How You Can Record Audio | What You Can Do with Cubase

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hello and welcome to Cubase on this video I'm going to show you how you can record audio such as guitars seams vocals into Cubase and how to produce the perfect take using the lame copy tool so let me show you how you can start recording audio into Cubase I have a song in progress right here and I want to record some guitars so the very first thing I need to do is go right here on my plus symbol add track what I want to do is add an audio track the very first I need to do is select the audio input so in this case I'm going to record my guitar on input number one which is a high Z input and in this case I've named this guitar so it's very easy to find out it's gonna be a mono track because it's a guitar track so it's a mono track and I'm going to add a name to this maybe I can name it guitar a track and there we go now we have our guitar track right there so for this specific song I've created already a guitar channel to record on I have already added a few effects on this track I have the VST amp rack for example that's a guitar simulation effect with stompbox it's very very cool plug-in and the reverence River where I've loaded a very cool vintage reverb impulse so right now I'm able to record with these effects now the next thing I want to do is of course record enable my track which means that when I hit record I'm going to record on that specific channel and then I also want to activate my monitor button so I can actually hear what I'm playing through the effects which is extremely important when you record guitar because of course you want to have this real amp sound you want to have the effects so that you can adjust your playing to it that's very important so let's activate our monitor and then the next thing I want to do is of course get my gain levels so the way I like to do this is open my mixer and as you can see I have my inputs right there guitar synth mic so now when I play with my guitar I can see my signal level right there with a nice big view meters as you can see that's very important when you're tracking and I monitor through the effects let's get a little bit more gain because we're a little bit low right now [Music] and we're good to go now we can start recording [Music] to show you [Music] and there we go now we have our guitar right there we can disable monitoring so now we can listen to what we just recorded and of course we monitored through this nice effects but the great thing is that now in Cubase we can go here and change all the effects after the fact so for example if I want to change the amp settings I can just go ahead go into my plug-in and do this [Music] my game so I have total control of how my guitar sounds like after I've actually recorded it which is pretty cool and now I'm going to show you how easily you can create the perfect take in Cubase so let's get started I think the solo should begin on bar 37 so let's start from bar 35 and let's record so I'm going to select the solo guitar channel that I've prepared here recording table monitor so let's record a solo the only difference this time is I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna play on this solo so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to set up my locators right here left and right in the region where the soul is going to take place and basically Cubase will cycle the recording so I can record many takes stack them together and then compile the perfect take so let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just recorded three texts for this guitar solo so how can I access those takes the only thing you need to do is just click on the show lanes icon right here on the guitar channel and now I have all the takes right there I can see them and I can see exactly what I've played now in order to create the perfect take very very quickly all I need to do is select my Lane comping tool so now I can basically select the parts of every take that I want to keep and combine those parts together to create the perfect take so I think the first take was a little bit rough I wasn't sure what I was gonna play I think I have a nice idea on the second take so let's select the second take right here because I think that's better and let's play it I like this sake let's keep going with this take and let's move up to this bone and see which take I prefer there so let's try and alternate between the second take and the third take right there so I'm going to try the third take and see if that sounds better to me [Music] I like to take a little bit more it's a little bit more dirty so let's keep the third take right there now let's move on to bar 41 and see what we have there [Music] let's see what we have on the first stake for this one [Music] no that's not very good let's try this one [Music] I think the third take is the best one for this section as well [Music] you like this thing that he goes a little bit lower in the lower register so let me just grab this take from the second [Music] so as you can see I can combine those different takes very easily to get the perfect take that I have in mind and the take that I feel works better for the song so now you will see that while I play this song I start with it second take then we move on to the third one and then we go back to the second take that's a thing that we're going to use a lot when you're recording musicians because sometimes they want to improvise and they have great ideas but sometimes they don't have a perfect take this way you can compile it very easily there we go [Music]
Channel: Cubase
Views: 94,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio recording, how to record audio, recording a microphone, recording a guitar, recording a drum set, recording a band, recording audio with Cubase, audio tracks, live monitoring, virtual amp simulator, iRig, re-amping, amplification, VST, Plug-ins, guitar amp, virtual guitar amp, virtual bass amp, comping, amplifier, Cubase
Id: 0b2bQRRBD4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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