Tips to Die Less in Tarkov | Escape from Tarkov

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a few things before the video really starts uh this is a continuation of the video I uploaded a few months ago which is how to play tarov solo um but some of these tips are definitely geared towards solo players but they can generally all be used uh by groups of players as well also I am trying out a new camera I bought a new camera uh so let me know what you think there's still quite a few things on it that I need to figure out but hopefully there should be a noticeable Improvement in the quality of the funny man with the helmet so tip number one trust that gut feeling if you are ever about to do something uh like running across an open field or camping in a certain spot and you think to yourself I'm probably going to die doing this or this probably isn't a good idea then don't freaking do that I know that there are a lot of jokes about tarov players being paranoid schizophrenics and to be honest most of us probably are but that gut feeling has saved me more times than I can count that's not just an idea that you're pulling out of the ether my theory I'm not a psychology expert but my theory is that is your brain telling you hey we've been in a situation like this before and it didn't end well last time so we probably don't want to be doing it again trust that gut feeling trust that instinct I don't know how many times I've thought to myself wow I'm probably a really easy snipe right now and then suddenly my brains are decorting the snow that gut feeling can save you and even if you don't trust it all the time at the bare minimum take it into account before you go and do something tip number two and this is probably one of the most important things you can do in tarov is know the spawns and what dangers you're going to face from them the biggest example I can think of is the east side of Shoreline I have already talked at length about how terrible this spawn area is so I'm not going to talk too much about it in this video instead I'm I am going to mention this spawn on Lighthouse next to the sunken boat house this is a very dangerous spawn and I'll tell you why if you spawn here you cannot go towards the lighthouse or go towards the road you absolutely need to head up the shoreline otherwise you are going to die why is this well there's a spawn over by the tunnel that allows you to run up this sheer Cliff face and end up in a sniper spot overlooking that exact location I got most of my test drive kills this way I would just Sprint up this sheer Cliff face stand right here and watch whatever poror sap spawned next to the boat house wander into the open becoming the easiest head shot in the world these people were all unaware of this location and they paid the price H this guy was fully aware of what was going on and he thought he was different spoiler alert he was not when you spawn in you are extremely vulnerable due to the fact that Mega sweats and people who have played this game for way too long are going to have an idea of where you are it makes you predictable and predictability in this game is a very quick way to die so you need to know the spawns and you need to know what dangers you can face and how best to avoid them uh number three this one's kind of obvious but it's surprising how often it slips people's minds people see you through movement and Silhouettes uh movement you can't really do a whole lot about uh maybe just try to move through cover but understand that when you are moving is when you are most visible that's plain and obvious Silhouettes however are the one that people seem to ignore the most and I would argue that it is more important to conceal your silhouette than it is to conceal your body if you're up on a big rock with the sky to your back you stand out like a sore thumb you are a black outline on this white background that is not good cover is obviously very important it's great it protects you that being said what's better than being protected from bullets is not getting shot at at all if you are able to conceal your silhouette it makes it much harder for people to find you especially if you're in a shadowy area it is borderline impossible unless somebody is staring straight at you in this clip this person was very easy to see I was able to immediately detect them as soon as they were in the corner of my scope because they are this black silhouette that looks like a person with a pretty bright sky in the background if he had just been a little bit more concealed or if he had I don't know put a tree behind him or something like that I probably wouldn't have been able to immediately detect him and he probably would have had a much easier shot on me because of that I guess that's just a very convoluted way of saying be aware what is behind you be aware of what kind of silouette you're giving off and try to mitigate it whenever possible it'll make you a lot harder to see tip number number four no when to shut the hell up and let them pass if you are in a no- win situation and you really want to get something done sometimes it's good to just be quiet and sit there and do nothing don't rotate don't walk don't even try to sneak just be absolutely still in this clip I'm trying to do Punisher on Lighthouse I only need three more scab kills I really don't want to come back to Lighthouse I freaking hate this map and all of a sudden I hear a thre man walk past I have a Benelli M3 and FTX slugs I am not going to be able to pen their armor the only way I'm winning a fight against a three man is if I get three perfect head shot I'm also on the low ground so I am disadvantaged at every point in this fight so unless I transform into shotgun Jesus I don't stand a chance so in order to stay alive and complete my quest I just hold still it is very tempting to try to back off it is very tempting to try to rotate to put myself in a situation where I stand a better chance but those can make noise and sometimes it's better to just not make any noise because I choose to be completely silent they pass right by none the wiser that I was right next to them best of all narrowly avoiding a fight like this can be just as exhilarating as winning a long fight it feels like you're back in 2007 doing all glied up for the first time this type mindset also works if you get cornered by a sniper and have good cover in this clip I am trapped in the boat house uh there's a guy outside with a suppressed rifle I think it was an RFB or something like that and he is sitting in the woods I have no clue where he is it is sunset the woods Are Pitch Black and he is probably hiding his silhouette pretty well since there's trees all around and there's bushes all around even if I didn't have a shotgun this is still a very no win situation I can't run in any direction because the only thing surrounding the boat house is Beach and Beach and that is it so instead of trying to es instead of trying to flee or anything like that I just sit and I wait nine times out of 10 they'll either get bored or they'll become preoccupied giving you a chance to slip away if they choose to rush you that's quite good now you have a much better Fighting Chance in both of these situations don't let your ego take over don't think to yourself oh I might be able to no you can't no you can't don't be stupid tip number five reposition often when you are fighting someone do not stay in the same place do not rep peek the same angle the most dangerous thing you can do in Escape From tarov is be predictable if a mildly competent player knows where you are you are at a severe disadvantage this applies to CQB quite a bit but it also Al really applies to sniping if you fire a shot and there is even a chance that a player hurt it or has an idea of where you are you need to move and not just a little bit move a lot like in this clip I shoot this guy in the back of the neck I assumed that I was a little low and ended up hitting him in the upper back I wasn't able to kill him and he escapes so what do I do well there's absolutely no clue he knows exactly where I am he was looking away from me never looked at me once but he definitely heard my gunshot so he has a rough idea of where I'm at I'm not sticking around I am moving don't be predictable you want the other player constantly guessing where the hell you are and where you are going to be going back to this clip we weren't able to kill each other off the first few shots we both reposition the problem is is he I think he saw me moving but he also didn't reposition as much as he should have because because of this I was able to just look a very little bit to the left and immediately spot him again which is why he died if I was him I would have moved all the way down into the trees that way I moved a substantial amount as well as am now protecting my Silhouette he probably would have beaten me if he had done that number six develop an understanding of what quests someone might be doing and this may cause them to behave in a certain way that comes with just experience and escape from tarov and understanding of white progression that being said it is very easy to do in the early wipe I would wager that every single person that has played escape from tarov has done this with at least one Quest and that's the pocket watch quest in the early days of the wipe you know everyone is trying to do this everyone needs to do this so as soon as you finish this Quest you do not go back to the tanker truck area and the utter crap storm that it's going to turn into if you're just trying to progress you don't need to get wrapped up in these stupid amount of people that are all converging on this one location which makes it easier to move throughout the rest of the map that or you camp it because you're an either way you are able to predict what some people are going to be doing because you know that a lot of them are going to be on this Quest this idea can be applied to other quests throughout the wipe for example going back to the clip where I whiff on the dude on Lighthouse he's wearing a scab vest that means he is most likely doing Punisher part 4 and is actively hunting pmc's that is why I repositioned so quickly if he was wearing anything else he's probably just wandering through the map especially if he's going back to the chalets he's probably just going to Camp those but since he is wearing a scam vest he is probably going to heal up and come to try to kill me so I get the hell out of there because I don't want to die it's thinking like that that can give you a slight Edge over people once again though that is is very much a more uh experience thing that comes with time and you eventually kind of just start to do it subconsciously but it is a good thing to keep in mind number seven Don't Panic unless it's time to panic preemptive Panic is a leading cause of death and escape from tarov let's say you have a bolt action rifle and somebody comes way too close to you but they don't see you yet instead of taking your time to properly line up a shot because once again they don't know you're there you just very quickly pull the trigger and Miss well now they know you're there and you're have to cycle your bolt you're probably going to die because of that instead take your time if they don't notice you yet there's no danger you can line up a shot and get the kill obviously if someone is scoped in on you looking at you and getting ready to kill you then it's time to panic but until then take it slow take your time and don't rush otherwise you pretty much guarantee your death un unless you get really lucky and uh number eight don't take emercom extract that's it like this for whatever reason this extract is getting camped a lot nowadays not even from the usual spots like the back of the truck or the uh the overhang nowadays they're in the bushes and in the trees um I guess this could be turned into a more General tip like bring money for car extract or um be willing to take the no backpack extract or uh invest in something like red Rebel or object 11sr but at the end of the day just do not take emercom you'll die like I don't know 80% of the time it's terrible this this this extract sucks dude and that'll about do it I think these are tips that basically everyone is aware of they just don't think about that often so just keep these at the Forefront of your mind next time you run a raid and are trying to actually live um other than that thank you so much for watching watching I really hope you enjoyed let me know what you think of the new camera uh next week should hopefully be the evolution of the 9 by 39 user which we haven't done one of those in a while so I'm excited for that but again just thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a good day
Channel: Leviticus
Views: 121,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n9PEEfksbLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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