How To Make Amazing Videos With Camtasia

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hello everyone and welcome to today's webinar from simple screencast videos to amazing video presentations with Camtasia my name is Jason vallad and I'm an instructional designer and master trainer here at techsmith but you're not here to see me you're here to see our special guest Mr Russell standard who's the director of educational technology and he'll actually do a lot more explaining who he is and what he does for those who are not familiar but hi Russell how are we doing today Jason we're doing fine hopefully you can hear me clearly good to see you absolutely thank you so much for being a part of this I'm actually really excited I've got my my pen and paper here as well to take notes so I'm ready for this today before we get into Russell's content there's some actually some housekeeping we're going to go through with a couple of quick slides here at the beginning uh first today's agenda you might have seen that playing in the pre-roll uh these are the things that Russell's gonna go over I'm going to only show this for a second because Russell's also going to dive deep into this here in a second but now for some of the webinar standard flow which is the number one question we get asked hey Jason is this being recorded Yep this webinar is being recorded you will get a link to the recording sometime in the next 24 hours or so to the email you use to register for today's webinar you'll have access to that webinar recording and all of our other webinars as well uh we watch it at any time as many times as you want and as a matter of fact we encourage you to share with people who may have not have had an opportunity to sign up for this or who would gain knowledge from what Russell's going to share today be sure to share that with them as well uh this webinar is coinciding with the release of Russell's uh what can Camtasia 2020 do his complete course on Six videos up on YouTube he'll talk a little bit more about that but there is a shortened link there that we can also put in the chat for people that need it as well as part of the chat um as part of your experience you will get a email with a downloadable PDF with some Camtasia resources but we're here to help you out Russell's going to share a lot of information that you might have questions about so there's two ways you can interact with us one at the bottom of the zoom webinar interface there is a q a section that is being staffed by many Tech smoothies we have Sarah we have Dave we have Casey uh myself we've got McKenzie uh and Robert and Melissa that are helping us out so if you have a specific question that you'd like to get answered or you have a question that you hope Russell might be able to answer live put it in the Q a section we will do our best I cannot promise we will answer all of them but we will do our best to answer those questions we also have the chat open which is the other function down there in the zoom webinar interface where you can talk with other attendees uh we'll be in there as well but if you ask questions in there most of them that will be focused for answering will be in the Q a but sometimes other attendees who are also Camtasia users or fans of Russell might be able to answer those questions as well we've also turned on the ability for you to have live transcription for those who Find value of the closed captioned it does a pretty good job to be honest it does a really great job keeping up with that you can toggle that on and off at the bottom of the screen and of course we show you how to download Camtasia but we're going to get right into the content with Russell so Russell at this point I'm going to stop my screen share and I would like to hand the reins over to you my friend for today's presentation uh Camtasia inside out from simple screencast videos to amazing video presentations Jason that's really kind really lovely to be with you all lovely to see so many people in the room we're up to something like about 440 people so far according to what I can see on the screen I'm just going to quickly share a little bit of a presentation before I dive in and show you Camtasia just give you a very quick big bit of background about me and um my love affair with Cam taser as I call it okay so hopefully you can see my screen now and I'm just gonna just jump into a couple of slides I want to show you so Camtasia 22 2022 inside out is what we've called today's webinar we've only got 60 Minutes in all honesty we can't really take Camtasia inside out but certainly I can give you a little bit of background about myself and what I do and show you what I do because I've literally made and it would be no exaggeration thousands of Camtasia videos my love affair with Camtasia started in 2006 if you really want a good idea of what Camtasia can do just go to my website all the videos on my website have been created using Camtasia and that is there's hundreds on there there's hundreds on my YouTube channel we'll be looking at a couple in a minute and I've been lucky enough to win three pretty big educational awards for my work with Camtasia I've actually won some other Awards as well that are not so significant and the other thing I have to say and I think this is really important is that I've made a lot of money from cam tasers so camtas has been a great asset in terms of a skill set for me to to to learn and I'm going to very quickly talk about that okay so what do I do well I make videos for my channel and for my website they're all using Camtasia from 2006 onwards I make videos for other companies a lot of those companies are University so I make lots of training videos but I've also made them for Pearson education for MacMillan for National Geographic for Quality languages Services I've made all sorts of videos for companies at the moment I'm making a whole set of videos for Sterling University for example I train individuals to use Camtasia I train groups to use Camtasia both online and face to face and all of those ways are ways that help me to make money from Camtasia and it's one of the reasons why I say it's a great skill to learn because if you use Camtasia then you know it really is um a skill that will take you in lots of different directions so why Camtasia why not another tool there are hundreds of screen capture type Technologies around and I've used many of them and there are other ones that I like but ultimately the the one technology for me that's always been reliable it's easy to use but it stretches me as well I like that combination that yes it's easy to start with but you can always learn more and I'm still learning I'm still learning okay so it really is a technology that you can really keep going and going with but yet the start is pretty easy and as I said it's a great skill to have whether you're working in an institution that might need those skills and I worked at various universities where one of my roles was to make Camtasia videos were at University Westminster University King's College University so as I said it's a great skill to learn okay so there are basically three stages when you're making a Camtasia video we're going to jump over in a minute and have a quick look just to get a bit of an idea what Camtasia can do but basically what you've got to do when you're making a Camtasia video is first of all make the recordings that you want to make that is do your screencast recordings and gather together all the images and the video the real video footage that you might be bringing into into your production that's the first stage is getting all the content organizing getting all the content produced Camtasia does a great job of just capturing your screen it will record your screen whatever you've got on your screen it will also record your webcam you can then bring all of those recordings that you make into Camtasia how you can bring in real video footage along with that Etc once you've done that stage two is you start building up your video and I'm going to show you in a minute exactly how I do that so I'm going to show you a real example and then from that you produce your output so there's always three stages now sometimes people make videos and just immediately upload them without doing any editing and that is possible but we're not going to look at that today we're going to focus on these three stages so let's start by having a quick look at what Camtasia can do and I thought it'd be interesting if I just click on here and do a new share I'm going to actually jump you over to a recent video that I've made we'll go back afterwards another quick look at the the stages uh the the first stage of this but let's just have a quick look at a video here and let me just sort of take you through this now remember today we are releasing a complete course in Camtasia 2022 so what I'm going to do in this webinar today is just to give you a bit of a feel for what it can do if you decide wow I'm interested in this this is an opportunity for you the course is completely free it's a six-part course we've just released it today it's up on my channel and I will be sharing the playlist to you at the end so it's the six part course that really will take you through nearly everything that you were not quite everything you can do in Camtasia I don't think anyone could ever show you that but certainly lots of of different uh the key aspects what I'm going to try and do today is show you what I commonly do so let's just quickly talk through this and then have a quick look at this at the beginning of this video we as I said you need to screen you do you do your screen captures originally and you import your your media and all my media for this particular video that I'm creating is all here okay you can see here including the green screen I'll be talking about that in a minute okay so so I've got all my media already in either imported or I did screen capture videos I've got all the media ready here and then what I do is I begin to drag that onto the timeline this big long timeline you can see here now you might say to me Russell why do you produce lots and lots of little videos why don't you just do one big long video well the reason is it just makes it so much easier to edit and update If Ever I want to just go in and delete one part and then replace it I can do that if I've got one long video that can become quite tricky so what you can see here is this is the media and then drag it on to the timeline you can see that timeline here I can kind of drag along it and this is what I can I I'm actually gonna see okay or what I'm actually going to produce okay so in the essence when you're working with camtase you've got three things your media your timeline and what what what the output is going to look like What's It Gonna what's it actually gonna result in now if we quickly look at this video and just to make this a little bit more interesting I'm going to bring that this screen out a little bit bigger so you can see and I'm just going to talk you through a couple of tricks that are going on here so you can see me on the screen if you ever watch any of my videos and I will show you a link to my website because I really encourage you to look at some of my videos what you can see here is that I film myself using my webcam okay but then I use the green screen effect and I'll show you in a minute how I do that and so I'm standing there and you can see that there's this kind of background that I've got there's a nice title at the top so this actually is a video in the background and then there's another video there on top of it so I've got two layers and this has been done with a green screen effect and I'll show you in a minute and then as we go through that if we just in fact let's play it and you can hear the audio as well let me just make sure that you've got the audio sitting on I have so let's just play just going to play a few seconds this is all been produced in Camtasia are you looking at ways of making your students develop their oral skills if you are this is the video for you I'm going to show you some lovely ideas around encouraging our students to do speaking activities particularly to record themselves speaking but what I'm going to do in this particular video is show you some really different types of activities that we can do using three different platforms [Music] my name is Russell Stannard from really hope you like this video it's full of ideas about developing students okay so you can see that opening part there we had quite a few things there that have been done in camtasium which you know would be you would if you were a user of capitasia you'd look at and say oh that's definitely Camtasia those assets that Russells are using those are the things you can see that I was bringing on different image or different what we call call outs on onto the screen to try to make the video a little bit more engaging and I've done a nice opening I love this idea of me being on the green screen I think that's really professional and then we come into the video so now the kind of the first technology that I'm in in this video what I'm doing is I'm showing teachers Technologies they can use for language teaching Okay so we've got a nice intro but it looks really professional and quite engaging with this information coming on the screen with the audio with the background video playing and then we come straight in after this little of Animation into the first video straight away on the screen there's these different assets appearing that are providing information as I go through look also notice that the cursor has been highlighted nice and so it's really easy to follow me as I'm moving around the screen okay so this is the sort of thing I'm continually doing when I'm making my videos using uh Camtasia now there are so many more assets that we can bring onto the stage what I did with this video is that I took out all the assets so we've got a few here at the beginning but I just want to sort of show you okay so we've made our video we've dragged the things onto the screen and then we've got these opportunities to build up this video and it's so easy to do so let's take just a really simple example let's imagine that I wanted for some reason to to focus on this area here what I can easily do is just come down and I've got a whole range and I'm going to click on annotations I'm showing you at the moment the most common ones that I use and some of the ones that I really like this for example is a draw tool I can literally just grab this asset and move it onto the screen position it where I want and then watch what happens now if I play the video and again I'll just bring this the screen out so you can see it a little bit bigger you'll see the asset there on the screen okay maybe it will be two things I can draw around that and focus on it now what I can resize that of course but what I like about the way that Camtasia works is okay I've got this asset on the screen that's great but actually I've got so many choices in terms of I can come over here to the properties and assets each asset that you bring onto the screen that you might want to work with whether it's to bring on a narrow whether it's to bring on a draw tour whether it's to bring on some kind of what we call a call out you have troll over those assets there's lots of tricks you can do because of that control so if I come over here I can say to myself well I want I don't want that to be red I'm going to I want it to be yellow I can change the color and now you can see the draw tool it draws around it is now in yellow but then I might say to myself okay let's let's not only do that I don't want that to be on the screen just for a few seconds I want it to be on the screen for a little bit longer and so I can drag that on now and just come across here and you'll see now that draw tools on now and then it disappears now not only that I could come over and say well actually I want this to be a bit thicker so then again I've got these other properties that I can work with I'm going to make it really thick so you can see it so see how quickly I can enhance the video so let's just quickly play that bit so you can see how quickly I did that at their story maybe it will be 2015 Tom okay and then um let's put uh Thomas Scotland so so powerful for me to be able to just go along the video and say at certain key points right I want to focus on here maybe I come to this part of the video okay and I might say to myself well we've got some text on the screen I need to I need the people to be able to see that more clearly look what I can do here I can come down to animations I love this tour if you watch my videos you see I use it all the time watch this I can scale in I can just bring in and make that come much closer so now you can read the text easier and I might play that a little bit longer collection of students talking about their favorite holiday now one thing to do is I might come to another point and say right now I want to focus out again and I can do that so easily I can just click on scale to fit and bang it focuses now and all that's been done for me so that focusing now look at that let's just play that again look how quickly I'm doing this so what I'm doing at this is just trying to give you a bit of an idea of what Camtasia can do we've made the video content we've brought it in we've put it on the timeline and now we're augmenting it and we really have got a lot of choices and in fact in Camtasia 2022 we've got more than ever there's really been a lot of additional assets added to the recent edition of Camtasia and I've there's a few of them I've already fallen in love with and I'm using all the time so let's just watch that in action now just again to let I'll bring out the screen just so that you can see it a little bit better okay and if I click use audio recording and start his audio recording so you get a whole did you see the way it's zoomed into that part of the video such a useful tool to be able to use so that you can really zoom in on the part so when you're making educational or training videos this is really really useful but I think when I particularly like is just how easy that is to do what I really like about the way Camtasia works is that these things are almost instant it doesn't take long to be able to take a simple video and begin to kind of add assets to it and make it look a lot more professional now if I just kind of scroll out again so we can look at the Timeline so we've added we've added two things to this video now let's just carry this video on a little bit further okay and let's perhaps move a little bit further down the timeline let's perhaps look at adding another another element onto the screen Okay so what else have we got here I mean the number of options is is is incredible there really are so many different assets here okay so if I was just to click on more and just to sort of give you a new idea okay we've got all these behaviors cursor effects so at the moment for example the cursor is yellow if I was to jump over here in fact if I was to if I was to to we can of course you know again with the cursor I could have chosen to use another color remember as you build up the different assets onto the screen you've got control over the properties here and what I can do is if I've already added an asset onto the screen like I've done with the cursor here I can click here on the cursor and then I could I could edit that if I wanted to one thing I think I'm going to show you really quickly because I know a lot of people are interested in this if I just come back to the beginning and then just to show you this in fact let's let's for this one let's actually um let me come to actually let me just minimize I'm going to zoom right out come right to the end of the video and I just want to show you this so that you can see how powerful this is okay so we're going to come right to the end of the video we're going to add a little bit extra onto the video okay so I'm just going to drag this on for example to the end of the video okay Okay so we've got this final piece of video now here so I've added an extra piece of video at the end here okay sorry I've got something add coming up onto the screen let me see if I can get rid of that sorry about that okay so what I'm going to just show you now let's come down because I know a lot of people are always interested in the cursor look how easy it is I can just select that video and again I'm going to drag that cursor on to the screen immediately now that we've got that cursor on but again look at the properties that I've got control of now in fact in Camtasia 2022 there's even more cursor options available and you'll see that in the video that I've made you okay so in the video in the course I'm going to go into this in a lot of detail particularly in in the first unit but watch this I can change that and say okay I don't want that cursor to be that color I'm going to choose another color cursor and I might say to myself well not only that but um I am let me just come back to a minute I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna um change the opacity and slightly reduce it down because I want the people just to be just able to see just slightly underneath and then I might say to that I actually want that cursor to be slightly bigger and I can even make it bigger and suddenly now we've just added a cursor onto the screen okay so jump back to my account I'm going to click on make a padlet let me make that a little bit bigger for you again so I'm just trying to give you a bit of an idea of some of the sorts of things that you can do with Cam tire so I'm going to click here and the one I'm going to do first of all is called timeline and timeline actually that cursor looks quite good I've never used one that size I'm looking at that and actually thinking that's quite clear on the screen okay I'm gonna come back and show you another super trick that's at the beginning here that I everyone asked me Russell Russell how do you do this because this is so easy and again I remember when I studied multimedia I did a master's degree in multimedia we learned to do green screen and in the old days it used to be quite tricky but I'm going to try and help you with actually seeing how did I do this what you can see here is me on the screen and then I've got a video behind me this is the same effect and I'll move that into the middle here this is the same effect that we use for example when you see people talking about the weather on the television they actually using a green screen okay so what how does green screen effect work well if I come over here and just click on this here and you'll notice it says in the properties again so I've clicked on this here okay and I've used a webcam here to record this or it might have been my telephone it would have been either what my webcam or my telephone I can't remember but if I come over here and I'm gonna I'm just going to click on remove color now you can see guys how I did this scene and this is really powerful I almost think this is Magic when I I do this cam today's air all I've done is let me just be really clear here is that I've got a green screen behind me okay which is actually the green screen that you can see when I introduce myself to in fact if I've got my webcam on you can see me hopefully you can see that I've got my green screen here now and then I've just got two big lights in front of me okay so that I'm nicely lit but more importantly the green screen is very equally lit in the background this is the secret okay because what we're going to do is we're going to get the Camtasia to say to the video to this particular video delete everything that's green now the important thing to do then is make sure that you're not wearing anything green because that will also be deleted so you've got to make sure that you've got colors on you're wearing colors that are really in contrast to the green background because when you do this it's going to delete all the green pixels all the green color and it's going to Simply make that transparent and then obviously the background video will come into place so coming down to more and coming down to visual effects I literally just drag on remove color and this is just dragged out onto the screen okay and now Camtasia says to me well what color do you want to remove and this is another feature in Camtasia that I love that makes life so easy is I can click here and just choose the Color Picker and I can say well the color I want to remove is this color and it disappears and suddenly now there I am on the screen and all I do then is of course I've put a video in the background if we come down to here and let's actually make this a bit bigger now we're going to come in and let's zoom in a little bit onto the timeline okay all that I've done here is that I've got I'm going to move this out of the way so you can see is that I've got a video here in the background now if I just delete that video so you can see now they haven't got a video in the background okay it's just me and the webcam and of course I can add any video or any picture into the background if I went to my media I'm not sure if I've got any other videos of it in fact I have look if any so if I bring in another video that I want into the background you can see the one that I've used which is here okay it's just a background image but a video basically I'm just dragging that down and placing it on on underneath okay now what I'm going to have to do in this particular case is just come out I'm gonna have to make that video a bit shorter because I think it's too long to fit on the screen exactly so let me just move that there all right so I'm shortening the video just come back again and then drag down I think I've shortened it too much now but I can just drag that on put it underneath and now now it's in place now I could put any background because I've got this lovely Moon here which I really like which actually comes from something are you looking at ways of making your students develop their oral skills okay so that gives you a little bit of a flavor of just the sorts of things that Camtasia can do remember this course is going to take you through everything now what I might do in a minute is sort of build up a video from the start but what I'm going to do it just at this point because we're only 26 minutes into this presentation I always get way too enthusiastic when I'm using Camtasia is I'm going to come back and I'm going to ask Jason has anyone thrown out any questions Jason that I need to perhaps um focus on or go over I'm wonderful to see 500 people in the room now yeah yeah we've gotten several questions so I'm going to pair down to three so we have time for the rest of the presentation um a lot of questions around your audio quality so they're asking uh if you would just share really quickly what microphone you use and when you're not on screen do you tend to record your voice overs during your recording live or do you record them separately and bring them in kind of curious about your audio recording setup right really important and it is and it's something I learned I didn't learn at the beginning I use a Blue Yeti this is a very good mic I'm not a Salesman for Blue Yeti I'm very very um happy with this in fact I've got two I've got one in my studio in Poland one in my studio in England Plug and Play plugs in and it works really good quality my studio in Poland's a little bit echoey I need more I need to copy it more um in England the sound quality is fantastic I'm amazed how good it is I just lit it's a USB plug and play video microphone cost me about 90 pounds okay about about 100 110 120 dollars sometimes you can get it cheaper second question really interesting because we're going to jump onto this stage do I because it's all part of that whole thing do I plan my um videos I plan what I'm going to be making my videos on and on what's going to go on I do not plan I do not script my text I always do it naturally I know what I want to say in each video but I'm very natural I've tried to script it it just sounds to me for me personally it just doesn't work and people have told me that as well so no but yes I know exactly what I'm going to say in every video yeah so when I'm when I'm gonna when I do my screen recordings I don't record one big long video If I'm going to say introduce my website I would make a video first of all hi this is my website let's look at one of the pages and then that would be another video and then if you want to sign up to my newsletter that would be another video so I'm always breaking up into little videos that gives me time it doesn't therefore that you know I'm not going to make a mistake because I might only be recording say for 20 seconds and then done and then another 20 seconds and then another 50 seconds and then I bring those all into Camtasia and put them together now the other great thing about that is of course that if ever one time I want to change let's imagine that my sign up page from has been changed I can go back re-record that particular part of the video take that old one out put the new one in voila I've got a new video so it's always important to break the whatever you're planning on doing break it down into small digestible pieces that you can easily swap over yeah perfect good question Jason so we'll do the next one and then we'll go back to your uh in fact you might want to pull Camtasia up for this question Tess was noticing when you were adding sketch motion callouts and some of the animations that you put the animation on track number one but The annotation on track number three does it matter which track you put things on very good question and very important and yes it does really great question well Danielle because see the way that Camtasia works is that the higher the layer it's like a stack so let's just go back to even my green screen yeah I've got to make sure that my green screen and me on my green screen are on a higher Channel or higher track actually is what they call income size oh way so Channel but track higher track so that I am sitting above or in front of my video so the higher the track the kind of the nearer you are on or the you know the nearer you are onto the video so yes because we don't want the assets to be behind the video if suddenly something comes onto the screen we've got to make sure that it's always on a higher level than um for example the video itself so yes so often one and two are where I've got my audio and my bass video and then the assets are always added along um the next part of the video lovely questions anymore should we move on let's move on I'll collect some more and catch back up with you in a little bit right okay I'm gonna as I said to you guys what I'm doing today is giving you a bit of an overview a bit of a taster a few things to think about and the next thing I want to think talk about is just one specific thing when it comes to preparing your videos and I do think this is tricky it's something I understand because I did a multimedia course but for a person coming to video it can be a little bit confusing I'm going to try my best to explain it and it's to do with screen sizes and let me see if I can kind of help you I've done a little presentation and then I'm going to try and demonstrate exactly what I mean okay so just sort of jumping on I've already said plan okay so remember that I do plan I do think think it's not super detailed but I know exactly what I'm going to say in each video and what I want to record I plan it before but this is the really important thing that I want to explain and I'm going to demo this afterwards guys all right so when obviously you're building up your or assets so stage one you're going to be doing your screen captures you're going to be bringing in any real pictures that you want to use or any any real video that you want to use all of that you're going to bring it in along with the screen captures that you've made okay and we'll quickly show you how to screen capture in a minute now you have you're going to bring those in and place them onto a canvas is are the assets that you're bringing in the same size as the canvas that you are placing those assets onto and is that going to be the same size as the output that you are going to produce at the end you've actually got to think about sizes really at three different stages okay this is a little bit tricky I've really covered it carefully in the video it is one of the things that will make will help me to understand when I watch videos on YouTube and I must say people are getting really professional now but in the old days I could look at a video and say obviously they don't understand because they've got all things at the wrong size okay you've probably seen it when you've watched an old television film or old film on a new Telly you've got a different ratio televisions these days to the way they used to be made okay and therefore they don't fit properly the assets don't fit onto the canvas and so you do need to think about this now let me try and show this in what I mean in reality and try to help you to get this right because this is it's not as tricky as it seems but it is um it can be something that can catch you out particularly if you start work working with pictures or you start bringing in video content that you've not recorded yourself and that has been recorded at different sizes and it's not the size of your canvas let's just do a quick a new share I'm going to jump back to Camtasia and what I'm going to do for this one guys is I'm actually going to click on new project so we're going to click on new project and literally start from the beginning so I'm saying I'm going to say no I don't want to save it so we've got nothing on the screen now okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually import an asset and I'm going to I'm going to hopefully look like and what we do for this to keep it really simple okay because remember you can screen capture but you can also import pictures so I'm just going to import two pictures and I'm going to just show you something about these pictures I've imported these two pictures these are actually pictures of my daughter I've just had my wife gave birth to our first baby just four weeks ago I'm just gonna go to the project settings first of all I'm going to make sure that I've got the kind of standard size if I was going to put this video out eventually this is going to be a video onto YouTube so that would be a 16x9 ratio okay 16 by 9 ratio and this in this case it's going to be 1920 pixels by 1080. now Camtasia does all this for you so you can click here and you're going to sort of say to yourself right okay I'm going to do what we call sometimes 1080p okay which is pretty standard on YouTube at the moment okay there are other options as well for more kind of but we're going to go with 1080p okay now if I dragged on this image here you'll notice that the image is not as big as the canvas see the asset that I've produced here or I in this case I've imported does not fit completely on the canvas the canvas is bigger now watch this if I stretch this image to make it bigger do you notice that it actually fits perfectly okay now the reason that that fits perfectly is because this image is itself has a ratio of 16 by nine so when I stretch it it fits perfectly into the canvas because it has the same ratio and I can simply stretch it to fit within the size of the canvas okay so this is really important in other words if you work with assets that you bring into Camtasia what you want to try to do is make sure that even if they can't be the same size as the canvas they've at least got the same ratio because that means you can stretch it and place it now you might say to me Russell yeah but when you stretch an image the quality is going to degrade obviously that is going to happen but keep in mind these days the images are such high quality and video is such high quality you can get away with stretching things a little bit without degrading the quality too much so a really important thing to remember if you're screen capturing or you're bringing in images or you're bringing in video that you've got from somewhere else in real video content what you want to try to do is make sure that that video content has got a ratio or those images have got a ratio of 16 by nine because if you need to stretch them to make them fit onto the canvas then they're gonna fit flush now let me contrast that with another image I've got here see this one I cannot stretch it and make it fit on because it's not got the same ratio there's always going to be a gap here and there's always going to be a gap here okay let me just close that minute okay so this is something to keep in mind you're going to end up if you don't bring in assets of the right ratio of the same ratio as your canvas then you're going to have the problem that there's going to be these black lines either at the side or at the bottom or the top the guys at Camtasia probably know more about this than I do we might want to refer back to them in a minute and when we get back back to the questions but that certainly is something when I watch videos I say okay this person probably doesn't realize that now there are ways around this okay there are ways around this you can over stretch the image and make sure that it's covers absolutely all of the okay but obviously going to lose parts of the of the so there are tricks around this but the best thing in many ways is to try to make sure that the video or the content of any content that you're going to produce that when you bring it in it is of the right size okay now let's go let's kind of develop this video a bit we won't use my pictures of my daughter anymore but let's go then to stage one and we're gonna we're gonna record the screen now I'm just going to just do a new share and make sure that I'm for this part I'm sharing my screen because I'm going to be jumping around all over the place so I'm going to click on the record button here okay and let's let's um we can hopefully let me just see right okay what if you notice the standard kind of full screen size is the size that I was telling you about which is probably at the moment the most common size for producing content for the sorts of things that I do in other words videos are going to go onto YouTube or videos that I'm going to put into into a training course and that might be a training course that I'm going to put on to Moodle or on to bright space or onto Blackboard when I'm making content for universities okay now notice that when I record full screen okay you can see here that clearly it shows me right okay it's going to be recorded full screen I can make sure I've Got the Right microphone connected okay so in this case I'm gonna just use the microphone that comes with this computer because I'm using a different microphone to talk to you this this should work fine so we've got two different microphones connected to this computer this is an important button it's called systems audio often when you're screen capturing you want to record any noise any sounds any music that's played on the computer or on the screen that you're capturing perhaps you're capturing a website and that website's got some audio on it well if you've got systems audio on it will record that as well okay now we can also record our our camera now I'm not going to turn this on guys because I know from experience that the fact that I'm running my camera for the zoom session will cause a problem if I click that but in theory in if I wanted to I could also record my camera I could have my webcam okay and you afterwards you can stretch that webcam and make it bigger and smaller Etc and that's obviously how I do the green screen now again in the course that I've made for you that's all in there so let's just do a quick recording okay so I'm going to click on the record button and it will Count Me In foreign and it's now recording now the great thing about Camtasia is it doesn't record this okay so you can actually leave it on the screen if it's not getting in the way when you're talking and of course if you move around then that is going to come out in a screen now I wouldn't click onto another page in this PowerPoint slide I would actually stop and save that as a recording and then go back and do another recording so I would click now come to the next page and record this separately remember rather than doing one big long video I will record each slide as a separate slide if I was doing a PowerPoint slide for example because if I get one wrong I don't have to go all the way back to the beginning I just can record this one slide on its own so I'm going to click here and I'll just again just do it for a few seconds remember it doesn't record the recorder so you don't have to worry blah blah blah blah blah move my cursor around talk about whatever click on the stop button and notice again what Camtasia does which is kind of nice is that it brings the video straight into the media bin for you and it actually places the first one on the screen so we've now actually got our first I'm just going to move this up to the top we've actually got two videos recorded now okay and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to move the timeline out a little bit and I'm just going to drag the second video on okay and now we've got two videos so we're going to get the first one and then we're going to get the second one now notice straight away you can see my cursors moving around on the screen all over the place and the first thing we're going to do because we've already done this once is we're going to select both videos and this is something else I do watch this I always do this at the end once I've got all the videos ready select all the videos at the same time come down to cursor and when I drop that because I've selected both videos it will add it to both even though my timeline is only over this video it's also added it to the other one so now instantly in a few seconds we've already done we've added up our cursor now I haven't introduced you yet to many of the super duper things that have been added to cam taser 22 and I've done a lot of work on this in the course that I've made for you but look at this let's just do a quick example I'm going to come down to the library and I'm going to gonna jump in to not to my downloads but to Camtasia 2022. uh I'm gonna choose one of my favorite ones okay so what I'm going to come down I've already started using this one literally from the from the moment I came across this all right right I'm going to use this I want a nice intro little introduction I'm going to just move the video up a little bit and I'm going to grab this one here in fact let me double click on it and you'll be able to see it okay and just if I should be able to yeah watch this it's just a little little I like it yeah I'm going to play it again yeah create teach Inspire okay so that's made for me I can just drag that and place it on the timeline this is now I've got my little opening okay now if I click on that okay if I bring my yeah notice I can obviously change the text okay so I'm going to change it to Russell says sorry hello so this is actually a new feature in Camtasia 2022. we've got loads and loads look how many of these additional diff the assets that they're just amazing how many assets have now been introduced and this makes my life so easy now watch this and of course you know this could be anything but I've just gonna play it so let's make that a little bit bigger and bring it onto the screen okay and then bang we dive into the video and it's now recording now the great thing about cam take now I'm gonna just I'm gonna start to take it up a little bit as well so we're building up this video and I'm going to start to show you as you get a little bit more confident remember you make your video content you start placing it along your timeline so let's just have a bit of fun placing a couple of assets onto the screen so we'll keep it simple we're going to click on annotations and we're going to add this call our asset onto the screen so I'm going to drag this on and let's imagine that we want a kind of M for size okay we want to emphasize this point sorry when that happens a good idea good little trick you can do is you can lock a track so that you can't move it okay so then that way I can I can control this much better I want to point at this okay and I could say I'm just going to leave a little note here assets can be Media or let's just say audio sorry sorry I'm trying to right here on the screen audio um let's just put Pitch uh comma pictures or video sorry all right so we've added this onto the screen we get massive control over in the assets remember anything that you add onto the screen you've got huge control over if I click on that asset and then I come over to here over to the properties again instantly I could change the color I love this and I do this all the time I'll say right I actually want that to be the same color as the PowerPoint slide that I was recording if I wanted it to I could do that see I could change it to that color or I might say to myself no I want to I want to choose another color I'm going to yeah so I can literally select a color from anywhere so let's imagine I want that to happen so straight away now we've got this asset coming onto the screen okay so we got the video let me just make sure that you can also let me just click on new share make sure that your dough is playing yes it is that's all great good good good good lovely good good good good so if I just play this now we've got this now the great thing about cam taser is it doesn't record now that in itself is lovely but watch this you can begin you can combine assets and different functionality that's on offer in Camtasia so for example I could come down to the transitions now we normally use the transitions to move from one video to the other we do this a lot in PowerPoint as well you get lots of transitions but we can do this same thing okay I've got all these different ones here um let's have a look at uh uh let me have a look at in fact let's just go to all a minute and I'm going to go I'm going to choose one that I often use when I'm working with these okay I'm going to come down to Glow see if I can find glow there it is so I'm going to drag this asset onto oh sorry or this this this this transition onto the asset now watch what happens now so what I'm doing now is I'm kind of starting to combine and play around with the different assets and the different kind of animations and functionality that's available in Camtasia watch what happens when I play the video again I'm going to move the screen out a little bit and just play a little great thing about Camtasia is it doesn't record this okay so you can actually leave it on the screen if it's not getting in the way when you're talking so now you saw that I kind of doesn't just the asset doesn't come onto the screen but it comes on with an animation okay so I can start to do this I can and this is something to be honest with you and the reason I'm pointing this out is I didn't realize this for a long time okay I didn't realize that I could do this I'll give you another example that you'll see me doing all the time I'll bring on this asset onto the screen yeah especially especially when I'm introducing the new website and I want to write the name of the website in the middle so let's say it was my one and I want to write teacher training yeah okay so you see me do this all the time so I've got this asset now onto the screen all right I won't change the color of it let's just play it when you're talking and of course but it just comes straight on no but what I can do is come over to the behaviors I've got these kind of pre-built behaviors that I'm not doing any of the um coding here and I'm going to choose this one sliding and I'm going to drop it on to that asset now it's a totally different ball game let's just have a quick look at those two assets as they come onto the screen okay so if I play this now now the great thing about Camtasia is it doesn't record this okay so you can actually leave it on the screen if it's not getting in the way when you're talking and of course if you move around then that is going to come out in the screen now I would now unbelievably you can take this even further because you can even make your own behaviors you've got so much control over these behaviors let me just show you something because if you notice with this one it came on okay and then it kind of flashed on and off a little bit and then it zoomed off if I wanted to I could go to the I could go to that swing up to the marker there I could go to that behavior and saying well yeah in I want it to come on sliding during I don't want it to do anything at the moment it's fading I don't want to do anything none and then out I want it to go again it's sliding but I might even say right I want it to drop now I don't know if this is going to look very good okay but I'm just trying to demonstrate the power of being able to kind of understand how you can buy a nastics and the animations but then you can you've got so much control over the behaviors okay this reminds me of anyone who's a bit of a guru with multimedia of the old macromedia days because we had the same thing working with director you had lots and lots of behaviors that you can work with so look at the how this one's now different watch this you're talking and of course if you no fading sound then that is going to come out drops off the screen see I've got so much control over what I'm adding onto the screen and the elements that I work with and that is really really powerful and one of the things that I most like about working with camtaso it just gives me so many different options I'm just going to point out a couple more okay so if I get into yeah I just wanted to let you know you're cranking through this and having a lot of fun but we have about nine minutes left I knew this would happen this is always the trouble that thank God that I've made this course because this course has gave me the time to really go through things okay Jason at this point are there any questions that have come up that you want me to quickly deal with before I'm going to quickly look at and um I've kind of dealt with several things at the same time here because really I'm giving you lots of tricks and ticks now we kind of moved on from but any questions that we want to deal with and I'll talk about the outputs uh two really quick one Dana was asking along with a lot of other people uh you were talking about resizing and ratios and is there any way that you know of where you can have an asset in your media bin and know what it's as its ratio dimensions are before you bring it onto the canvas right do you know what Jason if that is possible within the media bin I don't know the answer to that I'd certainly know of course that you can check before but um so I checked before so you might be have to answer that question because I wouldn't know and you're going to teach me something now if you can can you often if you right click on the media in the media band you should be able to go to the properties and check uh one thing to note and you kind of mentioned this if you open up Camtasia and you have a lot of media in your media bin the first thing you drag onto the canvas whatever the type Dimensions it dictates you can always change it but it will dictate it from beginning Point uh the other question is and it's generally about video sizes people are very worried about the size of the video when it's rendered because they want to put it different places and the general question is do you worry about that or because you're hosting it on places like YouTube or on your own website it's not like you're emailing these or putting them in a shared folder you're putting them in a a distribution site are you worried about the overall size not necessarily the length but the actual size size of the finished rendered video okay well it's lovely because that kind of comes into the third part doesn't it we've kind of gone through um you know uh recording and we've gone through a little bit about editing and this now is about output so to answer that before I come back and I'll show you some things on the screen yes I do because see sometimes I'm making video output for specific um applications for that maybe it might be for working on a mobile phone I did a lot of work in India making videos for example that we're going to play on mobiles so in that case yes you might want to make sure that the videos of a certain size but actually Camtasia can help you with that well one of the great things about Camtasia is that when you output the video you've got a lot of control over that in reality guys you need to be thinking about that right from the start you want you need to be thinking okay my final output is going to go onto YouTube and my final output is going to be blah blah size and therefore I am going to make sure from the beginning that I'm kind of got that in mind in particularly in terms of the ratios remember even if something's a bit smaller or bigger than the canvas you can always stretch it don't go too mad you can't stretch something that's really small but small changes these days will not make a lot of difference it won't pixelate the image that much okay but let's just talk about this obviously most of the times I'm making videos that are going to go onto YouTube and at the moment as far as I know and I think I'm right insane now that you can even take it further but at the moment I'm using 1920 by 1080 okay that's the size so when I screen record at the beginning I try to record at that size so that when I bring it into the canvas it's that size and then when I output it's also going to be that size now sometimes I'm making videos for companies who are going to be running them on their website and they don't want it to be 1080 okay which is what basically what we're calling full screen they want it to be smaller maybe maybe 1280 by 720. now the good thing is and this is a tip to remember always try to produce the video when you're actually going through the process of making a video screen capturing in the first place and editing try to produce at the highest quality you can and then compress the video when you make the final output for the for whatever you're going to move for the purpose that it's there for whether it's going onto YouTube whether it's going onto a website so I've got an it I've got an example at the moment I've got a company at the moment that are asking me Russell we'd like our videos not to be too big because they're going to go on a server and it's going to be in South Africa this is actually the kwazulu university and so we're making that we've been making the videos smaller okay now let's just go through that and just to show you how Camtasia facilitates all of that process for you anyway all right so I'm going to click on share screen this is something I deal with quite in quite a lot of detail in the course but if I click on share screen and I'll jump back to our our Camtasia okay and we'll take this example okay when you produce an output and this is something else to remind you you first of all save and I should have really said this you should save the video quite frequently okay so I'm going to click on file and let's say I'm making this one here so the first time I'm going to click on on save or save as it's not going to make any difference the first time I normally organize all my videos and my Assets in one folder okay so I've got everything in the one folder so I would save this video into the same folder where all my assets are now in this particular case we kind of did everything in a rush and so therefore I've got my folder here okay speaking ideas I'm going to put it into here okay so this is new video now this okay guys is okay new video TTV all right one this is what I call the raw file the project file and I've got that saved okay that is like the original picture you take with your camera you might then make multiple copies of it but you have an original picture this is the actual original now I can make copies of this for all sorts of different applications all sorts of different media so I can now click on export and look at all the options I've got now in my course I show you how to use I'm quite a big fan of because it allows uh you to you to maximize the use of all the different functionality that's available in Camtasia when you add a video for example onto YouTube you're really only adding up the video okay and under different visual elements that come onto the screen for example a YouTube video can't have a clickable area that you've added in via the hot spots in on on Camtasia you can't do that on YouTube okay but you can if you if you do if you do have a hotspot for example where you can click on the screen and go to a particular website if you upload the video and screencast it would work okay but not in YouTube YouTube is a is a video repository whereas is a video repository but will also deal with layers and will also allow some of the more sophisticated elements within Camtasia like quizzes like clickable areas on the screen to actually work otherwise there's a few things that unfortunately if you upload to Youtube they won't work but we can upload to screencast we can upload to Youtube and my YouTube is connected to my Camtasia so if I was to click on that button now I could literally upload this video to my YouTube channel immediately watch this I'm just going to click on it and it's going to actually open up and it's all ready it's all ready for me to upload the video I like putting the title put in the description put in the text and click on finish and even I can upload it and set it as listed private so it's that easy this is one of the things I love about Camtasia and I've got it constantly set because obviously not every day but at least two or three three times a week I'm adding up videos onto YouTube but of course I could also export that file as a local file and if I click here okay okay if I click on that then you'll notice that I again I can choose where do I want to save that okay where do I want to save that video so I can say the location right I'm going to save this is onto my desktop okay and I might even select the folder where I'm going to save that particular video so I click there and say well I'm going to save it in that folder I give it a name but if I click here on the advanced okay then I've also got options for example to change the dimensions so for example when I'm making the video for South Africa at the moment though I make the video to the highest quality when I'm producing the project the original file when I actually make the video I'm choosing 720 because they've requested that the videos are smaller now obviously a smaller video is less space okay so you've got a lot of options here that you can work with now at the moment most of the time I'm working with these two options this one if I'm working on YouTube or producing courses for universities where there's a generally a fast internet connection but then obviously at the moment as I've said I'm working with this kwazulu University then I would choose this one okay now remember that has no impact on the original video that project is there and I can come back to that project and make as many copies as possible okay now you do have actually a lot of control okay you can customize and choose the specific sizes notice that it asks you do you want to keep the aspect ratio in most cases you do want to do that but you've also got and as you get more sophisticated and more knowledgeable options in terms of actually reducing the quality reducing the frame rate those of you that know a little bit about multimedia will know that the say for example you can make the keyframes a bit longer these things are a bit are are going to all help you to reduce the size of your video but you would obviously need additional knowledge remember I said to you at the beginning the great thing about Camtasia is you can use it in a very simple way you can let Camtasia do all the work for you or if you do become quite knowledgeable and you are aware of things right I need to make this video really you know I'm going to reduce the frame rate to 25 or maybe to 20 or maybe even to 15 because if you reduce the frame rate to 15 that's 15 frames per second it's going to half the size of the video but for the average person making videos and for many years that would be me I wasn't necessarily aware of all these things that slowly my knowledge has developed over time so you've got a lot of flexibility okay so one video that you produce okay like the one that we've just produced here I might make a copy to go on YouTube another copy to save on my computer another copy that I'm going to upload onto another copy that I'm going to drop into my Google Drive because another thing is when you export you can just put the video into your Google Drive Google Drive doesn't work very well in all honesty because Google drive is not really a busy video Repository tree much better to to use one of the you know proper video repositories like YouTube or Vimeo um I'm not familiar with all of these okay but obviously I am very familiar with now one thing about and um Jason might be able to um uh just uh confirm this but I think that you do get two gigabytes of space for free screencut is a is a is a video repository a place to save your Camtasia videos and I Do cover it in my course because I know that it's something that often isn't covered in videos on YouTube about Camtasia and I'm a big fan and I actually use it quite a lot okay I'm gonna jump back out again guys Jason because I'm sure you might be able to fiddle me in there did I get that right about is it two gigabytes yeah yep that's correct yep any anything else that we want to bring up um we're already a couple of minutes over but there might be some questions and obviously I do want to share the playlist that I've produced and just quickly talk about that yep so we've definitely uh the questions have been answered we have shared the playlist uh multiple times people are excited to find out you can get after it so they know the YouTube playlist is there um we are good with questions so we're ready to wrap it up lovely okay guys all I can say is please I do remind you in in all the videos in the playlist to like comment and share the videos this is a great opportunity for you and you know that I've been able to make this course completely for free there are no tricks there are no advertisers advertising on there either it really is a great opportunity for you I really hope that you make use of that course Jason thank you very much for hosting this session I hope that was useful guys and I'm going to leave you to kind of finish off uh the session absolutely so we appreciate you being here Russell so in the email they'll get within the next 24 hours you'll have links Mr Russell's content links to his webpage link to that playlist you'll get a link to the recording some Camtasia handouts and the ability to connect with us if you have any challenges uh one thing we do want to mention is when the webinar closes or when you choose to leave you are presented with a four question roughly one minute survey we appreciate you taking the time to fill that out because it's how we build up our content it's how we connect with people like Russell to give you more of the webinars that you're most interested in but thank you so much for spending some of your time on this Wednesday with us with Russell Russell thanks again a lot of learned shared knowledge and people were excited uh that you were able to share that with us today lovely thank you very much cheers everybody cheers take care
Channel: Camtasia
Views: 8,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edit video, camtasia
Id: -YKs2C8D110
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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