Edit Like Isaac to Break YouTube with 1 Video

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Isaac broke YouTube with one video Let's recreate this open so you can do the same thing three weeks ago I uploaded my first video on this channel today it has 10% clickthrough rate 50% retention and over 10,000 views I want you to hit pause right now and download all of the elements I've created for this tutorial they're Linked In the description below so you can follow along you should know that I used four different AIS and spent three hours trying to create my own version of this Isaac head I didn't want to just steal his because then it wouldn't be copyright free and stuff so I ended up with this head here which turned out okay but that took forever to create and then I took photographs of myself and put the head on my body like Isaac does so you get all of these ready to rock and all the other Ms I use so go ahead and hit the link in the description right now and download all these elements all wait right here the first thing we're going to do is add the voiceover and I've recorded it for you already now Isaac uses an AI voice which is okay but you're always better off using your own voice for your videos instead of an AI voice because all of these social medias are starting to clamp down on AI generated content they want to promote real stuff that you create so I recorded this for you and you're welcome to use it all you want now I've dropped Isaac's open into our timeline so we can look at it and evaluate what he's doing if I just play a second of it three weeks ago I uploaded my first video what's he doing he's got a screenshot and he's just zooming in on it on the part that he's saying as he says it so let's go and look at ours months ago I uploaded my second video got it now the first thing I'm going to do is just trim off a little bit of the head of this because that's a little bit of space we don't want you don't want to waste even a frame and then we're going to take the first graphic which is my channel in 2023 so this is 5 months ago and Isaac started zoomed in like that and then zoomed out a bit so you could see that desktop that white background so what we're going to do is start zoomed in a bit here and then we'll Zoom zoom out a little bit to reveal a white background so we're going to set a key frame for position and scale now you don't need to go position scale position scale we can just hit this one right here and it sets a key frame for all of these even if we don't use them it doesn't matter it's just one way to go a little bit faster so we've got a key frame there we're starting zoomed in we want to zoom out a little bit over the course of a few frames so just going to scale it down and reveal the background and you may notice that our background is black we want it to be a white background now we could import a white background or a desktop or something but there's a cool trick that you can do in cap cut which is scrolling here to the bottom and we've got this canvas option I click here and I can scroll down to style and then it reveals all of these different styles if I hit this arrow and we just want something that's white with a little bit of Interest so we'll just take this guy right here and Bam now we have an interesting white background and that would look like this five months so we're already on a good path and notice that this only works if you were on the first track once I drag this up to the second track that canvas that white background goes away so all of this stuff has to be on the first track to use that trick and next we're just going to go ahead and zoom in as I say certain things so here we go five months ago I uploaded my second video okay so my second video for second video I want to show the second video so right before that happens just a few frames before I'm going to set a key frame because I'm going to start to change two properties scale and position to do that I'm going to hit this key frame guy right here and it sets a key frame for all of these scale position and rotate we're not going to rotate but that doesn't matter and notice that between this key frame and this key frame nothing happens but starting right here I want it to zoom in a bunch onto this the second video I uploaded in two years so I'm going to use the keys on my keyboard and go forward with the right arrow key about five frames so it zooms in quickly and now I don't need to hit one of these key frames it will automatically add another one as soon as I scale this guy up because it's highlighted I can scale it up and then I can position it so Jennifer la lawence is right in the middle of the screen so it would just look like I uploaded my second video bam and it did it exactly when I wanted it to and let's keep listening two years when my channel had only and I say my channel so when I say my Channel I want to kind of zoom out a little bit and show my channel and I'm going to set a key frame here because I don't want anything to happen in between though I'm going to go another five frames and then I'm going to scale back out and show my channel and that looks like this in two years when my channel had so when my channel that zooms out only had only 24,000 subscribers that's this right here so I want to see that right when I say 24 I want to be zoomed in on it so I'm going to set a key frame here again go forward five frames and then I'm going to zoom in on the 24,000 by scaling this way up and putting it right in the middle there and now for this part it looks like this 5 months ago I uploaded my second video in 2 years when my channel had only 24,000 and that looked a little boring because it looked almost almost identical that second time so what I want to do is just not zoom out quite as much I'm going to just come up here so it doesn't just match that last one so it's a little bit a little more interesting and now it looks like this five months ago I uploaded my second video in two years when my channel had only 24,000 subscribers and right here there's a tiny bit of a pause and I wanted to like zoom in onto my face so we can get to the next shot so starting I don't know right about here I'm going to set another key frame and I'm going to do something kind of drastic I'm going to go over all the way to today somewhere around today I want to have my face be right in the middle of the screen have it be very zoomed in so I'm going to zoom in a whole [Music] bunch and put it right there that looks like this th subscribers today that now right here when we land on my face I want the next shot to show up so I'm just going to throw it on top here and that's this 35,000 views now if we just play through this this is coming towards us and I want this to be coming towards us too so it's a continuous motion so I'm positioning my playhead at the first frame setting a key frame and positioning it where I want it to be I want this thing to be centered from the start so I'm going to just scale this guy up until I can get it into the center then we want to go forward about 20 frames and have this thing zooming in at us so it continues this motion here to do that to go forward 20 frames you can use the keystroke shift and the right arrow key so I hit shift right arrow twice and that takes us forward to 20 frames we can see that with the time code here and I'm going to zoom in some more a bunch more and I'm going to try to keep this guy in the center so it still looks good I'm just going to have to look and see how that looks that's not too bad I think I want it to be even a little more like that and let's have a look at it okay now one thing you may have noticed with all this stuff if we play this we can see that it looks pretty linear to smooth it out we want to add some curves so we just right click on it and we choose show key frame animation and we want to add curves to the key frames that we actually changed we for sure changed the scale property and I think we changed the Y property a little bit we didn't do any side to side stuff so I'm just going to go to scale double click here and I'm going to click on each one of these guys and add a curve right here let me zoom in so you can see a little bit better it's a little timec consuming and tedious but it's worth it in other apps you have a little more control in fact we do have more control here but usually using this default Center curve instead of messing with these guys is going to give you a better result once you start messing with them you'll probably mess it up and regret it but it's fun to play with and get better at it and this first guy here I can't click on it is too far in there so to get to him I just have to hit this left Arrow here until I get to him and now I can add a curve for scale let's go ahead and look at it and see if we need to add the curves for the x-axis I'm going to close this guy and click off of it so we can see what's going on yeah see it's got that weird thing there so we need to definitely when you get that kind of stuff it's because you don't have a curve on it so we're going to right click it show key frame animation we're just going to add curves to all of the X and the Y's also just to make sure that it's good you don't have to watch me do it we'll just speed this up let's have a look at it now see if it looks any smoother I think it looks looks fine now right here where these two connect you know that's an okay transition because we are zooming in and we keep zooming in it looks pretty natural but we can make it better to do that I'm just going to trim off a little bit of this bring this guy down to this track and add a transition that works like a zoom called Pullin just going to drag it right here it's set for when I click on it I can see that the duration is a half a second which might be fine you'll also notice that it added motion blur the prior version of cap cut 3.3.0 on a Mac had motion blur over here under video basic it add motion blur down here that's gone it wasn't working great it was broken they took it away hopefully they'll fix it they do have some motion blur filters but they're not great for what we're doing I've messed with them and all of them have some issues so we're just going to kind of skip motion blur except when we get it for things like this and let's see how it looks now that looks pretty good the only thing we're lacking are the curves for this I'm just going to add some curves on this guy you don't have to watch let's have a look at this I think that looks pretty good next we have to add the isacs let's go ahead and start with Isaac and his watch and we can kind of look and see what Isaac did we see Isaac's on the right side and he just kind of Pops in from down below Pops in he Bobs a little bit and then he pops back so let's go ahead and get Isaac our Isaac scaled correctly make him a little bit bigger and he's facing the wrong way we want him to come from this side so the way you flip something is you just click this little icon here the mirror and now he's facing the right direction and he comes in over the course of about five frames so we're going to position him where you want him to be when he comes in which is right about there because saying five months ago time watch setting a key frame for that just by clicking this guy right here so sets all of them and then I'm going to go back to this first frame no key frame there but I'm going to just drag him down here like that and then he'll automatically pop in five months ago I uploaded my so right before that pops up I want him gone already so right about here I'm going to set another key frame and then I'm just going to move him back 1 2 3 4 5 and have him just peel off the screen like that and he'd look like this five months ago I uploaded my second video so that that's not bad but five months ago I uploaded my set but he was kind of bobbing and stuff now we could have key frames and have it moving back and forth back and forth with key frames it doesn't always look great and it's kind of cumbersome the thing that is really easy in capet is we can add a little of that motion that bouncing stuff by just clicking on effects and using my favorite effect which es rebound swing and you know turn the speed down and this little bit and it just makes them look a little more natural and I'm also going to smooth out those key frames by adding curves so this is the last time you can see me do curves today but just so you get it right click show key frame animation and then just add curves for each of these properties that we actually touch we don't mess with scale in this one but we do mess with the X property so one now with the rebound swing and the curves at it looks like this 5 months ago I uploaded my second bam and I'm going to do the same thing one more time for the next Isaac and then you can do the rest yourself so watch this one and months ago I uploaded my second so my that's my second video I'm going to point at it so I'm just going over here to media and look for Isaac pointing and right as it's scaling up I want that Isaac to pop off and the other one to pop on so I'm going to find that frame using the arrows and that's right when he's starting so I'm going to add Isaac popping on here go forward about five frames and five isn't a magic number it's just kind of the one I use five or six that seems to work pretty well and I want him to be pointing I want him to end up where he's going to be so he's going to point to that video that looks pretty good I like my Isaac's green eyes what do you think he's pointing at that video maybe make him a tiny bit smaller that looks pretty great I think I want him to end up there so I'm going to set a key frame and move him back remove the playhead back five frames and get him off the screen if I hold down the shift key when I drag him he's going to stay parallel he won't go up and down so much unless you push really hard so let's try this 5 months ago I uploaded my second video in and that's that's kind of great and let's figure out where he ends second video in two years when my and I'll have him just fly off the screen right about there so I'm going to set another key frame here bam one two three four five and hold down the shift key and drag him to the right and now he's gone let's see how that looks and I don't really need this guy anymore there so we'll just play that five months ago I uploaded my second video in two years when my channel had only what does it need to look a little more natural it needs curves added and it also needs rebound swing so I'm going to add rebound swing for you by clicking on effects and I've saved it if you can't find it go up here and type rebound swing and I'm going to add it and just going to tweak it a little bit speed there size there just so it's not just like the other one and on my own I'm going to add the curves and then show what it looks like let's see what that looks like now 5 months ago I uploaded my second video in 2 years when my channel had only 24,000 subscribers the other thing that Isaac adds are some Sparks now we've got some Sparks just built into cap cut we've got these called Sparks 2 if you don't see them i' I favored them you can scroll down and find them or just type Sparks 2 up here and it should pop up and the Sparks were in between Isaac and the screenshot so I'm just going to drag the sparks in between Isaac and the screenshot and and yeah if we just let him go that duration probably looks good let's see it five months ago I uploaded my second video in 2 years when my channel had only 24,000 subscribers if you think this is cool so far go ahead and hit that subscribe button and tap that Bell so you're notified when my next video comes out right now I'm going to add some music sound effects and kind of add the rest of the Isaacs in myself and this is what the finished Masterpiece looks like starting right now 5 months ago I uploaded my second video in two years when my channel had only 24,000 subscribers today that video has 35,000 views I have over 50,000 subscribers and I'm gaining 8,000 subscribers per month if you want to break YouTube with one video just like Isaac you got to learn how to edit once you have mastered cap cut you can look at a video like Isaac's and break it down and figure out on your own how to do stuff like we just did so you know click this link right here over Payton's head or click the link in the description so you can Master cap cut it is by far the fastest path to Breaking YouTube and we all know You Want to Break YouTube don't you
Channel: Trevor Jones
Views: 92,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isaac, edit like isaac, Edit Like Isaac to Break YouTube with 1 Video, break youtube, how to break youtube, capcut, capcut edit tutorial, how to edit like isaac, edit like, edit like in capcut, capcut edit, how to edit in capcut, how to go viral on youtube, capcut tips, capcut video editing, capcut editing
Id: 2OheL7HtVGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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