The 12 Projects of Christmas | Day 11 | Merry Christmas Stacked Text with Beki | Vectric In The Labs

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[Music] hi there and welcome to this special edition of the new labs of me Becky now in this video I'm going to show you a technique which we call stacked text to create this stacked Merry Christmas sign so that's of a look in the software how we made this so I used to be carved to design this project however the file can be opened in both Aspire and cooked 2d products okay so let's go and open the Merry Christmas stack text at CRV file so the job dimensions that I'm working with is 18 by 6 inches and the material thickness that I'm intending to cut into is 0.7 three inches okay so I'm just gonna walk you through how I designed the file okay so if we take a look at our layers by can see I've got various layers so I've got this border layer if we just double click on that this outer vector was drawn using the rectangle tool and this basically represents the outline of our parts we've got another vector on the inside that represents the border of our sign and this is just basically we're gonna machine everything in between this vector here and then the text that you can see on the screen along with the Holly shapes then we've got the word Mary on its own layer now if I double click on the page symbol or highlight all the vectors on that layer so here's the Mary so you've got nice cursive fonts there and then for Christmas and holly if we double click on that page you can see that the holly is selected either side I've got the word Christmas it's rather bold rather big and that will sit in the background so the idea is Mary will be the highest text Christmas and Holly will go a little bit further down so it looks as though it's in the background now on they are creating a stacked text what we need to do is we need to take both of the word so Mary and Christmas in our case and I'm actually going to put the holly with it as well and we're going to take all of those vectors and what I did was I copied them to a layer okay so got a layer here called welding and if I click that on you can see we've got the vectors there so there's our Holly and then we've got the words Christmas and Mary and they're actually all welded together using the welding tool and you'll see why I've done that when we get to the tool paths I also have a layer here called Holly just so you can see how I created the Holly in which case are basically just welded everything together to create the shapes that you send just right and so let's have a look at the tool path so we're gonna put the border layer on I'm just gonna switch the word Mary on so this is the first tool path we're going to be looking at is cutting out the Mary text so I started by using the pocket tool path it's just this icon here and I've already created this tool path I'm just gonna double click to go in there so machine and everything in-between the word Mary and the border mcurtin down a quarter of an inch when these two tools to clear this out one larger tool just to get clear the majority of it out and we're going to go back in with a smaller tool to clear out all of the areas that that larger tool couldn't get it so half inch and a point one one five tool there okay and then if we close out we can see the result of that if we just tile our windows so using the larger tool we're going to get this result like so then using the smaller tool it's going to go in at all the detail to cut the word Mary out perfect and next up we went back into the pocket tool path however this time we actually switched off the Mary layer and we're going to use the welding layer this time and if we double click into that pocket tool path you can see it's picks up that welded text along with the Holly we've got that border I've already cut away a quarter of an inch so we're gonna put our start depth at a quarter of an inch as well and cut down a third a quarter of an inch using the same tools again go ahead and calculate that and then we could see what that looks like so if we just preview that tool Pat so it's the larger tool and we've got the smaller tool that's just going to clear everything away so we're left with the Merry Christmas of the Holly in the background and that's me pretty much it i'ma do a profile cuts out so here just got some taps in place a whole my part in using just shy of a quarter inch end mill tool cutting all the way through and if we go ahead and preview that tool path you can see how that looks okay so this stage we can go over to the labs to machine that up and you can see that this technique is fairly pretty easy there are other tutorials available on this if you'd like to have a look at those just head over to our YouTube channel okay so we're in the labs and the first tool path we're running is the pocket tool path using that half inch tool [Music] [Music] so we can say that at all has cleared down the majority of the material to a quarter of an inch and so now we're going to go and clean up the merry texts using a smaller tool [Music] [Music] so that's the Mary text done now and we're going to change back to the larger tool where we're going to zero off the surface and then run the second pocket clearance tool path to cut the word Christmas out [Music] [Music] so now you can kind of see the word Christmas coming through so we're gonna have a tool change change back to that smaller tool to clear out all the areas that the large tool can get to to reveal the Christmas and the holly underneath the word merry [Music] [Music] okay so the last tool path now is just a profile pastor cuts the sign out [Music] so one subsidy tapped everything it's time to clean up the sign so sanded around the outer edge of our sign to remove evidence of the tabs and I'm going in into the text using variety of tools from a wire brush to sanding paper just to clear out all the fuzzies that have been left on around the text I'm just really just cleaning that up ready for finishing and so to finish I'm just using mineral oil and brushing that in working it through the sign getting in between all areas of the text just to really bring that grain out and just give it a little bit of a shine [Music] okay so here is the finished stacked Merry Christmas sign now if you fancy having a go at creating your own version of this sign I'm simply head over to your banker account you can download the project files from there and if you do end up creating your own version then please share that with us across our social media channels or on the veteran forum we'd love to see what you're making if you like this video give us a thumbs up and if you've not yet subscribed to a channel then please hit the subscribe button but instant updates and the latest videos that we'll be releasing thank you for watching happy making and Merry Christmas [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vectric Ltd
Views: 12,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vectric, FreeCNCProjects, CNCChristmasProjects, CNC, IntheLabs, Aspire, VCarve, Cut2D, ChristmasCNCProject, StackedText, FreeCNCProject, ChristmasSignCNC, Snowman, ChristmasCNC
Id: Aj3HkUb2u3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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