How to Die Less in EFT! | Four Movement Principles to Stay Alive Longer

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hello everyone it's giga beef here and today we're going to be looking at how not to die and escape from tarkov primarily focused on four principles of movement so stick around and let's get going okay so today we're going to kind of go back to basics looking at a few principles that will either help you die less will serve as a good refresher for intermediate players i find it useful sometimes to take a step back and analyze how you're approaching the game as over time you can stop doing certain things as your playstyle develops it's useful to be critical of your in play and to be deliberate about working on certain aspects until it becomes natural and you don't have to think about it anymore and you can start working on something else today we're talking less about fight movement specifically although it is still applicable but more about general movement around the map because this is where many players get bopped out of nowhere and wonder why they died which is some of the most annoying deaths in this game so the first two principles are related closely together but are in my opinion the foundation of general movement and escape from tarkov as you move around the map you should be continuously thinking to yourself can i get to cover what this means is if i get shot at right now where will i go can i get somewhere safe or can i use some cover to be able to fight back so jumping into our first clip basically what we're doing here is we're on reserve and we're trying to move around the map to skirt around and go and loot some people now what i decided to do is you can see as the clip progresses i do take a look into the building and think maybe i could go that way but i in fact decide to take the lazy route and the issue with this is that i end up stuck in this tunnel or corridor effectively with no cover whatsoever and i get engaged by scavs that i kind of know already there and the problem is is that when i do there's nowhere for me to go and it's very hard for me to fight back as you can see and i end up getting really messed up even though i've actually got good armor on and i'm wearing a decent kit even then scouts can really mess up your day this is basically a case of being greedy with movement and taking the short easy route rather than the longer but safe route through the buildings here for example in this case so in summary principle number four is always be thinking about where you can go if you get shot at any point in time keep thinking at all times until it just becomes second nature and you're automatically kind of moving from cover to cover without thinking about it too much next up is principle number three which is very closely related to the first principle that we just talked about which is planning your route from cover to cover as you move around the map so what you should really be doing is stringing your movement between pieces of cover as well as thinking about the most likely sight lines onto your player and using that knowledge to block or obstruct your visibility as you move around for example if you're playing near dorms and moving in use the cover to obstruct visibility from the building so you don't get engaged on by somebody inside while you're still outside and it's hard to fight back in this clip we kill a guy who is fighting someone else and we want to go loot we could just romp through the middle but clearly that's a dumb idea given that we highly suspect someone else is still in the area as we move around my spidey sense tingles and lo and behold we take some shots i should be in cover really yeah i don't know exactly where from although i think it's probably up on the train station roof somewhere but from their perspective i can only appear either left or right the building so they have an easier time looking for me and killing me in a straight fight because i've still got to locate my target so we decided to retreat and take another angle now what we have to do is risk going past a sight line so taking a look at the cover that we have available and thinking about where they probably are located we can move back into this set of bushes and then pick the minimum crossing distance between the foliage and the corner of the next building to sprint across from here we're in a much more even fight because i can just disappear in theory around the back by the hills and so they don't know that i'm still here necessarily there's also this sneaky sight line that we give an attempt at using and unfortunately we don't snag the kill here but the fact that we got a try risk-free shows the power of this location versus just trying to take the fight where we were before damn it principle number two is to be very aware of the sight lines behind you who sees who first and tarkov can often be the deciding factor in who lives and who dies simply because the time to kill is very low so naturally players coming around cover or appearing behind you can get you sent back to the lobby super fast and this is especially true for solo players who don't have anyone watching their back in a similar way to the first principle you should be continuously trying to place cover between yourself and potential assailants which means you almost need a kind of third person perspective of yourself and how your pmc is present in the tarkov world blocking sightlines in this way can dramatically reduce the chance of getting surprised by someone coming out of nowhere so to speak as you're moving from cover to cover as we mentioned earlier and be aware of the cover as it moves past and behind you and keep it in your mind's eye as you progress across the landscape also note here that reducing your silhouette when taking up a position especially on hills and high ground is also related to this and very similar in terms of thought process but i want to cover this properly in another video that's less about movement and more about positioning itself and finally on to the first principle of walking versus running this is the number one thing that gets new players killed and is also an easy habit to slip into as you get more experienced new players don't realize necessarily how much audio information you give away by running continuously in certain areas especially against other pmcs wearing headsets okay so we're gonna we're gonna go around the back of this then i don't wanna go like into the thick of it there's people fighting inside here i'm not gonna run because they can probably hear me from that range if they're wearing like decent headphones get a bit closer experienced players on the other hand tend to be looking to speed up their raids and the temptation to charge about grows as you lose gear fear and money becomes less of an issue as you become more impatient with the game and want action to happen and you're raised to be completed a bit quicker it might seem fairly obvious at first but it is easy to fall into some bad habits and there are pros and cons to both walking and running the obvious ones being when you're walking you're much quieter and when you're running you get out of the dangerous area potentially much more quickly so it's a situational awareness and experience exercise to determine the best course of action in practice in this clip we're fresh off the spawn and we want to get out of this area asap walking versus running it's always a trade-off between visual cues and audio cues and trying to get through an area of relative danger fast before getting spotted at the expense of signposting your position to other players around you that's what i'm trying to get out of this spawn in this case given that we've just spawned in there's also an additional danger of other pmcs kind of knowing where we are broadly and so we want to get out of the area as fast as possible and it's unlikely that anybody's going to be super super close just because the spawn points are kind of separated gonna get down here and then we're going to stop running about like an idiot importantly though you don't just want to keep running forever once you reach a specific landmark or piece of cover that you can't see over it's usually a good idea to scout out the area and in this case it snags us a kill clearly map and spawn knowledge helps here as well to give us a good idea of timings which is when pmcs are likely to be in certain areas in the first few minutes of the raid in short good players have this stuff down in their muscle memory so they don't really even need to think about it while they play for the rest of us it can be really easy to forget these basics but to get better at eft or anything really is to work on reducing your bad habits improving the way you go about making decisions by thinking deliberately until it's second nature and not just playing on autopilot i'm also working on these things myself so i don't pretend to be perfect at this stuff quite the opposite in fact these elements are generally the things that i'm always trying to improve in my own game he's in here somewhere can i thread a nade through there no no no no um how did that not kill him by the way did it go through the window it could have actually the grenade yeah the grenade could have gone through the window i'm not sure i'm not really sure what happened this is something i always forget to do but it's actually someone just outside sounds like he's up there where i was [Music] before no i pressed the wrong button and tried to reload my gun rather than pressing t to try and turn on my laser well that was a near whiff but okay at least we didn't die at least we didn't die that would have been very embarrassing if you learned something or enjoyed today's video and want to support the channel please as always consider sending a like and a comment as it helps with visibility for those who haven't found me yet on youtube you can follow me on twitter and twitch to check out when i'm live which is currently two times a week once on friday at 9 pm uk time for the real-time recording of the scav talk podcast which you can check out the link to in the description below and a regular tarkov stream on saturday at 2 p.m uk time in the afternoon with all that said i'll see you next time and as always have fun in your raids
Channel: Gigabeef
Views: 170,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tarkov movement guide, Tarkov movement tips, Tarkov movement, Tarkov advanced movement, Tarkov positioning, Tarkov beginner tips, Tarkov die less, Tarkov die every time, Tarkov stop dying
Id: To0O483az8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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