How To Develop "Man" Skills - Jocko Willink and Echo Charles

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sorry for the English I'm French that's a disclaimer hmm how can a man that has not grown up with the confidence and trusting male role models and mentors sort of anti Uncle Jake person's only intellectual I'm saying this without disrespect to these people how can they become a confident man and develop the necessary man skills quote unquote okay it's interesting you can say man skills in quotes yeah and I think we pretty much know what that means right yes like what that means so so how do you do that you don't have any positive role model around you that's like an uncle Jake which by the way most people don't have an uncle Jake Yeah right that's not normal to have Uncle Jake most people you got what you got and in this case he's saying he's got like the intellectuals so you know oh my parents were college professors and they don't have any of these skills and they sit around and talk about philosophy right now I ended up I can talk about philosophy well but I can't fix my car yeah or I can't defend myself yeah in a combat scenario in the streets so what are you gonna do okay this is real simple go do things mmm go do things lift start lifting weights learn how to deadlift learn how to squat that's that's part about being a man right sure physically yeah physically strong learn some jujitsu I recommend that probably could have guessed that one yeah learning how to fight learning how to defend yourself I just got asked us the other day kid came up to me he's like what should I do if I get intimidated by other people and I or I don't know how to react when people like get in my face I said do you train jujitsu no start training in jiu-jitsu mm-hmm but then what I'm gonna fight everyone no no you don't have to because you already know you can beat them up right now if they attack you yeah you can beat them up but if they are just getting in your face and trying to Punk you and you look at them and go hey if you want to do this let's do this but I don't care yeah I know you can come to my gym I'll talk you out train some jujitsu so we got that one run hike sprint climb build things start building things rewire things do some plumbing these things are not they're not impossible to do now it's gonna take you longer right like I've rewired my parts of my house I've replumbed parts of my house we've done all the plumbing in parts of my house now if you watch a skilled electrician do what I'm doing it would literally take him 1/8 of the time maybe 1/4 of the time because or like the drywall over you're talking about earlier a good drywaller they are like masters a good electrician masters a good plumber they're smooth me it's gonna take a while sure so but but what I'm saying is it's not impossible yeah it's not impossible to do mmm and it'll take you more time but you're learning how to do it and that gives you what does that give you it gives you the self-reliance right hey I can fix my electrical outlet if I need to yeah so those are good things that work on your car change your oil whatever do those things and and again those things like I so I took electricity class in high school sure where we learned how to wire rooms and everything is that what it's called elec it was called electricity class I took electricity with Scotty was the teacher's name sure wait you called him Scott everyone called him Scotty he was an older guy his name was Scotty we all call him Scotty so Scotty but we we learned how to walk wire houses and all that well I didn't remember any of that when I was now 20 years later or 15 years later I'm rewiring my kitchen where I which I ripped out of my house okay so what did I do you know what I did went down to Home Depot mmm I bought a book called electrical wiring and I've read through it and I'd followed the directions same thing with plumbing go down by a book called how to do plumbing and you do it and it and the good thing about this stuff is it's very satisfying to do that kind of work yeah it's very satisfying to do it and you can over engineer things you make things super solid in your own house secure yeah super yeah you can just kind of go the extra distance because it's your own your own house so that's cool so those are all physical things and some kind of knowledge things that you can start working on what the hardest thing to overcome here is like a level of embarrassment yeah right how so like I don't know anything about wiring oh yeah yeah you know I don't know I'm embarrassed to say I don't know anything about wiring yeah and so people don't want to say anything so they'd rather just say hey let's get an electrician in here to figure this one out yeah or hey I was good yeah so they're too embarrassed but if you have time do it yourself yeah and don't be embarrassed about it be like hey I'm where I'm rewiring my kitchen to have no idea what I'm doing yeah give me this book yeah what do I need to get Oh give me some tools it's good to have good tools yeah also so that's that's like I said those are things that you can do you know um learn to shoot you know learn to shoot that's a good good skill to have also read write read about history read about survival read about the world read about human beings under duress read read books good books about good stuff about challenges it's and then just like Mark and we're the warrior kid he doesn't know his times tables yes to learn them you have to go learn all this stuff and talk about you have to go learn and with with time your confidence is gonna grow and from humility you'll grow into being more confident now you also say you don't have any mentors or role models around you that's okay because those mental mentors and role models are in books and you can find them you can I just talked about david hackworth good mentor to have a met and you can have a guy a guy wrote you a 1000 page book on how to lead and it's for you that's pretty awesome beyond band of brothers my dick winners mm-hmm guess what here's a guy that was that in charge of the band of brothers in Normandy and he wrote a book for you to learn how to lead so those are some examples and like I said most of the books that we've covered on this bar many of the books that we cover on this podcast give you a mentor better than anyone could possibly hope for yeah so you can get it there but and we mostly cover war books but there's books about all kinds of people that can be virtual mentors so read study do do that's my advice on that one yeah that physically strong thing is a in my opinion a big deal because especially what with you know intellectual types in that kind of environment yeah since that's not really a priority a lot of the time you tend to you know how like you're not into something so you kind of shun it you know and I've seen this I'm not saying all the time but you know sometimes the inner I don't like takedowns so I'm not gonna do it yeah and then you think of all the reasons why you don't need to do it and how guys focus true you know or whatever so in an intellectual circle will say yeah those circles sometimes you'd be like oh yeah those meatheads or whatever you know they just don't shun it or you say about that issue no yeah but they'll do that yeah and then there'll be these physically frail people but since they they're in their mind smarter than everyone I feel like they have the one up in there kind of there's an element of satisfaction there yeah but at the end of the day you're physically weak there comes down and I think most of the time I think I don't know but it seems like most of the time they'll have these feelings like this guy asked right here like yeah man how can I develop because I feel it yeah yeah unless they just want to be in denial right that's what exactly a ban and also he'll and by the way the same thing happens in the reverse right yeah guys it's just meathead he shuns and and disrespects or disregards the intellectual side of this and that is that is equally as bad because they're not they don't know what's going on they're not knowledgeable they're not learning they don't understand the world in a clear way so find the balance between those two things yeah what's great is those things are not mutually exclusive like you don't have to just be a meathead or just have to be a bookworm right you can do both there's plenty of time in the day to do both Leigha a smart ass guy with a big deadlift that's a good thing I'm trying to be that guy yeah not there yet but I'm not working on it yeah and then that one level up which is the jujitsu part of it you do think you are thinking about jujitsu combines the intellectual piece with the physical piece yeah and in a way you can connect I'm not recommending this at all in fact I'm against this but this is the nature of jujitsu you don't have to be that like you don't have to have a big deadlift to dominate in GG first you don't have to do any of that so you can essentially overcome the physical part of it even though just is physical but it's a you don't have to you know overcome a physical part of it for it to a point yeah yeah in everyday life I mean you you're trying to you're trying to be the guy like if someone's better than you at jujitsu training room it really bothers you are you talking about everyone or no me you doesn't bother me well let's say it motivate I don't know you know like like it doesn't bother me right right right I mean like for instance I trained with Dean Lester all the time yeah he's better at me in jujitsu right I everyday wanna train with him right so it doesn't bother it's not bother but like what I know compels you like impels like no no maybe it does like I hate it at the appends on what you mean by mother I hate it I do I hate it and I love it and we were just joking about the other day because we got into a little scrap yesterday you know kind of into training and all of a sudden things got escalated and there was some shouting going on and shouting shouting yeah yeah you know he was saying what he says and I was saying what I say and but we had a you know we had a mutual truce at the end we I think he didn't really want anymore I didn't really want anymore so we just kind of let's let's laugh and call it good because you're rolling the dice when I'm alone with Dean there's a dice roll happening because if he ends up in a good position on me there's gonna be pain there's gonna be pain if I end up a good position on him there's gonna be pain so I think both of us we got away a little bit unscathed neither one of us got a really good position and we I got back up to my feet and I and then we both kind of just had a mutual agreement an unspoken agreement yeah we were done for the day but the point there being is in almost like in this weird way you know how like intellectually you can excel so you can kind of find it justifiable to avoid the physical part of it it's almost like you could almost say the same thing about jujitsu you could still be effective in defending yourself without be physically strong necessarily but but my point is that there's a limitation to that oh yeah ultimately if you you can be you can be unbelievable at jujitsu but if you're really really weak and you go against someone that's really good at jujitsu but there are a hell of a lot stronger than you yeah you're gonna have some issues right yeah yeah I ideally and that's ultimately the main point is just like how intellectually you can be you know a black belt and you can sort in a way get away with not necessarily being and vice versa and then Judas is like that third element you didn't sort of get away with not being super strong but still be effective in drugs to you know I mean so yeah ideally just like someone in the middle yeah get that balance here but being able to defend yourself is a whole nother thing than being physically strong you know seems obvious but when you go through life I think it's not because you get these like big jack guys and it's like no one wants to mess with him well bro this medium to small guy who knows jujitsu or knows these you know for real fighting stuff is way more of a I was like dangerous but yes ultimately way more dangerous than this big jack guy who can lift a lot for sure so it's that third element that are kind of weird when you roll with somebody that's super jacked and they don't know jujitsu yes and it's amazing it's like amazing yeah you just think yourself how is this happening yeah this is the magical power yeah because you look at a big jack guy your human instincts tell you look out yeah he's gonna that person is stronger than you you know watch out but when you know jujitsu yeah you don't and eventually you realize you don't even have that anymore yeah you know everyone you're looking at thinking wait you don't have whoa you don't have no keen that is a fear yeah instinct of fear although you're still you you you know my first thought when I look at someone's like do they train or not yeah do they train or not if they train we may have issues this could be a problem if they don't train no factor yeah no train no factor yeah if they train may have a factor that's why I got to work out hard so I never be strong yeah yeah you know you know cuz they might be coming to take my lunch money maybe right don't want that no how's this last night literally last night I didn't train last night I did not train last though we're a real world experience so you know the five gallon jugs of water you know those Bing you put in the water cooler or whatever so this like a little refilling thing that I went to lay it was like I've told this story before no there's another this happened last night so hazardous duty I know water refilling of the joints yeah I do that okay last night when I was doing now is refilling the jugs you know I go in store I'm coming out walking to my truck to get the empty jugs to go to the little thing as I'm walking to my truck a car pulls up right next to the water filling thing mm-hmm there's a what's called a red box you know what yeah so car pulls up a kid maybe 12 years old jumps out of the car he starts like it was a yoked do it no normal kid whatever and from in the car this thing male probably is dead someone maybe stepdad really and immediately the dad start to yelling at him mmm just put it in the thing and just to the point where I thought it was kind of joking where cuz all joking my daughter like that you kind of like hell you'll do sometimes yeah yeah you'll get up but in it sounded like a joke mmm when I was like wow this guy's serious and the kid is like you could tell he was kind of used to it no he was like I am I'm doing I'm trying you know whatever whatever and they look on the whole parking lot could hear ya and this is at nighttime secure setting so I'm walking to my truck I'm like bro if I get to this place and this guy's still there not even yell arms in there I'm gonna have to say something not be a dick I'll be like hey don't talk to it like that I'm gonna try to solve this problem be like a this kitten you know whatever I had this little thing before I knew digits or anything like that I wouldn't have messed with it I would even beam like big or whatever in strong I would have been like oh man that's yeah you know but man I was like man I'm gonna do this so I grabbed a and they left so I didn't get the opportunity but I'm just saying these are things that can happen on varying levels every day yeah and if you're in intellectual tec-9 and I'm not saying if you're an intellectual but if you don't have these elements of whether it be skill or knowledge or whatever like those things mess with you you know I can't yeah and when I figured out what jujitsu was when Master Chief Steve Bailey choked me and he was he was an old man at the time probably three years younger than I am and I was thinking myself this how'd this guy just do this to me that's insane that's completely insane I need to learn whatever he knows you teach to me whatever you know because I don't want to feel that way ever brought and then you're training it like let's say you train for five years for five years you're training not against people who don't know you're training against people who know you know dangerous people who do know like how to defend your shit and then you go in the real world yeah you have this guy has no idea how much control you have over an internship yeah I see yeah that's it's totally so yeah this this whole thing were I mean year and that your thing about some guy was the guy was his problem was like when people get in his face or whatever his problem wasn't getting beat up it was when people get in your face and how you react in the right feeling right off Brad that feeling gone yeah because you're right your numbers are right because he said he wasn't scared of fighting he was saying like I might get in trouble Hughes he didn't like how he felt I felt like he should do something and he felt like a lamp basically when you know that you can destroy someone then it doesn't matter you just think they're an idiot yeah you beat them you get the strength and the skills and you actually beat them on an intellectual level so it's like a day yeah yeah if you can get those three intellectual psychological whatever mental physical and skill wise defending yourself that's the lit the three right there it's good stuff nots just just how hard you want to hit it really you want to hit it ours I think so too you know it's very beneficial to hit it hard
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 994,142
Rating: 4.9465446 out of 5
Keywords: discipline, freedom, military, extreme ownership, leadership, advice, jocko willink, echelon front, navy seal, jocko podcast, excerpt, echo charles, leader, lead, win, defcor, discipline equals freedom
Id: ayeMEyLHRvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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