Has Jocko Ever Used Jiu Jitsu in Combat? - Jocko Willink

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chuckle did you ever use jujitsu in combat wouldn't a striking art be better for combat situations okay so yes and definitely this is one of the things where I was actually I read things about this and people say well no I mean why would a seal ever have to use you know hand-to-hand combat they have a rifle they have a pistol they've got buddies with them so you if you've if you have to use your hand to hand combat you've done something wrong mm-hm and that's actually completely wrong because you know it's very simple you go into a room where there's people in there and none of them are armed and you have to get control of them you can't just start shooting people you're gonna have to get control them so how do you get control of them well again how does striking give you control of someone the answer is it does not unless you have a miracle touch that you can just knock people out with one touch and then you can handcuff them people don't boxers don't knock each other out consistently you know it's it's very difficult to knock someone out and so this idea that you know striking is better you absolutely have to know how to strike but striking is a very very inconsistent way to get control of somebody very very inconsistent way to of controlling people and actually the the sad thing is is that it's striking is the most traumatic to the to the person that you're applying it to and you know we used to do something or we were taught something called a muzzle strike right well you basically hit the person with the muzzle of your gun and the people that were teaching it would be like thinking that that just stopped people hmm like yo you give him one good muzzle strike because it does it seems like you know a muzzle is a very strong I mean a very small point of impact and you think all if I put all my force behind this small point of impact Matt's really gonna you'll hurt somebody and take them down and I saw hundreds of muzzle strikes and they're really brutal and they what what they do is they cut you they cut you open very badly as a lot really bad cuts were like a rifle rifle and but they seldom did they actually knock the person out so what do you do then you muscle strike him again and then what do you do after that you muscle strike him again what do you do so you end up just beating leaving them but it's but it's a harsh beating because you using a you know a pretty sharp muzzle of a weapon which is cutting them open so it's it's it's not the best whereas if someone can get controlled somebody in a grappling type scenario get control them you know clinch with them take them down quickly you can get controlled very quick quickly and they feel it and they resist less because they kind of feel owned and they also don't feel like you're hurting them whereas when you're striking them in the face man what's your natural answer reaction if I strike you in the face you're gonna put your hands up well if you put your hands up maybe you're trying to attack me now I got a hit you even harder so it's a it's kind of a kind of a bad deal so yeah and then once you get person on the ground obviously the more you know the better you're gonna do and that's why you know it's good it's good to have that well-roundedness but you definitely want to use you know you definitely wanna have a good ground game you want to have good striking - of course and but the jiu-jitsu and the ground the ground game is very important because you've got to control people and in a combat situation everybody you come up against is not a combatant and they still need to get controlled and some people you can just motion to them to get down and that's great and then you can tell them to lay down and that's great and you can have your interpreter tell them to put their hands behind their back and then that's great or you can say that you know you can learn a few phrases which we always did we always knew a few phrases to tell them to you know get down show me your hands or whatever but then you get the person that maybe they don't respond to what you're saying and why aren't they responding and this is something I see you know in some of these police videos when I yell at you you know get out get out well you might be scared you might not know what I'm talking about you might have headphones on you might be deaf you might just be frozen with fear you might be a bad guy you might be getting ready to run all those different things but if you're not doing what I tell you I gotta get you to the ground so how am I gonna do that and again I can walk up and take a swing at you but you know I've been punched in the face many many times haven't been knocked out but twice so all the times I've been punched in the face you know many many times I don't know how many but many many times it's hard to knock someone else so if you think cuz you walk over and strike someone you're gonna knock them out then you're gonna have control it's not true it's just a fallacy so you're gonna have to know some and that the thing this all goes back to this you know this case and I forget what the case was but somebody got choked years ago like in the 70s by a police officer and I think they died or whatever but they banned choking they banned choking from most police forces so that's why these guys what do they do they pull out their batons and start beating people that was a big big thing with Rodney King you know why didn't someone just go and put this guy to sleep yeah and he'd have no marks on his body you know he'd be okay you could bring him back to the jail cell he's not gonna have contusions he's not gonna have the crappy down we have no permanent damage whatsoever hmm but it wasn't allowed because of the because of the political situation that it happened years before you weren't allowed to teach someone how to choke someone who put them to sleep and completely incapacitate them yeah I mean the choke hold is a beautifully powerful thing and when you have when you have them you saw the Rodney King tape I mean there's how many cops or but there's multiple cops beating him that's a classic example of what I'm saying just because you strike someone doesn't even with a billy club doesn't mean they're gonna stop whereas when you put a chokehold on somebody they are going to sleep you know they they are going to sleep 100% yeah and when you have three cops going against one guy someone's gonna get a choke hold on yeah you know and and despite what they did to Rodney King beating him he wasn't stopping and so yeah it's one of those things I really hope that the that the law enforcement gets the ability to use to train better to use choke holds to use other forms of grappling because it is absolutely superior from forcement perspective and from and from even from like I said from a military perspective when you go into a room and there's non-combatants in there that you have to get control over you don't want to start beating people you know you want to use the minimum required force and yet when people aren't compliant you have to be able to do something yeah so yeah the the minimum required force that essentially makes striking obsolete if you're trying to approach it that way or if that's the regulation you know if it's not the regulation if you're if you're a human yeah and you've got a woman that is scared or doesn't speak your language or is petrified or whatever the case may be your answer is to strike her in the face and what is by the way what does her husband do when you strike her in the face yeah as opposed to if you come over you put your hands on or you gently push to the ground you feel some resistance maybe you have to do some sort of manipulation of a joint to get to control but that is so much more mild than a muzzle strike to the face yeah and if you know what to do if you know jiu-jitsu it's a no-brainer yeah and it's not hard to do to people and even and you'll see sometimes when someone's trying to get you know gain control and I'll put their arm behind their back like chicken wings situation they'll do it all hard like real hard yeah because they kind of got to add that element of pain so the guy will kind of quote-unquote know most jujitsu stuff you don't have to put that pain it's just that controlling like you just can't that's why a lot of people were talking about this today how a lot of people after they get their first time in jujitsu or something or early on and you do to a guy will tap them out and they'll have this thing in their mind like oh I just have to go harder you know I I can just I can gain some kind of control just got to go harder but it because it's not a hard thing it's not a like aggressive feeling to get controlled like that you just simply controlled and you know this ties so much to life yes we talked about I mean you hear me talk about this whole time and I was going back and forth with somebody on Twitter the other day about I'm like you gotta use the indirect approach with people so picture this next time you're dealing with person that's combative and I mean now I'm talking about verbally combative or their their ideas are combative against your competitive's is the first thing you want to do go up and punch him in the face or muzzle strike them right because what is their reaction going to be what the reaction is gonna be mediately be defensive you don't want to put people in that predicament mmm you want to use the jujitsu on them you wanna you want to get them feeling comfortably when you're going to sleep you when you're somebody puts a chokehold on you you're done I mean you're just going to sleep you sneak in behind so so don't get this idea that when you're dealing with people in a confrontation not only physically but a verbal or a mental confrontation and I'm not even talking about a confrontation in you know yelling in the street I'm talking about in the office I'm talking about dealing with one of your subordinates I'm talking about dealing with your boss or whoever think about using instead of thinking about hey I'm gonna you know smash this person in the face and that's gonna bring me the win no it's not generally it is not generally what brings you the win is okay hey where's what's going on let's sneak in there let's get inside their head let's let's not aggravate the situation yeah let's bring the situation towards a better area where we can use our control yeah you won't get the win you'll get a fight oh yeah you'll definitely get a fight even though that's not that cool yeah you'd be if they are combative and your answer is to be more combative you know that's right yeah you know their answers yeah even more comments oh yeah then you got yourself a fight Henner in them and Gracie's there doing good stuff with law enforcement commuting jujitsu an actual police tactics so it comes from you know it's in context and then you know whatever your if you're a police officer out there or you're in law enforcement in you know and ER that's great guess what there's a jiu-jitsu studio everywhere in the country right now go train some jiu-jitsu just go start training no big deal just go start training yeah and I have a friend Craig he's from from from Hawaii he um good cop you see him on Facebook I all like repo stuff sometimes so like he'll come down to the skate park whether you know he got called or whatever posted yeah and he'll be reading yeah skating or he'll race somewhere but Aires but he's either jujitsu I think he's a purple or brown yeah so he has the confidence yeah man that's what it is he has the confidence that's awesome you know be be a good guy you know good guy with the power
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 1,001,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discipline, freedom, military, extreme ownership, leadership, advice, jocko willink, echelon front, navy seal, jocko podcast, excerpt, echo charles, leader, lead, win, defcor, discipline equals freedom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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