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hey friends my name is christine and welcome to today's video and to my channel if you are new and don't know much about me let me introduce myself just a little bit when i was youngly married newly married i don't know the proper way to say that to a school teacher in the state of idaho who didn't make very much money and had a baby at home i fed my family of three on 25 a week 100 a month for a very very long time it wasn't documented anywhere because this was sorry about the noise this was the early 2000s before google before youtube before blogs before any of these things it was just something i did as a stay-at-home mom to try to save every single penny i could so we could buy our first house basically in these videos today while i'm not struggling like i was back then i do like to share some of the things i learned in those first 10 years of marriage and being a mother to four children while keeping our grocery budget very very low i have already done a wide variety of this type of budget eating video before i will leave a full playlist down below i try and give different recipes in each video sometimes i'll get suggestions like you should make a potato soup you should make xyz a lot of the time i've actually already done it in those other videos i like those videos i think you will too so if you're just finding me now go check those out down in the doobly-doo below and for this video i am going to be doing feeding one person for a week on around ten dollars and i'm feeling particularly lazy today so we're going to go to one store and the closest store to my house which is going to be walmart it is like three miles away i could walk there if i wanted i could ride my bike if i wanted of course your store availability will be different depending on where you live i do not have access to an aldi and some of my prices might be a little bit higher than something that you might be able to find i do want to mention before we go shopping that if you are struggling with food you have some form of food insecurity number one do not be ashamed about it there are a ton of programs available at least that i am aware of in the united states and in my state to help people who are struggling different places you can go for resources i'm trying to remember all of them your local sheriff's office your school district your library city council local churches and even local radio stations will probably know about some kind of program to assist families in need i've even learned recently that there are colleges that have like a food pantry kind of a thing for college students so if you're a college student and you're struggling reach out to your university relations and see if they have something like that that you can use enough talking let's head to walmart and go pick out our groceries for the week welcome to my local neighborhood walmart and yes you actually do see a little bit of snow outside it was snowing that day and i kept thinking isn't it too early in the winter season for snow but alas here we are in the state of idaho winter is here i hit up the produce section first and i'm trying to go with the cheapest veggies possible that give me a lot of bulk without going with potatoes so a green cabbage any kind of cabbage really is going to be a great option for you they are really filling you can cook them in a lot of different ways you can eat them raw actually and your standard just head of green cabbage can be fairly inexpensive my walmart was a super cheap place to get it today but as i decided to only shop here this is what i had i was a little disappointed in the carrot prices i've normally been able to see a two pound bag of carrots for right at a dollar but today no dice they didn't even have like loosely bagged like loose carrots bulk carrots to buy and i wanted some green onions but as you can see this is very typical of my walmart they are just out of random ingredients all the time and today it was green onions so no green onions for me this day but i did want to do some carrots for one of the dishes that i wanted to make so i just went ahead and got the one pound bag of carrots it was the cheapest one i could find although definitely not the best price i have ever seen my idea for my quote ground beef unquote was to get a tube of the ground turkey i when i was first married i did this all the time it was the cheapest way to buy it at walmart which was kind of the only thing i had available to me it was not beef it was turkey and it was around a dollar 40 way back then as you can see it's a dollar 66 now which is so cheap compared to all of the ground beef that you see right here i'm just showing you this to show you the price difference what i did early in my marriage is i would take the one pound of the ground turkey and cut it in half and only use a half a pound where the recipe would call for a full pound just to make it last longer the only problem is the only flavor they had was italian flavor and i wanted plain skipped over that while i thought about it and went to the beans and rice section i found this one pound bag of brown rice for 70 cents i thought that was pretty good there is more fiber in brown rice so i picked that up to use instead of white rice this week and as you can see the number of servings on the back it can be quite filling for the entire week for one person went back to look at the beans i'm basically looking for the cheapest bean i can find today it was going to be one pound of pinto beans for one dollar even and flipping over on the back to see how many servings it was 13 so actually you could almost cut that or you could basically double that or cut it in half depending on how you look at it and make seven servings and double the amount of calories per serving so pinto beans and brown rice and then it was off to find breakfast i wanted something easy that tasted good so one of these complete pancake and waffle mixes for a dollar 68 looked really good if you look on the back there's a ton of servings in in here i think it will be really really filling and you just add water so if you have any kind of hot plate skillet or anything like that an electric griddle i don't know i found this buttermilk one and then this complete one i think i ended up buying the buttermilk one it looks holiday-ish but just something to show you because i thought it was interesting i walked by the clearance bakery rack and a bunch of donuts is 214 on the clearance bakery rack which ended up being cheaper than all of my breakfast items that i bought so if you wanted to go the donut route that is an absolute option and you can stick them in the fridge or freezer and then just heat them up every day to go along with my pancakes for breakfast i wanted to get a big thing of yogurt i wanted a greek yogurt but it was significantly more expensive so this huge container is a dollar 84 and just in case you're wondering i adore peach yogurt it's one of my favorite flavors and the greek yogurt is almost like two whole dollars more than the regular yogurt so if you do have a couple extra dollars to go for the greek yogurt i would recommend the protein is significantly higher with that look how small and cute this little sour cream is it's 88 cents for this tiny little container which is perfect because i'm trying to spend as little as possible although like usual a larger container will be a better price per ounce but that's not the way i was shopping this time i wanted to get some chorizo or meat for another dish and chorizo is truly one of the cheapest most flavorful things you can find it's that's my favorite brand the one i picked up but it will work for this and i wanted some cheese to go with my chorizo and bean and rice dish so you can see me like scouring the cheese section at my walmart trying to find the cheapest cheese i could and i ended up not getting it at all and i did go back and get the italian style turkey for breakfast for this week we are having pancakes and yogurt and you can do this any way that you want uh this is just an add water for pancakes and the whole box makes an astounding 16 servings for each day you can actually do an entire cup of mix and have a really good amount of pancakes every day like it says one cup makes five to seven pancakes depending on the size and i always find you need a little bit more water than it says to on the box and then when you're done as far you can have your yogurt on the side or you can put it on top as a sweet topping if you already have peanut butter in your house that is definitely something that you can add on top if you already have syrup in your house you can add that jam etc there are a lot of different ways to do this with things that you may already have in your pantry staples but if you don't it's okay because you can do it just like this you can cook your pancakes in any fat i've done coconut oil butter regular vegetable oil um that's usually about it that i use and of course you can just do your standard syrup that's a good thing to keep in your pantry or you can use about three quarters of a cup of yogurt on all your pancakes and this is a full dinner plate like these this is a very very large serving here you go breakfast for the week pancakes and yogurt and if you want greek yogurt you can spend a couple extra dollars and get a more protein packed greek yogurt as well okay here are my main components for my lunches for the week and this got very leaky so i left it in the bag but this is the ground beef that i had or not beef italian style ground turkey i think i can use some soy sauce to kind of change the flavor of this it was the cheapest one i could find at a dollar 66 i believe i was not really impressed with the price of carrots it was almost a dollar for a pound of carrots been able to find closer to two pounds of carrots for a dollar in the past and they had no just loose carrots to buy so that was unfortunate and this tiny little head of green cabbage the other ingredients i'm going to be adding to this are things that i actually already have i would have bought extras to show you how to put it all together and what it would cost if you were starting with nothing but let me show you why i didn't want to do that okay in my fridge from all the previous videos i've done these are all the heads of garlic's that i've already bought one two three four five six and i didn't want to buy any more heads of garlic so i hope you will excuse me if i just use a couple of cloves from what i already have in my fridge ignore all the drinks they're my mom's and also i already have this huge thing of soy sauce and this huge thing of soy sauce so much so please excuse the fact that i'm using soy sauce that is already in my fridge [Music] to try and take away from the italian flavor of the ground turkey unfortunately i'm going to be mixing soy sauce brown sugar and some of the garlic that i got from my fridge and some crushed red pepper flakes so these crushed red pepper flakes are actually homemade you can make them yourself by drying jalapenos here's a different way that you can open up garlic just pinch the two sides and then you can peel it like this and grate it instead of chopping it up if you don't want to do that so that's my stir fry sauce let's say and here's my italian turkey in the pan once it was done cooking i added all of my cabbage and the sauce and let it kind of saute simmer together you can add the carrots at this point but i like to keep those raw just as a personal preference lunches for the week beef and cabbage i'm gonna call it a stir-fry i guess i like to add the carrots raw because i like the sweet crunch that it gives but you can absolutely saute the carrots in with the cabbage and beef if you want and a really easy way to bulk this up is by serving it over rice and if you have some sesame oil laying around a little drizzle of that on top really takes it over the top really comforting really delicious really strong flavors for dinners this week we are going to use these four ingredients mostly to put together burrito bowls now you could go without the chorizo and maybe just use a taco seasoning but i love chorizo flavor is very strong which will go nicely with the more bland like pinto beans and rice i wanted to buy cheese so bad but my walmart did not have the little individual string cheeses which is what i was looking for and it would have put me way over my budget to buy cheese we're going to cook our pinto beans and rice any way that you like to do it i have an entire video dedicated to how to cook dried beans i will reference that video down below there's a ton of different ways to do it it doesn't matter which way you do it crock pot on the stove in the oven instant pot it's whatever i'm going to cook up these pinto beans and this brown rice cook up this in a skillet and we're basically going to mix it all together and bang you've got dinner for the week here's my pan with the chorizo so i sauteed the chorizo first and then added the cooked pinto beans all of them added a little bit of water and let these simmer together with just some seasoned salt and then i just let the flavors come together taste it for salt added a touch more and now we are good now that my rice is done cooking we will put our burrito bowls together here's my bean and rice burrito bowl topped with sour cream like i said earlier cheese would have been really really nice here and if you happen to have some tortilla chips salsa you could add a whole bunch of different things to this but it does taste good the way it is because of the chorizo and the seasoned salt and the creaminess of the beans all of it uh goes together really nicely this will be a really filling meal the only real recipe in this video is the beef and cabbage stir-fry so i will leave the sauce instructions down below for you if you want to go check that out but the burrito bowl and the pancakes are fairly basic and if you want to see my how to build a pantry on a budget video i will leave that down below as well i feel like there's a lot of good information there where i compare different stores and prices to get you the best deal i also realized i totally forgot to show you guys my receipt i paid 1103 for this full week of eating 1103 at my walmart a couple of other tips as far as saving money on your groceries is one of my biggest ones is do not do all your shopping at one store which i did for this video i think the next challenge video i'm gonna do like christine shopping and get the best deals at each store so i can save as much of the dollar dollar bills as i can i probably could have been in right under 10 if i had not bought the chorizo i just feel like it adds so much flavor to the burrito bowl that i kind of didn't want to go without it this time but i hope you guys enjoyed today's video and eating for 10 a week and if you did maybe hit the thumbs up button and hit the subscribe button to stick around and see any future videos and shenanigans that we do here on my channel i do a lot of different kinds of cooking so if you're looking for a recipe inspiration or you just need a friend for a little pick-me-up at the end of a workday i'd love to hang out a little bit more that's gonna be it and i will see you in my next video if you want to come back so bye that's really all
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 450,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what i eat in a week, budget, eat for 10 a week, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal, on a budget, fun, cheap, free, broke food, cheap food, what's for dinner, recipes, cook, cooking, cook with me, budgeting, frugal living, budget meals, grocery budget, extreme cheapskates, cheap meals, easy recipes, whats for dinner, how to cook
Id: GpFP9_Ab_7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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