GetResponse and ClickBank Complete Tutorial (Step-by-Step 2021 Guide)

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hey guys yvonne here at and in this video i want to show you how to promote clickbank products using get response so in the previous videos i showed you how to promote clickbank products on facebook ads google ads microsoft ads you name it and i was using unbounce as my landing page builder however if you want to save a little bit of money and you want to keep everything in one place you are able to build out landing pages with get response so in this video i want to show you how to create a landing and thank you page and get response how to create an autoresponder and set them up and how to set up tracking and get all of that set up so by the end of this video you should be able to simply take your landing page link that you create in get response promote it and your autoresponder will be doing its job and you will get all the tracking uh do its job as well before we get into it if you guys enjoy these types of videos and tutorials make sure to hit like and subscribe and hit the notification bell icon so that you get notified when i release new videos just like this one also let me know in the comments below if you're using get response as your landing page builder or something else because i might make a video on that other page builder if i see a lot of people are using it and want a tutorial on it that being said let's get into it so the first thing we're going to do is select our clickbank product so here i am in my clickbank account you're going to click on marketplace and land on this page and then what you can do is click on the magnifying glass and it's going to sort all the offers by popularity so the most popular product on clickbank is this product right here and we can go from top to bottom and pick something now the first thing i always tell you guys to do if you watch my videos is read the affiliate terms of the product you want to promote before you start promoting it for example this research product if you click on it it's going to tell you that you cannot promote on google ads okay so if you are you know if you watch my google ads tutorials and you're thinking okay well i'm going to promote this product with get response and google ads no can do they don't allow you to do that so whatever way you want to promote maybe it's facebook ads maybe it's microsoft ads maybe you want a direct link and promote without a website all of them are fine methods but you might not be allowed to do that so make sure you check the terms and make sure you can do that okay so i was looking through some of these offers we never promoted tinnitus yet we promoted quite a few of these offers in my past videos we haven't done tinnitus so let's go ahead and promote this first now this page does not have an affiliate page or this product doesn't have an affiliate page so what you could do is whatever method you want to use to promote i would send these guys an email and just double check whatever you want to do is fine or even if you want to use some of their images or some of their testimonials i would message them and ask them say hey i'm creating a landing page i want to promote on google i want to bid on you know i want to bid on top tinnitus offer or things like that i want to use your images am i allowed to do that or can you send me your affiliate terms and conditions so i could go through them okay so these are the questions you want to be asking before you start promoting but in the meantime for illustration purposes and just so we can get started we can start creating our landing page while we await the reply from these guys okay so let's go ahead and click promote and you can select from any one of these offers uh don't touch anything here don't type in your nickname you can add a tracking id but we are going to be using click magic okay so this isn't really necessary yeah so let's suppose we want to select the default page so it's going to be this page and then if we click preview we're going to see what it looks like so it's just going to be a nice video so what we can do is we can create a landing page that's going to say hey enter your name and email and we're going to send you this this video this free video right and then what you're going to do is on the landing page once they sign up we're gonna create an autoresponder we're gonna send them a link to this free video and we're also gonna send them to a thank you page right after they sign up which tells them hey you know check your email but also you can get the free video by clicking here right so we can do that now you might be asking if you can skip the thank you page and just go from landing page straight to the offer the answer is yes you can um there is a little twist you have to do in the tracking which makes it a little bit more complicated basically you have to set up cross device tracking so for simplicity we're gonna be making a thank you page uh however if you are going from landing page straight to the affiliate offer uh you can do it just you need for tracking purposes to set up cross device tracking if you're using click magic okay otherwise just take people straight to clickbank offers send them straight to this link and that's fine but if you've been following my videos you know how important tracking is absolutely crucial you have to be able to tell which keywords converted which ads converted so it is ideal that you use a third-party tracking tool like click magic and that we send people to a thank you page so it's easier for us to track all right so that being said let's get on with it and let's create our landing page so what we're gonna do is first of all sign into our get response account if you don't have get response you can sign up for i think as little as 20 a month and you'll be able to get your autoresponders and your landing pages done okay and i'm going to show you everything here if you want to get started check out the free 30-day trial using my affiliate link at getresponse and you'll be able to follow along with me and you know just try it out see if you like it and we'll go from there so once you're here whether you just signed up or whether you already had an account you're gonna click on menu here at the top and then select landing pages and what we're gonna do is create a landing page now i do have a video where i created a 53 conversion rate landing page from scratch so absolutely nothing we didn't use a template check that video video out if you want to know kind of all the ins and outs of the landing page builder but we're gonna click create landing page and we're gonna pick a template okay just so it's easier for us to get through this but if you want to start from scratch and you're thinking well how do i use this what do i do you can you know check check that video out so what we're going to do is let's select something that looks similar to our offer page right so our offer page was this one so let's go ahead and copy it and let's always have it handy because we have to be able to reference this page at all times okay so we have to be able to look at this page and kind of tell people what they're going to get so back in our get response get response landing page template picker here let's uh select something so it doesn't have to be perfect you can select any template and then just fix it right adjust it doesn't really matter so really we can even select this like hotel one and then just fix it but let's select this one here this kind of looks like it matches and then thank you page um this we will create as well so we can enter the landing page name now the landing page name that you create here will actually show up next to the favicon so like here it says click magic campaigns whatever name you set here will show up here as the page so make sure you make it fitting right so the name of this product is sonus complete so we can just say sonus complete and then we can say you know tinnitus just for reference that it doesn't hurt saying that so we can say next right once we confirm all that and now we're just going to wait for it to load a little bit and let's suppose this is going to be our landing page right so obviously we want to change things around like we don't want auto insurance we don't want any of this stuff here and we're going to say hey enter your name and email and we're going to send you a free video okay so we'll do that now some of these things we don't need like this we can probably delete that so i'm going to select it and click delete these ones we can keep and we can just play around and adjust them okay uh so let's go from top to bottom let's change this first obviously we're not auto insurance so what i'm just gonna do is flat out delete that then i'm gonna drag a little text here little text box and let's let's make a name for our product so we can't say sonos complete uh we're not sure remember what the affiliate terms are yet right so this is maybe one of the questions you can ask is is is when you send them an email say hey can i say that i'm sonos complete like am i allowed to just say sona's complete here maybe send them your landing page for review and ask them if it's fine uh just to be double sure we're not gonna do that so we'll say for example the tinnitus cure for example um i don't know is is that the name of an actual offer um so let's say for example that tonight is solution okay so let's say that's the name of of our our company our landing page right so we can move it up here um so now for our headline okay so that's the most important thing so what we're gonna do is let's drag that down um so over here brainscan uncovers the real root cause of tinnitus and what you can do about it starting today so we should do is let's say let's say free video reveals the root cause of tinnitus and what you can do about it today simple as that right and we're gonna select all that and let's let's increase the size here the size between like the line height uh maybe a little bit smaller okay that looks fine let's increase that and let's remove this real quick make more space we can also select that we can center that okay now this looks a little small to me so let's go ahead and increase that a bit that looks about right right what like what do you guys think all right so we're going to center we're going to wait for the green line like that kind of normally a green line appears in the middle meaning that it's centered and then let's let's underline this you know specifying that it's free and then we're going to send people to a thank you page and then we're going to email them this video right let's say today or sorry not underline italicized and let's bold this maybe okay so that looks about right okay and then over here we can say simply enter your name and email below and we'll email you your video right away so like i said we could take people straight to the affiliate sales page but then it's going to be a little bit harder to set up tracking for it which again is possible but for the purpose of this video i'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible okay so let's increase this a little bit and we're just telling people what to expect so in this case we're saying hey here's what you should do we want you to enter your name and email and we're gonna email you the video right that's what we're telling them so that looks pretty even to me so what we can do is we can change this first of all i would like this to be required see how there's an asterisk there that means that an email is required but let's say we want the name to be required so what we're going to do is click web form fields and it looks like for some reason we can't uh require the name i don't know why so what we can do here is let's just delete this we're just going to delete it and let's add another form and there then we should be able to do it so we're gonna drag it here we're just gonna do the same thing but in this case what we're gonna do is select web form fields and here we can require the name okay so now it's got an asterisk there so i don't know why they didn't let us do that the first one but let's say enter your first or let's just enter your name here dot dot i like doing that i like doing like enter your name here it gives them a little bit more direction enter your email here dot dot and then we're gonna drag this up a little bit make it a little wider increase that and then let's say send me my free video now and then let's increase that looks about right okay and then we're going to drag it here centered a bit let me reduce that size right there and that way we can center it okay so that looks about right okay looks about right to me uh let's see if we can just remove that that way it's easier to play around with okay so that looks good so now let's go ahead and change the background i don't like the background obviously it doesn't fit right it's a little car so there's a neat little trick we can do but we should ask them if we can do it so definitely we should email support so if you head over to affiliates or just over here it says partners but we can head over and i'm going to right click this page or yeah right click and say open a new tab and so here they're telling us contact us here if you have any questions or for more details yeah so definitely send them an email and then just ask hey what are your affiliate terms right and then what we could do if they agree if they say yes is we can inspect this page head over to sources so i clicked right i right clicked i clicked inspect or control shift i and then we're gonna go to uh images here and we can find this image and then here it is right so we're going to copy image url we're going to paste it here and this is the image and then here we can save image and we can just save it here okay so now it's right there at the bottom so what we can do here is we can select this image we can double click it we can remove that click exit and then we're going to select image and then we can click on add files and we can just drag it right there we can click on add and then we can click on use okay and now it's gonna kind of set it up here now i don't like the fact that there's too much uh teal here like it's hard to see right like this page is actually you know it doesn't have any text so that's okay but what i might do in like photoshop i might copy this to photoshop and just make some changes so it's easier to see like that's okay maybe these ones we actually want to make white so it's easier to see so click okay okay that's a little better uh you can play around with this a little bit but not too much so you can kind of you know shift it around a little bit that doesn't look too good that looks okay right um you can also adjust the positions maybe drag it like that uh we can make it fixed so it doesn't move or we can yeah so that doesn't really matter for this here so we'll click on done um yeah so this is like this is a bit too hard to see i guess but for illustration purposes this is okay so let's go on to the next part here okay so what you would do ideally is go through this so click here to read more and just find out a little bit more about the product and what they offer and again everything you do like we took this image from them we want to make sure that that's okay okay we don't want to get suspended from clickbank for doing this so definitely make sure you send them an email and just confirm say hey here's what i'm doing here's my landing page can i do this and ask them for the terms okay very important guys don't underestimate this so what you would do ideally is read through all of this find the information about what it is like in this case you know he's saying we help find you the right coverage so what does this person do what's what's his name what does gregory do right i've been a long time researcher okay so he's a researcher so maybe we could say you know we research tinnitus and help you find the cure for example right so it's on you to read through it i i don't want to make this a 10 hour video on something that is pretty straightforward then we're just going to center it there's the green line okay and then you would try to find um looks like he doesn't say how many years of experience he does how many years so uh does he have any credibility i mean is there anything i've been along yeah so he just says long time researcher okay so let's just say 20 years as an example so with over 20 years of experience we what does he do healthy hearing over 12 we let's say we worked with millions of people worldwide helping them improve their hearing right that's roughly nope increase that wait for the green green line right there even though that doesn't look centered so i'm going to drag it a little bit i'm going to ignore it okay so something like that yes all over the world how to live better in spirit awareness um yeah he doesn't say millions but i'm just i'm just trying to find something guys use it as an example ideally you want to use these numbers okay so i would go through this i would read more and try to get some numbers like how many years of experience do you have millions of people if you don't find the years of experience then i wouldn't add it okay so for example if you don't add it then just say with many years of experience don't say 20 if you can't find it so let's say i can't find it so i'm gonna say with many years of experience right we worked with uh it also doesn't say people huh so let's just say we work with people all over the world all over the world okay so for example if i wasn't able to find information that's what i would say all right so we're gonna add that okay and then we can say um if you or anyone you love is hard of hearing definitely send them this free video okay all right so something like that okay so as you can see we used an existing template and we altered it to fit our purpose right and then here features and benefits so what are some features and benefits of this um so i don't know we could say all natural so let's maybe so i'm going to control c to copy it i'm going to say i'm going to select it yeah it's kind of hard to see that i selected everything because it's blue on blue but i did all natural ingredients and then our ingredients consist of and then we're going to ctrl v to paste and then i'm going to select that and i'm going to control this other box and just drag it on up a little bit okay and then we can see that it's centered there let's wait for the green line in the middle of the box nope not seeing it okay so we'll just have to eye it okay so we'll do that so we have all natural ingredients what else so yeah so you would go through this and just find some information if you can okay so i mean it's not really a feature that it's risk-free but we can say it just because why not so we can say a hundred percent you know money back guarantee and let's expand that and then center that and then we'll just say you know oops that didn't select everything majority of our clients are 100 satisfied with you know with our tinnitus solution but if you're not for any reason we give you a 60-day money-back guarantee and we could say something like that okay so i'm just thinking because remember we are we're not sending people straight to the offer yet right we are giving them kind of the free video so make sure you don't write stuff about the actual offer try to write it about the video what will the video have and why is the video good so for example we're saying you know the video is going to talk about all natural ingredients right yeah so money back guarantee that's kind of weird to say because it's a free video so actually that's probably not the best thing to say here so maybe we could say the real root cause okay and then over here we could say example easy to understand okay so because we don't want to say money back guarantee because that makes people feel that we're charging them or something so yeah so that looks fine i'm just trying to make sure that it relates uh the real root cause so let's say instead here we say a lot of a lot of programs and so-called solutions don't address the real root cause of tinnitus this video will reveal and show you what the real cause is and how you can take action now okay so let's expand that a little bit let's do a little bit more room like that and then we're gonna center that okay and then let's just do this one more thing so let's say yeah it's hard to see if i'm selecting everything because it's all blue on blue i would say a lot of solutions confuse you with scientific mumbo jumbo and make you completely lost and unsecure in your you know your investment or in your make you know secure your understanding something like that our video shows you everything step by step okay so let's say that's you know that's what we're gonna do easy to understand okay so so far so good okay let's add a few reviews let's keep this as is uh this is probably some of the things you want to ask your affiliate manager as well on the page right so you might want to ask them say hey do you guys have any testimonials i can use on my landing page and then you would add them here but in this case we could say you know i have been struggling with tinnitus for a long time and this video remember keep the focus on the video not the product yet right you don't want to freak people out and give them something for free and then say well hey this 69 offer helped me blah blah blah right so i'm sticking to the video here so i have been struggling with tonight tinnitus and this video finally helped me understand what the issue was okay so let's just keep it simple no hassle fastest way to get the results i always wanted thank you what's the name of our the tinnitus solution okay so i'm i just completely made something up just to give you guys as an example of how this would work and then over here we could say get your free video and learn the root cause now right is that what the video is uh reveals the root cause yep so let's just expand that a bit i'm gonna center it and then for these social media icons you can add like if you have a facebook group you can add it if you don't just delete this box but if you do you're going to double click it click on the link and add your facebook page or twitter page whatever you have okay just adds a little more social proof but if you don't again just delete that box and then next over here instead of saying submit we'll say show me the video now right and then we can increase that size and then what we can do here is we can take people back up to the top because remember we need them to enter their name and email right so we're going to select this button we're going to double click it we're going to click on the little link here and for the type we're not going to send them to a web address instead we're going to send them to a section so we're going to send them to section one right that's the first section right there so it goes i'll click okay here so it goes this is section one this is section two section three section four section five right pretty straightforward so we're taking them to section one and then that's pretty much it for our landing page so let's let's quickly preview this so give it a second to load and here's our page okay so again i'm a bit uneasy about the fact that you know it's kind of hard to see but it looks very very similar to this page which is good that's what you want to aim for and it's not too bad so we could maybe keep it as that as we scroll down right we click here and we're taking back to the top which is perfect and if we click here we don't have anything integrated and that's perfect we should not go to the next page because we haven't entered the details here so everything looks good as is so far so let's head back into get response and we've done that let's go ahead and go to our thank you page now and let's edit the thank you page a little bit let's add a button here saying hey uh click here to get your video and also check your email and just you know tell them what to expect so let's also let's click here let's double click that let's change this up a bit so we're going to remove that we're going to add the image again we're going to use this one that looks okay but it's a bit hard to see uh so what i'm thinking is maybe just maybe we can remove that we can click on solid color or maybe even gradient maybe we can make it something like this okay so like grayish black okay but it just makes it easier to see and it's still fine because this one is black this page is black so it's not too like crazy uh but let's do that just so it's easier to see because this has a bit more text on it and then over here let's we're gonna delete that so click that now we can't copy from variant a to variant b so we will have to create this text again the tinnitus solution so we're going to just drag it here and just say the tinnitus solution again and we're gonna change it up a bit center it okay and just make it look similar to the landing page so like that that looks fine uh make sure the size is the same the color is the same so this is 20 rubato so we're gonna select that make sure it's 20 or bottom perfect and then here we can say you know awesome check your email to get the video so you can do that and we can also alternatively you could say instead of saying awesome check your video you can just say hey awesome click here to get your video something like that but email is good so that we can get their email right and we can email them later on for email marketing but we could also say here if you still haven't received it make sure to check your spam folder or email yvonne at and insert email here so you would insert your email let's make that a little bit bigger okay we can do that and then we could also say so that looks good but then we can say you can also check out the free video by clicking the button below okay and that's kind of an alternative solution so we can do that let's just make this as perfect as possible that looks about right and let's go ahead and drag a button here make it bigger okay [Music] show me my free video okay and then and then we could also um yeah so we're also giving them the chance to go to the video so make sure it's the same color so the same color of blue so if you want to double check click that go over here and just copy that code but looks like it is the same so i'm not going to bother and then let's go ahead and increase the size a bit as well or let's say take me to the video page ah show me the videos fine okay i don't know is that stuck why is this still here let's move that out of the way okay so that looks good so what we want to do here is we want to add our affiliate link here right so we're going to double click it we're going to add the link and we want to take people to our affiliate link so we're going to head over here we have it right here we're going to copy that let's head back here and we're going to paste it right here so control v to paste looks good it is a web address uh title where it's fine we will open a new window or you can open in the same window whichever one is fine i'm trying to think if there's a difference for us yeah it doesn't matter we can do that and then over here guys so as you know i like to track with click magic tracking is extremely important so you can see how many sales you got and if you you know how many clicks you got so i do cover this in my other tutorials but for the purpose of this video i'm just going to tell you that you have to add question mark tid equals a square bracket cmc underscore vid and what this is going to do is it's going to allow click magic to pass a cookie over to clickbank and then once you see a sale and click the bank it's going to talk to click magic and you will see a sale okay if you set up sales tracking i have a video showing you how to set up sales tracking so make sure to check that out to see how to set up postback url with campaigns but that's what you would be doing so you would say question mark tid cmcvid at the end of this link if you have questions about this let me know in the in the comments below and i will i will clarify this but that's what you would do here and so we are pretty much good to go here okay so we've created the landing page the thank you page i don't know why that's still there but we can hit save now you could also mobile optimize it um so you can click here and you can go to mobile and then you know you can play around with that and go to the variant here and do the same thing uh i'm not gonna do it here just to save a little bit of time i do have a separate video on it though however so check that out for the purpose of this video let's just say we want to promote on desktop okay so we'll click next step we're good to go here we still have to create an autoresponder so we're not done so these are seo settings so this is what your page will look like up here right so it's gonna once you click on a page it's gonna say sonos complete tinnitus that's what it's gonna say you can add a description this is for seo settings so we can skip all of this you can select don't index if your page isn't ready yet for example and then here we can select your domain so you can use a get response sub domain here and their domain so for example so if you don't have a custom domain you can use one of these options here so for example we could say sonus complete okay and we can use this uh now looks like somebody already has this so we can't use that so let's say soda's complete tinnitus maybe okay so here our url is going to be that's going to be the url uh if you do want to set up your own custom domain for example like i have here you can select that and you will be able to use that okay or if you just want to use that either it's fine i do have a video showing you how to create a custom domain so if you want to do that check that video video out it is optional so you don't have to you can use this but if you want to use something special like sona as opposed to follow my steps on that video so we're going to go with this option here and let's suppose we want to say tinnitus okay so that's our path we don't have a list yet okay so we're going to skip that for now but we do want to send them to a thank you page so we can send people to a custom thank you page which we create so if you want to take people straight from here to the affiliate offer this is where you would enter that offer url you can say on the current page so it's not gonna do anything it's just gonna enter when people enter their email nothing's gonna happen they'll stay on the page or you can send them to the default thank you page which is what we have here okay which is what we just set up so we're gonna click publish and let's take a look and make sure everything is working so we're going to view our page online so here's the url that we had right remember the custom domain that we created we can scroll down let's head it back over so let's click enter nope doesn't work yet perfect right because we didn't enter our email but let's test it let's say i don't want to enter the real email yet and here's our thank you page okay and once we click here we should go to the affiliate offers so everything is working perfectly um let's create an autoresponder first or actually let's do tracking first really quickly then we'll set up autoresponder and we're pretty much done okay uh so let's close out of that maybe keep that let's head back over here so what we want to do is manage your landing pages we're going to click on edit page and then again i'm using click magic to track so we can track how many visits how many sales and what we have to do is we have to add code so what i'm gonna do is click on the wrench icon i'll click on website code i'm gonna take this code and i'm gonna put it on my landing page so i'm gonna take this little option here drag it over paste the code and hit save now you can add this anywhere okay so it doesn't like you don't have to try to hide it and and whatnot you can really so we can make it smaller and drag it here if you want to you will not see this okay you will not see that so here i just accidentally previewed the page uh but you don't see it here at all okay so let's close out of that and if you move it for example i mean you can move in smack dab here if you want and nothing's gonna happen so if you hit save and then if you preview the page you know you don't see it but the tracking is set up okay so once we do that we do also have to set up tracking on the thank you page so let's drag this here as well head back over to click magic we're gonna set conversion tracking code we'll select action we're gonna copy that and we're gonna paste it here we'll click save and again it doesn't matter like you can literally you know you can make it like this it doesn't matter it will not be shown so you can leave it there uh let's preview this and that looks good let's hit save i'm trying to think if i'm missing anything no i don't think so again on the button we added our affiliate link okay so that's perfect now if you are using clickbank again make sure to set up sales tracking i do cover that in a separate video uh where i integrate um click magic campaigns with click bank okay so check that video out i'm assuming you know how to do that because i cover that in like 20 videos but i just want to save time here so i'm not going to go into that again but what we're going to do now is let's go ahead and publish this page and just make sure it's working okay so i'm going to hit publish and what we're gonna do now is let's view the page but what we're gonna do is copy this let's head back over to click magic so we can create our link url builder okay so i'm gonna delete that offer i'm gonna paste it here and let's suppose our traffic source let's suppose it is google suppose we're doing search campaign aim is let's say tonight as well let's be more specific let's say sonos complete okay and now we can add these two options there but just as an example we do need three so i will only use three just to see if it's working so i'm going to click save and copy let's go ahead and paste it here okay so we should see now if we go back to click magic campaigns we should see a visitor here perfect we do now let's see if we see an action here after we sign up okay so we're gonna enter yvonne we'll say yvonne at click on send my free guide so we should have seen an action here let's refresh and we do perfect right so we're going to see how many people signed up so super awesome now if we click here we should be taken to the vendor page and if you click on this option here it's going to say tid equals and it's going to have give you a value so remember how i told you at the end of your affiliate link to add tid equals well if you set up sales tracking correctly you should see this so i'm using a tool called redirect path so make sure you know if you want download this chrome extension go to chrome and type in redirect path chrome extension and just download it and you will see this number show up if you do it properly and this will confirm that you have sales tracking set up correctly so if we click on buy let's go to the order form page just so i can show you i don't think that clicked if we go to the bottom as you can see there it says our affiliate id and then it says the click id okay so this confirms that everything is set up correctly so that in click magic when someone actually buys it's going to show up as a customer okay so you know everything is set up correctly here so one more thing we have to do let's go ahead and set up an autoresponder and integrate it with the landing page okay so what we're gonna do is click on lists and we can probably close out of that page probably close out of that page okay so what the first thing we have to do is we have to create a list right so we have to create kind of this bucket of people that we're gonna collect so we're gonna click on create list and let's say here sonus complete let's see if that works if someone else is using a list name and get response you cannot use it i hate that part about get response but it is what it is uh let's click on create yeah so somebody who is using get response is already using this so maybe we can say underscore tinnitus you can only use underscores and small lowercase letters that's it so let's go create and okay that worked so now what we're gonna do is let's head over here and let's click on show autoresponders and obviously we don't have anything yet so let's create maybe one or two so we're gonna click on create autoresponder and for the autoresponder name we'll say sonus complete and we're going to say on day 0 because we want to send them this email immediately after they sign up and we're going to find our product which was sona's complete tinnitus we're going to send them a message immediately and we're going to create a new email we're gonna head over here and now we have to enter the subject and the message name the message name is for your reference the subject is what people actually see okay now you also have to select your email so all you're gonna do is in your in your main get response dashboard click on your profile icon click on account settings and click on email addresses and what you're going to want to do is simply enter your email like i did here yvonne and you just have to verify it and then that's it you should be able to use it from the drop down right here okay so super simple so for our first email uh people signed up to get a free video right so we want to tell them what they're getting in this email so we're saying uh you know here is your free video you requested or say let's say did you request a free tinnitus cure video or just a free video free video on tinnitus right and then obviously we're going to send them give them the video here we can add these little emojis here so we can say i i don't know what would be a good one here uh maybe shrug okay so for example you can do something like this you can also personalize it so if you for example say first name so we can do this we could say first name comma and then what that's going to do is that's going to replace that with their actual first name that they entered remember on our page um shoot i guess i closed it that sucks but on our landing page uh we'll open it again if you recall we asked for name and uh email right so whatever name they put in it's gonna show up here in their actual subject line it's gonna say billy did you request a free video on tinnitus okay or we could say did you request a free video on tonight is billy right whatever and then what we can do is we can go ahead and just copy it and paste it here let's click next step and we can select from a template here i don't like any of these templates i just like to use a blank template so we'll click start here with this blank one and let's make a bit more space so let's close out of that let's add a text block let's delete this top part here first and that way we can set everything up in font 16 16 size so 16 arial is the size i like to use for my emails and let's compose our email right so let's give them the free guide so let's say hey and then we're going to personalize it again so we can enter the two square brackets we'll say first name right we'll say here is the free video you requested and then we can say click here to access your video now okay and what we're gonna do is let's head over to our affiliate link wherever it was i guess we'll have to uh get it from here as well click here now don't worry about email sales tracking guys so you can just enter your basic affiliate link uh head over here and enter the url and we can enter again here so question mark tid equals cmc underscore vid okay and we can click ok and that should be uh good to go for this part so let's just maybe uh describe ourselves a little bit more so maybe we can so maybe we can copy this okay so i'm going to ctrl c and then i'm going to paste it here let's change this to arial okay and yeah so we can say here's the free video you requested and then we can say also i don't think i properly introduced myself to you yet right so you could you could say something like you could introduce yourself and say that hey you learned from a guy named gregory or you can ask them so you can send these guys an email and ask them to say hey can i say that like i'm part of your team right say can i say that i'm part of sonos complete and then you can say hi my name is gregory you know or i work or i work with gregory and just ask them what's a lot what's not some offers they do allow you to just do whatever and to say that hey i'm ted like from ted's woodworking some offers allow you to do that so just make sure but some don't so again you don't want to be banned so if they do allow you to say that you are gregory and to have emails come from for example as a supposing you are gregory then you can just leave this and you can say i don't think i introduced myself to you properly yet right you can say my name is gregor and i've been a long time researcher um long time users are passionate to help people on how to look better okay so that's a bit too long long time researcher on tonight so let's just make it a bit shorter that's just too long to read in an email passionate on how to live better and spread awareness on okay let's say i'm spare awareness on healthy here it's a bit long we don't we don't need that okay so notice how i try to keep short sentences and i add spaces in between it just makes it easier to read in emails so it's a nice little tip you see according to the world health organization 50 of hearing loss and impairment is avoidable with early detection prevention and management dot dot dot all right so we can break it up and we can say i cover all of that in my free video that i attached above that i that i attached so if you haven't seen it yet here's the link again okay to launch your free video now okay and then we can say we could say also i will be sending you more valuable pieces of information so make sure to white list my email and then let's suppose you're adding evon mana because that's the email i'm actually using whitelist my email so that you get them you can say in the next video i'm going to send you the three ways you can say the three things you can do right now to improve your hearing so keep an eye out for that talk soon and then we could say you know either yvonne i am or you could say that you're gregory whatever um just make sure that that's okay right that that's allowed some do some don't so yeah let's just say that i like to do is take this and make it a little yellow click okay it's a bit too strong let's make it a little bit lighter okay so something like that and then you can see a few things that i'm doing here and we should by the way we should link that so let's go ahead and copy this first i'm going to copy that click ok and then copy this and paste it here too okay you should see several things i'm doing one is i'm asking people to make sure they white list my email so basically expect more emails from me so that they don't land up in spam and the next thing is i'm kind of giving them something to look forward to so that they look forward to the next video so however you want to do it that's the general idea you want to do so you can either give them a quick story as i have here or go straight into it but these are some of the things you want to do in your first email if you're giving something if you're giving someone like a free guide what you could also do is add a ps and say hey ps check out my sales page in this case we don't have to because we are taking them to the sales page anyway right but that's the idea so we can make this a little bit nicer here so we could say here's a free video maybe we can bold it right my name is greg i've been a long time user passionate to help you see according 50 of hearing loss and impairment is avoidable so we could say something like we could underline it i cover and then we could say maybe i cover all that in my free video i attached okay so something like that add a little you know make it a bit easier to read i guess add a little boldness italic italics here here and there okay that looks okay click next so once again just to be clear make sure that whenever you are using the name of the actual person like in this case we're saying that we are gregory peters you ask permission and you say that it's okay as an affiliate sometimes these vendors allow you to do that and it just makes it easier for you to promote if you say that you are this person right but sometimes they don't so make sure that they're okay with it if they're not okay with it then you should use your name or a made-up name uh but don't say you're them and then just come up with a story that relates to them so say hey my name is billy and you know i've been working with gregory peters or i've used the tinnitus solution created by gregory peters and i've seen results or something like that then you can click on save and publish and that should be it for our first autoresponder message okay so if you want to add more and by the way you can toggle different views you can click on create autoresponder and then you can just add more messages so then you can say one and you can say tonight is autoresponder day one okay and you would add more and then you promised in the previous video or in the previous autoresponder you promised to send them the three things they could do right now or whatever so make sure you do that uh so we missed that let's go back to autoresponders so here we are again so now one more thing we have to do let's head over to our landing pages we're going to click on edit settings and what we have to do here is select our offers so we can just click sonus complete uh confirmed opt-in so confirmed opt-in means that you will be sending them another email so after they receive an email well let me rephrase that on the first email they get it asked them to confirm their emails so do you want to do that or not you can select that here you would add them in the cycle of day so let's suppose for example we do want them to confirm their subscription we would select this option and then we click publish okay and that is it guys so that is how you do you're good to go here is your landing page you would be using it with clickmagick so you can track so if you go to url builder you would enter your url here if you want to promote on google you type in google you type in if you want to promote on search uh and you type in sonas complete and then this is the url you're using guys you are good to go that's all you have to do everything is set up your landing page your thank you page your auto responder everything is set up you are good to go if you want to promote on facebook you change this to facebook okay if you want to promote on google display as i showed you in my other video how to do that instead of search you say display if you want to promote on on google video ads youtube ads you type that here i might make a video on that later on how to promote clickbank products with youtube ads okay so that's how you do it here guys that is it that is all you need you don't need unbounce i preferred it's much easier for me to build good-looking landing pages with unbounce but if you don't want to and you prefer to do everything in get response you can do that this is how i covered everything in this video so now that you know how to build all this out you're ready to start promoting it make sure to check out my other videos on how to promote these products on google on facebook on microsoft i also have paid ad courses where i go into great great detail on promoting on google microsoft and facebook guys so you get the full picture it's i have full comprehensive courses guide you through step by step so all you're gonna do is take this link and follow my course step by step in how to run your ads on facebook microsoft google okay super simple super straightforward but that's all you do that's all you need take this and promote it you're good to go you got everything set up thank you for watching this video i will see you in the next one
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 14,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: getresponse clickbank, clickbank getresponse, getresponse tutorial, clickbank tutorial, how to set up clickbank and getresponse, getresponse and clickbank, clickbank and getresponse, getresponse landing page, getresponse clickbank setup, clickbank getresponse setup, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing getresponse, affiliate marketing tutorial
Id: afi-5gZlxOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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