How To Draw A Spring Tree House for Kids and Beginners

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Hey art friends we're drawing a spring treehouse! Yeah! It's gonna be really cool. We hope you're going to follow along because art is always better with? friends. Yeah friends like you. You need your drawing supplies. We're going to use markers, paper and also markers to color with. But do our friends have to use the same thing? no no you guys can use whatever you have at home or in the classroom. Okay, you ready to start? yeah, let's first draw our treehouse and then we'll build the tree. Around it. Let's start with the bottom. I'm going to draw a horizontal line across the middle of my paper, but little towards the top so it's up in the air. And then we can turn this into the floor. Let's draw two short lines up on each side and then we can draw another line to connect those two together. Yes. Now we're going to draw the front door on our tree house. Let's draw an upside-down u shape. We could also draw a frame for our door. Let's draw another upside down u shaped inside that smaller and then we could also draw the door split in half and we have to add a doorknob a little circle there. Now let's draw the rest of our treehouse. We can draw one line that comes up here. And then let's draw another line that comes up to match right next to it. And then let's draw another line over here to match also. Yes. Okay. Now let's add a little upside-down v right here to connect these two lines. Then we're going to draw a straight line across to connect to the last one. And then let's add a little roof on top. We're going to draw a short line here. Then we're going to come up. And right here let's actually connect. So it looks more 3d. Then we're going to draw a line, we're going to pretend to copy this line and we're going to paste it up here. So we want the same length line up here at the top. And then we're going to draw a diagonal line down to connect. There's a roof. Now let's add more details to our treehouse. We can add a little window right here. I'm going to draw a rectangle shape. And we can also add shutters and also the fun thing with art is you can add all kinds of different decorations to your drawing so you could add designs to your tree house you could add more windows you could even add a chimney, oh, that would be fun. Oh yeah a little chimney. Okay, let's do that let's add an upside down oh just a rectangle shape i was going to say upside down U There we go. That's a simple little oh and we could also add a little circle here for the top, oh I'm going to add more details. A little plus sign in the window. Now let's draw the ladder that's going to get us up to our treehouse. We're going to draw a diagonal line that comes down and we can just pick wherever we want to stop. This will be the ground or the bottom of the tree. And then we can draw another line right next to it For the other side of the ladder. And then let's draw the steps. So we're going to draw lines going this way and we want to try to evenly space them all the way down until we get to. The ground. Yes. Good job! Okay, now we're ready to add the tree. Let's start here and we're going to draw a curve we'll start here. I'm going to draw a curving up like this and you can really change this any way you want. I'm going to curve here and even go underneath the tree and the ladder or sorry the house and the ladder. Okay, now let's draw the other side of our tree. We're going to start here and curve up so we get kind of close to the other curve that that we were drawing and then i'm going to come out this way. Yes. Good job. Now we can add the roots down here. I'm going to draw a zigzag line for two roots. Maybe going this way and then a zigzag line for two roots going the other way. Then we can also draw the ground. I'm going to draw a curve coming out this way and we'll draw or imagine that curve going behind the tree and coming out this way. Yeah. Okay. Now let's draw the branches for our tree. I'm going to start over here and we can curve out and then back in. Let's draw another curve out and back in and kind of drawing these sharp. Yeah. And then i'm going to do another one that comes out and back in. So we got three little branches coming off of this bigger branch and then we can draw. Let's draw a branch coming straight up from this bigger branch. I'm going to leave a little space right here and we're going to draw the other side of that branch coming down. To wear this bigger branch is coming out then we can draw it coming underneath the treehouse and let's curve back up into the floor. that looks awesome. Up here. Let's draw two more smaller branches that come out. So one going this way and then i'm going to draw another branch coming out the other side or the other way. Yeah. Okay. Now let's come over here and we can add this branch. I'm going to curve up like this, kind of like what we did here. Let's leave a little space and we'll come back down. Well, i'm going to stop there, though. And then let's draw another branch coming out this way. And then let's leave a little space and we'll come back down. Okay, now i'm going to curve down. So we're coming to this branch, the bigger one down here. And let's draw a curving down this way. So i'm going to draw two of these lines going this direction. Yeah. Okay, now let's draw the same kind of shape on this side. So i'm going to draw a little one, another little one and one last little branch going up. Okay, and then let's do the same thing here. I'm going to draw three little branches that are thin and spiky coming out. And then this one. Let's draw it coming up a little higher. And i'm also going to. look at that. I'm going to split that branch up at the top. Let's leave a little space and we'll draw the letter v coming down to the middle and back up to the other side. That's a fun way to split that branch. Okay, now let's add more spiky, smaller branches on this side and we can do spiky, smaller branches on the side. Let's add one more branch coming out from behind our house or treehouse. I'm going to draw a curving up this way. And then we can draw a spiky little branches on this one. You could add even more ranches. But let's leave it just like that and add the leaves and we're just going to draw popcorn shapes or cloud shapes for the leaves. Let's start on this branch and i'm going to draw bumpy line. Some of the bumps are big and some are small. We're going to go all the way around until we get to the other side of the branch. Now in between the branch we could if you want add two little curved lines like that. Okay, now let's add the next cloud or popcorn shape. We're going to draw it right here. I'm going to add it on a big. Some of them are really big and then smaller. I'm going to come all the way around and down to here. I'm still going Keep going. That's a really big shape. I like it. Okay, now let's add the next one right here in the middle. I'm going to start on this shape though and come all the way over this way. And then right here, I connected into the branch, but then I'm going to keep going and connect to the popcorn shape here. Yeah. Okay, now let's do the next shape, the next popcorn shape. This one will overlap behind the tree house. So I'm going to start here and connect to this top shape, and then we'll keep going past on the other side. Oh, maybe this one connects to the other branch here too. So I'm going to go and then stop there. And then we can also go behind the branch and then keep coming over here. And then I'm going to go behind the tree house again. Okay, let's add this one next. This one will go behind this branch, and if yours is different, you can change these popcorn shapes any way you want. They don't have to look exactly like ours, right? yeah I love that our two drawings don't look exactly the same. They're both turning out awesome. And that's because, the most important thing is to have fun yeah, to have fun and also to practice, practice, remember to have fun and practice. Okay, let's keep going. We're almost done. Let's add another shape right here on the last branch. We're going to draw a coming around and connecting to the other side. Oh, I even want to add one more little group of leaves right here behind the tree house. We did it. We finished our tree. Let's add a couple more things to make it look more like spring. Let's Draw some tulip flowers right here. I'll draw a u shape. And then we can draw a diagonal line inside and a shorter diagonal line going the other way. Then we could draw the stem. And we can also draw a leaf we'll come out and then back down. Let's repeat that a couple more times. To add more tulips, we're just going to use those same steps. I went a lot faster. So remember you can pause the video if you need extra time. Oh, let's add even more flowers on this side. And you can even add different flowers. Oh, let's just draw a simple daisy. I'll draw a circle in the middle, and then we'll draw the petals that go all the way around and then a stem down. We could draw a lot more flowers. Yeah. Let's leave it just like this, but we're not completely done. We still need a color it! Yes! We are going to fast forward. So remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings. You ready to speed things up? yeah! Hadley, give me five! We did it. We finished drawing and coloring our spring tree house looks so much better colored in. Yeah we used our markers to color with. If you have the same Art For Kids Hub set you can use the same colors that we used but also remember you don't have to. You could use a different brand of markers or even crayons or colored pencils. Now if you do have the same set we use 103 brown for the tree we use two different greens 46 and 59. 59 is lighter green and 56 is the Darker green we used for the grass. Then we used two different pinks. We used the dark pink 88 and a light pink 17 17 We used that for the tree and use the dark pink for your tree house. I love that you changed it too. i use 63 blue for my house then for the siding we use 26 yellow. Oh and also for the other color we used in the leaves. That's number 25. Some of the other colors we used were 83 purple, 23 orange, 66 blue and 35 yellow. Yeah, we used a lot of colors but i also think it would be really cool if you change the colors and add even more things to your drawing. We forgot people. Oh yeah! We hope you had a lot of fun trying to spring treehouse We do. We hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later art friends. Goodbye! Goodbye!
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 1,286,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, drawing, 2023, Art Hub, step by step, drawing lessons for kids, art tutorials, kids art projects, art education, family-friendly, homeschool art lessons, spring, tree house
Id: aVmlAbhZ0Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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