How To Draw A Waterslide

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hey friends so we're gonna draw a water slide yeah we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use markers but you can use whatever you have at home you also need some paper and something to code with all right you ready to start yes let's start at the top of our paper and draw a really big water slide we'll start over here on the left side of our paper you could draw it coming out to the right and then curve around to the left and then curve back down to the right next we can draw the other side of this slide we'll start close up here at the top so i'm going to start here and as we come down to the bottom i'm going to get further further away we're going to get wider squeaky marker and then down here at the bottom i'm going to stop and look i stopped kind of short so it doesn't come down as far next we can draw the water inside of the slide right here i'm going to draw a wiggly line that comes out like this and then i'm going to cross over to the other side now right here in the bend let's draw another wiggly line that comes around like this and we can go over to the other side on the left side yeah and then let's do the same thing i'm going to start here and we're going to curve around like this and draw a wiggly line and we can keep going let's keep going let's go all the way out then we're going to draw the end of our water slide we'll draw a curve that comes down and then we'll stop right here now let's draw the splash coming out of the slide i'm gonna draw one big kind of raindrop coming out to the side then we can draw another splash and i'm just going to draw a bunch and you don't have to make it look exactly like mine look at this then we connect right here and then into the slide yeah just like that that looks awesome and then right here on the slide you can connect it into the water let's imagine that going behind the water and coming up and connecting to the other side of the slide let's also connect the top of our water slide so this is really far away so it's kind of close together and really small then let's make our water slide look more three dimensional or 3d we're going to draw a little curve that comes down at the beginning yours is a little different i like that ours isn't exactly the same you could start right here come down get a little thicker and then go into this part of the slide so i'm going to do that too come around and then connect into the slide yes let's do that same line except on this side and we're going to connect it in right here so we'll do the same thing i'm going to start here we'll get further away come down and then connect into the slide and then let's do the same thing on this side we're going to come down get really far away and then connect it in right here that's really far away yeah though that's awesome and then connect it in to the end of the slide we did it we drew our water slide now we need to draw the structure holding it up and also maybe the stairs so that you can climb up to the top of the water slide we'll start up here let's draw the very top of our water slide the big structure the tower we're going to draw a line that comes out then we're going to draw a line that goes up and we can draw a line that comes over and then connect it back down looks like a rectangle oh and then yours is different so right there you could connect a horizontal line back over to the left yeah that looks awesome then let's make it look thicker so let's add the floor so we could add a floor there and also on the right side and we don't want people to fall off of the tower right so let's draw a line that goes across this could be the railing and then let's draw lines going down on each side we could also make the railing thicker let's draw another line across the top next let's add a roof to the top of our tower and draw an upside down v looks like a triangle shape we could even add a flag at the top let's draw a line up and let's draw a sideways triangle go out and back in next let's add this structure holding it up we can draw a line that comes down on the left side we'll connect to the slide let's imagine that going behind the slide and coming out below connecting down here and maybe that's where it stops let's make it look thicker we'll add a line right next to it so it looks stronger let's also add a support on the right side i'm going to draw a line down here you could start there draw a little line and then another line and then we'll imagine it going behind the slide coming out the bottom let's make it look thicker also we can add another line right next to it let's add more supports to our slides so it's not floating we'll add one out here and we can add two lines so that it's a thick structure holding it up oh we could add another one over here too on this side maybe this one's shorter and we could stop there then let's add diagonal lines going across this way we could also add a diagonal line going down this way and maybe another one going the other direction now we can add stairs i'm gonna add a zigzag line we'll go up over and do a lot of them so there's a lot of stairs that's always the difficult part even though it's super fun going on the slide you gotta climb up to the top yeah and you get really cold while you're going yeah i'm gonna draw stairs going up here too oh it does look like there's some places where you gotta jump that's yeah like right there maybe we could add a floor i'm gonna add a floor right here maybe another floor up here oh we could add even more supports just kind of randomly in there oh i'm going to add a diagonal line going this way too oh maybe a straight line across i'm going kind of fast so remember it's okay if you want to pause the video take time to add your own supports or extra details it looks very dangerous because there's no pool at the end let's let's add a curve right here but we could add two curves this is for the splash pool at the end and then i'm going to draw a curve coming out to the right and maybe another one next to it we did it we finished drawing our water slide it looks awesome but we're not completely done we still need to color it yeah this part will fast forward but at the end you could pause the video to use our drawings as inspiration to color your drawings hadley we did it we finished drawing and coloring our water slide turned out awesome i love all of your extra details yeah thank you especially love this little girl that's diving into the water oh is that a baby watch out for the baby you could pause the video right now to match the same color yeah or you could change the colors you could even add different details i like your palm tree oh and your cool son thanks we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your water slide we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,305,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, water park, water slide, water ride, summer
Id: kTEP23tUQeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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