Fastest $2100/Week Affiliate Marketing Strategy Using FaceBook Ads (2021)

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in this video i'm going to show you how to make 300 per day with clickbank affiliate marketing just a few nights ago i saw one of my good friends matt savio reply to my video and he said we're going to make more money than dan when i released my video on how we made over 400 with clickbank following a very simple strategy so i decided let's turn this up a notch and let's make more money than matt just so i can prove to everybody that i can do it way better than matt way faster than matt way more strategical than matt oh and by the way matt don't forget who has unlimited facebook accounts which means unlimited ad accounts which means that i can burn through as many ad accounts as i want to go ahead and make more money than you did so it's really nice how much you made but let's not forget the super affiliate status so now let's check out inside of my computer right over here and as you can see just in three days we made a thousand twenty five dollars and thirty two cents now i just ran this right over here just so i can go ahead in a fresh new clickbank account so i can show you rather quickly that we're able to make over three hundred dollars average per day rather easily following this exact strategy that i'm about to share with you now the strategy matt shared with you is an absolutely great strategy but what we're going to do is we're going to use facebook ads as well and i'm going to show you how we structure our campaigns so we have the ability to scale to hundreds and even thousands of dollars per day as a matter of fact i want to bring you into another account where you can see just this year alone we've made over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in just this one account take a look at this so right over here if i just go into and as you can tell we have just passive income coming in through here on this account but if you go ahead and look at the reporting a matter of fact i got to go into paychecks to show you all of this you can see right over here a hundred and forty nine thousand eight hundred eighty four dollars and seventy two cents has been paid out to me in commissions just from this one clickbank affiliate account and we have multiple different clickbank affiliate accounts now the strategy is simple the very first thing we're going to do is smash that like button right now so we can go ahead and rank higher in the algorithm and get more people to see strategies that actually work and thank you so much for everybody who also supports this channel but in reality the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to head over to clickbank and we're going to click the sign up button and we're going to register an account for you so again just make sure you fill out all of this information with your correct credentials now once you sign up for clickbank it's going to prompt you with a dashboard like this now what you have to do is you have to go over to the side over here and click on this little accounts tab so if you see the accounts tab right over here click on it and then what you're going to be able to do is under the account you'll see the nickname you can actually click create an account right over here and then you're able to create a brand new clickbank account and the reason why they do this is because you can create multiple different clickbank accounts under one master account now this is really useful if you want to promote a lot of different offers in a lot of different niches so you can click create account you create an account and i'll just log into one of these accounts right over here now this is of course a brand new account and this isn't the one that i use for the case study it's just one that we have over here when we want to test different offers so in order to get to the marketplace there's a little marketplace tab right up here where my mouse is and you can click marketplace and it'll take you to the marketplace and you're able to see all these offers now here's all the categories of different offers that you can go ahead and promote it however something that wasn't shared with you before is that you have the ability to use a source called to sort through the highest converting offers on clickbank right now so take a look at this rather than going through all of these offers we can go to and we're able to take a look at all of these different offers but what we want to do is click on top clickbank vendors right over here so on the left hand side top clickbank vendors and then what we want to do is we want to click on gravity so where it says gravity right over here we're going to click gravity and for the record what gravity means is how many affiliates are promoting that offer so one gravity means one affiliate made one unique sale or more so if one affiliate made 10 000 sales it would still only count as one gravity so the more gravity a product has that means the more affiliates are making sales which is a very very good sign so we see resurge now research is a great offer that we promote as well then we have proven steel bite pro custom keto diet and as you can tell these gravities are really high but what we do is we stick with the products that have the highest gravities and so we typically remain in the health and fitness niche as well because most of the time it's health and diet these offers that have the highest gravity scores so what you're able to do as well is if you go back to clickbank and you go to health and fitness right you just click the health and fitness you're able to see proven and research now proven you can see 360 right over here and then resurge you can see 367 for the gravity right over here as well so the other thing we have to keep in mind is that all of these have what's called affiliate tool pages so if you just go ahead and take a look at affiliates or affiliates you're able to take a look at all of the resources that they provide and everything about this product now if you scroll down and you'll see this little opt-in box you're able to opt in for their uh kind of like resources and their updates but if you go ahead and say no thanks i'm not interested in getting bonuses and updates just take me to the tools they'll take you to the entire tools page that has the affiliate link creator the banners the product images keywords email swipes the faq and contact us now something else that was never told to you you're actually able to put your facebook pixel on the vendor's website so when you get a purchase you can track that purchase inside of facebook so check this out so my cousin and i run clickbank affiliate offers through facebook all the time now what's really interesting is you're able to go ahead and email them saying hello jackie from research i was just curious if i would be able to put a lead pixel on the sales page instead of a purchase pixel i appreciate your time in advance so rather than going ahead and tracking purchases we ended up tracking leads for this particular campaign and so we got an email back saying you need your cbid the exact hop link and your complete pixel code and they will gladly put your pixel on their thank you page so when you get a sale you're able to track the sale that happens if you use a purchase pixel or you're able to track the lead because they can put it on their sales page as well now it's crazy because these vendors have a unique way to place unique pixels so it only fires off for you and you can't just go ahead and track everybody's traffic it's like your own little page that they create for you which is pretty unique so we go ahead and we place our pixel and we just send our particular affiliate url and so our affiliate url is specifically tracked for us so when we capture leads they go to the sales page we're able to track all of those leads so we can optimize for leads inside of facebook now chris i know you're watching this video and i apologize ahead of time but here is a proven winning offer now for the record we got our images from the i highly suggest using a illustrations if you want to get the exact illustrations made for affiliate offers they convert exceptionally well and they work i mean oh man they work so so well when it comes down to getting high click-through rates on your ads so right over here we have the landing page and you'll be able to see the landing page as well now for the record if you want to go ahead and copy this feel free this is a winning as you can tell in the beginning this is a winning product landing page and it's also winning targeting an ad copy so you're able to copy it and i'm telling you right now you will see results i promise you that so here's the landing page that we used and i'll teach you how to create all of this in just a few minutes so this is the landing page and if you click on click here to watch video it takes you right to the offer itself and again individuals or potential customers have the ability to buy the bottles here and so what we did was targeting right male female 35 plus usa targeting weight loss and he said there's two but this one has more people so it's performing better and so the headline was 92.7 percent of people have no idea this routine exists the copy is my friend won't stop asking me what has changed i recently caught up with an older couple that lived on my block for some coffee and i was impressed by how they looked now i'm not going to read the whole thing because your time is valuable and again you can just pause the video and you know read this or you can take a look at the description down below and i'll put an image of it for you to go ahead and reference but this is a winning product winning landing page winning ad copy this is all winning i i promise you that right now you're going to see results buckle up baby are you kidding me as a matter of fact take a look at this i got a message from my cousin and says um yo have you been using any landing pages with my clickbank id on it and so i said probably and the reason i said probably is because he opened up one of our clickbank accounts and it's pretty insane we actually left an ad account running by accident and so as you can tell we totally forgot about this ad account he checked it to go ahead and grab another affiliate link to test an offer and saw that 400 was made 80 160 close to 300 so again this works exceptionally well it converts and we know it does so use it i promise you that it'll work so now that we used cb engine we know it converts we also went to the affiliate tools page where you can grab all the tools the next part of the process is to actually create a page now again we need to create what's known as a landing page or a bridge page now what i'll tell you is a landing page is slightly different from a big bridge page but you can use them in the same exact way so a landing page is meant to capture leads so landing pages are exactly like the ones that i'm showing you on your screen right now that capture leads and those leads we constantly market to them via email marketing using autoresponders like or uh you know multiple different autoresponders but we use because they are the best when it comes to deliverability and so a bridge page bridges the offer so think about it like this you have facebook all the way over here you have your offer all the way on the right hand side and then you have your bridge page right in the middle so essentially when somebody comes from facebook to your bridge page it bridges the actual offer from the actual click because facebook isn't very friendly when it comes to direct linking with affiliate offers just keep that in mind so you never want to direct link your affiliate offer on facebook or else you're just asking to get immediately there so now that we have a clickbank account now that we have an offer that we can promote now that we know we can email the affiliate manager and ask them to place our pixel on it what we need to do is three last things number one is create the bridge page number two is run ads and number three technically it would be number two first is get our designs from illustrations so i'm gonna order these designs i'm gonna wait a little bit and i'm gonna tell them hey look do you mind rushing it because i'm making a video and more than likely they'll go ahead and rush it so with that being said give me a few moments i'm going to order from illustrations and hopefully in a few hours we have our illustrations ready to run so now the next phase is to actually go ahead and create one of these bridge pages and i'm going to give you examples of different bridge pages and landing pages that you can go ahead and use now let's hop into my computer so i can show you how to create these and by the way it doesn't matter if you're using click funnels or another landing page creator just make sure that you go ahead and make them look relatively similar to these so right over here this is one of our offers or a lot of our offers and so this is the landing page or the bridge page excuse me that was performing exceptionally well and the offer that i told you to run so as you can see strive to see how i changed striving to see how i changed life kick back relax we have the answers see how this easy two minute afternoon habits excuse me habit gave the greatest night's sleep click here to watch video and if you click here it goes directly to the actual offer now this converts exceptionally well however we have another route that we go down we actually collect the email so we can go ahead and advertise to them via email marketing so for the ease of this video and for the simplicity of individuals who don't want to create email campaigns and you want to make more money then i suggest using a bridge page rather than capturing emails if you're a beginner so pages like i just shared with you right over here you can go ahead and use something similar or you can go ahead and use something exactly like this now what i would suggest is putting the illustrations image right over here so it matches the ad that you create and again if you want to keep it very simple high converting and the click through rate which is very important really high relatively high then you want to create a simple page like this as well so again with that being said what i want to talk about now is the actual way to run facebook advertisements and then i'll give you an example after i teach you the correct strategy to run these ads because again it's not just as simple as throwing up an ad and there you go you're ready to go so let's talk about facebook advertisements and let's just jump into my computer one more time so i can show you and share with you the exact strategy that we use that works 100 of the time so let's do this right now so the strategy is actually quite simple what we want to do is know the difference between a cbo and an so a cbo is campaign budget optimization so it optimizes on the campaign level and is ad set budget optimization and it optimizes on the ad set level now there's two ways that you can go ahead and run these campaigns now the way that we do it is a little bit different than everybody else so what we like to do is we actually like to start off with low budget abos or we do higher budget cbos and we run it on daily so for simplicity purposes and i know not everybody has 250 dollars to spend every single day i'm going to teach you about abos and how they work so here's what i want to show you so right over here you have campaigns right and under campaigns you actually have the ad sets so i'm going to put ad set and then these ad sets contain the actual ads or aka creatives so these are the images from of illustrations and so the campaign budget optimization would be optimized over here but we're gonna set the budget on this level over here so when it comes down to abos what we're gonna do is we're gonna have the campaign in totality so from the campaign we're going to have multiple different targeting interests so this particular interest can go ahead and be weight loss right so weight loss and this one can be keto for example this one can be fitness for example and then the last one can be weight watchers right as a brand now here's what we want to do as well we want to use a little bit of common sense so when we're targeting these okay these particular interests we want to go ahead and target you know predominantly women but we can test men and women oops men and women between the ages of 30 and 55 that live in the united states of america now it can be tier one countries so you can go ahead and do usa you can do canada you can go ahead and do new zealand you can go and do australia but we like to target usa when we're first starting off now once we have our particular targeting we go ahead and we do something very simple we add three creatives in each ad set now for everybody wondering how much the budget we start off with we actually start off with anywhere from 15 to 25 dollars per day so 15 to 25 dollars per day for each ad set and we'll run typically four to ten different ad sets in the actual ad set budget optimization now you're probably asking well dan if you start off with 250 dollars for a campaign budget optimization and you're running 10 ad sets wouldn't that equal to the same amount and yes in which case it would and that's why i said we use cbo's depending on how many interests we run because we want facebook to optimize these ad sets but again like i said i understand not everybody has 250 dollars to spend per day or a thousand dollars in four days so we go ahead and we're going to optimize at anywhere from 10 to 15 a day for yourself and you can run five ad sets so that will cost you fifty dollars per day rather than two hundred and fifty dollars per day now we have creative number one creative number two and creative number three now the minimum amount that i would suggest for creatives would be two creatives however we run three to five creatives whenever we go out there and run a campaign and the reason being is because we want facebook to find the best ad and we want to know which ad has the highest click-through rate and we also want to know which ad has the highest excuse me we want to know which ones have the highest why am i getting this wrong purchases so we can optimize for let's just say ad number one is getting us all the purchases and a high click-through rate then we can go ahead and kill these two and just focus on ad number one when we create more ad sets or we create more campaigns now i know this is pretty confusing so what i would do is i would re-watch this and like i said we're a little bit more advanced here when it comes down to running facebook ads so again this is what we predominantly focus on now let me break this down a little bit more simpler for everybody who doesn't understand so right over here let's go ahead and just talk about this again we have campaign we have ad set and then we have creatives so these are the images from of illustrations so from campaign what we do is we go ahead and we create for simplicity purposes three ad sets and each ad set has different targeting so it can be fitness it can be weight loss and then it can just go ahead and be weight watchers right so again from these particular interests that we're targeting what we're gonna do is we're going to run three creatives in each ad set and the reason being like i said before is we want to take a look at click-through rate and we want to take a look at the cost per every thousand impressions and we also want to take a look at which ad is getting us the purchases so then we can go ahead and make sure we're only focusing on that one ad and then we can go ahead and kill the other two ads so that's in a nutshell how we run our campaigns now for everybody wondering how we run our cbo campaigns so we optimize on the campaign level so again this is the campaign now what we do is we set a daily budget of a bare minimum of thirty dollars per every ad set so let's just say we're running three ad sets so again fitness weight loss right and then we have weight watchers so what we would do is spend 90 dollars per day because 30 30 and 30. and what we would do again is have anywhere from three to five creatives and the reason why we have a little bit more creatives in here is because facebook will actually allocate all of your daily budget to the one that's performing the best the ad set that's performing the best so a fitness got us 10 purchases weight loss got us two and then weight watchers got us zero facebook will stop spending on weight watchers and they'll also allocate a little bit of money to weight loss but they'll predominantly allocate all of your budget all of the ninety dollars roughly i would say 70 or so to fitness and then they'll know which one's getting all the purchases and then over here on the creatives or ad level they'll know which two or three or one creative is getting you all the sales and then they'll stop showing the other creatives now in my opinion which one is the better one to run well here's my opinion it's that cbo is definitely a lot better to run but it requires more of a budget you'll actually get better results from a cbo than you will with ad set budget optimization however it requires a lot less capital for adset budget and the other thing that you need to know is not every ad account is created the same some ad accounts perform better with ad set budget optimization while other ad accounts perform better with campaign based optimization so let me show you right now how to create an ad set budget optimization because that's what i want you to use to see the best results so let's dive back into my computer so i can show you how to create ad set budget optimization campaigns so let's go and do that right now so we're here in one of my warmed up accounts now for those of you wondering i have a lot of accounts at my disposal what i do is i warm up each account and i go ahead and spend roughly a hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars for all the accounts that i warm up now you don't necessarily need to spend that much you can spend fifty dollars to seventy five dollars to one with an account and the reason why we warm up accounts is so that we can go ahead and get a lot of ads approved because if we get more ads approved then facebook is more inclined to go ahead and approve our affiliate campaigns so i'm going to show you exactly how to create an ad based on this right here this campaign and of illustrations came back and already gave us our ads and you can find these ads right over here and so here are the ads that illustrations came back and created for us now these are great ads that we can use and so back to facebook ads manager we would click create and what we would do is we'd click on conversions right over here now from conversions we would go ahead and click continue now really quickly name your campaign something that throws facebook off a little bit so you don't want to seem like you know exactly what you're doing and you're watching a video like this so you can just go ahead and put something like my first ad campaign right now you're going to want to keep track but you never want to use keywords like weight loss or fitness or anything like that in your titles you don't want to use it in your ad set names or your ad names and the reason being is because facebook tends to ban rather quickly and also i want to go ahead and let you know once we get to the ad level your page name has a huge impact on whether or not your account gets banned so i'll talk about that in a little bit so if you scroll down you'll notice campaign budget optimization in our case we're going to leave it off but if you were to click it on that means cbo so daily budget as you can see we have it set to 20. i don't really know why it's set to 20 to be quite honest with you it typically goes ahead and oh i'm sorry that's lifetime so lifetime will be 700 and you can see that it looks higher than usual but it's okay daily budget ah there we go so it puts it to 100. but we're gonna leave this off okay and we're gonna go into new ad set and we're gonna call this first ad set and what we wanna do is click on website now i don't have a pixel associated with this particular ad account but we would want to create a pixel and then what you would do is you would click on leads once you go ahead or purchases depending on what you're optimizing for and if like i mentioned before you have your actual pixel on the vendor's particular site and so you can scroll down here and do something pretty unique now this is a little bit more advanced you can use dynamic creatives but we're not going to do that today so what we're going to do is daily budget we'll set this to 15 now what i would suggest doing is starting the campaign at midnight facebook time which means because they're in california if i were to convert eastern time to facebook time it would actually be 3am in the morning because i am three hours ahead so the campaign would actually start at midnight because and the reason why is simply put because i want the campaign to run for an entire day if the campaign were to start and get approved immediately it would actually spend that entire budget until facebook resets at midnight again i rather have the entire budget spread out over the course of the day rather than it spending rapidly so again we'll scroll down and what we'll do is location we'll leave it to united states age if you remember before we have male female 35 plus all right so what we'll do over here is age 35 plus right and we'll leave it as is to 65 plus and genders will do all genders and for detail targeting what we'll do for detailed targeting is weight loss pretty simple right so we'll do weight loss over here and you'll just see make sure it says interest and make sure that you find the one that fits the category of weight loss so when it comes down to weight loss you'll see that there's a lot of different weight loss targeting now you have weight loss over here in capital letters and then you have weight loss over here in again excuse me this one's capital letters and this one is just weight loss so what you can do is just pick one of these as you can tell these have different audience sizes now i'm just going to pick the one with capital letters but you can also go ahead and click suggestions right and then go and just do weight loss again and grab the other targeting demographic so weight loss and we'll grab the other interest weight loss right over here and now we have a total make sure this is unchecked now we have a total of 17 million people between the age of 35 and 65 plus in the united states that are interested in weight loss now this is very important for placements we're going to click on manual placements and we're going to uncheck messenger and audience network and we're also going to uncheck instagram explore facebook right column facebook video feeds facebook marketplace and we'll leave instagram and facebook news feed and so stories what we're going to do is uncheck facebook stories now in stream we're going to uncheck in stream as well we're also going to uncheck search and we're going to uncheck in article and we'll go ahead and make sure app and sites are also unchecked so the only things we want check is facebook news feed instagram feed and instagram stories so the optimization and delivery this is more so for advanced users for manual bidding now we're gonna click on new ad and what we're going to do is if you take a look at my pages you'll see that i have our well-being now like i mentioned before you want to go ahead and use words like well-being rather than weight loss and fitness and all of that because those keywords are actually triggers for bands so again we have our well-being as our page and you selected page as instagram account so what we're going to do is single image or video and then for the media what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and just click add image we're going to click upload over here and what we're going to do is we're going to go back to desktop of illustrations and we're going to grab the very first illustration over here and it's going to take just a few seconds to upload we're going to click next and we'll go ahead and just click done so once we have that we're actually going to use our primary text aka the copy and we're going to grab this and we're going to paste it into our primary text and now we're also going to grab the headline right over here and we'll place it into the headline right over here so for description we can leave the description as is now for website url this is where you're going to put your particular bridge page now for your bridge page and for hours we have this particular web page that we went ahead and created so let me just grab this let me just paste it in the website url and then we're going to grab this little www link and we're going to put it on the display link and then what you can do is you can change the particular call to action so we're going to leave it to learn more now this is also very important you see your first ad ad set campaign what we're gonna do is under new ad we're gonna click on the little three action menu uh circles we're actually gonna click on duplicate and we're gonna duplicate this two times and we're gonna uncheck show existing reactions make sure original campaign is also checked off we're gonna click duplicate and it's gonna say new ad copy copy so we're gonna only click on one of these and we're gonna just put two and we're gonna scroll down what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and we're going to click the little remove all under add creative we're gonna go to add media again add image upload we're gonna upload the actual other image and it's going to upload it we're gonna click next we're gonna click done now we're gonna go to new ad copy right and then we're going to go ahead and just write three over here we're going to scroll down we're going to click the trash can one more time we're going to click add media add image we're going to click upload one more time and we're going to upload the last particular the last particular ad image that we have we're going to click done and now what we have is three different creatives as you can tell right over here we're using three different creatives and everything else stays the same so there's nothing that gets changed but we're just using different images so we can find the ones that perform the best so when it comes down to finding the ads that perform the best what you want to keep in mind is cpm which means the cost per every 1000 impressions and you also want to keep in mind ctr which is click through rate which essentially means people who see the ad click how many of them go to the actual site and for rule of thumb anything above six or seven percent and again that's kind of standard six or seven percent but anything above that you have a really good winning campaign on your hands so that's how you go ahead and you create one of these facebook ads now the devil's in the details you want to go ahead and try to run as many different landing pages as you possibly can and so when it comes down to running facebook ads you already saw how we went out there and made a few hundred dollars every single day now this is one of the easiest methods that you can go ahead and follow to also make a few hundred dollars every single day so that's exactly what i wanted to share with you here today if you follow this exact strategy you will make money i promise you that right now however you want to be a little strategic when it comes down to creating bridge pages and you don't want to copy the bridge page exactly you want to create your own variations so if you enjoyed this video please smash the like button if you want more like this and also make sure you subscribe with notifications so you can get notified when i release more videos and more case studies like this so with that being said dan fam notification squad thank you for being here and i can't wait to release the next video where we talk about more in-depth affiliate case studies i'll catch you then you
Channel: Dan Dasilva
Views: 173,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing tutorial, affiliate marketing without a website, affiliate marketing 2020, how to start affiliate marketing, clickbank affiliate marketing, wesley virgin, roberto blake, john crestani, franklin hatchett, clickfunnels, how to earn money, facebook ads, clickbank, matthew sabia, make money online, passive income, fb ads, affiliate marketing step by step, how to start affiliate marketing for free 2020
Id: Kd8uwFMx2c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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