How To Draw A Funny Summer Pineapple

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hey our friends today we're going to be drawing a pineapple yeah a funny summer pineapple we hope you're gonna follow along you need your drawing supplies we're going to use markers some paper and something to color with yeah you ready to start yes let's first draw an oval shape for our pineapple we're going to start I'm going to start up here and draw a big oval I'm going to come down really far and then back up and connect at the top oh I like how big you're drawing it good job all the way to the top nice now let's draw the leaves the spiky leaves coming out of the top of our pineapple so let's first draw a curve that starts in the middle and we're going to curve out to the side then we'll start up here at the top we'll curve down but get further away towards the bottom then let's do that same thing but instead of starting on the pineapple we're going to start up on the leaf and we'll curve out to the left I'm gonna make this Leaf thicker so I'm going to come down like that it's really thick at the bottom then let's repeat that same step but now we're going to go this way so we'll start up here on the top of the leaf curve out and then curve back in and we'll connect down here to the bottom of this leaf yeah now let's do another one going the other direction out to the left curve down connect to the bottom let's do another one going out to the right I love how tall it's getting yeah and then let's do another one going out to the left let's do one more we're gonna make it short kind of like you did on that one we're gonna start here we'll just go a little ways and then connect back down this is the last row of leaps then we're going to draw another one coming out to the left the short one and then back in we did it Jack we finished drawing our pineapple well it's just kind of a regular pineapple we still need add sunglasses yeah what's that let's add different shapes of sunglasses I'm going to add Hearts to mine maybe you could just draw cool sunglasses okay I might I'm going to draw the bottom of my sunglasses first and I'm going to draw the letter V how would you draw a two letter u's how to draw letter V and come down back up and I'm going to draw another letter V down and back up same size then let's draw the top of our sunglasses I'm going to draw the top of my heart and you draw you could draw a curve that just kind of comes straight across I'm going to drop one bump and then another bump and I'm going to do the same thing repeat the same shape over here on the right now let's give our sunglasses frames you could draw the same shape but on the outside so that your sunglasses get a little bit bigger I'm going to do the same thing too Trace around you guys at home could draw different shapes you could draw Stars you could draw oval shaped sunglasses maybe really big sunglasses maybe your sunglasses are bigger than your pineapple yeah you could also draw small sunglasses let's draw the earpiece next I'm going to draw a letter C on the left and you could go outside of the pineapple shape I'm going to do that over here on the right side go outside then let's draw the nose piece mine's my sunglasses are really close together so you can't really see it very well but I'm going to draw the top of the nose piece and then another one below for the bottom we finished our sunglasses now let's draw a Funny Mouth I'm going to draw that kind of looks like a w you could draw a different Funny Mouth if you want I'm gonna draw this one I like that one or you made your mouth open I'm gonna do the same thing so mine's really open and then we could draw a tongue inside oh you did it too I'm gonna color in the top shape Jack we did it we finished drying our pineapple except we still need to color it yeah this part will fast forward but at the end you could pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah foreign coloring our summer pineapple we used our biannual markers but you can use colored pencils or even oil pastels parents you can also learn more about these markers and our favorite art supplies over at but if you have the same biannual set of markers we used y315 for the main color of our pineapple and then our green color is g406 yeah we use that for the leaves and then our sunglasses we colored differently we also left highlights to make our sunglasses look shiny now we're going to add the texture to our pineapple we're using y529 and we're going to draw diagonal lines through our pineapple I'm going to start here on the top of my sunglass the left side and I'm going to draw a diagonal curve that comes up to the right let's imagine that going behind the sunglasses and coming out the bottom now let's do another diagonal line I'm going to start over here on the other side of the sunglasses and draw another diagonal line right next to that first one we drew imagine that going behind the sunglasses and coming out at the bottom nice yeah you could go back over to make it a little darker now let's add another diagonal line right next to it I'm going to leave the same amount of space in between these two up here try diagonal line curve going up to the right let's continue add another diagonal line on the right side I'm going to imagine that coming down behind the sunglasses and connecting to the bottom of the pineapple and just keep going until we fill in the pineapple shape this one's connecting to the mouth and then coming out below the mouth I have another one I'm going to make this a little thicker so it matches and another one right here and one more maybe right here on the side now we're going to repeat that same step except going the other direction we're going to draw I'm going to start on the right side of the sunglasses and draw a diagonal curve coming out up to the left then I'm going to leave a little space draw another one and just repeat that same step going all the way across and also down here to the left oh we gotta imagine it going behind the sunglasses too and coming out below the sunglasses so that was the first one then this one over here on the left I'm gonna imagine that coming through at the bottom another one this one comes out and connects to the mouth and then comes out below the mouth now it really looks like a pineapple yeah [Music] Jack we did it we finished coloring and drawing our pineapple our summer pineapple it looks really cool but what else could our friends add to their drawing a background no the pineapple's at a beach oh that would be awesome with the ocean and oh maybe they're sitting on a beach towel that's awesome we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your summer pineapple and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,080,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, funny food, food, pineapple, fruit, summer, sunglasses
Id: QR7WjcRRz64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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