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for this class what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to get a really nice paint job or stain job sorry let me start that one over okay so what we're going to do is we're going to break this paint job down for you [Music] do now is we're gonna break this skate job down by the numbers really easy I'm gonna use wall tools true tits I've got nine colors that I'm going to be laid out for this and if you follow this step-by-step procedure you're gonna get it every time it's very easy I'm gonna break it down a lot of guys struggle with state jobs a lot of guys struggle with color in general but it doesn't have to be that difficult it's still a step-by-step process and really that's all there is to it if you just follow these steps you got good products and take your time enjoying it once you once you get over this hurdle you're gonna have no problem then we can tweak in other jobs we can tweak the colors and we can tweak things but out here considering everything else that we've already stained I'm gonna try to keep that in the same family so first thing is we're gonna talk about my joint color okay so sometimes joint colors can vary but I like to stick with bolder bolder is a great all-around stone color it's on the darker side and I'm gonna basically tag all the joints so that's gonna be step number one I'm gonna tag the joints but I'm only gonna work about a 4-foot to 6 foot span okay I don't want to get too ahead of myself because I don't want any joint color to burn or soak in and create a stain so to speak that's that's obvious I want the color to blend so I'm really gonna work in like a 4 to 6 foot area and then I'm gonna follow immediately up with three colors champagne hazelnut and dark walnut so I've got my joint color Baldr and I've got champagne hazelnut and dark walnut these three are gonna be the follow-up colors and then from there we're gonna work our way down now what I'm doing is I'm looking for individual rock colors I'm looking for colors that are separative I don't want a dark color dark color dark color dark color and then a a lighter color lighter color lighter color lighter color lighter color I want a mix up because contrast is key that's what keeps the mind engage you can see how the colors work off one another and that's important so we're gonna start with Boldin I'm just gonna tag my joints real quick I like to hit the tops as well not just the sides of the bottom you want to make sure you get underneath the plastic so I'm just basically tagging these quickly right in the deep joy that's gonna darken up that joint okay now I'll pick a color I'll pick a stone or two and I'll just tag those then I'll come back with champagne it'll tag a tag a stone one or two stones maybe a corner hazelnuts pretty pretty dark or darker that my darkest color which was dark walnut I'm just gonna kind of pick up the rest so if you see now I've got colors that are blending and those black lines from the boulder are still there and they look really prominent now but this all dries down okay all of this will just just subtly drag down I don't want to do anything else to it one of the big problems that guys have we're stating is they keep messing with it and keep adding more material and adding more material and then an hour later they look back at their job and it's like everything's the same color because it's just wet on wet wet on wet blending blending blending it's literally turning the entire wall into the same color Rock and only the top rocks have different solid color because everything underneath of them is just bleeding into into itself creating a completely you know by the time you get to the bottom of the wall it's all it's all the same color so we're just gonna let that sit just like that but that's this is step one you use your Boulder to create your your joints then you come back with dark walnut champagne and hazelnut and you're just completely random all right don't freak out if you start to see big runs that actually plays into your advantage okay a big run here they're not a big deal all right so that's steps one and two we're going to continue because this can't we can't do anything more with this until we get all of this done so what I'm going to do now is I want a guy to come in here and I want you to take the Balder some guy take the boulder and start tagging the joints and then three other guys you know if we have them are just going to take a collar and just tag you know tag randomly the colors okay so I need a bolder guy to hit all the joints and I need another guy or two good guys doesn't matter who does it I don't want to do it because I know how to do this you guys need the experience that me and what the biggest thing is is don't put your cult if you if you tag a stone don't do a stone to the same color anywhere near it jump over a guy to get to another area okay just give them a chips just give a chance Larry you're gonna be a lot more liberal no more yep hit hit the joint too and then when you're done with an area Larry you can hit like one stone okay completely because that's part of the base do she give it a lot more Marshall that's kind of a lighter color so and try to tag the top of it yeah dad leave some of the black into it as well since we're all doing it can I keep going or you help me stuff okay Larry come back to tag one of those big stones with with your Boulder what would you too much time you want to be able to blend all that stuff together don't cross the streams [Laughter] Scott rolled it to where go over to where Marshall just was in head hit the joint real quick right the middle yep see how that bled down don't kick crazy with the cheese whiz guys stay on target follow up behind Larry let's look at good though I like the separation [Applause] there's a couple blocks over here that have boulders that are bleeding but they don't have any other Colorado [Music] what does take a little bit of time is is the if we were on a hot day we would want to move a little quicker you don't want to dry is you don't what it to dry but if we do want it to dry because in order for us to go to the next steps we need it to be set up and drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now so step three what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back with our lighter colors that we're using weigh storm bay leaf at bluestone now these colors are more like splotching a spread so splotch we're just trying to create a little bit of color separation in the stone surface itself at this time you can see we're Pertwee are fairly dry you want to be dry because if we're not dry we're gonna have just more bleeding and the stuff we're putting it now is not going to show up so I'll start with way and storm so I'm just going to put a little bit of splash there once again I'm just going to kind of move around just kind of splash it just a little bit I'll come back with storm which is a completely different color I'll just pop it a little bit I'm just being a very random bay leaf which is like a little bit of a green once again just to fuse few areas and then bluestone which is a little bit of a blue gray and I'm just gonna pop I'm looking for edges looking for even like the middle of a stone I might just randomly pop it like that just looking for little little areas that will kind of accept it just slightly these aren't big these are about big changes these are very very subtle the next thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna take black now black is kind of dangerous because it's very bold very hard to get rid of so you want to basically take your squirt nozzle and you want to get it to where it mists and atomizes once you get it to where it atomizers you're going to stand back and you're just gonna pop it and you're gonna speckle your stone just like that and all you're doing is speckling it it just creating little little splotches of the stone just like that that's it all you're doing is just lightly lightly hit that that squirt bottle so it just squirts out a little bit of material once that material is out there if you do make a mistake and it starts you start to blotch it it starts to run her a big blast a black comes out once again come back with your orange creat brushes I like to use these because they're frayed at the end it's kind of like a faux finishing brush and they're frayed at the end and you can basically beat that out of the stonework because it's still water-based so it hasn't had a chance to really bite down in there not like an acid stain it's gonna start burning immediately but these brushes are good for for Fanning out color it's spreading around the color now let's back step just a minute let's say that you didn't get a lot of color separation okay there wasn't a lot of different colors you can always go back before we hit this step that I just did and you can highlight some of your stones so let's quickly do that I'm going to take the hazelnut and the black walnut it's going to come down here to another section and I'm just gonna highlight one more time okay just gonna highlight it now with that well that drives down it'll be a little darker you should have to do this you really shouldn't have to do it if you're doing your job right and you're putting enough material on the surface you should have good color separation all throughout the wall now we're gonna let this dry down I don't want to do anything to it I just it's kind of raining today that's why we're under a tent so you never want to do this without having cover because the water will just take everything right on the rock but for right now we're just gonna let that hang out and let that set up but that's dry we come back with the final step when you're doing stain work areas that are over slabs or every other decorative concrete and you don't want to go through the hassles of plastic and duct tape or or blue tape or whatever tape is out there believe me I've tried them all the state runs down wicks underneath of it it's kind of a hassle so one of the things I like to do is I take kitty litter and I just splash kitty litter up against the base and then would you know of course like I use a lot more but I just pack it up against there in this case the floor is going to get an overlay over this whole thing so I would cover this whole area about a foot out with kitty litter that way when I'm squirting it up spraying it just drops down into the kitty litter too gets absorbed it's a great trick it works really good and many times if you're carving stone and you carve up underneath of there there's a joint underneath there I just filled the joint altogether then I cut back with a hose and I blow it out it's a really good trick to keep to keep the state of the wall and off of your decorative kind of cream so the last step what we're going to do is we're going to take a sanding block this is actually a diamond pan a lot of the countertop guys use them for finishing and correcting things but because of the diamond pad here they don't break down like the sanding blocks that you might find at Home Depot or Lowe's I'm just gonna take this I'm just gonna highlight some of the edges here so in doing that I don't want to hit the whole stone I just wanna hit a couple highlights a couple edges a lot of guys get kind of carried away and they hit the whole stone this is just to simulate you know how the rocks might have been tumbling around on the skid before the Mason got to put it together I'm just looking for a couple areas a couple of ridges I might take a did area and kind of scuff up the whole you know a whole quarter but I'm not going to do that without the stone I'm just gonna lightly hit this and let's say that I I mess it up let's say I guess I get too crazy I turn around my workers just completely trashed my stone or maybe the worker does this and you say oh my gosh I gotta get put that guy do that again do that over everything I'm just saying there's a lot of options if this is too much or you got a little bit of accenting going on and this is over the top just a little bit too much the guy got carried away it's okay don't freak out so we've got a little bit of highlighting taking place just feel like I personally like to hit just a little bit but let's get back to this problem child where the guy got a little crazy you know the client comes out and says hey I don't like that too much it's okay take your brush spray a little you know dark color out there and just bury it because it stayed it's gonna cover up that exposed concrete and there you go you're back to get you're back to normal now if you want to go back and add a little bit more just to kind of bring it to the what the rest of it is like that's not a problem these are the tools that we like to use I've got my stains I've got my spice my brushes right here I've got my sanding blocks this is the recipe that I use basically this particular stone we'll just call it the Pacific North Northwest stone so if you're going to buy it are you going to pick up these colors and you want to use this method to get this look this is the formula to use [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vertical Artisans
Views: 211,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x3iW3OYvKHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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