How To install Natural Stone Veneer - Step By Step ,

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i know you guys are wondering how i found my pattern how do i get the the the putter and the design that we have in the stone here it's pretty simple i'm going to show you guys how it's going guys welcome back to the channel in today's video i need some natural vineyard stone i'm gonna show you how i did it but before we jump into the video go ahead and give the video a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already subscribe i just see here it's glistening i'm going to show you how to farm your pattern what you need to do i'm going to show you how to set up your ledge all that coming up in this video with no further ado let's dive right into this so this is the stone that we're going to use as you see here it's a natural stone this is our this is this this is the corner we have all different sizes here as you see here different different sizes let's get map started this is the model that we're using for let's see the pier is loose guys so we're going to take out we're going to put vinegar stone here but we're going to have to remove all these brick first and relay them and then we apply our veneer storm because you see everything is loose right now we don't want it to come off afterwards so you'll see oh this is solid even though we're gonna put the stone if i put my stone like that just like what you see the marker come off a few months are here so i don't know so okay we're going to take the entire thing down from here at least here and relay them and then just just get some more modded i'm not going to charge it extra for that okay just get some more water i'm going to cover it with stone but because this is not structurally stoned yeah yeah yeah yeah i can see this construction exactly so if i put my stone over this it's going to come block just like the model before yeah so we want to relay them make sure they're structurally stoned before we apply over and you release the same bricks yeah we're just gonna move them clean them up and lay them back but you're gonna need more models okay how how much and more so guys here as you see we're going to put vineyard stone over here but before we put our veneer stone as i see it's loose so we want to remove all these brick once it's loose it's not structurally sewn don't want to put our veneer stone on later on it's gonna crumble off so we're gonna remove all these bricks and relay them then we're gonna parge it and then we'll apply our veneer stone upper one solid that way it's not it's gonna last us for a very long time you see look at this [Applause] from here it's good this is perfect we're going to just lay back these ones and then we're going to purge it want to always try and do the job to the base plus you can loss work forward to loss guys no short corners [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so we're gonna so we're going to start to lay our veneer stone first you want to do the preparation preparation is the most important part of of the process yeah so as you see here before they used to have some timber on it so we have a little bit of glue so first thing we're gonna do we're gonna remove our glue make sure there's no glue or paint to our surface before we apply our veneer stone to it so first thing we're gonna do a little bit of sanding to try and help remove it a little bit [Music] so guys these are the two last tools that you will need for this job i have a four foot level and we need a two foot level on a small level as well it's optional you probably don't need uh don't have to get all three but you will definitely need a level i have them in on so i i'm just showing you guys you need a small child as well a jointer a jointer a slicker and you're going to need a small nail for your spacer so this spacer here is a 1 8 and a quarter inch spacer these are what we're going to use to to maintain the same um joint that we're going to go the thickness of the joint as we go up what i'm doing right now guys i'm trying to catch the level there's a big piece of concrete right here which is something that we have to get [Music] off [Applause] level now so you just want to continue this level here go right around so this is what we're going to use as our ledge to lay our stone on temporarily and later on we're going to remove it um and just fill it back with a good style so now we're just going to continue on it will ever go right around [Music] okay so we're finished set up our or our ledge now knows the time we're gonna we're gonna do our pier first and then we're gonna we're gonna fill in those um bigger areas these are the corners that we have here the first one like so so we're gonna wet door surface before we apply our stone to it what i did i had a bit of bunion glue to my water and just shake it up and use it to to wet the wall before we apply our stone to it basically just gonna put it on just like so [Music] this is my little spacer box that i have here guys i have my spacer wrapped up a nice ready to go this one is telling me that she want to go up a little bit just gonna put her up a little bit here like so yeah for sure so we're gonna put this one here so we're gonna do we're gonna just leave it right there and just mark it gotta cut a little piece off this one i'm the one go and await the backer for a stone as we go as well guys before we have to put our martyr to it [Music] so guys it's very important to to dry fit your stone whenever you do a cut before you put your master on the back of it as you see here i drive with this one it's telling me right now that um i could cut a little piece more off okay so it's here if you're going um this way you don't want to go no more than four feet as you see here we're about three feet now three feet two and now we're gonna break it to a different size go in this direction it doesn't matter the size stone you're using just try prevent from going more than four feet this direction the moment you lay three or four stone you retrieve it you break it like i'm gonna do now and put a different side stone you'll see what i mean in a second here's a different size so the way i want a mask here okay so we lay this one here now we need to put a different size here we're going to put the same size as we have here the way we want to mark this one not going to go here we're going gonna put it right up here now and we're trying to do it vice versa so we can tie our corner so now what you wanna do you wanna put your pencil right here under the bottom we're gonna mark it and we're gonna put it right where we mark it by the time the mother go behind it the mod are gonna gonna form the joint that we need at the side here so this is our mark here we're gonna cut this right off here now i'm gonna just cut it off right here [Music] you see here i put this one in the center and i put this one here to match with it so that we have the same level coming that direction coming the same direction you might push him down like so make sure [Music] so let's see you guys return here the short side this side and uh we'll turn the start side this side alongside this side and the one above it you want to turn the long side this side and the short side of the other side so basically we're doing a vice verse we're trying to go vice versa with the joint the alarm on the short side you'll see what i mean as we go guys we want to dry fit it so now we're going to put one here you see i i fit it first before i put my mother on it if you have any question that i may miss out feel free to leave a comment down in the bottom d right i'll read all you guys comments and i will throw my email up there as well if you want to shoot my email you know ask me whatever you want to ask you guys are like a family to me now [Music] let's mark it like this guys and then i mark the top the reason for that is because of the design of the stone so just another square just trace it right over just like so just cut it in the mask for me sir so here we have this finished part we're just gonna shape it up a little bit just like so i'll give it a nice little finish in there this is good enough for me i like it so now we're gonna install it looking for something to look like like this want at least a quarter inch worth of water on the back of an inch horsepower on the type of stone that you're using [Music] this is our level guys that's who you want to come right on put that in the center guys put that one right over there as well if you have extra one you can put one right here as well [Music] so [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] guys it's very important to check while you go to see which stone you have the most so that um you can use you can use that one the more more than or you use the other ones if you don't do that you might want to run short and stone [Music] this one is a little bit thicker than that one the same side so sometime after some time it's okay if you have to put a just a little bit of extra spacer underneath it just to accommodate for the other stone [Music] see here is a little bit lower it's okay for you just you just put something underneath just so that um for the eyes you can see that it looks level hey guys how it's going i know you guys are wondering how i found my putter and how do i get the the putter and the design that we have in the stone here it's pretty simple i'm going to show you guys i'm going to explain to you guys how you can do it yourself you can buy your stone and follow this simple three step that i'm gonna show you and you should be on your way it's always important to check to see the different dimension of stone that you get whenever you make your purchase in my case i have three dimension i have a big a medium and a small usually a medium and a small had up to be the same height as the big one you want to keep that i want to repeat that again the medium and the small had up to be the same height as the big one the reason why i repeat it because i want you to bear in mind whenever you reach you put a medium and a small you reach the height of a big one you have to break it as you see here this is a big one i have a medium and i have a small and i put one right across just like this to break it you want to do that each time we don't want to go no higher than the biggest size stone we have in my case this is the biggest size stone and this one had up to be the same as this one okay so if we're going another thing you want to bear in mind if you put a meat a small you want to put a medium on top of a small here that way okay and for over here as you see we have a big one we have a medium here it's calling for a medium stone right here now after we put a medium here we have to put one right across to break it in any case you go if you put up not a big one here right now for demonstration purpose if we put another big one here it's going to be wrong because you pass the height off the big one that we have here you don't want to pass the height you want to make sure you always maintain the same height whenever you put because because clearly right now it's telling me that you need a medium stone so whenever you're lane for instance you have a big one you could put either a medium then you put a you could put a small dinner put a medium after that you have to put another one across to break it that's how you're going to maintain your band yeah i hope i hope you understand as we go in the video i'm gonna give you guys a bit more tip as we go so that um you guys can understand and another thing you want to check for so this one no more than one feet this one no more than four feet and each time you do that you have to break it once you follow those simple steps you will be on your way of playing stone it's pretty simple and straightforward keep watch i have lots of video where we're doing stone work go and watch some of them and most of them i give a bit of tips where you will learn as you go as well our stone is the same procedure you use in the same rules that you follow to lay our stone basically so follow those that i just explained to you guys and you should be on your way as a stone layer you want to do it yourself as a [Music] homeowner very important guys too much uh try to fit this hand with the previous one that's already laid if you can some type of stone it's not possible but um you can then yeah try try [Music] so guys over here here if you have a smile and then you have a medium you have to break it here as well once you have a medium or small it's the same as the big one like i mentioned earlier so we need to break that [Music] foreign [Laughter] oh [Music] guys i'm just trying to make a sill to go here we don't have one okay guys so now we're gonna do our giant first thing you want to do you want to add your water and um this is a master mix this is a type s martin mix that's what we're using for our stone or vineyard stone and we'll see we have our abandoned glue here i always like to add a bit abandoned glue to my model whenever i'm doing stone joints so you want to add water first i normally had like just a small portion and um keep on hiding until you read the consistency you want for your joint in my case i'm looking for mayonnaise peanut butter consistency apply it you keep on add more monitor if you need to to get the right consistency that you want for your joints before as you see i wash my stone donut with my joints now i'm gonna start to do the drying thing this is my growth in bug growth in baga can get at any one of the mason supply store you want to ring it i'll just see the moment i ring it squeeze it as i ring the marker go up to the head see and it comes out now we're gonna do a joint [Music] foreign [Music] this is my wire brush we're going to test our joint to see if it's ready so now we're going to test it and put our finger there's no there's no it's not coming out wet on my finger i know my joint is ready to go all we're gonna do is just use a wire brush like so this is the finishing we're gonna do for this one [Music] [Music] so so there you have it guys hope you get value from this video did you get value from this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already subscribe we have a lot more video like this coming up uh as you see here we're gonna move on to the next job subscribe we have lots more videos coming up as well be safe love you guys stay safe i'll see you in the next one peace out
Channel: 1kb construction
Views: 137,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To install Natural Stone Veneer - Step By Step, how to install veneers, how to install veneerstone, how to install natural stone, how to install natural stone flooring, how to install natural stone tile on wall, how to install natural stone veneer, how to install natural stone tile, how to install natural stone steps, how to install natural stone pavers, how to install natural stone patio, how to install veneer over block wall, how to lay veneer stone, How to lay stone veneer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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