How to Develop Leaders - Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

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hey before we go to this episode of the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast I wanted to let you know about a special leadership event we have coming up as many of you know Craig has the opportunity to speak at leadership events throughout the year sponsored by catalyst one-day and catalyst one day is coming to Oklahoma City on October 24th Craig will be joined alongside Levi Lesko teaching leadership throughout the day plus calais one day has created a special discount for all of our listeners to register and take advantage of this promotion all you have to do is go to catalyst leader comm and register using the promo code Craig podcast it'll give you a 15% discount that's catalyst leader calm in the promo code Craig podcast with that in mind we'll see you on October 24th and now let's go to this episode of the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast this is the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast it's great to have you back for another episode of the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast if you're new with us we release a brand new teaching on the first Thursday of every month and we're very passionate about investing in leaders because we know that when the leader gets better everyone gets better but we do each month is pretty similar what I'm going to do is try to answer questions as often as I can then we'll do a short teaching we actually review the teachings so we drive the message in even deeper and then at the end of the episode we do application questions which to me is so important because we don't just want to receive information but we want to apply it to our leadership so we can get better and help our whole organizations improve along the way if you have questions ideas comments suggestions of topics you'd like to hear about email me anytime you can email me at leadership at life dot Church on the last episode we talked about the dark side of developers when you're trying to develop others there's a dark side to it today I want to talk about practically how do we develop leaders let's start with a couple of questions and then we'll get into new content in our teaching Carly asked this carly said I struggle with innovation or big-picture thinking I want to contribute to my company and provide value beyond my role what are some questions you consider to launch creativity to better your organization all right Carly I love the way you asked that question because here's what you said you said what are some questions you consider I think that innovative ideas often begin with asking great questions so let me give you a couple of questions you might want to ask and then a thought to consider the first question that I would ask is this what problem are we going to solve what problem are we going to solve notice I didn't say what problem are we trying to solve but what problem are we going to solve innovative ideas come out of solving problems sometimes people think we're just gonna be innovative in my world a lot of leaders say we just want to have an innovative idea well innovative ideas are born out of solving problems so identify clearly the problem you're trying to solve and that can lead to innovative ideas in the second question Carly I'd ask is what do we have so often people ask what do we need or what do we not have but we're gonna start with what we have because what we have even if it may not be enough is a catalyst to innovation so often people think we need more we need more time we need more resources we need more this or that in order to be innovative but innovative ideas are often born out of limited resources not unlimited resources in the early years of a company a startup what you're gonna find is people have to be innovative after a while once the organization is built has a lot of cash flow sometimes they become less innovative because they learn to depend on resources instead of innovative ideas and so let's ask what do we have we're not looking at what we lack we're looking at what we have and we're gonna apply it and try to be innovative then whenever we see something that we're working on you know how do we do such and such sometimes Carla you can add a zero to the number or percentage and this can spark an innovative idea let me try to explain it you might say how do we grow 10% in revenue or how do we increase the number of people in small groups by 20% or how do we cut costs by 3% those are all fair questions if you add a zero to the percentage this can break you out of just normal thinking into the creative or innovative zone for example instead of saying how do we grow 10% in revenue what if you add a zero to it and say how do we grow a hundred percent revenue okay now we need to change the way we think how to increase the number of people in small groups by 20% what if we say by two hundred percent okay that breaks us out of normal thinking how do we cut cost by three percent well how do we cut cost by 30% so anytime you force yourself out of the comfortable question into an uncomfortable question that can spark innovative mindsets it takes your mind out of what I call the tweak zone and puts it into the innovative zone in my world we were asking for a long time how can we open three new locations a year if I ask myself how can we open 30 new locations a year that's gonna force me out of the comfort zone into a very very creative mindset and that may spark some type of innovation Shania asked what are your favorite business or leadership books you've read recently and what is your reading strategy I love this question thank you for it I actually have a goal kind of a soft goal of listening to a book a week on average throughout the year and it's actually quite easy to do I listen if I love the book I listen at one point two five speed if I like it I listened at one point five speed if I don't love it I listen to two times the normal speed if I go through half the book and haven't gotten a big takeaway idea I put the book aside and keep moving let me tell you the books that I've listened to this recently that I really like before I do that some may say why do you listen not read and I just want to answer that I spend so much time studying and writing that I can't sit still any longer I that I retain more when I read then when I listen but I'd rather listen than do nothing so that's kind of my strategy I went through on my app the last 100 business or leadership books that I've read I selected the top ten in no particular order I read recently barking up the wrong tree why everything you know about success is mostly wrong by Erik Barker I thought it was a helpful book I just real issen to how to win friends and influence people by Carnegie and I put in the same category the likes which it's a newer book by an FBI agent who said it's just the title is an FBI agents guide to influence the attracting of money over people I put those in the same category great for relationships love those books the four disciplines of execution by Covey is a must read for every organization deep work I read recently or listened to rules for focus success in a distracted world it actually changed the rhythms of how I work during the week hitmakers was helpful to me essentialism I loved everybody lies big data and new data what the internet can teach us about who we really are there were several things that bothered me about the book but there was enough in there that was helpful that I would recommend and put it in my top 10 if you want to autobiography shoo dog by Phil Knight incredibly well-written brilliant book the compound effect by Darren Hardy I've had all my kids read the book and then adjust in finishing peak performance elevate your game avoid burnout thrive with a new science of success really helpful and I'm actually changing some things anytime a book helps me change something I will recommend that book those are my top 10 favorite on the last 100 that I've listened to okay let's review the content from the last episode we answer the question what is your highest calling as a leader Harry Firestone said the growth and development of people is the highest calling in leadership the problem is so many leaders obsess about finding the right strategy the best leaders obsess about empowering the right people as leaders we don't bet on strategies products or ideas what do we bet on we bet on people let me cover this real real fast we talked about the four dark sides of developers when you're trying to develop people you can have a dark side we talked about the controlling leader the critical leader the avoiding leader and they're rescuing leader the controlling leader often creates compliant followers the application is simple you can have control or you could have growth you cannot have both the critical leader produces insecure followers the application is this the critical leader gives blame the strong leader takes responsibility the avoiding leader what is he or she do the avoiding leader creates disengaged followers the application is you cannot correct what you're unwilling to confront the rescuing leader creates helpless followers the application is leader she's got to stop rescuing once the rescuing stops the growth begins we talked in the last episode about the common theme about all these different dark sides is that they create followers followers followers followers but as leaders we're not called to create followers were called to create leaders so the new content I want to talk about how do we develop leaders how do we develop leaders we need to acknowledge that developing people is something that never ever happens by accident is something that happens when we are intentional now this is a challenging topic because when we talk about developing leader there are so many approaches it's difficult to know where to start there's life coaching there's group coaching there's target training there's inductive coaching there's dozens of different philosophies about developing people and all of them have strengths that are important I would say this in your organization whatever you do do it intentionally have a strategy that you own that you believe in to develop people if you do not have a defined strategy chances are really good you are not developing people in your culture again developing is it's not something that just happens when we show up for work we are we tend to be task driven rather than kind of mission focused we have to be mission minded about developing people so let me just give you five big thoughts each of these we could actually spend a whole episode on but I'm we're gonna go abroad today rather than deep five big thoughts about developing people the first one is this self-awareness is the first step to growth in development self-awareness is the first step to growth and development we have to recognize that unfortunately people have an unlimited capacity for self-deception especially leaders I always joke around but nobody lies like leaders because we love to tell ourselves the best story possible we love to put our best game forward but it's difficult for us to talk about weaknesses or areas that need to develop nobody lies like leaders the problem is for so many leaders is if we don't know about a problem we cannot solve it if we don't recognize where we're weak then we cannot get better in that area so you've all seen this you work for somebody maybe even now this person would say well I'm a good delegator and everyone else knows no that person's actually a control freak they just don't know it maybe you work for somebody who says I'm laid-back easygoing and everyone else go no you're not you're lazy you're always late and you're driving the rest of us crazy maybe you know someone your organization who says I'm a strong confident leader and everybody else thinks no you're an arrogant narcissistic jerk the problem is there's a lack of self-awareness so we need to understand in developing people that the best foundation for future success is self-awareness in the present if we want to improve in the future we need to be aware of where we need to be developed in the presence in the present the problem is people do not know what they do not know very simple people don't know what they don't know so as a leader we can never assume that people will become naturally self-aware what you want to do and your organization has come up with some tool some assessment some process some systems some type of training that help people become self-aware we put people through different types of tests we have different types of meetings we do this early on in the developmental process and then we do it for years to come because self-awareness is necessary for personal growth again I'm not going to tell you the hell but you need in your organization to help people become self-aware because they don't know what they don't know self-awareness is the first step to growth and development number two when we're developing we need to recognize this development hinges on trusted relationships development hinges on trusted relationships in other words I need to trust that you really care about me in order for me to receive correction and coaching from you now the problem is in so many organizations here's what people wrongly believe they believe this trust must be earned trust must be earned in my organization we're gonna take a different philosophy and I hope that you will too we're gonna have a different starting point or a different base of assumption we believe we're gonna hire the best people we're gonna surround ourselves with people of high integrity so in our organization we're going to say that Trust is given mistrust is earned we're gonna start with an assumption that because we're around great people we are going to trust and instead of waiting two years to say I don't really trust you don't really trust oh you finally earn my trust day number one we're gonna say you know what I trust you therefore you now have the credibility to invest in me I believe that you care about me you believe that I care about you we have mutual trust and that gives us the currency to build into one another the here's the thing when I'm more trusting of others guess what they tend to trust in me if I'm skeptical as a leader not trusting people that I'm not likely to create a climate of trust and without trust we cannot have growth when trust becomes more than lip service it opens the door for true growth because people believe that we have their best interest at heart a couple of quotes simon Sinek says this a-team is not a group of people who work together a team is a group of people who trust each other Jack Welch said this leadership very simply is about two things truth and Trust see ceaselessly seeking the former relentlessly building the latter here's the little formula that I have how do you want to deepen trust transparency plus truth plus care equals deepening trust so you want to create a culture of trust what do you do what do you do transparency plus trust plus care equals deepening trust what are we in our organization we are never me focused as a leader why the me focused leader creates skepticism the you focus leader builds trust let me say it again the me focused leaders all about me me me my organization my vision my drew my company the me focused leader creates skepticism the you focus leader creates trust I believe in you I want you to get better I want you to succeed that's why when you talk to some leaders they make you think that they are important but when you talk to the best leaders they help you know that you are important that creates a climate of trust let's review number one self awareness is the first step for growth and development development hinges on trusted relationships number three people grow best while they're in the game so important people grow best while they're in the game you see so many organizations feel like they need to build programs just to Train leaders and and create a separate pathway just for development but this undervalues the idea that growth can happen in the course of doing your job so we want to help people become self-aware but then we want to give them permission to grow and stretch them where they are so what we're going to do is change the way we look at some things instead of seeing people as a means to get things done we're gonna see getting things done as a means to developing people once you think about it people are here just to get the job done but the job or the tasks can actually be a means to develop the people and help the people get better we're gonna do is we're gonna take risks on people we're gonna push them out of their comfort zone we're gonna give them permission to fail we're gonna err on the side of empowering rather than err on the side of controlling we're gonna believe the best about people and we're gonna help them grow while they're in the game we're gonna push them to do things beyond what they even think they can do and we're gonna see growth there number four number one self-awareness is vital number two development hinges on trust of relationship number three people grow best ball in the game number four asking questions help people grow more than giving answers massively important I want to spend a little more time here asking questions helps people grow more than getting answers so if you want to be a good developer you're gonna listen more than you speak as leaders here's the problem we tend to want fast results you've got experience you've got wisdom so what do you want to do you want to dump it right but we need to remember that people don't retain truth when you dump it people retain truth when they discover it so important people don't retain truth when you just dump it on them they internalize it they own it it becomes theirs when they discover it along the way so what you want to do when you're developing is you're not just a your you're not just a preacher that preaches what you are is you're a teacher that guides and help people discover the truth along the way so ask questions ask questions and when you do you want to lead people gently so important in other words if you say why'd you do it that way okay that's not a general question that feels threatening if instead you just simply say you know I was wondering what made you choose to do it that way what that does is it softens the question and it keeps you on their side with to remember that questions can come across as threatened and so what we as leaders want to do is we want to try to remove the threat where we create a safe environment of trust so instead of saying you know like hey here's what I would have done next time then we might ask a question in this soft way hey if your chance to do it again what do you think you might try next time that's a soft and a safe question that gives them the chance to discover the right answer instead of you telling them instead of you saying what in the world were you thinking when you did that okay we might say something like this you know hey after you learned something obviously from your first run of this what advice would you have for someone else who's trying the same thing and so what you're doing is you're putting them in the posture of taking what they learned and using it to help someone else potentially and that creates ownership here's a challenge we're not great listeners most of us are not great listeners I read in one book that doctors interrupt patients after 18 seconds honestly I might even be tempted to do it faster than that when I'm in some kind of leadership conversation I see the answer I want to move quickly and if I if I'm always speaking and not listening I'm not helping people discover truth I'm just dumping it on them so what we want to do is we want to ask and we want to listen most of the time we are we're not even listening we're thinking about what we're gonna say we want to listen to understand where they're coming from and so we can guide them into discovering truth now as they're learning remember this people are in the process of constantly forgetting let me just say this again as they are learning they're also forgetting and that's why I repeat at the end we cover the content in a repeat it at the end because if you hear it again chances are you're more likely to remember it that's why a timely question in a developmental conversation can interrupt the forgetting process for example at the end of a conversation I'll always try to ask something like this what was the biggest takeaway for you and what happens they put it in their own words they verbalize what's been internalized it becomes their truth and they speak it out say and also what I said was here what's the biggest takeaway for you before you softens think the question it makes or personal to them it shows that I care about them then when someone recalls the truth they're more likely to retain it this is what Tom Landry said coaching is telling a person what they don't want to hear helping them see what they didn't want to see so they could be the person they always believed they could be I love that so let's review self-awareness is the first step for growth and development that begins on trust a relationship it grows people grow best ball in the game asking questions help people grow more than giving answers number five people must own their own development this is so important sometimes you might have someone that says no one will develop me well this may be true but that person still needs to own their own personal development but I want to do is I want to pour into my team but I want my team to own their own development I want them working to grow so I'm gonna give them two things I want to give them permission to fail and I want to give them room to rise permission to fail growth always involves the risk of failure I want them out of their comfort zone because growth and comfort never coexist I'm not seeking perfection from my team I'm seeking growth I want to give them room to rise so help your team know listen I'm gonna develop you I'm going to pour into you but you go you go scrap it out yourself use on you to ultimately grow let's review and then look at some application questions number one self awareness is the first step to growth and development why is this so important people don't know what they don't know they have an unlimited ability to deceive themselves development hinges on trusted relationships most of us think trust must be earned no no I'm not here Trust is given mistrust is earned what we're gonna do is we're gonna be transparent communicate truth we're gonna care for people we're gonna deepen trust therefore we have the credibility to develop each other number three people grow best while in the game we're not get just gonna put them in a classroom we're gonna push them out of the nest and see if they can fly on their own we're gonna take risks on them we're gonna push them beyond their comfort zone to try what they don't even think they can do and suddenly they may not nail the first time but they're gonna improve incrementally over time over years they're gonna wake up they're gonna be so much better number four asking questions people grow more than giving answers we're gonna help them discover truth we're not gonna dump it on them and then people must own their own development we're not seeking perfection we're seeking growth let's deal with a couple of questions number one on a scale of one to ten how good of a listener are you in developmental conversations how good of a listener are you now here's a little bonus round for you ask the people on your team I might score myself a lot higher than my team would score me how good of a listener are you you want to hear what people are saying and you that way you can actually help guide them and then number two what is the number one thing you could do to become a better developer what's the number one thing you could do to become a better developer and then what are you going to do about your answer and it could be this it could be that you need to become more self-aware it starts with you it might be that you need to give people opportunities and trust them it might need you you might need to take a risk on somebody maybe you need to create some sort of a system where you help people discern truths about themselves and they don't yet discerned maybe you need to become a better listener what do you need to do to grow and developing others and what are you gonna do about it I want to tell you very sincerely thank you so much for listening thank you for rating reviewing sharing on social media it means the world to me when you do this um thank you for working hard to become a better leader when the leader gets better everyone gets better I look forward to being with you again on the first Thursday of every month don't feel pressure to be perfect don't feel pressure to be right when it comes to being a leader be yourself because people would rather follow a leader is always real than one is always right thanks again for joining us here on the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast as always you can find additional show notes and resources online simply by going to LifeChurch slash leadership podcast or you can email a question to Craig for an upcoming episode simply by sending those in to leadership at Life Church and as always it would be a huge honor if you would rate and review us on iTunes it's one small thing you can do to help us build leaders around the world again thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time right here at the Craig Groeschel leadership podcast [Applause] you
Channel: Craig Groeschel
Views: 13,941
Rating: 4.9224806 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Groeschel, Leadership Podcast, Life.Church, Life, Church, leader, personal growth, influence, how do i be a better leader, be the leader, be a leader, leadership, leading, lead, developing
Id: 8LHJiXGjvrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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