How To Do Website SEO Audit Under 15 Minutes

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do you want to know the reason why a website is ranking or not ranking without having the website credential hello everyone welcome back for those who are new here I'm Omar the founder of growth Winer on this channel I share my learnings and insights on SEO in this video I'm going to share how I do website audit in under 15 minutes you will need two things for this audit first is the website URL and second one is ahfs no other SEO tool the greatest successes in SEO comes from solving really simple issues not the complex one or complicated ones so the first and the foremost thing I check is organic traffic it's a long debate which tool is best as far as I have experienced similar web gives you near to Accurate traffic numbers the only problem is it never works perfectly for low traffic websites as of now for this audit we only have H so we are going to stick with it head over to HS enter the website in site Explorer and check the organic traffic of the website well why we are checking the traffic in the first place since there could be two reasons number one the website is getting good traffic and the graph is on upward trajectory our aim is to find what make Google to rank this website number two the website isn't getting traffic or it's declining so our aim will be to find out the reasons behind it let's start with the on page SEO audit one of my favorite search operator when it comes to analyzing a website is site column it lets you nearly check everything about the website like how many pages are indexed how the title looks like in search engines if and how the website is using their brand name in title text Etc using the same search operator you can go ahead and apply the filter that tells you which Pages haven't been updated for more than a year now using the tools feature in Google Now here are some tips that I learned from Glenn on using the search operator site colon your minus in URL https it shows the index URL without https if you further append the previous search operator with minus in url www it will also exclude the URLs with www and only shows that are indexed in Google without https and www one common sense Point here is exclude www only if the website has this version if the website originally has a nww version then there is no point in running this Search Command right if you are not able to understand my previous Point play back and listen to it again I'm sorry but I speak fast now same goes for the other search operators such as if you want to exclude something from the URL add a word with minus in url like site colon minus in url SL product/ here is obviously the website under consideration this search operator will exclude all the product pages assuming the product pages has slash product/ in the URL next headings audit can we scam the Page by just reading the headings if not we may need to optimize and add more headings for my Niche websites I aim to give an overview of the page just through headings from an SEO perspective those headings are optimized for Target entities and related keywords of the P next up internal links audit open a few recent posts or pages on the website and check how the internally link the articles are they enough how do they internal link the Articles from above the fold or from bottom content do they have internal Links at all or not do they have a website uh no now the schema audit if and what type of schemas they are implementing on their service product or lending Pages or even blog post by the way you can you can do all these steps using a free Chrome extension named detail SEO that lets you check the title headings internal links schemas and especially those Google search operators that I shared earlier and all within a click the best part of this extension is that it tells you if the page is missing or skipping any heading level this doesn't make sense to me as I prefer to put H3 inside H2 then the opposite literally this extension tells you everything the link to install this extension is in description now URL analysis although URLs won't impact your rankings directly they can impact your performance you know the general practice of putting your primary keyword in the URL but if the URL has Leed the previous year mentioned it can really deter people from sharing it my aim is to keep URL descriptive clean and straightforward providing a good idea of what the page content is about but I don't recommend putting every word from from the title tag into the URL that looks bad and makes the URL long enough it's long and it's boring another thing check if there are any underscores instead of iPhones or capital letters in the URL one interesting thing with URL is the trailing slash I always prefer to check both version that is with and without the trailing stash because blog SL versus blog both are viewed as different URLs by search engines there is nothing wrong with both of them they're perfect just pick one format and stick to it if someone tries to access the wrong format the website should redirect them to correct version hence the pro tip here is you can check the URLs in the sit map of the website if you don't have access to crawling tools like screaming frog I earlier said in the video we will audit the website in under 15 minutes without using tons of tools and still get some practical inside all right for which pages should you not normally conduct the page level or onset SEO checks that's a good question I don't know I go ahead and see the top pages report in ests just make sure it's sorted by traffic alternatively you can do it for low traffic Pages as well and see what high traffic pages are doing and low traffic pages are missing it could be publishing more supporting articles better internal linking optimizing or de optimizing for irrelevant keywords and entities in the article moreover the top edges report tells you the traffic diversity of the website and that's an important check as well especially if you are analyzing this website to acquire AKA find this website right so you should know what the traffic looks like across all of the keywords now here are the steps for off page SEO audit there are two things that you can do in h reps from backlink point of view number one the backlink report itself and number two the best byy links report to check the backlinks report I apply these filters one link per domain do follow only backlink type is blog language is English or your preferred target language lastly the Dr is greater than 30 and traffic is greater than 1,000 and what type of qualy links the website has if you see ratio of original links means before applying the filters versus the number of links remaining after applying the filters have a huge gap that means the website has high number of low quality links so what's going to be the recommendation here build high quality links for sure from the website having good organic traffic we at growth winner provide a complimentary backlink audit for free check out the link in description for more detail now for the Best Buy links report it tells you the pages that got the most attaction and earned or gained links you get the idea what worked for the website and what could work in future as well except for the trendy Pages or posts as we are talking about the backlinks how can we for forget the anchor text check out the anchor text reports in asrs and see what type of anchor the website has whether they are under optimized or over optimized if you want to know my definitions of different type of anchors and how I devise the strategy of anchor text distribution for my own and client's website check out this video where I shared my Advanced Anor Tech strategy that literally nobody talks about one quick hack is that and this is not hard and fast rle to identify if the T Target money page on the website needs on page or off page Improvement is this search for your keywords in CES in Google like this if your page doesn't appear in the top five or so results that likely means your on page is not strong enough if you feel that you have got the on pit SEO right but the page is not ranking as expected instead of jumping right into back lengths try building out supporting pages I know what you're thinking I own a link building agency but I am recommending this step to you but no problem we do that sometimes so here are the steps for design and user experience audit for design and user experience audit I don't use any tool rather I prefer to open the website in my mobile phone yes mobile and then desktop we are used to seeing websites on desktop but we never bother to check them on mobile see if the menu looks good and accessible how the above default content looks like are featured images small enough so the visitor can read and see that there is an answer below the image what's the structure of the article looks like on mobile is it noisy or does it have a good wide space then on desktop check the top navigation products or service Pages AKA landing pages and blog section think like a visitor who landed on the website did they get what they were looking for if you are promoting lead magnets or low ticket offers on the website are CTS prominent enough to direct them to the right direction I hope this example were enough for you to understand what I wanted to convey I wouldn't count the website speed as a technical SEO Factor but it's important for the visitors if the website takes a minute to load the users are going to close it and open other results from surf a lot of website visitors don't know what SEO is but when they are searching for something they don't like to wait honestly then what about technical AO audit Homer in most cases as far as my experiences it matters mostly for big websites with thousands of pages for small businesses or Publishers it doesn't matter that much unless you have discouraged search engines from indexing the whole website or disallowed Google bot in robots. PX since since this is a 15minute audit and we are only using HS to figure out things that we can Implement them right away so we are going to say with our previous point that explained now let me know in the comments if you want me to create an in-depth guide for technical SEO audits that I do for Enterprise or large scale website here is the thing if you are going to recommend these changes to the website owner or someone who is managing the SEO of this website always always recommend fixing small amount like fixing title of five product pages of an e-commerce store covering one category that means I would never Advocate fixing all issues at once the reason is if your search traffic suddenly tanked and you have made 20 changes to your website it makes so much harder to pinpoint a b chain and another important thing is to not that I would never touch my top ranking Pages even if I have found an issue and the page doesn't seem to be perfectly optimized so now you know how to do the website SEO audit in 15 minutes check out this video where I have my kpis of SEO or if you happen to be in link building I have a complete series on YouTube you can watch it here thank you so much [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Umar Faizan
Views: 1,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SEO Audit, SEO Audit report, How to do SEO Audit, How to do Website SEO Audit, How to do website SEO Analysis, Growth Winner, Umar faizan, On page seo audit, Headings audit, backlinks audit, off page seo audit
Id: TJJOct9FPrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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