How to download Skyrim Nolvus Modlist!

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hello every bu this is anxiet game here and I have one of you guys asking me how to download the Novis mod list I'm going to go ahead and show you how to download this uh so you go to just search out all this uh just before let's talk about the requirements first first you have to own the Skyrim anniversary edition on Steam so you have to have the latest and greatest version on Steam which is so let's see if they have let's see what that's called actually so Skyrim special anniversary edition right here $16.49 you're going to need this version of the game and then you can also use Skyrim Special Edition that's been an upgraded anniversary edition also use that and then you want to search up all of us just type in all this your search bar and it should be the first link Skyrim a modding guide you go here it'll bring you to the nois website you will also need to have you have to go to Nexus Nexus mods skm SE we go to Prim special edition Nexus and you want to make sure that you are a premium User it's going to cost $5 but it's completely worth it and you can cancel it as soon as you order it so it doesn't renew that's the only downside of uh using these mod list is that you have to pay for premium I know some of you may not have the money but really $5 is not that hard to get okay so you just want to go to uh let's see make an account go account settings billing and then you can uh choose to upgrade to premium here now once you have that and your account set up you're going to want to go to the noice website and go to now with auto installer software I should say start right here and it'll it'll basically walk you through a guide you're want to choose automatic is going to be a guide on how everything you need to do so introduction of what this the mod list is all about go to the next part what you're going to need Skyrim anniversary edition or special edition with the anniversary update scroll down make sure you have the DLC you're going to want to open up the game after you download it and download the anniversary edition content it's in the main menu you just click download all it'll give you a prompt to download everything all in one shot as soon as you open the game and then you're going to want to close out of the game and then you're going to come back to this uh this web page you're going to go to Nvidia control panel and you're going to set it to prefer maximum performance then you're going to choose like uh oh yeah you need to have nois which I I mean you need to have NEX premium which I already stated it's going to go to it then you're going to come across the number four installation click here to download the latest version of the dashboard installer application you're going to click here download link here then you're going to download it and then you're going to get this file nois updater.exe now you're going to want to go to a drive either usually it's best to do it on the D drive if you don't have a D drive then put it on C drive you're going to go to the core Drive the core of the drive which is like the the drive nothing else you're going to want to make a new folder name it whatever you want and you're going to go back to your downloads and cut that exe file and paste it in this root folder and then you're going to run it and now it won't run if you don't do it in the core of the of the drive if it's in like several folders it won't work has to be in the actual the basic drive like just the letter nothing else no other folders no nothing just the Les the letters and then the nois folder it can't be in program files or x86 or system or anything like that and when it's done you click close And it should open up another window then you're going to actually select your your you downloaded Skyrim on Steam so you want to direct it towards that you can use Auto detect which usually it's in program files x86 steam steam apps common SC special edition or it might be in another location if you use a different uh game installation folder and you want to direct it towards that you want to choose the Skyrim exe file when it when you browse for it let say I want to direct it towards a certain place go to its location okay so you want to make sure it's SC the the actual the folder with the Skyrim EC in it which is Skyrim special edition and click okay and then you're want to click next now you have to go to you have to go back to exus premium NEX mods Skyrim go to your account go to site preferences then go to API Keys wh draw all the way down to the bottom and you'll see this personal API key here you can generate a new one if you want to it'll automatically copy it to your clipboard and then you're going to want to paste it in this part right here and click next and you want to sign in with your uh you you need to make a account on the Novis web page so here you want to go home like account register make an account it's free and once you have that account made and it's authenticated you log in here so I'm going to log in so now it'll be all connected to your Nexus premium and your uh and your this your Nexus premium and your API key and everything so everything will download smoothly but now we get to choose which version we want to install now if you have you want nois Ascension chose your resolution your screen aspect ratio and your language then click continue now if you enable archiving this means that all the downloads will be saved and it will take up twice as much space so so that if you uninstall a mod or delete a mod you can just go back to the mod archive and read the mod back to your list if anything goes wrong but be aware it takes up twice as much space so go ahead and create your I just use it as a default default directory which will be in that folder that you made so you click continue now this is where you get to choose the performance and the quality of the list so you can choose the ultra quality or the Redux the Redux is more performance friendly on your system just in case you have a a weaker system so I'm saying like if you have a RTX 3060 then you're want to use Redux but if you have uh a 3070 TI or more and you want to probably use Ultra you choose your anti-aliasing you can use daa or TAA I used TAA because I already have a mod that adds daa um choose your any profile so this is like how far the grass loads how far the distance loads and like how many actors there are on screen and stuff like that so if you have a good a good uh 370 TI or higher then you could just choose high or medium medium you're not going to notice any difference really it's more performance friendly you're not really going to notice a difference so I chose medium but you can choose high if you want just be aware that you might not get as good performance loads lods is uh the very the very far uh objects in the world of Skyrim that's basically how the quality of how those like really far trees off on the distance are going to look performance and Ultra don't really look any difference any different so you can choose performance or Ultra if you want to go all out I chose performance I believe because they don't really look any different you can't really notice anything and here you choose the advanced physics so if you want uh like moving hair or moving cloths and stuff like that you turn on the advanced physics global global illumination fake rate tracing takes up about 5 to 10 FPS I turn that off but you can turn that on if you want if you have a really high-end system honestly it you're there's hardly a difference it's fake R Racing it just looks a little bit brighter that's about it that's about it so I turned that off personally but you can turn that on if you want to and then you click continue then it'll ask you if you're sure you want to use this this preset click yes now you can enable new if you want you can change the the skin of the females to be muscular or smooth hardcore mode will make it so that the whole world is unleveled that means you'll come across uh enemies that are way higher level than you and basically one hit you then there's alternate leveling which will make it so that you level up doing quests and reading books and stuff like that instead of skill-based leveling where you just use your skills to level up and then there's alternate start this is so that if you're doing testing or if you just don't want to do the main the main start of the game which is like a really long intro you can turn this on which I I turned it on and then there's fantasy mode which will have you doing all these flips and acrobatics while you're fighting and stuff like that it's more of an anime style than a immersive style but you can turn that on if you want and then click continue be sure then you want to choose your ENB so you choose picho picho is really good Rudy is really good YJ the honestly these are all really good just choose which one you want you can search them up on the internet if you want to see what they look like uh I chose picho and then click continue then you want to do your page file size configuration this is if you don't have more than 32 gigabytes of RAM say you have 16 gigabytes of RAM and you want to go to your page file size this will run you through how to do it so you Windows R Sy dm. CPO and then you go to system Advanced go to Advanced performance settings then you go to Advanced and it was says where it says virtual memory you change this you go to the same drive that your game is that you're installing noice on and you want to set this to 4 ,000 that means it'll take up 40 gigabytes so if you're downloading the game you want to take in account of all that space that the game takes up as well as this 40 gigabytes here so you're going to need all that space and then you do custom size type in the amount or where it says here automatically managing automatically manage page file size for all drives you want to uncheck that and go to custom size and type in 40,000 on both of them and click okay you're going have to restart your computer and then you go and then you just go back through the uh settings here if you need to and then you'll come back to this page and you just press continue because you already did that and then download location this is basically the servers that it will use in order to fetch the downloads I just use Nexus CDN and then continue and then here it'll it'll ask you uh actions to take when errors occur there will be uh two errors two mods will not download but that'll come towards the end that'll be at the end of the download you click Start and it'll start downloading all your mods and installing everything it's going to take about an hour hour and 30 minutes you just let it do its thing depending on how fast your internet speed is and then there will be two errors that you get and you're going to want to go back to the nois website go to appendix uh no go to fact autoinstaller back in troubleshooting and it'll have the two downloads that that didn't download on the uh so right here I get an error unable to download BDO or Nova pack and then I get an error to unable to download high poly head those two mods won't download so you're gonna have to come here and then click here for the download you click that and download it it'll download it straight from this site then you go to high polyhead and download that too now you're gonna want to take those downloads cut them or copy them whatever and then you go back to your novice your novice uh directory or the folder of Novis is you novice V5 and then there'll be a CA cache here you go to cache and then you go to downloads and you paste them in here and then you continue the uh you run the you run the installer again and it'll it'll pick up where you left off and install those two files and then you'll be after that you can just exit out of the noice launcher and then you go back to your directory where the game is downloaded so say so you go back to where noice has downloaded it and you go to instances Nova Ascension and then you go to mod organizer 2 and then you'll see this blue mod organizer. exe you right click that go to show more options and send to desktop or just send to desktop if you're on Windows 10 and that'll create a shortcut on your desktop so you click double click the mod organizer exe you'll be it'll open up the uh the uh program with all your mods that the game that the noice installer downloaded this is where you want to launch the game so give it a second to load it might take a little bit longer if it's your first time loading it I highly recommend that you do not mess with any of these files or any of these these uh plugins if you don't know what you're doing if you don't know how a mod then don't don't mess with it just come up here where it says Novis make sure it's set to nvis and then click run and now your first time it will take quite a while it'll take about 10 minutes to open up the game and be at the main menu because your em has to generate the cache files and uh it has to load all the mods for the first time so it takes about 8 to 10 minutes to get in the game menu and then you just play the game you click new game and you just play the game and uh you create your character and everything now if you have any troubles or you don't know what to do when you first start the game you just click enter when you're in that room and and there's you're just standing there you don't you just see a door you just click enter and it'll it'll uh ask you which which way you want to start the game and you choose one of those options and honestly you you might have to watch some vide on YouTube if you're confused on how to do it but yeah that's basically all you do and enjoy the game
Channel: AnxietGame
Views: 76
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim nolvus, skyrim, skyrim nolvus modpack, nolvus, best skyrim mods, skyrim mods, skyrim modded, how to mod skyrim, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim modpack, skyrim special edition, skyrim survival mode, nolvus skyrim, i survived 100 days skyrim, how to install nolvus, how to mod skyrim 2023, skyrim 25 days, skyrim modded playthrough, i survived 100 days in skyrim, 100 days skyrim, skyrim challenge
Id: JgI5J5iukxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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