i could um then i could use them without having any issues with copyrights it was easy and i have no problem with people using them for practice so that's what he said do go and have a look at the link that i put in the video here and you can do it okay i i tend to always finish off with this so as i said it's a it's a wii fishing village alvor so i'm just gonna bring this video in it's nine seconds or so and we'll put it in now so we have a minute and five seconds or so now if you ever do want to rearrange the videos you can see you can just click and drag them at the bottom there it's okay you can click and drag them put them on the top we might talk about why you would put them on top but if you want to you can just click and drag them and reorder the the order that the videos are in again if you wanted to you could put it out and you can see now it's easier to rearrange them okay now that's all the videos in if you want to make a one minute video and a two hour video or two hour movie the procedure's the exact same okay it's once you can put in one video you can put them all in so there's no point in you sitting watching me doing it you would want to know go and practice with longer videos or different things okay but that's putting in videos and that's how we do it now we do want to talk about some of the things and the different areas that we have here so the first thing we have then is we have what's called a transition so between each video here you can see that we have this small black line between each video so you can see there there there right right the way true so each video in between in the middle of them has what's called a transition and what a transition is if you look at the um the preview window so you'll see the preview windows probably above my head i i won't know till i'm actually video editing but usually that's where i put it so when we have the the preview window there um you'll see that when it goes from one clip to your it's very snappy it's one clips there the other clip's gone so just watch the preview window now so you'll see one clip's there and the other one's gone you can hear there's quite quite a bit of noise down the background we'll we'll deal with the the volume in the background now so one clip's there and the next tip then is gone so it's very jumpy there's no kind of fluidity to it there's no movement now what we're trying to create here is um if you're trying to create a fast paced video okay so something an upbeat to get people excited and motivated you you can use that type of a cut so when one video cuts into the next but if you're trying to create something relaxing which this is what this video is supposed to be relaxing because it's a holiday video you know what's to get people mood you want to try and create that kind of a theme and we can do that by transitions so we're going to go to transitions up at the very top here so i'm going to click on the top i'm going to just zoom in so you can see it okay this is accessibility options that i'm using here to zoom in and out that's not nothing strange that we're doing just in case anyone likes to do them kind of things transitions are here and it gives us a load of transitions that we have okay it gives us what 20 or 25 of them or 30 maybe of them there so what i tend to tell people is the first four are fine okay anything after that to start getting gimmicky and what i mean by gimmicky is there's spinning in and there's doorways and there's curtains opening okay if you're going for that type of look in a movie that's perfect but i'm just trying to do something a wee bit you know dreamy kind of looking so what we're going to do is i'm going to use the first one and the way you react with the transitions is the exact same as the way you react with the video clips that we've seen in the last section you select it by clicking on it you don't have to select a range or anything and you just click it drag it down and place it wherever you want so i'm placing it in the middle here and i'm going to zoom in so you can see it i just placed it in the middle here and you can see i used to call that when i was teaching in in classrooms the dickie bow i used to call it so a dicky bow or a bow tie i got a bit of um laughing for calling it that one time and i don't think people call it dickie bo across the world maybe it's only something that irish people do okay but that's what a dickie bo was what we call it so it's a bow tie that you would have on at a fancy wedding okay so we have it here now i want to show you my preview window till you see the the difference in it so i'm going to click back here and i'm going to play it i'm going to press the space bar on the keyboard and when we play it you'll see the difference now so can you see how much more relaxing that is i know there's noise in the background and stuff like that but it creates a far um a far smoother environment from one video clip to the next so you can see one goes now we can change the speed that that happens at so the speed at the minute it's probably 1.5 seconds or so the way we do that it's it's one second if we want it to last longer we can double click it and you can see that it's at one second and if we wanted to put it to two seconds ideally you don't want to put this too much and put it to two seconds and we click apply and then what we'll do is i'm going to zoom out this all depends on the length of your video clips if your video clips are two seconds long you can't have a two second dissolve or a two second transition in the middle because there's not enough video each side of it to do it but it'll come up with a warning and tell you so i'm going to play this back now so i'm going to press space on the keyboard play it along and you can see now it's that wee bit longer so maybe that was too long but you could play around with it and get it to whatever you want okay we just once you can do it on one you can do it on the mall now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to quickly drag them in ideally you don't want to do it too gimmicky i'm just going to throw a gimmicky one in just to show you what to look like so i'll show it in there so if i'm going to play this video over you'll see it in the preview window so you can see some people might like it i think it starts to get um playful looking and maybe a bit childish talking but maybe that's what you're going for and there is definitely um times when you might want to do it so i'll throw a few more them in just so you can see it so you may get to a stage where you want to do them as i say this is just a tutorial to show you things we're not making a um a blockbuster here okay so you would con continue and um throw in your transitions right through a truth as i say you don't always need a transition to be in okay you don't need a transition sometimes you might want to create a fast-paced um thing that you want to that you don't need it okay but other times you may want to put that transition in so it's totally personal preference okay that's transitions um they don't really get much more technical than that in the full course i do go into a bit more detail and obviously spend a lot more time um showing you how to do different bits and pieces but that's the the simple way of it okay the next thing we want is video or audio sorry so each video has audio i'm going to zoom in on our video clips down at the bottom and you can see they have these wave forms right along the bottom so each video has waveforms and some of them are quite quite high noise okay so what we can do is for this video i don't want audio in them so what i can do is i can just turn the audio down i'm just clicking and dragging that audio okay maybe you could select them all at once okay so the way you would select them all at once is you would just click and drag across them so just like you would if anyone has used microsoft word or apple pages i just clicked and dragged across click and drag across them there and then what you do is turn down one of them and it should used to do it maybe it doesn't know turn them all down so you can see it it used to remove the music on them all i'll have to check that but it's not a big deal to turn them in you can use the audio button which is up at the top here so we select them maybe if i select them that way they might let me do it um if i click and drag across it and see okay can i turn the volume up under two of them at the same time i can okay so that would be the the way to do it using the audio button which is up at the top here your volume button you can turn the volume down on them all at the one time it used to allow you to drag them all down but they must have changed that so this is the main reason why i do this tutorial it gives me a chance to to see the the changes that they've made okay so the next thing we want that's audio now with the audio what you can do is we're going to put background music to this video so that's why i dropped the audio down um in the full course i do go through more audio like um removing background noise so a lot of them video clips there had um had background noise i i'll put a link down in the description so so you can check that out um okay the next thing we want is we want to um put a title on it okay so our titles imovie is quite restricted when it comes to titles and they say that they've quite a few there now but they're still restricted you have to use what they want here and it there is ways round of doing it but straightforward ways here so you can see these all show you and i'm just hovering across these right the way across the these titles right the way across and it shows you in the preview window what the title would would look like so we just need to find the title that we like so this is maybe we'll go for one of the ones the um a title here there's a title and subtitle so you can see here's a title and subtitle and it's showing you what it's going to look like um is this a weaver flash no they're all they're all okay so we'll put this one down so with the title it's the exact same as the movie clip we click it and we drag it down now we've two options to where we put this i'm going to show you now i'm going to put it at the very start of the movie um but i'm going to show you two ways that you can do it so you can click and you can drag and place it at the start of the movie so you can see what it does is it shifts the other stuff over to the right hand side so it just shifts it over that wee bit and lets you put it in here so i'm gonna put in um the name of the village so it's called alvo and i'm just gonna put um portugal here so it's all available portugal so we can do things this is just going to show up background here in another video we might get a chance to look at um editing and backgrounds and all the things that we can do to it and but you can see you can change the we can put it bold italic we can change the color of the text different things on it okay and so when we play it through our video i'm going to click at the start here if you watch the preview window up here we can click on play and you can see it comes through there it's on for four seconds and then it starts into the movie so there's no transition here to start we didn't put one in there because our title wasn't there i'm just going to put a transition in there and just play it through again so you can see it kind of fades in a way but so that that's fine we have our title in there and you can put the title in and you can put backgrounds and stuff on we will look at that in a different video we're just trying to put the get this as quick as possible up the other way i mentioned that we can do is we can place the title above the video clip so i'm just going to zoom back and show you exactly what i'm doing i don't want you to be not be able to see because i do realize people are probably watching this on iphones or samsung's hopefully not samsung's probably not go there so i'm clicking it and i'm dragging it up so you can see what i'm doing here i'm only joking about the samsung's we can click it and drag it up okay so you can see here that what we're doing it's back in there and we click it and we place it above the clip so you can see it goes with a small connection clip so what that means is that if i move it it takes the title with it you can see it's taking the title with it so if i was to put it here it would take the title and it moves it okay and so it's connected to this top clip if i wanted to i could pull it away and it'll go away for me okay now then we have and i'm going to show you now once we play this clip now i'm just going to place this at the end i'm going to take the transition out of there because it's putting it off okay so once we play it now watch the way the title runs so you can see now it plays across your background remember what i said about the playhead okay i'm gonna zoom in so you can see it here so our playhead points down so it can it plays in the preview window which is up above my head it plays whatever it can see beneath it so it's looking down it sees alvo portugal this is see true and then beneath this it sees the video that's there so it plays that track or plays that title above it so that's quite a it's a more professional looking way of doing your your movies so you can see when we play it true it's just that wee bit more professional it looks like it should look okay as opposed to having that black background okay we're getting there now we don't want to spend too much time as i said i wanted to leave this as simple as possible i know we went into a bit more detail than we should have the next thing we want to do is we want to add some music to the background okay because the video is pretty boring now okay so we want to click on audio and once we click on audio your itunes music or your music will all be there right the way true we don't want to use that i can't use it for this video okay um there's there's sound effects there okay by all means if you want to use um your itunes music okay and that's in it you can use it obviously if you're going to put it up on on youtube or that yeah that's a gray area but i can't for this video now what what i can do is right the way through it here i can pick there's different ones here there's the display in the background so you could use one of these clips okay that go through it okay to these places there's a couple of ones there on they get they get um different ones and you can see there's different types of music there or we can import our own media so if you have a song i happen to have a song here a copyright free one that i'm gonna do so this is the import button i'm gonna scroll in so you can see it okay this is the import button it's gone now because earlier on it give us that import media button now that's gone so we want to import that media so i'm going to click on it it gives us the same window and here we have uh mp3 audio so it's just a it's a song um it's 3.4 minutes long um that i downloaded it's a copyright free one okay so once you click it and put it in it'll go in and you can see it here it's up at the top here so it just goes into the exact same area as your clips and your pictures that you put in so once you're happy with it i'm just going to show you so down beneath your timeline okay or on your timeline there i'm after hitting my my siri okay down on your timeline down at the very bottom you can see when i zoom in you can see here we have another small timeline so just at the bottom of the actual timeline and it has a small music note on it okay and what we're going to do is we're going to take a bit of music okay so i'm going to click it and i'm going to drag it and i'm going to place it down at the bottom there you can see it's trying to connect to it you can by all means you can connect it to it so you can leave it connected to it if you want and that just means that if you move any video clips it moves with us or you can put it straight down at that bottom so and it won't be connected then but it's both the same now what we do is then at the end where we want the video to finish the quickest way to do it is clicking on your video a right click or a two-finger click and go to split clip and you can see it splits that clip at the end and then we click on the bit that we don't want and we press delete on the keyboard or backspace on the keyboard so we put it in split the clip and we do it okay now with the audio again you have options with the audio so when we click and drag down you can see that it gives us the volume level so we can lower or raise the volume level i'm going to put mine at maybe 30 percent or so for 35 perfect okay so it's about 35 percent i'm just going to play this to see what it sounds like okay wee bit low i'll put it a wee bit higher okay so we leave it at 50 percent um so it's playing 50. now with these two wee balls are at the start so you can see here there's a small circle here okay at the start and with the circle what we can do is we can drag that circle in and what that does is it kind of ramps the audio in so it makes the audio um instead of just starting it will go on i'll play it for you so you can see it okay so it progressively gets that wee bit louder okay now that's perfect personal preference you don't have to do that last thing we'll do so we've only a minutes water video here so it's not too too big again you could have have more so we have all these things put in now what we're going to do is that's as hard as making a movie okay and again i'm saying movie and quotes and that's as hard as making a simple movie is so we've thrown the pictures in we've put the timeline the music at the bottom we've put in a small title we've done a transition i i don't want to go too deep and as i said there is a full course there for anyone who does want to delve deeper into imovie where we do the likes of stabilization on videos and color correction cropping putting pictures in i have a video um i i done not too long ago uh making a slideshow if anyone if you go to the channel and subscribe you'll see that in the course we deal with slow motion how you would walk slow motion putting filters on things doing green screen so if i had green behind me here i'm currently in the middle of um doing up a studio here that's why we have plywood here behind me and not a fancy background um so the um all these things and how to how to create projects and events and all how to deal with your media so we delve into more detail and not just the quick steps that we're after doing tonight i do want to just get it as quick as possible because people do like the youtube videos and done it so the last thing that we want to do is we want to export this video so we've all our changes made we're going to export the video and over on the right hand side here we have this share button okay so the share buttons here on the right hand side it's the small um box with the arrow pointing out of it we click it here i'm just going to zoom out a way but so so you can see it now it asks you what do you want to share it to do you want to share the email i don't know why you have this here i i have never shared at the email videos are too big for email number one um so i've never used the email youtube and facebook this gives presets for youtube and facebook i don't use it and the reason i don't use it is because i don't like not knowing what i'm putting up i like to finish the video watch it to make sure i'm happy with it and then i can put it onto youtube or or put it onto facebook if i want okay but if you're happy enough you can put it straight up to facebook or youtube the current frame will just save a picture of that current frame the way it is and then this export file is the one we are going to do so what this does is it actually creates a movie file for you so i'm going to click on export i'm going to zoom out because it would show us here in the window and leave that zoomed in a wee bit just in case for anyone who wants to see it so you can see if i go across it here i'm just scrubbing across it gives a rough preview so you can see now it's playing that music in the background that it has that scrubbing um in your movie here i'm just gonna show put my movie in so i'm just gonna call it um holiday video okay um and then we can say so this video is about my my holidays okay if you want you can put the description you don't need to put that in okay in alvore or whatever it is obviously if you're going to put this video up on youtube or do anything and you want include as much detail as possible in the description because um it it helps then with um seo and algorithms and so on if you want to include any tags on it okay tags mean you can search for it later on so you can put your own tags in there okay the format then is video and audio or you can do audio only we want to leave it at video in order an audio resolution you can see here it's giving me 1080 720 or 540. you can't upgrade resolution okay so you can't put 4k out if you're only putting 1080 in you can downgrade um but you can't upgrade so if you want to um do a 4k video you must have 4k footage okay all 4k footage if you put anything in then it's it's gonna last night and what you find is if you try and stitch in another video in the middle of it and you lose quality because it tries to do it then it doesn't work so you're battle with everything at the same um resolution the quality then you have options with quality so low medium high best pro res are custom i tend to just leave it at high because high quality it's 1080 footage it's going to be perfect looking out on a tv or big screen only if you put it on a cinema screen which would you notice any difference compress and then so you can go for better quality or faster again preference it all depends what you do so you can see we can put it on better quality it's just going to take that wee bit longer i'm going to leave it at um faster because of the video i want to get it done quick it's telling me the length of the video is a minute and one second the duration of the video and then it's showing me the estimated size so the estimated size is about 156 megabytes so it's not big okay obviously again if you're 4k footage or a longer video you're gonna have a bigger file size so then we click on next what it'll do is it'll start creating the video it'll ask me where do i i want to save it i'll just put this on my desktop it's not good practice to put things to your desktop in a mac um it thinks it's a preview and it keeps it half open for you to throw your mac down so if anyone saves stuff on the macbook on your desktop try and put it into a folder or something on your desktop you can see now it's it's showing me if i click on it it'll show me what's going on it's exporting it it's halfway there it's this isn't as i say it's in a new macbook so it's doing it very quick um the older the macbook or the better the footage um the longer that will take so you can see it's telling you the share was successful and once the share is successful then what you need to do now is i'm going to close out of that we button i'm going to minimize my imovie just till we get back to the screen you can see here we have the holiday video that we've just created if we double click it it's going to open in imovie or in a quicktime it'll open it that's my accessibility that i'm after putting on okay um if we play it we just click on play and you can see it'll play back right the way through it there and it shows you the video right after creating right through and you'll see the transitions now i used a different transition in between each video if i was doing it for anyone i wouldn't do that okay i'd probably use different music it's probably not great music to pick um but you pick your own movie there these are video clips that i would use in the course for showing people so with the likes of the seagulls there i would use slow motion to try and you know we'd slow the seagulls down so you can see them land and and with this fish cooking we would maybe zoom in on something so you can see there's a load of different videos there that one there we use stabilization for that's how we do it so these are all video clips that we just have for for practice so um that's it okay that's our quick step-by-step imovie guide again it's just about getting a movie made and as quick as time as possible we're not trying to create a blockbuster here we're just trying to learn the fundamentals of imovie and again as i say if you like the video please give it a thumbs up please subscribe to the channel and put down the bell with the notifications so that any new videos that i put out i try to get plenty of them out it's hard um to get as many out as possible but i do try and i am going to try to get as many tutorials out as i can and because people do like them and again there's a full course for imovie there i put a link in the description so if if you liked this video you will definitely like the full course because we go into a lot more detail and um there's loads of practice materials and i'm on hand then in the full course that you can um send me a message you know if you have any problems with the course or if you're stuck on anything in imovie that you can send me a message and i get the notifications come in on the phone for about a message and a question and i can respond to the question then and i usually respond to the questions within a couple of hours because they come in on on the phone okay guys so colin here computer classes.e check it out and apple courses.e the apple courses is more for the apple stuff computer classes was originally for the window stuff so please check me out subscribe to the channel and we'll see you again in one of the next lectures thanks guys
Channel: Computer
Views: 1,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imovie step by step tutorial, free imovie tutorial, imovie, imovie tutorial, imovie class, how to use imovie, apple imovie, final cut pro, video editing, video editing apps, video editing software, how to edit video, free video editing apps, imovie tricks, imovie tips, apple, imovie editing, imovie for beginners, imovie tips and tricks, how to use imovie on mac, movie 2021, imovie course, Imovie for beginners 2021, imovie tutorial 2021, new imovie update, imovie 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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