Installing the BEST Looking (FAKE) Faux Stone: Versetta Stone by BORAL

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hey what's up guys welcome back to the channel so we're at a project that you guys might recognize this is the how to build a garage series and this was a 30 by I do believe 48 garage that we built but unfortunately we're not here necessarily to do any glorious stuff we're here to do rework because as you can see I'm not gonna shout out names or it's not about ridicule it's actually a great opportunity to kind of showcase why we love working with vercetti stone but you can see the blacktop was sprayed up against the stone and obviously that is not acceptable so we're here to replace it and it is the middle of winter so right away that's one thing that you're not gonna be able to do if this was a real stone it's really hard to work in the winter with mortar and you know your traditional stone this is not real stone it's a fake cast concrete and we're gonna go ahead and take all this off and replace it and I'll kind of take you guys through that maybe I'll show you what the inside of this building looks like - so stick around it's winter and if this was all mortared on stone obviously we'd have to start chipping it off and then we'd probably have to heat this whole area up in order to get our mortar to not freeze on us the nice thing is this is a tongue-and-groove stone product it's actually cast in a factory first off 50 year warranty on the product so that's pretty killer the other thing is you can run 80 square feet I do believe it is before you encounter a repetitious piece now you don't have to worry about you know it looking like a fake product this is not glued so I know people were you know curious about it yeah there's a little bit of movement and that's because there's a space behind here that automatically is put in the back of the stone with the strip which I'll show you which is gonna create a rain screen so if any moisture makes its way behind this there's a gap for water to run out but if I pick this piece up look at that it's gonna be I'll come out maybe we'll be able to use some of these we'll see nice thing is we also use screws to put this together so you guys are gonna see just how quickly we can get this whole thing taken down and hopefully put back up so now we've got our screws out you can see right here this flange this metal flames that you screw through it also sets the panel off the wall about 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch and that's what's gonna give you that gap back behind here for your rain screen hopefully it's not into the blacktop too bad over here oh nice that was easy that took about two minutes to unscrew take all this off that would have been a pain if it was real stone now we're ready to go ahead and start installing the new stuff the big reason I love to use some nice felt paper a it's going to give us that extra layer of protection but also what it does is hides the the white in the background so if you have any cracks or gaps in the stone since it's not mortar door you don't come back and tuck point it the black kind of takes takes away that and gives it a nice shadow line now the reason we do this reference line is so that every row we can check to make sure it's running perfectly level and obviously we know that this is level because we came off of this trim and we know that was level so because we're good because we shot it with a laser so you can kind of see the the ends of these are fairly finished there's a gap in it's not perfect because they do make some specific Universal ends corners that the the whole end is like thickened and full that way when you when you stop it like on the wall it looks finished from the end these are just regular standard ones with the tongue and groove and I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of that tongue that way it can go against this trim let's save this and let's find one that has a thicker bottom so it covers as much of this as possible I think that's probably good right let's check it yeah that's probably good I think we're gonna make that work my dude let's see what we got here we're 19 and a quarter here we're 19 and 5 3/16 so that side need to go down a little and honestly this could probably come up so now you can see why we love the reference line Yeah right there hold that hold that and now we're bolt 19 and a quarter what I'm installing this I flush up this end and install the other end to the same dimension that 19 and a quarter I can assure that at least this stays good you might be saying well why you just snap lines and run this flange to a snap line you can't do that because the way this is manufactured who knows maybe someday I'll get to show you guys how this is manufactured at the planet this flange is set into the cast concrete form by hand which means that's not always gonna be perfect so you can't really go by this you kind of just trust me on this go off at the top of this and you'll you'll do a lot better in the end we're here ready to cut this first piece and we're looking for ten and a half now cutting versed a stone is not all that bad but it does get a lot easier if you have some of the right tools so this is the IQ power tools saw and I've had this for about a year now don't use it a lot it's I don't do a lot of masonary so it's really just used for the rosetta stone but what's nice is that it does a really good job with dust which nobody likes masonry dust yeah it does a good job with dust collection does a decent job it's a bit above average [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you might be saying dude that wasn't perfect and no it's not perfect once this saw gets into the material is when it does its best job that first initial cut there's gonna be a little bit of dust blowing until it really grabs suction but it's pretty smooth pretty powerful it's one thing you want to make sure is that this groove is free of any debris and sometimes just because of the casting just take your hand kind of clean that off because those will or can cause you issues as you're installing but you can see that that sucker just went in nice and tight I'm just gonna verify the up good there and the nice thing on this job in particular is that the piece I just cut I'm gonna take it and it's right here I'm gonna go ahead and use it to start off this row here so that's one nice feature it also adds up to you know nice cost savings because you can usually utilize any piece even just randomly if you wanted to throw a scrap into the middle of the wall the way this design is are the the engineering behind the panel and the visual look of it it does a really good job of hiding the panel itself things don't have to be perfect perfect I think sometimes the imperfect nosov the stone is what really gives it its appeal if it's too perfect then it doesn't look like a real stone because real stone is not perfect so I like to use this reference line as just that a reference it's it's not like the Bible I don't have to live by it I can use it to make sure that I'm staying you know within 1/16 eight something like that 31 about 15 sixteen so we've done three courses you probably can't really see where they're at if you were walking up to this job you probably wouldn't even known it but now that we're up for courses and we're out of scrap pieces to start I'm gonna go ahead and use a full one again and I'm gonna use that one that I was gonna use on the bottom it's already got the side tongue off and obviously you want to be you know thoughtful of your joints so you don't want too many joints lining up but we're we're up another four courses I don't think it's a big deal and you're never gonna see it and this is the same thing that we did initially when we built this building I'm gonna go ahead and install this and then we'll be after this row on to our ribs you know one crazy fact that I learned about this product is that every stone is hand-painted by an artisan so I mean I think that's what you would call them they're in a factory and these things come out and they go across a factory floor which once again I'd love to see this because I think it's you know ridiculously crazy but these are all painted by individual people which really gives its character and uniqueness it's not a factory robot doing repetitious algorithmic painting details it's like a person has to do every one which means that is where the imperfections and the the kind of natural look is gonna come from I'm curious go ahead and drop me a comment down below if you guys would like to see how this thing is made how this product is manufactured and maybe that's a whole nother series for the channel where we go around and kind of show you guys how things are made I know I'm a inquisitive guy and Greg likes to travel so maybe someone can get me and Greg to their factory and show how these products are made so make sure you drop that comment down below alright one more cut here ten and eleven sixteenths nice little tip for you guys because it's not something I we thought of but you learn over time is that this piece is going to be ten and eleven sixteenths now you'll see we got this this you know fake joint here luckily it's gonna be on this side so we want this piece so when this thing gets cut imagine that is what its gonna look like you don't want to make a cut with a little sliver of a piece if there would have been a mortar joint right here it would look goofy like who would naturally put a little piece of stone so by doing this right here it's gonna look a lot more natural so something to consider when trying to lay out your cuts find pieces that work so that you don't have those little tiny drips [Music] [Applause] so what I wanted to show you guys is that this material it's made with like some colored aggregate so what happens is when you install this if you're gonna showcase this side it helps hide the fact that this is a finished edge so also what that means is let's say somebody knocks the corner of the stone after it's been installed it chips it off a little bit it's not gonna be super noticeable once again just another kind of little positive thing about this product is that they've kind of really done a good job and I will say it keeps getting it keeps getting better look at that boom perfect right where we wanted it one thing that we have to do is post frame builders is use some different trim details so you can see one thing we do is we run this je outside here up the edge and that gives us a nice termination for our stone also this trim piece here that's all dirty because it's been out here in the you know living in the world for the last year and a half this trim detail is big enough to accept our stone which means that this corner trim doesn't wrap over it nice and clean like typical like I said before we had to do the plywood in the back but other than that like that's it I mean this stuff is super easy what I'm hoping to do here is let's check out these pieces of stone that we had we're gonna put this in just because we have it and I don't even know if it's gonna fit I think that's probably a little tighter than I want so we're gonna go ahead and cut some new ones which is okay I just thought man if we could put these pieces in they aren't damaged there's nothing wrong with them we'd be out of here but lucky for you guys unlucky for us we're gonna have to cut the top ones it's the worst part of the process because the IQ power tool saw does not rip we have two options we can either get a table saw out or in this case we've just got our concrete saw we've only got to rip down to it apart we'll do that real quick it's gonna create a lot of dust I don't recommend it but is really not a great solution that I know of so definitely once again when you guys see us do this if there's a if there's an easier way to do it if you got a good solution drop it down below in the comments let's start ripping so here we got the Milwaukee fuel mister m18 cordless concrete saw I don't recommend this but in certain applications is the best we got we're outside we're just gonna blow this bad stuff away from us and this thing cuts like butter check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've got all these pieces cut I got that first piece not just around this corner and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead get this piece up here and I'm gonna take some OSI quad and now this is not necessarily to make it stay put because it can't go anywhere I just want to take some of that rattle out so more or less just giving it some stiff backing even though normally maybe I would take like I said some metal and put it back here all this quad is cold it's been sitting in the trailer so what I'm gonna do is put some back here in the groove that's gonna secure that and then really I'm just gonna give it a fat bead I know that the felt paper is not going to necessarily adhere see it's just to take away the potential rattle and I'll shove some back here behind this they have color-matched sealants as well so you don't have to have this clear caulk but I don't have any so we're gonna do this and hide it so nobody can see it and let's hope that I don't have to take this off again because wherever this adheres to the stone it will adhere quite well man OSI quad in the cold yeah I'd be careful because the pressure needed to get it out of the tube I'm just waiting for it to blow back right right into my hand or something out of the caulk gun see if we can sneak it up there it's gonna be tight cuz there's a Tong here see look plenty secure super easy guys I don't know what time it is small area the bigger the area the easier it is because you get just rocking and rolling you can see how easy everything goes together it's like a vinyl siding obviously cost is gonna vary you know depending on where you purchase it at I don't quote me on this I want to say they come in they come in a pack of two each pack has six foot x eight inch it's about well it's four square foot exactly so twelve and a half dollars a square foot for the material every time I've gone up against a stonemason in my area so once again it's gonna be area specific I am usually half the money installed then a good stonemason to do like a tight cut ledge stone like this so take that for what you will I think it looks great that was actually a lot easier than I anticipated not knowing what we were getting into with the blacktop down at the bottom but I knew the install was gonna be easy that's one of the great benefits of the versed stone so if you guys haven't seen it already you know it's probably available almost anywhere Borel makes this stuff and it looks I think phenomenal it works great for post frame you know due to the fact that we don't need any footers any you know sort of really anything just a nice solid surface behind that so if you've got a project coming up maybe it's worth looking into it's not as cheap as vinyl siding or for us it's not as cheap as putting steel up on the building but it really just dresses it up and gives it a look in my opinion very close to a real stone look it's got nice texture and 50 year warranty kind of matched with our 45 year warranty on our steel which is kind of crazy 50 years 45 years but I like it nice and solid let's get out of here that's another job taking care of so I told you guys I'd get you a little bonus footage this is the how to build a garage and we're inside one of the cool things my client did is he did the epoxy floor so that's giving him a really nice finish he's got this killer hot rod that you know that's kind of the main reason for the shed I think was to store this work on it get it out of the personal garage but I wanted to show you a couple things and you know it's not for everybody but surface mount conduit we got the surface mount electrical box this is what's so nice about post frame we can come in without any utilities done without any concrete poured we can put up our entire structure he did like a whitewash on the 3/4 plywood so he's able to hang anything anywhere as you can see his electrical box he's got a nice Navion boiler here so that is what is controlling his radiant heat in the floor honestly it is super comfortable in here there's never gonna be an issue with you know water staying on the floor so it's gonna always you know do a really good job of evaporate if you come in like right now it's wintertime but I just kind of wanted to show you guys this is a 30 by 4 D 816 before yeah this is a 30 by 40 garage it's just perfect I mean who wouldn't want this a nice place to come get away from I don't know stuff in the house whatever you got going on and just hang out tinker with things and I just want to show you guys what it looks like because I know that you don't get to see a lot of those finishes now up here in the Attic this was blown in with an r 38 we got our scuttle hole in the back and that's really all that's used for once the installation is done that is it this floor here and I can kind of show you because well you guys already know we always shoot this base trim on with our laser and then the concrete guy is able to use that as his guide where all the concrete is gonna go you can see where the concrete is sloped out I do like it when a nice pan is put here so that the door closes and then there's a Ledge no you know wind-driven rain can make its way in but they got some expansion around our trims protecting them from any movement in the slab but that's all this is you know this is a floating slab inside of our building so it's not it's not holding up our building you know the building is not relying on it for any structure because we've got it on those concrete piers and this is just gonna kind of float into that expansion around the outside and it's a perfect solution it's a very cost effective solution and I know a lot of you guys are always asking about you know can you build a house this way you can I wouldn't recommend it I would always do a nice full foundation wall with the floating slab on the inside like a traditional you know home or garage built on a slab so anyway yeah if you got any questions about this project or things that you want me to showcase the next time I go into a finished job go ahead and drop those down below in the comments make sure you hit that subscribe if this is the kind of content that you enjoy and it also supports me and we'll see you guys on the next video I'm gonna get out of here
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 1,014,738
Rating: 4.9219341 out of 5
Keywords: how to, do it yourself world, stone veneer, faux stone, faux panels, faux ledgestone, faux siding stone, fake stone, fake veneer stone, versetta stone, how to install faux stone, diy stone, diy faux panels, stone, rr buildings, diy stone crafts, do it yourself projects, stacked stone, faux stone panels, faux stone siding, do it yourself, r&r buildings, building a garage, rural renovators, how to build a garage, garage build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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