How to Refill a 1lb Camp Stove Propane Bottle From a 20lb Grill Tank. | East Texas Homestead

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hey guys it's Eric these Texas homestead and today I'm gonna show you how you can fill a one-pound propane tank from a 20-pound propane tank and all you need is this nifty little adapter let's get started right now okay so if you've seen some on previous videos I've got a video with over at this point over a hundred and thirty thousand views on just how to run your mr. heater big buddy propane tank propane heater from a twenty pound tank and I've got one from a thirty pound tank same exact process but sometimes you don't want to lug around the additional weight of the tank all you want is to have the portability of the propane heater and these guys on high two of them plugged in will give you an hour or so of amazing heat so I'm gonna run through the steps I'm gonna make this really quick because there's no reason to have a fifteen minute video on this but one thing I wanted to state real quick from the instructions that come with the adapter is caution due to highly flammable gases you must be outdoors to refill your one-pound cylinder tank stay clear of flames and sparks guys be safe when you're doing this don't go do it in your your bathroom or in your shop or whatever with sparks flying around because we all know sparks are flying in the bathroom but in all seriousness I'm gonna go ahead and say if you're doing this you're doing it at your own risk and this video is just for demonstrational purposes only so to get started what are you gonna receive when you purchase this product with a link above you're gonna get this little pouch that has the adapter in it which will have a cap over it keep the threads from getting messed up and a little instructional card you saw earlier right here so we're gonna walk through the instructions step-by-step I want to go ahead and point out that the threads on this since the threads inside it's actually backwards from what you normally would if it's righty tighty lefty loosey normally it's be lefty tidy ready Lucy or something like that it's backwards once we have the warning taken care of we're gonna say for maximum filling place your cylinder tank in the freezer for up to 30 minutes before filling I'm gonna tell you right now I personally tested this I took two cylinders and I stuck them in the freezer for several hours I took two additional cylinders and I filled them at room temperature the same temperature as the 20-pound tank they both and to make sure I didn't mess things up I pulled it straight from the freezer screwed it in and turned it on immediately there was no no difference in it and I used a kitchen scale to weigh him before and after and the the margin of error was such that there was absolutely no distinguishable difference so I'm gonna say unless your cans are really warm and you've got your 20-pound tank sitting outside that is gonna be a problem but if they're both in the same temperature you're gonna be just fine step 1 shut off valve to the barbecue propane tank that'd be your 20 pound tank 30 40 or up to 50 step 2 insert nose tip of the adapter into the 20 pound up to 50 pound barbecue propane tank fill connection so what we're gonna do is take this guy put it in here and it's gonna go left right does it make sense at first cuz it just doesn't seem right now I'm gonna take this oversized wrench and I'm not going to crank it down ridiculously tight but I'm gonna get it snug step two Oh No step three turn the adapter counterclockwise to tight fit I guess we just did that step four screw in the one pound cylinder propane tank clockwise into the adapter take off my old cap this is going to screw to the proper way righty tighty lefty loosey step 5 turn the barbecue tank upside down then open the barbecue tank valves six you will begin to hear the propane gas transferring into the one pound cylinder tank the regulator valve in the adapter will automatically cut off the flow to the gas when a certain pressure is reached to avoid over filling so sit back and allow it to fill on its own seven and final step when no more sound is coming from the tank simply shut off the barbecue valve and remove the one pound propane cylinder tank now I personally like to leave this on my bench and just have it kind of hanging out over a little bit you kind of like that of course right where I'm at right now once the tip but if you're on a good level surface it's not gonna be an issue and then I just leave it this way I'll screw one end open the valve and I'll listen for it I'll close it back up when it's done I'll screw it off I'll put the other one on there and it really takes no time at all if you enjoyed this video I ask that you give it a thumbs up and share it and leave a comment down below I'd love to hear what people are thinking and if your if you're gonna do the same thing if you would use the link that I put in the card up above earlier I'll get a small percentage off of that sell on Amazon if you can find this product cheaper somewhere else or find one you like better somewhere else do that too it's not really a big deal but I figured if you're gonna shop on that link that would be awesome also if you're interested in seeing how to connect to the mister heater big buddy to a twenty pound tank so that you can run for a very extended period of time go ahead and click the card above right now and that will take you to that video it's it's kind of a mess I did it a long time ago it's really not that professional it took me forever to light that thing clearly you have to purge the hose of air before lights I understand this I'll still get million comments about it though if you want to leave a comment about me purging the air I'd love to hear that anyways guys I'll see you on the next video
Channel: East Texas Homestead
Views: 149,180
Rating: 4.9022975 out of 5
Keywords: how to refill a 1 lbs propane bottle, how to refill 1lb propane bottles, how to fill a 1lb propane bottle, one pound propane tank refill adapter, 1 lbs propane tank refillable, 1 lb propane tank refill, DozyAnt, propane tank refill adapter, refill propane 1 pound bottles, east texas homestead, mr heater big buddy, 1 lbs refill propane, mr heater, how to fill 1lb propane bottles, refill propane bottle, refill 1lb propane bottle, refilling 1 pound propane tanks, big buddy heater
Id: VADSZzfOxak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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