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[Music] [Music] [Music] here is five video editing effects that you can apply to your cinematic [Music] videos number one is long exposure effect this is really awesome because we usually find this effect in photography due to slow side speed so to achieve this effect we need to use three to get static footage Zoom the Tim line we're going to move this point to every two frames by click right Arrow twice on your keyboard select your footage right click select copy and paste here set the blending mode to brighten now move to the next two frames and duplicate your clip on layer then repeat the same way another thing to duplicate is long press alt or command and bring this above your clip [Music] I think I'm going to stop at 1 second and that's pretty long right so select all the clips right click and create compon clip now you can duplicate in every 1 second make sure set the blending mod to brighten that's looking pretty good I want to stop at 5 Seconds we cut a preview this video because there's more than 50 video layers so we got to export this [Music] video number two is fake lighting so this s is pretty flat and I want to add some lighting up on right where the lights come which are on the window so the basic idea is this let's duplicate your clip to create light effect you need to bring up the exposure and highlights and mask around the window so in this case I use the circle and bring up the feather to create smooth effect on the edge and I'm going to make it a little warmer by bring up the [Music] temperature next I want to add Shadow effect on the left areas so let's duplicate to your clip and bring down the exposure and and [Music] Shadow then use masking tool so I select Horizon and rotates to 90° to mask here on the left and I do the same way for bottom areas just to give more focus on this [Music] object if you want to change the screen size or orientation this Auto ref frame is a great tool for [Music] you number three is dreaming effect there is two ways to make your videos really nice fil me looking glow to it all right the first one is glow effect I'm going to start with auto adjust so capup cut can automatically enhance the color and exposure from your footage and under effects we are going to light effect bring the dream glow effect to the Thum line and now adjust the sliders as you [Music] like and the second is Bloom effect under effects we are going to lens bring soft effect to your timeline now you can set the [Music] intensity number four is real life this effect is really fun because now we can kind of change the light thing in your portrait [Music] video first I want to get r that noisy image so it's pretty simple here just check mark reduce image noise then we are going to re light here you can change the basic lighting or you can add fake lighting color effect so we have some presets here we can also change the direction and color as you [Music] like the last one is assets assets is usually digital file that you can add to your video because this helps to represent the atmosphere of the place and the situation simply just change the blank demo depending on your assets file in this case I select overlay to remove the dark areas I'm going to duplicate the clip go to remove background and select AO remove to make sh on the subject so the shadow doesn't affect on the hand now you can do some adjustment to add Clarity on your assets [Music] file anyway in cup we have remove filler words just in one click also AI caption is a great tool for you to generate video sub details or caption video effects offer endless possibilities for enhancing your video in countless powerful and creative [Music] ways so that's five video editing effects that you can apply to your cinematic videos C cut are also available on both mobile and web browser just hit the link below to try cap Kut for free I hope you found this video useful in some way thank you so much for watching if you did like this video please give me thumbs up I will see you later in the next [Music] video
Channel: Deny King
Views: 74,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CapCut, CapCut Tutorial, Edit Video CapCut, CapCut Editing, Video Editing, Editing Tutorial, Video Effects, Cinematic Editing, Cinematic CapCut, Edit Video Cinematic, Cinematic Video Editing, Video Editing Effects, Cinematic Effect, CapCut Desktop, CapCut PC, Deny King
Id: 4TnztBpbwE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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