"Myers" Stacked text Milling with texturing CNC Shark HD4

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okay so we're all done this is what it should look like because this is our you know I'm just going to show you the that's that top roughing that's what we ran okay so they're showing you a tool path so it's all done now to get a soak that in for a minute and then here's your product so this is after the first run and that's only roughing so you got a lot of these really you know jacked-up kind of edges and stuff but that sixty degree V bit is what's gonna clean all that up so the next pass is going to go through and do the edge it's gonna you know clean up all in between the letters and get all that fuzzy stuff out and see all these milling marks if I don't mention it later this is the real benefit of using texturing because when this thing is all done it's gonna have meal marks all over it a lot of people like that but if you really want to make you know really go bam you use texturing and it cleans all that up all that will disappear so it's literally perfect it almost looks like it's been molded also it's going to start doing our names so there's the three names and then they establish 2014 I've already got this bit zeroed because I'm gonna try to make the rest of this a little shorter so I'm gonna go move to zero so that end bill is already ready to go it's gonna drop down boom is zeroed it's ready to go so alright so the next we need to go top finish right because we did top roughing now we're doing the finish pass so it's go to our we're gonna verify it says top finish and it says V bit 60 degree point to five point two five is obviously the shank and you're looking for the 60 degree bit and that's it right there but the wrong bit in there you're gonna be hosed alright here we go and we're gonna take off that you're gonna see it probably immediately start going around the letters [Music] I'm not liking that zero it's just this should be down this path should be going all the way down to the surface where it milled so I'm gonna go check my zero real quick let's move you back to zero obviously this is an issue when you mill away your zero point so okay I'm comfortable bumping it down a little bit so make sure it's on slow and probably about that much I think that's probably good so we're gonna see where that and we're gonna run it again same thing top finish [Music] okay I'm gonna I'm gonna just that again I just don't like that zero so let's go back to zero I'm gonna bump it down just a tiny more let's see let's go down I feel like that's if you go slightly deep it's not really that big a deal but let's zero that and we're gonna do it one more time top finish start that up again what I really want to see if you can see this you see your DS got a little bit of a Ledge there inside the D I'm just you know it's not the end of the world but if you're striving for perfection its kind of better we're gonna see if it takes that little edge out a little bit [Music] looking good I like it could be cleaned up in just a minute that [Music] okay so now we've ran the finished pass and this is what we should be looking at here as you can see the letters are really cleaned up all these edges are good just for fun I'm gonna reset this and we're gonna just run top roughing preview that pass this is what we started with that's kind of look and then when you added top finish and preview it you see it cleans everything up and puts the names in so let's see what we're looking at okay so here we are it looks really really good I'm really happy a little a little concerned with a little of this but the texture he's gonna take that out but really got some smooth letters something I'm gonna show you I'm gonna set this down for just a stack you can buy this brush at Menards for like five bucks I'm telling you this thing's been a lifesaver all this little hairy stuff I'm just gonna do it real quick to destroy it but it cleans all that stuff off without marking the Rueda they have two different colors they have a blue one and a orange one actually here's the orange one the orange one is just way too much you know if you really wanted to scrub some rust or something they'll be one thing but for five bucks this thing is a lifesaver because when this thing is all done you can clean all this up really quick without having this you know you just sandpaper and you really get to see what the final product is going to look like pretty awesome really it's uh it's overkill to do this because we're gonna do it all again once it's all done so I'm gonna quit I've already got my 0.25 in mil zeroed now a couple of really important things I'm gonna and this is kind of frustrating because the way you set this up I'm gonna move to 0 I 0 at where I think it's gonna be but where I thought it was gonna be before you know made it where I had to end up lowering it anyway I'm gonna start where I think it's gonna be I do not want to start too low if you start too low it's gonna be a big problem it's probably a fixable problem let's still just start high what you want to see and you got to be careful this thing is going to run remember the TD top depth and plus BD bottom depth let's just point 1 and point 1 so what this ends up doing when you run this pass is it spends a lot of time in the air not touching the wood and you're gonna panic and think what's wrong and you do not want to change the settings because this thing is gonna run 2 passes over this machine at point 1 and point 1 anywhere where the material has already been milled out it's not gonna mill anything but if it you know in certain areas there may be a spot where it's gonna do both of them in that spot you know it'll go it'll spin around it barely touch the wood if at all and then it'll go down and do some more and that's when you're gonna you would think ok let one pass go just turn the router off it's not going to touch the wood who cares well I have the router on but really you want to let the router spin and just suck it up and eat it ok it's gonna spin in the air for quite some time but if you think you're going to be smart and turn the router off and wait for the second pass to come through you're gonna regret it because some of these little spots in between stuff it's gonna hit both of them on its first pass so what I'm looking for when this thing takes off I want to see this bit basically barely touching my material if it's a little high on the material I'm gonna adjust it and move that zero down a little bit but that's what I'm looking for if it's if it's going above the air I want it to be barely touching the wood I mean if it's if it's right on it and literally not even I mean how do I say this if you can see just a little haze where it's changing the grain that's just about as perfect as it can be but if on the first pass if you start cutting material you're gonna be way deep before it's over with and it's gonna be hard to figure out on your texturing and your finishing on the second layer so the first layer is completely done there's no bit is gonna touch any of this stuff that's you know currently here now it's gonna eat out another 0.1 except the thing it's gonna add is that Myers in the background and it's gonna work around all this stuff now if you remember when we did the bottom text on the programming when we welded those all together it eliminated them being letters all it did is make one shape so what it's doing is making that shape around all the stuff that's already been milled it's a little bit hard to grasp at first but once you get it a few times you'll you'll figure it out so again I'm zeroed where I think I'm gonna be I'm hoping that basically it's just gonna hover over the wood if it does go too deep right off the bat like a little bit too deep I can adjust for it it just takes a little bit longer but always always always start with your zero a little bit high so you can see what its gonna do okay all right so here we go we're gonna go to USB we're going to bottom roughing now let's verify it's a point two five in mill so bottom roughing is highlighted next and we're gonna hit start and it's gonna take off here we go [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna stop that I'm gonna go back to zero it was just a little bit high just a tiny tiny bit high make sure this is on slow so you don't go fast accidentally and plunge down into your wood that is really awesome when you do that you can't wait to do it again so I'm gonna bump it just I mean a tiny tiny bit down I'll show you how much I'm gonna move it about it's kind of trial and error to get it right almost zero it now blasting this seems like a giant pain in the butt but it is not nearly the pain in the butt it's just starting this over because if you start it over you're gonna be like I wish I would have zero at high and I wouldn't regret it so it is a time hog but if you want to get it right this is the way to do it okay so we're gonna start it again we're gonna see where that bits gonna go here we go USB bottom roughing start [Music] go back to zero I'm gonna do it just a little bit more just a tiny tiny bit down I think that's gonna be our baby right there it might be a tad just a tiny bit deep but I'm okay with that I'll adjust for that I'm getting a little impatient so get used to that but I think this is gonna be our winner all right so zero we're gonna start off USB bottom roughing again check it and make sure it says bottom roughing it'll start it and see if it's barely off the wood [Music] that's what you want right there [Music] we're gonna compensate to that [Music] later when the [Music] it's probably just a fraction too low but I ain't gonna stop it now it's pretty cool to see how they [Music] okay so we're looking good I was trying to keep it on there just long enough to see it run both letters I'm sorry folks [Music] then essentially find a spot with okay we'll let this finish and I'll be back yeah okay so here we are getting ready to our last bit of carving it's looking pretty good Myers has shown up pretty nice so we're looking good already got the sixty degree V bit installed and I've already zeroed it so we're gonna move to zero and I compensated a little bit early which it may be a little bit of a risk but I went down just a little farther than I expect we're gonna run this a little bit to see how it goes but this will be it for the carving and then the texturing so here we go we're gonna go to USB bottom finish and we see this to be bit we'll get a hundred percent we're gonna see how it goes [Music] [Music] okay look it's pretty good I'm not looks like I programmed a letter there quite that's okay it's not we'll let that finish the back in effect the okay we're looking good all done ready for texturing cleaned up pretty nice see there's nice raised letters so I got the 1/8 ball nose in there I'm gonna run that probably maybe a couple times we'll see how it runs and we'll kind of go from there I got it zeroed I guess technically a little high what I do is I'm gonna just set this up so now well I should go back to here so we're going back to our USB I'm gonna pick texturing and make sure go down that's a ball nose 0.125 inch so 1/8 through all nose so we're good we're gonna fire this up and it should start takeoff and I think it's gonna start in this corner and I'm just gonna kind of eyeball it and see exactly you know how it's hit and how deep it's going and I can stop and adjust my zero from them so here we go so we're a little high and I'm completely fine with that it seems like kind of a pain but I'm gonna get it [Music] I'm gonna be a little more aggressive with this so it's okay to go a little deep the only problem is I'm gonna this the only problem is that what can happen is if you go down too deep what's happened when you get up to here these raised letters you're a texturing but may rake over the letters it wouldn't be the end of the world you can send it out pretty easily but still something to consider so all right we're zeroed and I'm gonna run this again [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I like it [Music] [Music] all right everything looks great very happy with this project I'm sure the owners will be too so there it is it's my all-day project a little bit of paint and should be good to go I'll post the final you know hope that when I get this all finished and painted and ready to go put something on there on this video
Channel: Locust Grove Woodshop
Views: 29,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc, next wave automation, cnc shark, stacked text, cnc router, vectric
Id: WXdcf32tWlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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