Use Perplexity AI Pages to Max Out Your SEO Optimizer Scores in Minutes!

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hey everyone and welcome back in this video I'm going to go over the brand new uh perplexity Pages feature that uh as far as I understand just dropped today um I just happened to see uh I think a Discord message about it and so I came to check it out uh was playing around with it for the last couple hours and um what it is going to allow uh bloggers to do uh and people that are interested in using AI for writing is they're going to be able to create a um a pretty high quality cited draft uh within a matter of minutes um you could have done this with perplexity in a different way but it was a lot more manual uh previously and so uh this is just a faster way to um get your first draft so the term that we're going to go after is how to get rid of uh White scratches on cars um I don't know a whole lot uh about cars um or how to get white scratches out so this is not um something that I have subject matter expertise in and I've also created a surfer editor so that we can quickly score the article just for the purposes of this demonstration and um yeah so again drop today we're just going to go right into it so to get into Pages um you do unfortunately have to have a pro account so if you don't have a pro subscription uh you'll have to you know try it out for a month um even though you get a couple Pro searches for free on the free account um to it looks like to uh get this plus button here you you do need to have Pro um so assuming you are signed up um this is what it's going to allow you to do just going to hover over Library uh click plus go page and there will be a completely new um UI that uh you've never seen before until today um and so this is kind of where you're going to put your key uh phrase um so I'm just going to grab it here okay and what it's going to do is um as you would imagine it's going to create a page for you which is why called pages and um it effectively writes a very short blog for you um and the way that this uh feature was meant to be used was to sort of curate uh the specific questions that you had in the specific order um so that you could uh you know quickly achieve whatever it is that you're trying to learn about um sometimes here it will give you a great image sometimes it'll give you a video um but in this case it just gave me a stock image um don't know if I really like that but um let's see if we do let's see white scratches or maybe like buff out scratches maybe something like that I don't actually know where it's pulling from uh it looks like oh okay looks like it's got some I assume this is YouTube uh let's see you can click watch oh maybe it's in the preview yeah okay so this is uh YouTube um so I'm going to go back to editing and so we've got a video there that's fine um it's got a little intro and then so at this point we need to decide basically what headers that we need um you can insert a section in between uh any paragraphs or you can add media um so if I quickly come back to server here I need to figure out uh so we've got light scratches deep scratches repair scratch remover okay so um one of the things I'm probably going to need to talk about at some point let's see touch a paint okay so this didn't uh generate a great first three it was okay uh so I I did take a look at a couple of the um Pages here so here they talk about toothpaste nail polish baking powder vinegar as like possible hacks um in this one they talked about uh okay let's see can I fix it myself so DIY okay uh can I fix the toothpaste so toothpaste seems to be like kind of common uh what do I do for deeper scratches um so what I'm going to do I'm just going to grab this header and I'm going to put this is probably as worth having a section so I'm going to do um uh first one I'm going to do is DIY ways to remove scratches on cars okay um and I think I want this to be a list and uh so there's a couple options here you can do uh concise which is what it gives you by default uh if you do detailed it'll just be a longer version of that uh like it says more thorough um then you can you have a couple of options here so you can do text media plus text or just media only and then here you've got paragraph table and list which are basically all the components that a typical blog post organiz have um so DIY ways is probably going to be a section that I want I kind of want it in a list so it can just you know this can be like an H2 that goes into some h3s um so again it has listed toothpaste rubbing compound sandpaper okay so it's giving me a very similar list um I'm not sure if that yeah it is citing all the sources so that's great uh where it's actually getting this from so these seem to be kind of the main parts um so I'm going to do a section about okay so I think we have applying toothpaste uh I actually don't like this section so what I'm going to do is um Center a section called um how to fix scratches with toothpaste uh and I want this to be a paragraph and I think I want some media this time and let's see where is it here we go okay so that's not the right okay so it's giving me techniques okay so that's great um I don't like this image so this one's way better it's actually got toothpaste in it so that's great did I reuse that already um no I didn't okay um so what's next uh rubbing compound using rubbing compound Okay so we've already got that in there the next one sandpaper and touchup I think was the last one here and tou paint okay so those are the methods um so what's next what's something that we might want to do um so we our term is specifically so what you'll notice is that it replaced my original term how to get rid of white scratches which is actually what I want um so I'm going to grab that this one is just how to remove scratches easily in general but I want to know specifically how to remove white scratches so this is going to be further up uh because this is my main uh term so just ignore the fact that it rewrote your title um so I'm going to do this and see what it says about removing white scratches specifically to see if it's uh any different okay so it does talk about okay and it found me a video great um okay and it's giving me some instruction so uh I I just need to remember to rewrite this header to be specific spefic to White scratches so I'll just take a mental note of that uh what else do I want to learn about um okay repair kits so maybe I've got uh I'm just looking at other articles here so let's do um uh choosing the best scratch repair kit and let's say I want a table uh maybe it's what are the best scratch repair kits and um okay let's do that all right so we've got some brands that I have seen before and as always with perplexity it has really good uh sighting so you know this one's from Car and Driver which is a huge brand in the car uh industry obviously um if you've ever seen their magazines on the stands so it's got a nice table for me here and that's perfect um something else let's see what other people are talking about um Turtle Wax scratch repair okay can I use Turtle Wax to fix scratches and I'm going to I don't know if this matters but Turtle Wax is a brand um I'm going to make sure this is back on basically answer ing the question so we've now got 1 two three four five six seven sections so this is probably going to be at least 1,00 to 1500 words give or take um and then I'm just going to put one more maybe like uh car scratch repair cost breakdown and uh probably one table for that okay great so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to I don't think they have a way to copy this entire thing yet um so I'm I'm not really using this the way it's supposed to be used you're supposed to publish it and then uh basically you'll get a share link and which um other um you know people on the internet can can get access to uh what I don't know is whether or not this page is actually going to be indexed because um if it is there's some SEO implications there because if we start writing really longtail keywords um we may just see a bunch of perplexity articles uh I don't you know I don't really like the sound of that so hopefully the team has taken into account um that aspect but uh what I'm going to do is I'm just G to control a uh copy and then I'm just going to paste this whole thing just to check the score and of course it's going to bring all the ugly images and everything in there but right off the bat first try which was uh obviously I couldn't plan that because the AI can write whatever it wants um I've got a 70 score before I go and optimize everything now what has happened is um you know it looks like it probably could use a couple more headings could maybe use a couple more words but really workhound is not really that important as long as we cover the topic comprehensively um but you know again if you've been doing SEO for a little while now um I think you can see the implications of this and I basically have to go through and fix you know fix all the tables so that they work properly um you're going to want to retype a bunch of these paragraphs but basically the entire first draft was generated we're going we're at 11 minutes right now um so you know in probably under 10 minutes if you got used to doing this process you're going to have basically all of your topics uh covered and then you just come in here and massage uh the paragraphs however you want you know for example you would um turn oops turn on the wait is it this one yeah highlight terms um so that you don't accidentally delete any of these keywords um that are important um and yeah you know you basically away you go and optimizing um of course you have to fix all these images you can't just use these images and um what it's also going to save you time doing is uh the uh external linking so let's say this top one is you know notably my most important paragraph because I'm going to rename it to you know how to uh buff out white scratches or whatever the keyword was but I've got a bunch of sources here so Wiki high high Authority detail experts maybe high high 30 probably not doesn't look like it I've never heard of that so I probably skip it so looks like Wiki how uh I might decide to embed this YouTube link right into my article um because somebody's already made a really great video on it um so I think all these sources seem to be uh here we go I can click yeah so they're all basically the same for sources but you know on and on the next section obviously is going to have different sources um so we've got a couple more oh we've got a wired in there now so that's a high Authority Source if I want to um if I want to link out uh externally and so you just go through each paragraph at a time um and hopefully save yourself a bunch of time um you know creating your your first draft and yes that's just otherwise just some of the other features you can come in here and edit if you don't like that generation you can just redo it again um and then under the more section is basically they don't have a drag and drop feature at the moment I I think hopefully they'll they'll add that but you just kind of have to manually move it up and down or delete it all together um but again I'm not really using this the way the page function was meant to be used um this was meant to share information like let's say you were going on a uh vacation and you want a detailed plan of every city that you're going to um you would kind of do all your research here uh with the help of perplexity and then you would publish and then um you would get your share link uh and and then just you know share it to your friends for for that particular thread uh that's how it's supposed to be used but I when I saw this feature right away I knew uh because it was hyper optimized for short form uh and it could do tables and it could do lists and those are all the basically the features that we need to create uh a good blog um so of course I'm not advocating that you just paste it in there publish it and then this is your blog that's not going to work it's not going to rank properly you do need to go in there and rewrite um you'll probably want to rewrite a substantial portion of it but you can keep all the ideas um that in the topics and the flow that it has put together for you so if you're uh not a natural writer like myself um this actually saves me a ton of time on how to do transitioning uh what parts to keep in and of course the just massive amount of um research that the tool does for you so hopefully that was helpful um if it was make sure you like And subscribe um I I really enjoy making these types of videos um and and just going like over the shoulder so so you guys can see uh not only like telling you how to do things but actually just showing you exactly how I would go through um and and and create these uh pieces you know in in subsequent videos I'm actually going to go through a full uh breakdown of an entire article that I will eventually publish um but you know that'll be a really long form uh video so thanks for watching
Channel: Dave Lin
Views: 2,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai writer, perplexity ai, perplexity ai pages, blog writing
Id: 6aNTj2oG8K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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