HOW TO EAT FOR $1.50 A DAY | Emergency Extreme Budget Grocery Haul 2020 with Frugal Fit Mom

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my hair looks stupid andrew why does my hair look stupid hey everyone my name is christine and welcome to the channel in today's video i am going to show you how you can eat for approximately ten dollars for a week now in the past when i have done these videos before yes i have done several of them the full playlist will be down below in the description box if you guys want to check it out after this video i have fed my family of six while you guys seem to like those videos this time i'm going to feed a family of one i am inspired by the return of all the college students to my town there's a lot of kids out there where they truly only have to feed themselves or maybe it's like a young married couple or something like that you've moved out for the very first time away from your parents house and you're feeding one so this time i am only going to be feeding myself this week i'm going to go to albertson's to shop it's just a regular grocery store it's not a discount store like aldi or walmart or winco or whatever else you can save money by going to one of those but i wanted to see how little i could spend at a more expensive store like albertsons my arm's getting tired holding this camera like that oh ouch so in this video it may not be the most balanced it may not be the proper macro nutrient breakdown they'll probably not be a lot of vegetables but let's be honest how many college students eat a lot of vegetables anyway like for reals all i want to do is see how far i can make 10 ish dollars stretch for an entire week can we even do it before we go shopping to find out hit the thumbs up button if you like videos like this and subscribe if you want to see any other future videos that i do let's go shopping here we are at albertsons and we are going to run in and see what's on sale what we can find for only 10 this week for one of the first times ever i went into this challenge with no plan usually when i do these extreme grocery budget challenges i have a general idea of what i want to make and i'm just looking for the ingredients so i went into the store and i see this bag of flour for 99 cents an amazing sale put it in my cart i don't even know what i'm going to do with it yet and then i see this 18 count eggs 99 cents on sale another great deal and i realize i buy eggs a lot of the time but they're such a cheap source of fat and protein i just feel like they're a really really great budget item everybody should be purchasing these when you don't have a lot to spend on food and that in my head with the flower i'm thinking i could make bread i can make pasta i can make pizza dough there's all sorts of things i can do with flour saw the chicken on sale at the butcher counter thought that was a great price and i figured if i got one pound it would be a dollar fifty a great high protein item for the week i went to the produce section and here's where things got tricky because in my albertson's produce section things do not go on sale very often i'm looking at heads of lettuce for two dollars each and green onions for a dollar a package and that's significantly higher than i can find at almost any other store even when i was looking for something as cheap as carrots definitely more expensive i was like okay well we'll ignore the vegetables let's look at the fruit what do we have i couldn't find any apples for less than a dollar fifty a pound i couldn't find oranges strawberries they didn't really have sales on much of the fruit so i was like okay well fruit's not really a good option this week at this store either and i thought it would be nice if i wasn't allergic to bananas because bananas are a cheap option that is one thing that i cannot do for me so i went to the frozen section and found some broccoli for a dollar 25 a bag not the best price i've ever seen but it was okay since i'm thinking of this flower that i have i'm thinking pizza i want to make pizza i could make like one big one or a couple of small ones and eat them throughout the week for lunch that would be a great idea so i tried to find some pizza sauce for a good price everything just felt very expensive to me even though albertson's had some really great sale items everything else i wanted to buy kind of like made up for the sales and then more so i felt like i was just spending more overall re-emphasizes my number one tip when it comes to saving money on your groceries and that's shop at more than one store so on a normal week i would have gone into albertsons gotten the eggs the flour peanut butter that you'll see in just a second and left and gone to a cheaper store for everything else that i was looking for right now i've got like a whole hodgepodge of things in my cart i don't know what the heck i'm making i picked up the pasta and the bread and i'm looking at the bag of flour which is the better price the bag of flour but then i'm also thinking you know this is geared towards college students they don't have a lot of time you know they go to class all day they have homework all the time they got to go to the parties at night they are not going to be making homemade pasta they are most likely not making homemade bread either i ended up putting the flour back even though it was a great price it just didn't feel like it was going to work within the context of this challenge so i don't have very much in my cart and it already equaled almost ten dollars i'm only 50 cents away so i'm like okay back to the produce section what else can i pick up for 50 cents and i looked longingly at the bananas knowing i wouldn't be able to buy those and so i got a bag of carrots i just thought that was a really delicious flavor there's a little bit more calories in those and then for my last item i got a head of garlic because i can impart a lot of flavor for not a lot of money as you can see my total payment amount for this tiny little grocery haul is 12.18 i do pay tax in my state for food so that was 70 cents in tax if i didn't have to pay that i would be at about 11.50 for these items shopping at more than one store will save you dollars but just for the sake of time and the challenge i decided to keep it like this i'm sure you're wondering what in the heck am i going to be eating with these things and i did want to mention as well that variety in your food does cost more money because you need to purchase more ingredients 18 count of eggs this six pack of rolls for 99 cents one whole head of garlic for 59 cents one pound of great northern beans the peanut butter for 99 cents this was a massive deal because the amount of calories that you can get with this for the price is really really worth your money some green beans some penne some tomato paste and two pounds of carrots now remember i am going to be using salt pepper oil and basic spices that i already have in my house but no real like extra ingredients we're really gonna try and stick to this so let's get cooking here is my breakfast for most of the week and i would say i'm kind of a simple girl i find something i like and i stick with it for several days in a row so this definitely does not bother me so i have two scrambled eggs and one of the kaiser rolls toasted with peanut butter let's add up the calories for this meal one kaiser roll is 250 calories one serving which is two tablespoons of this peanut butter is 180 calories plus the 140 calories of the two scrambled eggs this breakfast right here is 570 calories this is gonna be our breakfast for the first five days but because i only have six of these the last two days i'm only going to eat one roll but i'm gonna bump my eggs up to five eggs i'll have enough to do five scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs or fried eggs or whatever you want to do if we did one of these with five eggs that's still 515 calories each breakfast is well over 500 calories for the entire week if i was able to eat bananas or if i could have found a fruit that was on sale i would have added that in here as well but as it is i think this is just fine for all of my lunches this week we are going to cook up our one pound of penne i did look on the side it does say that there are eight servings in this container at 200 calories each so i have my penne i'm gonna use a good bit of this garlic to kind of spice up my tomato paste of which i will be adding quite a bit of water to just to thin out and make a sauce along with some salt and pepper from my pantry and very potentially some italian seasoning which should be a basic in everybody's pantry i did a whole video on pantry basics i will leave it linked down below if you guys want to go check it out and of course i can use olive oil to increase my calorie count as well and i'm going to chop up some of these carrots and make almost like a veggie sauce sort of to go on our pasta and those will be our lunches so a little bit of chopping a little bit of boiling very very easy [Music] we are here at the stove i have my hot pan and i'm adding some olive oil so make sure you add that to your calorie count that was at least a tablespoon if not two i like to cook with a lot of fat you guys here come carrots [Applause] oh yeah they're cheering for us these get a little soft i will add some salt and pepper to get them going and while these cook i will chop up i don't know like four four five heads of garlic my garlic is in i added some coarse kosher salt and fresh black pepper do not be afraid of the pepper the pepper is your friend and now we're gonna get this all sauteed up i will not be adding the tomato paste until these carrots are soft i don't think anybody likes to eat crunchy carrots in a dish where they're supposed to not be crunchy i mean obviously on a salad they're supposed to be crunchy but like in a pasta dish and it's like veggie style you don't want it crunchy at least i don't i will continue sauteing this oh my gosh smells so good if it looks a little dry i might add some more oil and over here i'm just waiting for this to boil we're almost there and i'm going to add a good handful of salt before i add my pasta oh ignore the man behind the curtain if you guys want to make your own pasta which is infinitely cheaper but much more time consuming i will leave the previous video where i did that down below for you and it's in an entire playlist i made two of them one of them was like more extensive homemade pasta and then the other one was very very basic you can just do with a rolling pin and a pizza cutter and it's like super super easy it will end up being cheaper per serving if you make your own pasta but for the sake of time in this video we just went with the box pasta mmm salt here come the noodles i adore mini penne i just think they're so cute and really really easy to eat especially for kids so like if you have kids try and go with a mini pasta it's way easier to eat than traditional spaghetti yup okay these will be done in about 8 to 10 minutes and yes these are available on amazon i have the entire can of tomato paste a huge pile of italian seasoning and about uh two and a half cups of water or so and i tasted one of the carrots and it was so delicious and you know how it became that delicious i added enough salt that's what happened like the salt oh my gosh so good so i'm gonna keep an eye on this and if it gets kind of too thick just add more water and hey if you add too much water just boil it a little bit longer and the water will evaporate and it'll be saved just gonna simmer this for a couple of minutes bring it together and we are done here we go this is actually two full cups worth of pasta when you add in the pasta the olive oil i used to saute the carrots the carrots themselves and the sauce we are very close to another 500 calories right here plenty to go through the entire week and if you want to bump the protein count and calorie count if you've got a couple more dollars throw in some sausage into this if you want to pick up another bag of frozen veggies you can have a broccoli floret side for more veggies the sweetness of the carrots and the proper amount of salt and a lot of pepper this actually tastes really really really good thrilled to be eating this and you can make a batch eat it for three or four days make another batch so it's like a cook once eat for a couple days great on saving time to get started on my dinners for the week i poured the entire bag of great northern beans into a bowl of cold water we're just gonna let this sit overnight so we can cook it into our like chicken stew soup for the week and just because i'm trying to keep track of calories this time i have 13 servings per container we're not going to need 13 servings seven servings it'll be about 160 calories lots of fiber good amount of protein in our soup from these beans for our dinners this week we are going to make a stew with everything else left and i'm going to start with this chicken what's great about soups is you can basically throw anything you like into a pot with enough seasonings and it's going to taste good also you can freeze it so if you want to make like a big batch freeze it into little meal size containers you just pull pull out some soup every day or maybe pull one out every three days and you're good to go when i was in college i did this all the time i would make huge batches of red beans and rice chicken rice soup all kinds of stuff so we're going to start with our one pound of chicken here and i'm going to butterfly it so to butterfly my chicken i'm just going to take this is a fillet knife that you can take on any knife this is really really big and cut it this way so it'll cook more evenly in our pan and also create some nice flavor in my pan for our soup there we go it's not perfect but we just want to make it a little bit thinner two huge huge pieces of chicken breast now all we need is some salt and pepper this pepper comes out very slowly holy moly that's annoying time to sear our chicken in my soup pot to make my dinner soup i'm going to add a good amount of oil or butter or whatever fat you have on hand bacon fat would be delicious and we're going to sear our chicken here's my chicken we're going to put the salt side down and then salt and pepper the other side [Music] okay the chicken is out you see that beautiful brown stuff at the bottom it's delicious don't get rid of it the rest of my bag of carrots and probably about eight to ten cloves of garlic and violet's gonna stir for us now if you have some chicken broth or chicken bouillon that would be even better but uh we will just saute this for a minute or two and then the most of the rest of the ingredients are going to go in into the sauteed carrots i have the entire container of the soaked white beans a ton of pepper this is all just black pepper eight cups of water right now that is all we will bring this to a simmer until the beans and carrots are soft and then we will put our chicken back in along with our green beans i have now dumped in the entire bag of green beans and chopped up both chicken breasts right here and stir these all around and these are these green beans are still frozen it looks like i'm gonna need more water as well because it's not very much here so let's add another couple cups of water and then we will taste for salt and pepper i'm pretty sure we're gonna need more of both here is my completed soup i had to simmer it quite a long time to get these beans to soften up but it thickened my liquid really really nicely i had to add a ton of salt to make the flavor good because the beans didn't have salt in it carrots didn't i did salt the chicken but like there's a lot of food in that pot i have easily three cups like two and a half to three cups of soup right here there's a ton in the pot easily feeding me for the entire week i've got some good protein from the chicken and the beans some vegetables and even a little bit of fat that i use from the oil so i'm steaming up the camera and if you want to try and find one of those like 50 cents clearance french bread loaves at walmart you could even get yourself a loaf of french bread and have some bread on the side and to dip into your soup those are all of the meals that i had for the entire week and i let all of my family try all of the meals well okay well not the breakfast because i didn't need to let them try scrambled eggs and peanut butter toast because that's a go-to just on a normal day for me because it's delicious the lunch the pasta okay i had all my family try the pasta because it it turned out so good i was shocked even even i was shocked i have done a couple of other like pasta and sauce recipes in some of these previous videos and this is almost one of the best ones i have ever made it was so good i gave it to haley and i'm like you need to try a bite of this and she's like that's amazing i gave it to andrew andrews13 i'm like andrew you need to try this he goes he takes a bite and he looks at me he goes wow and it doesn't look very impressive i know that but dude when food tastes good it tastes good end of story and then the soup was surprisingly so filling i couldn't even get through all of the soup in a week honestly like that's how much it made i guess you could do like one and a half bowls or almost two bowls every single day that's how much it made and i didn't even buy some of the really cheap ingredients like rice goes a really really long way and i didn't buy that and i only got one container of beans instead of like one pound of beans instead of way more what else is super cheap oh if i had bought the flour i would have been able to make so many things with the flour and i even bypassed that one just to try more variety everything was super delicious i'm satisfied honestly now obviously if you have a couple more dollars you can add in some more fruits and vegetables you can add in some more proteins you can branch out on your condiments and your spices but you don't have to if you don't really have a lot of money moving forward here's another tip for you if you guys don't know in my town at our local food pantry college students are allowed to go and partake of that they there's no income requirements you don't have to show proof of residency so that is something to look for in your area there's a lot of different resources to find out that information your local sheriff's office your library system the school district all of these places are great resources to find out where there are services to help you feed new college students young married kids people that are struggling in any way for whatever reason no one should go hungry ever there's too many programs to assist you in these kinds of things so if you find one please use it please don't be ashamed to use it that is what they are there for to help people if you guys have not seen my video that i did i think earlier this week on how to start a very basic pantry for not very much money i will leave that video uh up here and down below i think it's a good resource to get started and let you know what to look for as a good base if you guys have some like college student recipes or like recipes for one that are super super cheap i would love for you to share those recipes down below in the description box because i have a fun video coming up trying out like random college student concoctions just to see like if they're any good will my kids eat them i don't know one more time if you guys have missed any of the like seven earlier extreme grocery budget challenge videos that i have done or the five dollar dinner challenge videos that i've done for a family of six i will leave that full playlist down below for you to check out at your convenience i love hanging out with you guys today and for the last week and this uh interesting meal plan situation thanks again and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 813,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget, cheap meals, extreme grocery budget, extreme grocery budget challenge, eating for 10 a week, eating for 1.50 a day, 10 a week, frugal, frugal fit mom, ffm, grocery challenge, beans and rice, challenge, weekly food, 20 dollar, weekly meals, on a budget, eat for free, broke food, grocery haul 2020, meals, cook with me, meal plan, cooking, cheap, food
Id: Qw-ZEgwyRk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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