How to get Flexible Hips Fast!

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if you want to get flexible hips then just  follow along to this routine first we're   going to do straddle kicks trying to kick  your feet as close to the ground as you can   you definitely don't need to be able to  kick your feet all the way to the ground   to do this just go as far as you can and  beginners do the version on the left side remaining in this position let your legs sink into  as deep of a straddle as you can and then try to   pulse them closer to the ground since I met you  for the first time and now push your legs down   as far as it takes for you to feel a stretch  if you can't get very deep into this stretch   that's completely fine the more often that you do  this routine the lower you should be able to go still laying on your back place your left leg over   top of your right knee and then straighten out  the right leg trying to pull it towards your chest if you have tighter hamstrings you can leave the  right leg bent as shown in The Beginner's version during this you should be feeling  a good stretch in your outer hip sit up and go into as wide of a straddle as you  can and reach one arm over to its opposite side switch to repeat that with the other  arm reaching over will you take me now rotate your hips towards one  leg and reach over top of that leg reach to the inside of that same leg and reach to the center you can now come back up into a  regular straddle and then rotate   your hips towards the other  leg to reach over top of it reach to the inside of that leg and reach to the center of your  straddle we are well over halfway   through this routine now so don't  give up you can make it to the end for the next stretch turn your hips towards  one side and bend in the front leg foreign you should also be feeling a good stretch  in your outer hip and if you don't feel   the stretch you can pull the front foot  outwards to make this a little more advanced to get an even deeper hip stretch in this position   reach up and then reach  over top of the front leg s now bend in the back leg so that it meets the  front one for butterfly stretch once you're in   the butterfly position push down on your legs  to feel an even deeper stretch in your hips and now reach forward keeping  your legs in the butterfly stretch   you can now come up from your  butterfly stretch and we're   going to repeat the stretch  before this on the other leg and now reach forward from here go into a downward dog and then step  your legs apart with your feet turned outwards   to do plie squats if you can't reach the ground  that's completely fine just do the beginner's   version and as your flexibility improves you  should get closer to the ground when doing   this one make sure that your feet and knees are  turned outwards in the plie squat use your arms to try  to push your legs backwards there isn't   really a beginner's modification to this one just  don't go as deep into the squat and now turn your feet into a standing pike  stretch and then roll back up to standing
Channel: Anna McNulty Stretches
Views: 1,040,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna mcnulty, how to get flexible legs, stretches, flexibility, stretch, leg stretches, get flexible fast, splits, stretches for flexibility, full body stretch, daily stretch, how to get a flexible back, hip stretches, how to get flexible hips, middle splits
Id: 9e4So7PeUAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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