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so as you've probably heard a billion times in the past few days battle State games released the unheard edition of the game and as much as I can't be asked to really deal with any of the drama it's not like I can just ignore it when you can now fit a literal mag in your pockets so I guess we can call people back into raids now or is it just new people that weren't already in the raid look I don't know the specifics but at least they reduced the price of the unheard Edition by 50% and I'm still not going to buy it oh they also did some other cool things like give PVE to EOD 2 which is cool I guess you know I love T of and honestly I still do see I really don't mind the update or do I as long as I still have fun I'm still going to play the game the catch is I haven't even tried Taco since the update which leads me to wonder how many people actually bought this new addition and there's really only one way to find out but before we conduct our unheard hunting experiment I have something special for you guys that's right in my hands and you may be wondering why am I calling in an airdrop well right up there is a sponsor of today's video War Thunder War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made and is now available for free on PC and consoles with over 2,500 vehicles from 10 major Nations tanks ships and planes ranging from the old propeller planes to the modern fighter jets and main battle tanks of today see these vehicles aren't just basic Square hit boxes with Incredible detail detail down to its individual components it's safe to say that if you hit the right spot their vehicle will no longer exist its x-ray view also precisely shows where you hit which helps you understand exactly what damage you did realistic graphics and authentic sound effects make sure your ear stay happy giving you the most immersive experience out there you don't like realism War Thunder has you covered with three game modes covering all play Styles arcade realism and simulator play War Thunder for free on PC Playstation or Xbox Now by using my link in the pinned comment or video description new and returning players that haven't played in 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms that include multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator named Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver coins and 7 Days of premium account so for this limited time only now is your best chance to get yourself in the world of War Thunder now initially I started by putting on quite a good kit with an M1A this heavily overpriced face mask and generally just a good kit but then I realized what I'm about to do which is hunting players who actually bought this new addition and if I die to them which is most likely what would happen I didn't really want to give them a good kit so we went with the absolute lowest of lows and we now in raid with an MP9 loaded with quak maker also known as leg meta the plan is simple rat apmc if he doesn't have the big boy Pockets indicating that he didn't buy the new addition then I'll I'll take his kit throw it away so he could get it back in Insurance however if he does have the big boy pocket indicating that he did indeed buy the new unheard Edition his kit is now my [Music] kit what the hell that was so fast my God I hope he has a big big boy Pockets come on right surely surely he does what what if he has a friend I'll take his gun first this an org nothing special all right check Pockets check Pockets ah first guy the first guy we kill he already has oh my god dude really really the first I BR I open the game holy crap so you're telling me right I open the game and the literal first guy I see and kill boom insta unheard Edition like what there's no way in hell this isn't even like Labs you know I would expect labs to have these kind of players and like a higher amount of them because labs are sweaty and sweat people will buy it but that's crazy bro and with no one else in that raid I think it's time to move on to round two why the hell is there a guy here no but genuinely why the hell is there a guy here what is the guy doing here um okay so we got a free kit unless it's not the new addition ain't no way it's not right please I swear to God come on normal Pockets yes normal Pockets we found someone I mean it's only the second guy but you know well done well done you get to keep your kit now I will Insurance rud it for you here's your kit boom boom and then I need go get the rest no stop yo hello yo hello speak hello hello hello hello hello is this guy really not going to talk and just try fight me man I just dropped the guy's gun I can't even use it I have to use this MP9 to kill him oh well fight him I'm not going to kill him there's no way in hell hello yo I know you can hear me man hello hello hello man respond please I'm trying to drop his friend stuff I don't even think I have a spare mag no I I left it okay sure surprisingly in round two we we didn't actually come across an unheard Edition gamer maybe we were just lucky to come across one in our first raid we'll get one at about 2 minutes 2 minutes maximum trust and about 2 minutes later holy [Music] crap oh man if you're not an unheard Edition I'm sorry I am so sorry come on please surely oh he's strong he has to be what is he level 50 no he isn't he isn't I'm sorry man I'm sorry okay okay okay you get your stuff back okay well nades can't be insured so that that's my taxation nades are mine because uh I had to pay for ammo so you know you can have your kid back here take boom boom boom boom and it's like nothing ever happened yeah no one will know right yeah we're good we're good well I mean sure you know what I'm kind of proud of the talk of community so far I honestly expected way more people to have actually bought this new unheard Edition but so far I've only seen one person with it maybe it could just be the map I'm running cuz if it was Labs I bet there would be way more blue accounts but either way I decided to run a few more raids into interchange for now and if we don't find an unheard Edition account soon then we'll have the step up our game and move into [Music] Labs what there's no way in hell I just killed that guy there's no way no my head my head bro how the hell did I kill him I'm using quak maker it's no way I just head shot him oh what is the point of even using any other gun let's see Pockets oh he's not he's not going to have it yeah okay well I mean why the hell is he running a ppsh I mean why the hell am I running an MP9 I can't really say anything about it well um yeah you can have your stuff back and so once again because he didn't have the unhard Edition I dropped his gear in a corner so he could get it back via insurance no one will find this right I mean this is kind of obvious but we'll be fine I highly doubt he has that even insured to be [Music] fair oh crap how the hell am I meant to get there without making so much noise of just walking down a fully open hallway oh my God there's so many I mean I don't have a hello there's no way this works I couldn't man I didn't I did I forgot to pack the second mag oh oh wait wait wait EOD okay okay it's fine EOD D good man good man plus rep to you Labs was my next and last choice to hunt down these unheard players because realistically the first people who would buy it are their sweats and what map it home to the sweatiest Giga chats of tarov well that's exactly why we're here now even if I had died it didn't matter cuz all I wanted to see was that blue name of the unheard Edition this is one crazy Lobby yeah he just opened black oh crap what do I do Rush him screw it you rush [Music] him so blue name blue name maybe surely it's slabs right and surprisingly he was just a normal EOD player but maybe that was just lucky all right round two same thing right no different side same thing but different side come on Blue Edition unheard whatever it's called unwanted no one wants it well I kind of want it but I ain't paying for it ah why am I ratting this this gun is just for self-defense anyways oh I'm too scared to push anything I just said that I would push and now I'm back to crab walking I'm going to drop down I'm going to die and he's going to be blue that's what's going to happen here let's go I don't know where he is I'm scared again I I was expecting to die straight away but instead of pushing me being the scared rat I am just decided to wait waiting to hear any sort of sound CU which I could then use to make a move and eventually when I did get that sound [Music] CU look how much blood there is on the wall how is he not dead wait you died that was so much blood on the wall that's insane there's another guy though if this guy kills me and he's not uh blue Edition I'm never going to find out if that other guy was also blue [Music] Edition oh I didn't have bullets [Music] [Music] loaded damn a normal one wait that's hey that's crazy Giga Chad in Labs I see never mind so remember how I said I was here to only take the unheard Edition kits of pmc's well so far due to there being so little unheard Edition players all I've really done is kill normal people just to drop their kit practically making their raid useless which is why I'm here now with a hatchet spamming raids into labs in search to find at least one person with a blue name the wind you mey to M my soul makes it harder to say [Music] goodbye o blue name look you little monkey and he's running a pistol I was like yeah I run a [Music] pistol but once again it was just EOD seems like the community really did fight against BSG with this new addition is times are changing this is the end of everything but it's hard to say goodbye in my dream to [Music] be Everything feels wrong just doesn't feel right it just doesn't feel [Music] right oh that must have been the longest time to kill I've ever seen in t of well if he was a friend I'm dead and by checking his pockets we'd be able to find out if he's one of those unheard Edition players he's not okay G HD G HD did you die to G HD this guy didn't die to go me HD well I'm about to die yeah that was correct he's also EOD bro no one has it I saw a guy a damn he wasted way too many bullets for haty and finally this time it was still the regular Edge of Darkness account maybe we'll never see that blue name [Music] again well I'm dying let me get something in my pouch intelligent F that was an intelligent F blue [Music] just what the hell what yo if you're going to shoot me you might as well kill me no I finish the job Jesus Christ I think at this point it's kind of expected for it not to be the blue name so for one last time will this be the one and EOD damn well I guess people are sensible enough to not buy the new unheard Edition fair enough GG's shout out to War Thunder again for sponsoring today's video play it free on PC Playstation or Xbox and use my link in the pinned comment or video description you will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including premium Vehicles in-game currency unique skins and so much more so for this limited time now is your best chance to start playing War Thunder and thank you for watching the video
Channel: CoolestJonas
Views: 33,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, wipe, wipes, raid, raids, explain, gameplay, gaming, funny, escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov funny, tarkov memes, bsg, battlestate games, escape from tarkov gameplay, tarkov meme, tarkov arena, coolestjonas, tarkov streets, tarkov movie, tarkov short movie, movie tarkov, tarkov unheard edition, tarkov drama, tarkov pve, tarkov pve mode, tarkov dead, tarkov unheard, tarkov new event, unheard edition tarkov, unheard edition, is tarkov dead
Id: 82UDVKgs43M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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