How To Easily Refill Your 1 lb Propane Bottle - Video

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Hey look what I got I know a lot of you guys and girls out there already know what this is for I'm going to show you how easy this is to use how inexpensive it is also a couple tips and tricks on how to make this thing work better this is gonna save you a pile of money watch this yeah buddy welcome back to Steve small language saloon again there's my website right there again as usual check it out when you get a chance so these propane cylinders right here use them for camp and use them for your propane torches whatever this procedure I'm going to show you right now works on those it also works with those big tall bottles that you see with a lot of propane torches they're all called one-pound bottles the reason they're called one-pound bottles is because they have one pound of propane in them the propane is liquid these two tanks right here are completely absolutely bone-dry they don't have any liquid in them at all there's barely any vapors left in these things so I want to know how much this thing weighs my local hardware store a rental shop freeze and rentals right here in Cedar British Columbia Canada they were nice enough to let me use their scale so I went and weighed this I want to know what just the bottle weighs look at this point eight nine of a pound just under one pound is just what the bottle weighs with no propane in it I took some brand new ones right off the shelf and weighed those look at this a brand new one off the shelf is one point nine four pounds so you can see it has almost exactly one pound of propane in it that's why they call it a one pound propane model this one right here barbecue tank it's called a 20 pound propane tank it has 20 pounds of propane in it not including how much the tank weighs so I have a link right underneath this video in the description to where to buy one these things from when you check that link out you're gonna see that the manufacturer suggests they say right on there they suggest that you put these small ones in the freezer to cool them off because propane is gonna transfer between these two to fill these up they're gonna transfer from the warm one to the cold one so you just take this little adapter right here you screw that on nice and tight onto your propane tank this one right here has been in our deep freeze for about the same amount of time 12 hours I don't think you need to do that for 12 hours maybe a couple hours is gonna be good enough but I left them overnight now you see that one on there so the propane in your tank both these tanks is liquid the liquids in the bottom and up in the top is just vapors so if we try to refill it just like this obviously we're just gonna be filling this up with fumes we don't want to do that we want to fill this up with liquid propane this one's warm this one's cold guess what we got to do flip her right upside down the whole thing upside down like that now the liquids in the bottom it's gonna fill this with liquid propane here we go and you're gonna hear some hissing listen to this we're gonna time how how long it actually takes for the hissing to stop because this is the hissing stops that means it's full and we're gonna check it here we go [Music] the hissing just stopped that means that the propane bottle is full now I know I edited that close up in a little bit so you didn't have to go through the whole thing that took exactly 1 minute and 21 seconds from beginning to end now what have we got to do just take that whole thing flip it back up like that turn your valve off don't forget to turn that valve off and this is really important you guys peepee you can use this stuff to the whole procedure if you want to but this is really critical you do this at the end I'll show you why in a second I'm putting my safety glasses on and my leather gloves because when you undo this it could spray propane out on you in your face on your hands it might not but here's what's important right here you need to undo the bob the small bottle first because if you unscrew it off of the big bottle first then there's no valve in between the small bottle in that valve you'll have propane shooting all over the place so pull the small bat bottle off first you'll hear a little pop probably a little bit right there that's normal that's heavy that's heavy right there now you can unscrew the adapter off of there and you're all safe everything's ready to go what a money-saving thing this is you guys here I'll put it for you in a nutshell right now where I live I buy that off the shelf nine dollars one pound of propane 20 pounds of propane in my barbecue tank i refill that for $28 you all can do the math on that one that is a huge money saving thing guys I really hope you like that give me that thumbs up button and next time click on that one right there do it now watch that one next I think you're gonna like that video too until the next one guys for me I'm gonna just say Steve out
Channel: Steve's Small Engine Saloon
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Id: GrqxlBhx6yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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