Audiate Can Write & Record Your Script with Generative AI

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have you ever heard the sound of your own voice on a recording and thought who's that that doesn't sound like me well you're not alone and in this video I'm going to show you how audate can use AI to generate a script read that script translate that script into multiple languages read it in multiple languages and then produce captions when you're done so let's get started in audiate we're going to click the generate button under generate we have a few more options generate script use AI to create a script generate audio create audio using a script or create recording which is you recording your script well I already said I don't want to hear my own voice and I want audiate to create the script for me so under generate script I'm going to choose from my options that I want it to create a script the type of script I'm going to do is five tips for staying focused while working remote so that's going to be corporate and business and knowledge sharing but there's all sorts of other categories you can look for to match the type of video you want to make and the style can be enthusiastic formal friendly and a number of others I'm going to choose friendly for mine I want my video to be about five tips for staying focused while working remote so after I type that in I can decide on the length of my script do I want it to be short long Etc this is going to be a shorter video and click generate script and just like that audiat generated a script for me I'll read through it real quick to make sure this is actually the script I want talking about the topic I want and hitting on the main points that I think are important and once you've done that you you can go back up to create and find generate audio so rather than me reading it out loud we're going to have the AI read it for us there are a number of presets so you don't have to go through every individual voice and every individual characteristic to the voices so you can choose a preset like a friendly feminine Voice or a conversational masculine voice and go through and see which of those you like so I'm going to go into the English language options and choose from my drop-down let's try Roger's voice let's preview Roger's voice to see if we like that hello my name is Roger how can I help to be honest it's a little slow for me so I could speed it up if I want to hello my name is Roger how can I help and already that sounds more natural so after you find the voice that you like there's still a few ways that you can tweak it to make it your own but not really your own when you're done and you've previewed The Voice click generate audio wow that was fast now that it's generated the audio all you have to do is Click play to preview your script to stay focused while working remotely it's crucial to create a dedicated workspace it's that easy I didn't have to record anything I didn't have to write anything and here we are already with a narration done and in place after you've previewed it if you're happy with the way it sounds and you're ready to be done go up to export and you can export to file creating an audio file for yourself or you can choose export to Camtasia and send it over to Camtasia if you're ready to do more editing now maybe you're speaking to multiple audiences from different areas maybe you want this script to be in French or German or Spanish you can do that by going back up to the settings and clicking generate script and instead of being under create this time we're going to go down to translate and that button just popped up that says use current script it's going to take what it's already written and translate it to another language and whether your audience is in German English or any of the other languages we support like Dutch French Italian Portuguese or multiple dialects of Spanish you can create a script and a narration in that language so the language I'm going to choose for this one is German and I'm going to click use current script it pulls my script in and all I have to do is hit the generate script button and just like that it's translated to German it gives you this pop-up dialogue box saying do you want to generate audio from your script and I do so I hit generate audio and now the same script we just made in English that we had in narration for in English has been written in German and will be recorded in German here's the voice you can listen to it real quick when you're done again go up to export export to file or export to Camtasia when you're all done with your script and you want to send it over to Camtasia to do some video editing you can also bring it along as captions for your video when you click export to Camtasia it's going to give you a few more options you can export to your media bin so that the clip lives there but isn't ready to be edited just yet or put it right on your timeline I'm going to do that under the captioning drop down you can choose default captions which are ADA Compliant or dynamic captions don't know what dynamic captions are let's check it out as it's saving your project in audiate it's also sending it over to Camtasia either opening a new project or if you were already working in one it's going to drop it in there over in the properties panel there's a couple of options such as font or color you can even move the captions around just like that audate helped you generate a script record narration translate that narration and create Dynamic captions inside Camtasia let us know in the comments below how you're going to use Audi 8's AI features to improve your video creation workflow thanks for watching
Channel: Camtasia
Views: 7,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generative ai, audiate, techsmith audiate, generate a script, generate audio from text, audio from text, script from prompt, generate audio, generate audio from script, script generator, generate audio narration, translate audio to another language, translate script to another language, edit video like text, edit audio like text, techsmith camtasia, dynamic captions, dynamic captions windows, dynamic captions mac, audio workflow, how to generate a video from a script
Id: 8cBSB8AbZ78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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