How to do a Split Fast! Stretches for Splits Flexibility

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if you want to get your splits then  this is the perfect routine for you   today we will be doing the most effective  stretches to get your front splits fast   so make sure to like this video  subscribe and let's get started   we are going to start by doing 10 small  kicks back and forth to warm up your legs   as you can see i will be showing beginner  modifications on the left side throughout   this video so no matter how flexible  you currently are you can follow along   after we have completed the stretches i'll  share my top method to get your splits fast   when paired with this stretch routine so make  sure to stick around until the end for that once you have completed the 10 kick switch  sides to repeat them on the other leg   now place your feet a bit further than shoulder  width apart and reach down towards one ankle once you are reaching as low as you can try to let   your head sink as close to the ground  as it can this is great for improving   your hamstring flexibility which is  essential for getting your full splits in the same position reach to the center who you really and for our final stretch in this  position reach to your other ankle   for the next stretch rotate your  feet so that they're both facing   your torso then we are going to go down  into a sleep of a lunge as you can do 10 times now hold the lunge and rotate  your legs in a circular motion   now switch the direction that  you're circling your legs still staying in a deep lunge  lift up your arms to let your   hips sink as close to the ground  as they can now bend in the back leg of your lunge  to feel a stretch in your back thigh   now bend the back leg and straighten out the front  one to go into a backwards lunge in this stretch   flex your front foot and reach over top of the  front leg until you feel a good stretch in your hamstring in this sit back over top of your  bent leg while still reaching forward   to feel an even deeper stretch in your hamstring   we are now going to repeat the stretches  we just did starting with the 10 lunges   up and down even if you're only  trying to get your splits on   one side it is still so important  to stretch the other side as well we are now going to do the lunge circles switch the direction that you're circling  in your lunge   now lower your legs as much as you  can in the lunge and lift up your arms you can now bend in the back leg we are now going to  go into the backwards lunge you can now sit back in your backwards  lunge for a deeper hamstring stretch bent in front of you and then place one ankle  over top of your knee once you are sitting   like this push your torso as close to  your legs as you can to stretch your hip now repeat that same stretch  with the other leg on top   for the next stretch you  will need to lay on your back once you are on your back pull one  leg as close to your chest as you can   with it bent then try to straighten  your leg as much as you can   and if you can get it fully straight  try to pull it towards your chest now we are going to lift up the other leg you can now lower your leg and then go back  into a seated position this time with your   legs straight out in front of you once you are  sitting like this reach as far forward as you can you can now sit back up and then grab  some pillows or anything similar to do   my favorite method for getting the splits fast to  do this method use as many pillows as it takes to   go all the way down in your split then we  are going to hold it there for 30 seconds   if you're a beginner you might need to use a  lot of pillows to start but every day that you   do this routine i want you to try to remove a  pillow until you can do the splits all the way   down it's totally fine if you need to use  the same amount of pillows for a few days   as long as you are staying consistent  with this routine and gradually lowering   the amount of pillows you will eventually have  your splits all the way down to the ground for   best results i recommend doing this routine  daily or at least three to five times a week
Channel: Anna McNulty Stretches
Views: 9,760,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do the splits, splits, anna mcnulty, how to get flexible legs, stretches, flexibility, stretch, get the splits, how to split, split, leg stretches, get flexible fast, split stretch, front splits
Id: Ulnw1WRubX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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