Refill 1lb propane tanks the easy, safe and legal way!!

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was that the Malayan ice fishing show or the ice Expo here last weekend I looked around and I picked up one of these flame King refillable propane cylinders I looked at I thought gosh that's a great idea you know I'm surprised someone head and come out with that sooner because I mean we just go through millions of these you know one-pound canisters you know across low across the US as far as camping and you know cooking out and grilling and people use them they're augers and heaters and all kinds of different applications for these one-pound cylinders and the problem is they're disposable and people have started coming up with adapters and ways to refill these disposable one-pound dot 39 cylinders and that seems to work alright for people here's the problem they're not approved for refilling so there's a long warning here on the back I'll read it out to you here at anyway so it says number four on here says never refill this cylinder refilling may cause explosion federal law forbids transportation if refilled penalty up to five hundred thousand dollars in five years imprisonment okay so what does that mean that means if something were to happen if there was an explosion or a fire and they could prove that you refilled this you're gonna keep it rubble so no one's gonna be out there arresting people because they're refilling these or you know using them for their own personal use however you burn your house down you get into an accident while you're transporting these and there's a fire they're gonna go after you so you might find it safe and you might be okay doing it there's a lot of dangerous things we do every day and I understand that but when it comes to insurance and lawyers or whatever it's a kind of a tough thing to recommend refill in one of these so that's the beauty of this refill kit it comes with a dot approve tank that's approved for you know refilling you know over and over again so look quick let me go through what comes with this kit here by the way this kit is about forty to sixty dollars depending on the price I think there's a sale right now at Menards for a pretty good price it's you know maybe 35 or 40 dollars but outside all the way up to sixty dollars as well what you'd get in the kit you get this stand that the tank sits on now you have to do with some weight assembly here putting some screws in the actual adapter here which screws onto your tank the big tank and the small tank and then a valve to fill it up get the 1 pound cylinder and the cap which you should use when you're not when you're not using the the tank you should have that on distort just you also get a allen key and that's for relieving pressure on the tank when I fill it I'll show you how that works so I turned out the tank beforehand I just wanted to see what it weighs you don't have to do this obviously when you do it but I just was curious to see what its gonna be so I got about a pound and a half tare weight so we're gonna go ahead and fill it up and see how much propane we get in there they say you get a full tank you know using this method so I'm kind of interested to see how it's gonna work so I got this adapter hooked up screwed onto this tank and you'll see on the side here there's it where the allen key goes in and that opens and closes the valve so what we're gonna do is we're gonna open this valve we're gonna connect it to here and we're gonna fill it up and when we start seeing liquid coming out of this you know just a fine mist of liquid I'm gonna close this off all right so we got that connected I'm going to go ahead and open this tank okay so now we have an open connection now I just have to press on the valve here and release it and it should fill this up okay so now I press on this button and this you can hear air coming out of here so I'm going to keep watching this whole and as soon as it's the the propane liquid starts coming out I'll go ahead and close this valve up it takes about a minute or two [Music] okay close that off close our main valve and we're good to go now we can disconnect this tank and we'll have a full tank okay so now that we got this tank full let's go ahead and see how much we have in here we got a 2.5 I think we started at 1.7 so that's almost exactly one pound another thing I clicked quickly wanted to demonstrate here was the first version of these refillable tanks that they sold did not fit in a buddy heater and that was a big non selling point for a lot of people because they wanted to use them in these butter heaters for ice fishing so I just wanted to demonstrate that they do fit in here and good to go with a full tank just like that nothing to it you can refill these over and over again don't make sure you do this in a well-ventilated area I have the garage door open behind me and obviously I'm not going to start up the heater here or anything I'll let this clear out but there's plenty of air blowing through here so um I would definitely do this outside if you can so yeah that's the flame King refillable one-pound tank just thought I'd show you a quick demonstration of that I think it's a great idea it's not as cheap is buying one pounders and refilling them but like I said it's there's some legal ramifications of doing that when you fill up a 20 pounder and fill up these one pounders the cost is about fifty to sixty cents so you recoup the cost of this refillable kit pretty quick if you're burning through these one pounders so like I said I think it's a great idea and you should definitely check it out I'll put a link in my in the description where you can find this on Amazon go ahead and take a look at it see what you think also like I said I'm gonna be doing a few more videos here some reviews on the ice I got picked up one of the new Eskimo drill bits the pistol bit I want to try that out and compare to Mikey drills so stay tuned for that and also uh I picked up this energized outdoors lithium battery in fact I got it powering one of my lights above my head here and I'm really anxious to try that out I've heard good things about that so maybe I'll do a review on that as well so anyways thanks for watching and check out that refillable kit
Channel: 3 Rivers Fishing Adventures
Views: 376,225
Rating: 4.7306862 out of 5
Keywords: Flame King, propane, propane refill, 1lb refill, adapter, camping, grilling, ice fishing, coleman, dtrofishon, legal, safe, easy, how to, heater, mr heater, buddy heater
Id: SdM62uoY3pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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