How To Edit Shorts Like Natt Jongsala In CapCut 2024! (Tutorial)

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[Music] yo guys welcome back to another tutorial video and in today's video we are going to be making an edit in cap cup light at Jong Salah now he's a very creative editor and a lot of you guys were actually requesting him for me to do a tutorial now what we're going to do in this tutorial is we're going we're going to be more realistic so we're not going to copy the exact edit he did because it's not like you guys are going to be copying all of his edits you know you've got to come up with something new so we are using the same clip choice that he has used um but yeah we're going to be teach well I'm going to be teaching you guys exactly how to do similar edits to him so you guys can do this in with your own Clips in your own sound choices to have a chance of going viral so let's get straight into it okay so first thing is first we've got the sound choice in we've got the clip in now all we're going going to do to start this off is go to library come to the the black video drag it in and then we're going to right click on it come to edit come to freeze delete the second part which is the video now this part is the image drag it all the way to the end now all we're going to do is extend this to full then we're going to go to mask mirror we're going to press this little reverse icon here and now we're just going to do something like this and then we're going to bring the feather to about 100 now we might need to bring it out just a bit more so something like this I think this looks very nice so this is what what it looks like before and after so if we press this oh wait oh wait okay so from here now we are going to leave this first couple of seconds which I'll just play it so you guys can see you become a billionaire okay and then it's going to jump straight into the edit so we need to zoom in on this okay we're going to drag this up a bit as well so you guys can see more of what I'm doing okay so we're going to add this textured background and then we're going to adjust the size to full and from here what we are actually going to do is we're going to we're going to add where P David actually his face Zooms in and then it fades into this background so to do this it's very simple we'll go back from the end about five key frames so one two three four five maybe seven yeah seven key frames and we're going to press scale and position just in case and then we're going to go go to the end one key frame before the end then we're going to bring the size basically to 500 and then readjust it to the center so his face is kind of in the center of the screen and then from here I'm going to zoom in just slightly more so we can see we're going to bring this about two key frames out this way and then we can go to animation on the in animation we're going to go to fade and and and what we're actually going to do cuz it's on 9.2 is we're going to bring it back two more times something like this billionaire and yeah perfect you become a billionaire and okay so now from here this is where we can start the edit so now first thing is we're going to add this guy in here and we need to adjust the size so it's about right so maybe yeah maybe something like this and now from here we're going to get the animations out the way first so I I like to use the slide up it's very clean he's going to slide up and we're going to reduce this to about. three and you yeah something like this and now we need to add something like around him maybe maybe like buildings Etc you'll see exactly what I mean so we will add this building right here and you're still dangerously okay now we're going to put this here going to drag the size just make it a little bit bigger a bit more bigger and just like this and then we're we're on the basic part so we're going to scroll down then we're going to put the layer just what it's behind him so we might put it on layer yeah four perfect and then we we are going to come to this one as well we're going to adjust it so it's big enough oh in fact this one doesn't look too good on this so we're going to add the same one actually just to keep it simple and clean for you guys and then all we're going to do is drag it to this side like so and then we're going to bring it to the layer for now as you can see it's going to start sliding up um fairly slow and you're still dangerously so we're going to increase the speed to about 1.5 maybe 1.8 and you're still dangerous and you're still danger perfect maybe maybe a bit more actually may like 2.1 or 2.2 same with this 2.2 then let's play it and you're still dangerous okay okay maybe a bit less we do want to keep it smooth so it's always good to test stuff so 1.8 yeah that that will that'll do 1.8 now this is what we have and you're still dangerous okay now we're going to add an animation on this as well so it slides up and you're and you're still so maybe I like three and yeah perfect three and you're 0.3 uh yeah perfect okay so this is what it looks like so far you become a billionaire and you're still now what we need to do really quickly is come to this freeze layer as you can see it's not really working here so we need to come to here and add it on six just like this now let's play it you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious now yeah there we go that looks very very clean now what we might do is just so this isn't in the way too much is just bring it to this side a bit more just like so perfect so this is what we have right now and you're still dangerously ambitious and you're okay so this very very clean to me so far and now from here we need to add just something else to kind of make it a bit more smoother so we may add a cloud just at the top so it looks fairly smoother let me see what this looks like um maybe not this one okay so give me a second guys I'm going to quickly import another Cloud one sec so if I come to this folder okay okay yeah that'll be fine actually okay so we're actually going to add this one and we're going to see why it just looks like and then this is what we're going to do drag it to the end and we're going to come down on the basic Tab and we want to put it behind everything something like this and you're still dangerously now it does look a bit too much so we can just incre um decrease the opacity to 60 and you're still and we also need it to like fade in with this so what we're going to do is animation and you're fade in and you're still yeah something like this you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious okay so the opacity does need increasing a lot so maybe to 80 and you're still dangerously ambitious okay perfect now with this guy what what we're actually going to do is we need him to and you're still dangerously okay so we're going to bring him smaller while he's here and then just just for now we're going to press scale position just in case and you're still and you're still we're going to increase the size slightly just like so so everything's moving moving in a good motion so this is what it will look like and you're still dangerous I'm going to drag this out a bit more dangerously dly and then we're going to come forward a couple more key frames maybe like 10 or something I'm going to increase that a bit more now let's see what that looks like and you're still dangerously ambitious okay perfect so now we're going to go back to this key frame that we've just added and now I'm going to add this right here as you guys can see and now we need to come to cutout Chrome press this little button press on the white strength on one Shadow on I don't think it really matters yeah we'll put this to 100 and now we have this effect so we're going to increase this um and then we're going to come back to basic and then put it behind everything just like so so obviously this needs increasing a lot and then we need to go forward to just see okay so we want it something like this this will look very nice and then we're going to come to animation on this and we're going to slide it up so we'll make sure it matches this so it stops right there so we're going to decrease it to 9.2 and okay we're on the complete wrong thing there and you not4 I think that's perfect yes it is all right ambitious and now just to make everything smoother going to come back to the to this key frame right here press on the building add both of these both of these key frames on both of them and then we're going to come to this key frame press on this guy so we can see where it is and then all we're going to do from here you slightly move move it out to like there same with this perfect just like that now we'll see how that looks and you're still dangerously ambitious yeah now as you can see it looks it looks quite quite ously ambitiously ambitious ambitious okay and right here is where he says ambitious so we're going to now come to the text layer I'm going to add a text and now I'm going to type in ambitious all in capital letters ambitious and then we're going to come to the font now I'm going to I might use a free font just so you guys can use it as well let me see how this looks actually I feel like that looks decent enough as you can see it's got a little bit of thick actually we need a different one we just need one that looks very clean when that look sharp and clean yeah we'll just use something like this okay so now what I like to do from here is add the text red um and then we're going to come to the background so we're going to scroll down to background and then what we're going to do is bring it to this one oh extend the texture slightly some like here and then we're going to come to width we're going to bring that all the way out height we're going to reduce that to something like this and now we're going to add a glow effect on the text make sure it's a red glow just like this and now come to come to the intensity turn it down oh we need to go to this one yeah come to the intensity turn it down to like 20 like that's good enough you might have to turn the range down just slightly to like 30 and then this is what it will look like let's in fact add a shadow as well we'll add a Red Shadow and then we'll come to the opacity uh bring it to like 50 and then the blurriness bring it to 10 um maybe a bit less yeah bluring is 10 opacity to around 25 that looks good enough to me looks very simple easy to read if I full screen it it's just very easy to read maybe we'll put the position in on it distance just a bit less to like six okay so this is what we have so far you become a billion and you're still dangerously ambitious now we need an animation on the ambitious part so let's add that now we want something that looks fairly clean something that's simple as well so maybe something like this balance in ambition okay definitely not it glitches out sometimes I don't know why it does this hopefully could fix it one day because this happens a lot Ambi do need something that kind of pops out you know amb yeah I think that'll do am yeah perfect so let's itly ambitious and then we're going to bring this down just to here something like this I think that looks good enough it's very simple as you guys can see but it's eye-catching you know it's very eye-catchy okay so now we've done this part we need to come to the next part of the clip ambitious ambitious so right here so we're going to keep him like this and now we're just going to split these we're going to go forward two key frames and now we're going to split the buildings um keep the smoke yeah split the smoke get rid of the smoke and then split this now all of them we need the animation out I think with this we can have slide down since it's it was sliding up um where is it there it is we're going to add it on .2 same with this building maybe 0.1 in fact .2 yeah same with this slide not2 slide down okay now let me see how that looks let's delete these as well also ambitious not from ambitious okay so what we'll do with these two is yeah yeah we'll keep it like that and you're still dangerously ambitious now we do want to keep him moving so we're going to come to this nend key firm right about here and we're just going to increase the scale to around 111 and then drag up to the endly ambitious not from ambitious ambitious okay so let's in fact do this and then let's just drag it out quite far okay so so just before he says not so like here we can just decrease the size to something like this yeah something like this full screen it to make sure it's good Yep looks good to me and now it's going to say not from a good place so we're going to come back to this key frame right here now we're going to go to adjustments and then I'm going to come to the brightness tab add a key for him um probably on contrast as well and sh then we're going to come forward to this key frame to like here and boom going to do this in fact we won't mess with this one actually and then we're going to come Shadow bring that down to like here um maybe that's a bit a bit too dark so maybe just a bit less it's like here okay vicious not from a okay so let not okay so a bit more just cuz it's a bit too fast not from a good ambitious okay so we actually forgot to add the position scaling so let me do that really quickly bring this back up to where it was believe it was like here ambitious not from a good and you're still dangerously ambitious that okay perfect and now what we're going to do for from here is we're going to come back to media and then he's talking about not from a good place so since he says this what we can do is we just need to look to add something now um let me see what assets we have not from a good place so maybe something on the background I'm not too sure what this is let me see okay yeah we'll probably add this I have got an assets folder with certain things in which you guys can actually use so feel free to I'll leave a link in the description okay so now what we're going to do is come to animation on this we're going to slide it up again or maybe slide it come to in maybe slide it right not yeah something like this maybe have it a bit more not for a good okay we definitely want slide up not for a good not not6 not yep and then come to this uh bring it behind him just like so we might we may want to well you may want to increase it I'm definitely going to yep perfect and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place okay so something like this not from a good place not from a good not now what we're going to do yet definitely extend this out not from a good place but more selfish place okay cuz we don't really want the clouds too much so just drag out not from a good place but more not yeah so we're going to drag this out just like there not from a good ambitious not from a good place um let me see what this looks like in front of him it's always good to try new things out mid edit you know um it probably looks better if it is behind him maybe we can increase the size even more yeah perfect I think that look good yeah have it behind him for sure not from a good place not from a good place but okay perfect and now from here we can add some more stuff in so let's add not from a good place so now he's talking about it's it's something quite bad so we need something fairly you know like a red color or a dark color and we may want something to add to the background so not from a good place um let me see maybe we can add I'm going to add in another asset real quick just to have a look and see what assets I can use I'm pretty sure in fact we can use this one yeah let's use this and then what we're going to do is we're going to bring that obviously behind everything yep just like so keep it there actually and now we're going to come to the adjustments color wheel I'm going to come to the offset one and I'm going to type in Min - 0.19 I'm going to type in minus one then here we're going to type Inus 0.98 and then as you can see it's it's red now which is very clean then we're going to come back to animation we're going to slide it down because it's at the Top If it's at the bottom if you want something like an overlay at the bottom you want it sliding up and if it's at the top of course you want it sliding down to keep that smooth smoothness that so let's do that perfect so we may add on 6 from a yep something like this ambitious that from a good play okay so as you can see we've forgot to delete the ambitious part and let's just get well let's just do this really quickly soome to animation out let's have probably a fade yeah probably a Fade Out animation okay definitely need yeah definitely Fade Out animation like two three perfect ambitious that for so as you can see with the background all we need to do is come to here for this and then we need to go to the background now this is what we need to do opacity right here and then come right to the end or one key frame before the end because it sometimes glitches out and then bring the opacity down to zero and drag this key frame to the end and this is what it will look like perfect you see as easy as that ambitious not from a good place and now as you can see this is way too far down so we need something like here bring the opacity slightly down to around 70 let's have a look okay perfect and now what we're going to do right here where he switches we're going to split it right here and now we're going to add an effect to it so come to effects I do have it on my favorites right now but it is called blue mosc and we're going to drag that onto this part and then all we're going to do is get rid of everything put everything on zero right now oh wait you can't actually do that okay so what we'll do is we'll bring the size up to like 20 the texture to like 20 as well um I think that'll look good yes it does okay perfect that for now what we'll do is just drag this out a little bit not from a not from a good place now let me see on full screen not from a good place perfect that looks that looks fairly good not from a good place but okay so we we do want something on the background so for this I'm going to drag in an overlay now what I will do is I'll show you guys what you can use for overlays um so we're going to come to here ignore all the tabs open I do use a lot of things but um let's let's think so usually I would use something like motion array that's got some good stock footage but you do have to pay for that so what we're going to do we're going to come to a new tab and we're going to use pixa baby oh it's pixa B oh I spell it completely wrong but you know we move so yeah now we just want something as you can see I've already used this a lot all images we want videos and now we want something like something quite dark so we're going to type in dark just to see what comes up now these are the free videos I do qu kind of like this right here but we'll keep looking but we do definitely want something that's fairly dark cuz he's talking about not from a good place but more selfish place so yeah I think I think what we will do is just add this but it wouldn't make sense for the building to be on that actually um H darkness of clouds perhaps we actually could add that yeah I'm kind of liking that so let's just download it the best quality possible let me just continue with Google perfect and now download it in the best quality possible so it looks very clean Okay so back to Media import downloads yep okay so perfect now what we need to do is come to the top right here and then just increase this out Bring It just so it is above this part here perfect and now we're going to come to the opacity on this part and we're going to decrease it probably to about 60 70% I think that'll look good and now we will fade this in so fade in that perfect that from a good place and now this is just a bit too too much oh that sometimes happens so we're just going to do this right here let's see on the big screen yeah that looks fairly good to me ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place not from a good place not from a good place and now right here I've got a good idea I'm just thinking as I go along you know so this isn't not like a planed edit or anything I'm just trying to do new stuff and yeah so what we're going to do right here is we're going to open his head we're going to do the split head effect which not does a fair amount in his edits which is very creative and nice to look at so for this all we have to do is copy this right here so we're going to split it right there we're going to copy paste this and now all we're going to do is come to mask horizontal what we do need to do is bring the opacity on this down to zero so we can see what's going on come back to mask on this clip and oh split it around about here something like this and I will come to this one we will mask well we bring the opacity on this to around 30% so we can see horizontal turn it the other way and now we need to zoom in on this to the max so we can get it Practically Perfect so I believe this is it yeah that that is perfect and I'll bring the opacity on this clip back to 100 okay so as you can see it just needs to go up a bit more so I think this is the up one yes okay that that that seems perfect to me and now what we need to do is not from but more selfish play and now we are going to come to this this one right here come back to um scale and then positioning just in case and now let's zoom out a little bit put more but more two more key frames forward and then we want this to fly off the screen preferably but more now from here we're going to come back to this and now we want him zooming in so scale and position again one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10 11 12 35 perfect and then we're going to increase him to like this but more self but more selfish pleas and now all I'm going to do from here is what more add a break on his head so I'm going to quickly add that in I do need to find it on my download somewhere and I do need to S out a lot of these stuff for sure yeah so right here I think that looks clean enough okay that definitely looks clean enough and now all we need to do is we just just as it splits off right there we're going to zoom this in quite a lot so we can see we're going to bring this just so it's behind his head here as well so something like this and need to bring the size down yeah that looks uh pretty clean to me okay so same thing though we do need to come back up to the scale and positioning and then come to this key frame right at the end and now we just need to increase it up increase the size so it fits just like so um as you can see this part's like right here but it's perfectly fine unless if we just zoom out a little bit perfect we'll do the same on the first one as well just to make sure it fits yep there we go and now this is what we have place but more selfish place okay perfect okay okay now this this does glitch out so we do need to bring this uh behind the building oh no sorry in front of the building wait hold on this is kind of glitched out let's just bring in back in front of the building maybe it looks better behind but more yeah it actually looks better behind the building I'm not going to lie let's just bring it behind the building but more more self okay not from a good place but and now obviously when it's full screen it's going to look a lot bigger right now we looks kind of small but if we full screen this not from a good place but more selfish place okay perfect okay so from here what we do need to do this needs to be more smoother this part right here so we're going going to right click on this uh the top part the head part that comes flying off going to show key frame animation and now all we're going to do is come to like uh the end one I wait actually yeah so just press this down arrow and then uh come to right here hold on I believe I can't remember how you exactly do this H free curve Auto curve linear okay so we may have to come to the start when we press this I'm actually not too sure I think we need to go in the middle and press linear I have no clue how to do this what I'll make it linear I'm not sure if that did anything I'm not going to lie oh well forget that but more because I have no idea how to do that okay but so what what we do need to do is for the um um just on the out we can possibly reduce yeah we got to reduce the speed somewhere cuz it's just too fast so we're going to come to like here I'm going to bring it down just a little bit more it's like that but more but more but a good place but more selfish place but more selfish but more now with this um I think as soon as it reaches here so right here we go we're going to add the split on this and now on this side we will press this just so it goes behind the redness but more perfect just like so place but more selfish place now the brain is slightly too big which is perfectly fine we've just got to zoom in again and then just decrease the size slightly just like so I think that'll look perfectly fine from a good place that from a good place okay okay I don't know why he's doing that uh we come back to animation just fix it by pressing it again there we go perfect not for dangerously you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place okay maybe he does look better in front of the building so this is what we're going to do we are going to definitely add him in front of it on number seven number eight and then same with this one is he in front of it on all times yes he is okay so now for this building effect um where is it I believe it's this one yep okay so come to effects now we are going to add a blur to this uh building and then bring this to like 10 no a bit less maybe like two yeah two looks pretty good to me now let me see you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place ambitious not from a ambitious not from a good place okay so right there I don't know why it goes brighter right here I do believe that is because it's one two yeah perfect perfect not from a good place and now it's gone behind it again okay so we need to put this building right behind it just like so you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place and know as soon as this in fact let me let me see what it looks like on full screen from a good place but more selfish place okay perfect so this what we need to do now put more but more selfish okay perfect so now we're going to come to the text right here and we're going to type in selfish oh misspelled it selfish okay perfect now we're going to add this right on his brain here we're going to come to system selfish this one looks good good enough to me right here and now all we need to do is zoom in again just like you saw bring it up slightly and now we need to come to the size uh just bring it to yeah right in the middle just like so so and then right here it needs to come above his head and a big enough size so now we can zoom out now we can have a look at it oh okay I didn't have the position that was my bad okay perfect and then right here can go above him or selfish or selfish no is a bit we're just going to bring this back slightly or selfish place or selfish place okay and then this needs to come out a bit perfect perfect selfish place you but more selfish place um I'm not too sure why it goes brighter right there but I guess it doesn't really matter right for now ambitious not not from a good place but more selfish place okay so perfect now what we're going to do with this text is we are going to make it red at once again and now we will come to the uh Shadow for this one opacity 100 this on 10 and now we will add a glow as well and then bring this down to around 15 I think that'll look good this is it off this is it on 15 there we go all right perfect I think that looks good enough now let me check this from the start again you become a billionaire and you're still dangerous okay wait become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place okay very very nice very nice now all we need to do is add something like I mentioned before um just something a bit a bit more as well because it looks kind of too playing right now so what we can do is we can add we can definitely add something it's just a bit too plain right now and we need to keep it like looking kind of kind of good you know so what we actually could try and do is I want to try and test something out hopefully this goes well I mean I have no idea if it will or won't place but more okay so just when it opens which is right here just bring it back a couple of key frames and then bring this right that from a good play okay bring this up a bit more so it's like that vicious that um ignore this part for now we just need something to and then bring this back and now this is what we need to add in perhaps I um nope definitely not that bring this to like n okay definitely have a fade in it does open way too quickly so let's go back SN from a good place okay bit too much right there and then come back to not2 from a good we just want it just before he moves not from a good place okay so just needs to be a little bit more not from a good place not not from a good place ambitious not from a good place okay so what we're going to do with this background as well is keep the smoke but I don't want the textured background because we do need to do a switch up especially since this is coming in not from a good play not from a yeah definitely okay so now perhaps we could add something um perhaps just we'll test this because I do want to try and use everything that's in here for now bring this out just to see what it looks like um bring this behind everything just like so come to the opacity okay definitely bit three okay and then of course we're going to come to animation and we do need to fade this one in okay so hold on give me a second guys ambitious not from a good place okay okay now we need to come back to this one and bring this one forward from this one perfect perfect so as you can see it looks way cleaner already now all we need to do is bring the opacity slightly down on this to like 45 now let me see not from a good place but more selfish place now this just is is is something is something different not from a good place and now what we're going to do with with this as well as you can see I'm um where is it I'm pretty sure yeah this should be it right not from a good place not from a good place bit more not from a good place but more not from a good place no same with this one same with this one not from a good place but more it is kind of choppy just because I believe it could be these all these videos together let me just try and play it for a good place I'm a good place I'm a good place and I we will add a fade in right right from right from here and then we will fade this in um from a good let me see how that looks not from a good okay not from a good ambitious not from a good place okay okay maybe a little bit more not from a good not from a good place but more selfish place okay okay perfect now let me see this on full screen just so I can see what it looks like you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place now you can see it's very very very simple now what we will do is we could do something that's pretty unique after this part right here um we're basically 9 seconds in now place you took over an IND okay perfect selfish place you and then come to here come one two key frames forward and then split everything perfect perfect perfect do bear this in mind guys I'm still learning as I go with the editing um 100% but I mean I definitely am learning every single day to strive to get better so I can make better tutorials for you guys now I'm more of a podcast simple edit so you know where you just Chuck in like video overlays Etc I have gained like over 500 million views in the last like 8 months I think now probably over like 600 million I really need to calculate maybe even 700 million views overall on the accounts in the last 7even eight months some somewhere around that which is very very good um and then obviously I switched to this style of editing around last less than a month ago now maybe maybe less than a month ago now I've switched to this style of editing so I'm definitely still learning but I am learning very fast definitely so let's just play it one more time you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place but more selfish place okay perfect and then right where it says selfish right here let's come back to where it says selfish selfish more selfish place but more selfish place okay okay so what more I believe we can do is bring this back selfish selfish Place more selfish Place self and then we do need like a little fade in as well on this um for sure so selfish or selfish pleas or selfish pleas and then we're going to add a background on this as well now there is other ways you can add a background you can add like a red tape on it or just something like that now the background we probably want it black again right um definitely on this one definitely reduce the height and we'll see what it looks like on the max oh rounded angle we definitely don't want that uh width um yeah I feel like the width does need to go all the way to the end so what we're going to do is just add this to like 1,000 okay I don't think it can go that high maybe 500 I'm not sure if it okay you can't actually add these high that's very unfortunate that's perfectly fine we can just increase the text I guess let me see what it looks like now self just delete that bring this up right here selfish selfish self and then with the background do the exact same thing as we did before so the opacity start it off on zero come up to this key frame and then boom more selfish or selfish pleas you took a good place but more selfish place place but more selfish place okay perfect and now what we're actually going to do we're going to do one more thing with this so as you can see um what we need to do now is we can add something like um let me see if this one's the pick up one okay no it's not H definitely want to try and use this okay it's extreme laggy okay amazing let me see put more selfish players we do want to add one more thing to it so it doesn't look too playing but more selfish place let me just see what we have right here just look at all the assets we do have definitely not that one okay maybe we just add a road behind him I'm not too sure how good this will look but we do want to be quite creative like not does he has he adds a lot of things you know that's hence why I added this right here which is this background part where where the door opens right here cuz it's something different you know okay bring this obviously out as wide as we can and we're just going to see what it looks like I mean it may not look the best you know but it's always worth the try and I'm going to tilt tilt the rotation of it more and then obviously increase this to the Max and then I think we can put it one more behind yeah definitely like this and then increase the opacity something like 70 let me see what it looks like though not from a good place but more selfish okay okay definitely not that maybe just um okay maybe let's not add this let's not add that I definitely want to try and add something different though so perhaps what is this okay um let me see put more selfish place let me see what this what we can do with this okay so bring this just behind a couple of layers a good place but more selfish Place selfish place place yeah we can we can literally do something like that I think I think that look fairly cool you know uh I think we're going to add it yeah right there that from a good play animation on this one and then we're going to fade it in just keep it matching with everything not from a good place but more self okay so as soon as the selfish comes in actually that's when we do want it so right about here so bring it a couple key frames behind back to animation fade it in selfish play selfish bring it a bit bit further selfish place or selfish place and then split it off right here just like we did with the rest of them now let's see let's double check what this actually looks like you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place you took now obviously what we're going to do is add the auto caption very soon so it's just playing like around here the whole Auto captions for the the whole video as you can see it's just super simple as well very simple and easy easy to do obviously I'm not on the level of nat is yet but we will definitely get there very soon cuz his the thing is with his edits is I feel like every video gets better and better and better so there's always catching up to do especially if you're trying to out compete somebody like that you've got work every day just try and learn Test new things out every day hence why in these tutorials I do be testing a lot of things out um just so you guys can have a feel as well what it's like to test things out and the importance of it because if you don't test things out then you're not really going to learn new things you know so it's definitely fun test out new ideas that you guys have as well which will be extremely fun to do now we do need an animation out on this so maybe we can yeah probably have a fade out again on point two and then same thing come back to the background and then come right hereos there one key frame before the end boom boom drag it out you selfish place you took okay perfect and now same thing with this animation out we want it to fade out pleas everything to fade out on this one fade out2 fade out 0.2 please [Music] on this one point two okay perfect but more selfish place but more selfish place you took over an industry okay so now we're going to let him talk again so animation out not. two just like so more selfish place you took over okay so just for this one just so it doesn't like um what's the word in fact we're going to increase this forward one more just so it all lines up correctly and it looks smooth just like so I may do this tutorial in two parts for you guys just so I can do the whole edit and you guys can see of what I do because I do want to try and analyze more of that video so I can give you guys a very solid video so what we might do is do another part of this and then go ahead the reason why I'm doing this so slow as well is because I'm trying to teach you guys so I could I could do this 6 seconds of the edit in like 15 minutes 10 minutes but I want to try out new things I'm trying to educate you guys while editing and I'm not really going to be cutting out anything either so you you guys can fully learn properly I feel like when there's a lot of Clouts you can't really see the process behind it like the trial and errors you have to go through to do when you have to test new things out and I just feel like it's very important for you guys to see those as well instead of just flawlessly making perfect edits you know um but yeah I think what I'll do is yeah so we'll have him talking here you took over an industry now you're worth $5 billion you took over an industry now you perfect okay so now we're going to add probably this guy in let me see though okay okay definitely not yeah we We'll add this guy in so what I need to do is I'm going to come to conver if you guys are on mobile you you're very lucky because convert is free but if you're on PC you do have to pay for it um now let me see if okay I didn't add it in which is perfectly fine so I'm just going to drag and drop it in from the download part um now let's find it real quick um yeah we don't want the smile face one we just want the one I added which I can't seem to find it for some weird reason okay yeah what I'll actually do is I will add this one in of John D Rockefeller I think that's good matches the theme as well CU he wanted yeah he's yeah if you if you know about him you know about him okay perfect so add that right here now you and then how many key frames is this one two is this three key frames yeah it is that that'll be perfect now you would fight and now obviously we need to bring him way smaller put just slightly bigger and now all we're going to do from here is I'm going to add the asset that I want in which was this one um which will be perfectly fine now you would billion and obviously bring this up to two now you're worth five b yeah maybe like this now you're worth five b okay that's way too fast Sobe like 3.1 now you're worth five now you're worth then animation on this one we do want it to slide up so we come to animation in slide worth now you're worth five now you're worth 5 billion now now okay so we do want to bring this one back now you're worth five bring this one back also maybe a little bit more now an industry now you okay even more actually so something like this industry now you worth 5 billion street now you're worth now you're worth so let's put now you're worth now you would F now let's make him just slightly smaller just like so bring him into center now you're wor now you're worth wor so right here is where we want the cash to explode okay so now we're going to come to overlays and we're going to add the cash one so I believe it is this one perfect I'm going to add add this one in 5 billion okay perfect and now we just need to add this behind him full screen it of course five billion five we need to add it to the center like here 5 billion bring it a bit further back 5 billion now you worth5 billion now you worth5 billion just a bit further back now you worth $5 billion now you worth $5 billion yeah perfect and now the opacity can come to like 80 think that'll look good now you're worth5 billion five billion now we do want the overlay to actually explode out from his head area so like so just increase the size right there wor $5 billion wor $5 billion okay perfect now you what we can actually do with this is we can definitely um let me see if Auto cut out will work for this this will be clean if it if it does let's just hope it cuts out this background right here keeps the green part that'll be very nice now it could just mess up completely and delete everything but we will see we will see yeah it did it did okay let's try Chrome key instead see if this does anything which actually does okay and 13 Shadow 100 just to keep every yeah zero okay now you perfect now you okay perfect and now what we're actually going to do is bring this one back in just like so stre now Street and then bring this one on basic behind everything now you stre and then animation bring this up indry stre now you're worth $5 billion perfect now what we might actually do is does this look better like this no it looks better like that okay perfect the street now you're worth5 billion and then bring this one back to the front of this one just like so do yeah the street now you're worth $5 billion street now you and we're going to add like a a sunny effect as well um so I do have this somewhere yeah let's just add it so it say a little bit of time as well just increase the size if you're a billion and then we're going to just bring it behind everything so just like so and then of course now you try get to here now IND now you worth now you worth5 billion now you're worth5 billion in industry now you're worth $5 billion and now we do want um some clouds so what I'm going to do is I need to find the clouds actually um or in fact we'll use the same one just to keep it very simple for you guys we'll definitely use the same one just like so and then come to this put it on four 5 billion perfect that is perfect now you have it fading in as well so in fade now perfect now you industry now you industry now you're worth $5 billion industry now you're worth $5 billion you're billionaire industry now you're worth $5 billion as you can see this is what we are working with so far and when we have the text as well right here that will just add so much to it once we actually add the captions so yeah now you're worth $5 billion if you're okay perfect and then right here going one two three split this right here and split this right here and then right here go one two three that will yeah yeah and then come free key frames forward split this one and then yeah okay so right here for this one I'm going to come to animation just add a fade out on this on point two okay maybe add it just a bit more you're worth $5 billion if you're B perfect and now for this one we want it to slide down um on three same with this one slide down on point three this one needs to come out slightly just like so okay perfect perfect the stre you're worth $5 billion if you're Bill okay yeah this one needs to slide up because it's at the top okay so let's do this perfect perfect now you're worth5 billion I feel like this one um the money does need to be less opacity I don't want it to look too bad but now you're worth $5 billion street now you're worth $5 billion street now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're and then right when everything actually starts to fade out so let got one yep okay one key from forward come to these two press these two and then right when it ends there increase the size not too much just slightly like this now you wor $5 billion if you're a billionaire now you're worth $5 billion okay now what we're going to do because let me see how long is left of the clip so we've done around like yeah around 10 seconds and it's around 20 seconds long cuz yeah that's perfect so we're like halfway through so I'll definitely do this in like two parts but just to finish this part off what I'm going to do is I'm going to have this guy like moving so we're going to add an effect on it I should have really done this at the start but it's perfectly fine going to play uh pendulum and it straight to him and then put the twist to zero the strength the sharpening lights have like 40 strength we don't want out much maybe like five the speed one out 100 and let's see what this looks like and you're still dangerously yeah so the strength is a bit too high so let's P this like three and you're still dangerously ambitious not and you're still dangerously ambitious not okay okay and you're you're still dangerously ambitious okay maybe the strength needs to be up still dangerously um I'm not too sure actually maybe less speed ambitious okay okay instead what we're actually going to add is I want to add like a camera Shake instead I feel like that's much better so speed keep it there range danger dangerously ambitious okay let me see and you're still dangerously range just a bit less maybe and you're still dangerous and then the speed can come down to two something like and you're still dangerously okay okay speed needs to go up just a little bit more so like five and you're still dangerously ambitious perfect not from a good and then now we're going to add the same thing so add this on all of the guys I should have done this the start but it's all good so add this on one and then add this on Five do it again add this on one and add this on Five from a good place but more s good place but more selfish place you took off selfish Place H this looks kind of yeah that'll do maybe in fact the brain actually it needs to expand on this side as well just so it looks good okay place but more same with the first key frame right here I feel like it just needs to more of a width like this but more selfish and now let's zoom out place but more good place but more selfish place place but more selfish place you took over an you took over an industry now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space for the most part perfect perfect now what we're going to do with John D rockfeller since he's already black and white we're going to again add the blue Mosaic effect to him so let's go ahead and add that filter zero size uh let me see what the size looks like uh maybe a bit more than zero maybe like five and then texture that's like 25 perfect that looks perfect industry now you watch $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're you're and now right here just as everything you know is uh fading out so right here is when we can add some buildings in so let's see h let's try and add like maybe the Eiffel Tower and the liberty statue in worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space okay so I think I think we can add this right here let let me see what it looks like first put it behind him if you're a billionaire you're the best and then come to the speed put it like 1.8 again you're a billionaire you're the best that would if you're a billion if you're a billionaire and now what we can do as well is maybe we will see what it looks like with the Statue of Liberty as well you're the best at what you do on your perfect and then bring this one behind him yep just like so now what we're going to do is we need to actually bring this one like there I think that looks much better cuz it's not too in the way you know bring this one slightly down boom just like so IND street now you're worth $5 billion okay so the cloud is kind of glitching out but that's perfectly fine just bring it back a later two or three or four yeah perfect stre now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best out what you do in your space if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you and then bring this come to speed bring it to 1.8 now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best that would let me see now you're worth billion dollar if you're a billionaire you're okay perfect if you're okay so what we're actually going to do with this one because it comes in a little bit faster so we're going to add this to.5 you're a billionaire you're the you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your you're a billionaire you're the best at you're a billionaire you're the best that okay maybe let's not have the Statue of Liberty just cuz it's not in in sync with it let's see what about this I feel like this one would do but let's see let's first of all come to speed and it on 1.8 you're a billionaire you're the best I would bring it to the same size as this just like so and then we can come back to video bring this just behind now you worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you okay if you're a billionaire you're the best okay okay maybe maybe not add that so what we can do is do something else instead is we will let me see wait look if you're a billionaire you're the best okay what we might actually do is add this like here um let me see though actually you're a billionaire you're the best you're a billionaire you're the best you're a billionaire okay definitely not um I want to try and add these these in for sure so maybe just maybe I will just have it like this right there I think that'll be perfect right you're a billionaire you're the best that yeah perfect and then we'll add something maybe we'll add two of them I feel like if we add two of them it just looks cleaner you know you're the just like so and then bring this behind it perfect now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your now you're worth you're bil you're a billionaire you're the best you're a billionaire you're the best you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do you're a billionaire you're the best okay perfect now what we might try and do is bring the opacity to like 85 on both now you're worth5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best that best at what you do [Music] perfect and then yet again maybe we can add this road in now you're a billionaire you're the best I would you doing your space just slightly less just like so I think yeah I drag this out a little bit and then we're going to add something on the top of here um just so it can fade out well if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space if you're a billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your okay definitely not it just doesn't look as clean as I thought which is perfectly fine it's all good um now perhaps what we can do is we can definitely have like the cash flowing down so yeah something like this okay definitely not that one how about this one you're a billionaire I do have the transparent one somewhere maybe it just has to be this one yeah yeah it does which is perfectly fine you're a billionaire you're the best and then we can have the animation in on fade in you're a billion you're a billionaire and then bring this behind obviously everything just like so billion if you're a billionaire you're if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do your space and then we're going to increase the speed just to like 1.2 something like that if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space for the most part perfect I think I think that that'll do now it does come in slightly too late so I'm going to go back to animation bring that down to point4 you're if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space for the most part what we might might do next edit is I'm going to find a couple of more assets just I'm prepared for the the next part of the tutorial and change these two because I think feel like we can use like a nice modern uh business building instead of these Eiffel Towers um now I do have one right here if you guys check where is it gone right here but I don't think I'm going to use that one so yeah what I'll do is actually remove these just for now and then I will definitely find one for the next part 100 % I'll find a couple more assets that you guys can use as well then I'll link them literally in the description um now let me test what what is this just having a look at some of these assets really quickly I've just I'm just downloaded a ton of them like literally so what what I might do is this can be the background actually let me see what this even looks like for a background now if I go to bring this down to four you're a and then come to the opacity you're okay you got your if you're a billionaire and then obviously fade this in you're a billion okay I think that look a lot better street now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space for the for the most part now with these flying dollar bills I think we can bring the opacity to like 870 let me see what that looks like you're a billionaire you're the best at what you doing your space for the most part okay perfect now we'll definitely work on something with this right here 100% Zoom it in onto the Earth have it going a bit faster I think and it would just look much cleaner so this is what we have so far anyway I'm going to come all the way back and play it I may I may need to export it and then show you guys at the end or something like that but yeah let me see how many seconds we've done actually of the edit we've done around yeah around 12 seconds so we're just a bit more than halfway through now which is all good you become a billionaire and you're still dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place you took over an industry okay let's Replay that back again you become a billionaire and you're still Dangerously ambitious not from a good place but more selfish place you took over an industry now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire okay so it does glitch out sometimes I don't know if that's just my cap cat or it happens with you guys as well but this always usually happens to me so you took over an industry now you're worth $5 billion if you're a billionaire you're the best at what you do in your space for the most part hey perfect perfect so yeah halfway through the edit I believe I spend around I spent around maybe an hour on this maybe just above an hour so the whole edit would be probably around 2 hours to edit two hours and a half which is about correct especially because I'm trying to still learn new things and keep ahead of the the stuff I mean not not's edited is like next level you guys know it look how viral he's gone he's gone crazy viral so big respect to him shout out to him as well but yeah guys I'll definitely do a part two for tomorrow um I'll download some some new assets that I can put in the description for you guys but I do hope you guys enjoyed this first part and there's no cutouts in this so I've kept it pure for you guys you guys seem to love it when it's just no cutouts you just like to see what what I can do and stuff like that and what I want you guys to also do is compare so if you think I've done something that you could do better remember take notes write down because that's very important I do this as well with my well well when I analyze other people's edits and it's very important to do but yeah I'll see you guys in the next part peace
Channel: HustlersDiscipline
Views: 62,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit like natt jongsala, natt jonsala editing, natt jongsala tutorial, natt jongsala, capcut editing tutorial, capcut tutorial, how to edit in capcut, video editing tutorial, editing workflow, editing work flow, advanced capcut editing
Id: 7ztwq2bN6XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 31sec (4951 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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