10 Strategies to Develop Leaders

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so look in life you get judged for a lot of different things you do one you get judged for your friends you have a certain group of friends people say why if you ain't got what people like this you must be like X Y Z second thing we get judged for who we date who we marry you marry somebody people say why so he married her that's how you process the decision in the business world you're gonna get judged on who you think is a talent worth you spending time with who you recruit who you lock onto and I can tell you over the years I've made so many mistakes working and locking on the wrong person that ended up costing me thousands of hours and I have to start all over again so eventually after thousands of people have worked on I came up with ten things I look for before deciding to lock on to any talent all right so let's get right into this as ten traits in people worth developing point number one this is a big one for me and I'm gonna explain it to you the difference between responders and initiators let me explain everybody in the world is a responder everybody in the world is a responder meaning there's a deadline you respond you get it done there's a task you respond you get it done if you don't do this you're gonna get fired you respond you get it done taxes go up if you do this you adjust they change the laws for something we respond right everybody's a responder I'm a responder your responder the greatest leaders presidents billionaires are all responders but only a few are initiators I like to lock onto talent when I see somebody initiate for example going in there talking to a couple of our teammates and I'll say here's what I like to see us do I'm thinking about doing X Y Z and one of our guys takes the initiative because I said something and they come back with 50 ideas that is an initiative they took that wasn't part of me necessarily wanting them to take the extra mile or go above and beyond a lot of times people will do this this is what my tasks are I'll go up to this point initiators will said this is what it is let me go here if not here if not here anybody I find that's an initiator I like people like that on the team that's number one look for initiators who also respond responders don't initiate but initiators absolutely respond as well big difference number two energy when it comes to energy there's two different things of energy to me one is your aura the other one is your stamina let's talk about aura first I can tell by your aura watch a person I'll say wow look at the people at the office that they go to lunch with look at the people at the office they hang out with look at the people at the office they associate themselves with the most look at the people that they typically hang out with the most why is it that this person is hanging out with people above them why is it that this person typically befriends people way ahead of them or why is it that this person befriends people only below them that's not on their team why is that maybe they have an identity issue the other person is always trying to catch up and go up until they always want to associate people above them like wait a minute the aura attracts up the aura goes up this aura goes down why is that another thing I look at what aura is who they typically attract so we'll have a party will have a gather and will have any kind of a thing I can pretty much there every time this guy's they're the biggest performers are always around them every time their aura what it projects what it attracts energy is a complete different story I told the story earlier to somebody about Mario when I knew Mario was somebody I wanted to lock on to when he was 18 19 years old so I'm putting an event together we have nothing prepared I only have three four employees at that time this is 2006 we're talking a long time ago 2006 over 12 to 13 years ago and for the event we're trying to make a video we're a day away for the video literally a day away from going to Palm Springs for putting this event together for like 300 people and we don't have the video prepared Mario doesn't know how to edit he learned how to edit and that night we stayed at the office for 4:30 in the morning never once complained he got the job done came up we put up the video played the video for us in 2006 this was an epic video we created the audience went crazy it was a great time and I was impressed with him because I learned about his stamina endurance he can last I like people who can last and have stamina people who can't lassen have stamina and they have the long endurance when bad things happen or a project we got to go a little bit longer they won't say you know what let's not I don't know if I can it's getting late all this other stuff w better hanging there go long term number three of language language tells me a lot I can listen to personals language and you'll typically be able to pick up a lot the other that was doing two interviews one guy flew in from Connecticut the other guy flew in from Cincinnati right and I'm sitting down looking at these guys this is a multi six-figure year position that I'm looking at pretty high then at the top of our position and as I'm talking to one of them he made a comment two or three times that was way too many insecurities in these comments I said man this is like your this is just way too much because the position I was gonna give him you know if I'm putting an event together with 7,500 people he was gonna be a face so it's gonna be influence over 7,500 people out a live event and listen to them like you know I don't know about that language that language stemmed too much insecurities too much fears and I needed somebody for this position to be confidence because he or she has to impose confidence to other people so the language you speak will say a lot about insecurities fear self confidence self esteem you can tell it the language would also tell me if there's person is a leader or their victim while you probably would never do this with me would you I mean why would you ever do with me victim I think I can do it I think this is a great position for me let me prove you wrong watch what I'm gonna do you know I'm gonna be one of the best you know one time I want to met with a talent agent in Hollywood and I was talking to our acting and she said listen here's what Hollywood likes they want you to go in knowing this is my position I'm gonna do this role better than anybody else if you like me you don't like me that sound you but I believe I can play this part they want you to go in not cocky but they want you to go on confident knowing this was me this is who who I think can do this job here they like that language says a lot about the individuals got to pay attention to a number for parents who believe in them I don't need both I actually like when one parent didn't the other day I was in a San Antonio and I'm speaking this guy comes up to me he walks across the stage and he comes right past me I saw him and his girl and I said why this guy's got swagger I said hey come here how are you this is I'm 23 24 how would you growth 20 how serious are you guys pretty serious series or like series Cirie's no we've been together for two years our families know each other that said hurt some maybe one that we're gonna be something I said okay great I said tell me about your parents when I said parents his body was like shocked he said I kind of knew you were gonna ask that question but that's kind of you know it's it's it's kind of tough for me to say I said I really want to tell me about your parents and then he said my mom is my hero she believes in me she thinks I can do everything I love my mom I would take a bullet for my mom my dad left and he's not around and I don't have the best relationship with my dad that's perfect for me because one person you have to prove wrong that I can do something big and one person believes I want that combination sometimes when it's both the kid doesn't have anybody to prove wrong so you got to find an X or a friend or a teacher or a coach or somebody that said I don't believe you're worth anything we can do anything big with your life right I want both I want somebody that didn't believe and one that did believe but if it's both that they don't believe we have a problem if a person has both mom and dad that are very discouraging they think small about the person you can't do anything all that other stuff this person has to have so much willpower to be able to fight that part you see a lot of people say well my mom and dad loved me and they believed in me great that's perfection but you see people that don't have both you need somebody so I look in that conversation you'll hear me say a lot about your parents your relation what mom and dad who are you closer to that'll tell me a lot of confidence very critical you give me somebody that's very confident we can take over the world together number five attitude attitude to me is believing things are possible for instance guys that I want us to go out there and try to do something like this I have had I don't know if that's possible listen I'm just telling you this what I want to do what do you want I want to go swim with great white sharks yeah I just stick timing and we have to travel in the great white sharks no I want somebody to say let me search your best places to swim with great white sharks bone let's call him up hey I want to be able to go fly and go 100 miles an hour in air with those you know jet type of things I just don't know no I want to figure out a way to make your work attitude for I believe we can do this let me go figure out how we can do this and they'll figure out a way right they find a way they take initiative again goes back to this but a big part of it is attitude attitude is so attractive to me because I know if I lock onto somebody with positive attitude everybody else says why does this guy working with this person I can say look at the attitude then they have to also make the adjustment and respond to this person's attitude because they initiate the initiator improves everybody else around them so that's point number five number six curiosity curiosity is very important to me I want you to be curious so I know your level of curiosity about the questions you asked me so I'll sit there with somebody we do a conference call on a weekly basis mentor and car with about 12 people in the company and you have to qualify to be a part of this and we'll go an hour and a half and I'm processing issues with them with the top 12 people that are coming up or the top earners whatever it is and it was this conference called that was a number one tiered conference call it was number three and these people that are tier 2 or tier 3 leaders that were on the call and the entire time for an hour and a half the only people that asked questions were pretty much the top five earners on the call and then three of the lower guys were asking questions there was 35 people on the call I stopped the call I say wait a minute guys I have to chime in here they said what I said what the hell you guys doing on this conference call what's your purpose of being on this conference call you're waiting for other people to ask questions and then hopefully they ask the question that's on your mind to answer that question for you but if nobody asks that question for you you got on a conference call that's all you want some on conference call that you qualified for and on this conference call you didn't ask any questions you should be greedy with questions you don't get on a conference call like this and everybody else asked the questions this is where you become greedy let somebody else stop you and say that's enough questions for you you don't get on a conference call let somebody else control it you control the point of contact you ask the right questions the people that ask the questions are either the fastest-growing earners in the company or they're the top leaders and the leaders that didn't they had a 1 spike or 2 spike and then afterwards we're gonna see how these people gonna respond to it but the purpose is I know who you are based on the questions you asked me if we sit around each other you're not asking questions I mean what do we in here everything's about asking questions right we did a video a couple weeks ago what was it it wasn't it like everybody is one question away from changing their lives Francis Bacon research without being told how to research I like people who are so curious that they go research how do we do this digital marketing stuff I spent two days researching and I want to know about it you know how do we put an event together I don't know idea let me go research for three days and I research and I gather in when I come back with a two pager look what I got that we just got off a conference call right now with a guy from Netherlands who called in he's a value tender he's watching or writing his name is Michael Michael if you're watching and we literally got off the phone with you 50 minutes ago Michael's like Pat let me tell you man I can't believe I'm on the phone with you Michael sent a multi multi page a report to Mario about what to do for the bulk conference to be better or to be incredible I've never met Michael Michael's of iateiy no we never asked for this we never said hey Michael send us ideas Michael took the initiative and he send it now I don't know what his research is based on but he sent it that's the point we made a video I want to say year-and-a-half ago I was in Miami when I shot this video at Bal Harbour the title of the video was how to research like an expert how to research any topic I'm gonna put the link over here let's put the link over here for people to go how to research any topic this video if you find on right it's got like a hundred thousand plus reviews very very specific formula on how to research any topic click on it go watch it if you want to get better at researching this is a skill set I tell you I don't know any billionaire that's not good at researching stuff they get the answer to the question they want all the billionaire's I know that has tough questions and they find the answers it's such a common trait for them so people I lock onto leaders are people that ask the right questions and reconstituted 7up bringin up Rincon there's a reason why you hear me in interviews I ask one question I say who were you in high school this is a question I've been asking for 20 years let me tell you why in high school I know who I was in high school and I know when I ask somebody else who they were in high school I kind of learn about him who were you in high school and it tells me a lot so if I find out somebody is an athlete why no they had to tell me about your coach did you like your coach well he was very tough on me okay how did you like that the fact that he was tough on you I don't mind it and so did you ever have a problem with your coach yes why because of this I mean I'm already learning tell me tell me how were you in high school I was a 4.7 GPA valedictorian okay this person follows instructions probably well right because they're coachable so I'm learning about them but the upbringing will tell me a lot of different things that I can figure out what is probably going to be happening again if somebody says I had a coach he was so tough on me and because he was so tough on me every time it was tough on me like had a conversation with somebody three months ago and she told me says I had a soccer coach this person was so tough on me and when they would be tough on me they would shut down I'm like okay so it's a little bit more of being on walking on eggshells because if you challenge this person a little too much you're gonna get shut down so you have to be very careful how you're speaking with this person maybe I'm not necessarily gonna get the best out of this person here because if you are challenging to do something big they're not necessarily gonna take initiative you're gonna wait because they're more responders right but those conversations tell you a lot about who you're working with number eight being able to take criticism this is a very tough thing for a lot of people you know sometimes you give feedback and it depends what department some department is you ought to be very careful you're given criticism with because maybe they're in the creative department right but some departments they're more different it's a different role it's a different responsibility it's a different job it's a different type of thing they're doing whatever it is if I'm developing somebody to be a leader amongst a group or to be a face or to be somebody that I'm going to get them to maybe be an equity owner with the company or a position that's going to be an elite position with a lot of upside a lot of income a lot of future potential profit sharing whatever maybe I am looking at if this person can take criticism from me when I'm giving them direction if they can this means every time we have a hiccup it's not going to go back down because they shut down we have a hiccup feedback given and then boom we have a hiccup feedback given and then boom we have a hiccup feedback given and then boom right and if they're willing to take it they're probably also going to give it let me explain hey pay you know what I was thinking about the other there was that I don't know if the system we have here is from what is the most efficient system tell me why see the other day you know the way we do it right now when we have the products that come in and we sell an insurance policy will we do this and what if we change this step from here to here I love that and the reason why you're giving us criticism I'm the CEO if you're giving criticism I'm the guy at the top that means that's coming to me perfect this is a leader I can give you criticism but you're also giving constructive criticism back and there's a magic on how you do it but both ways those that take it also give positive back I'm not talking complaining I'm talking about something that's going to help the company grow faster and become bigger and more efficient number nine it's taking direction being coachable listen we announced a bonus a couple weeks ago so 1 million dollar bonus a 3 million dollar bonus and a 6 million dollar cash bonus do you know who are the people that are on track to getting the highest bonuses 6 million dollar cash bonus is the most coachable executives in the company why is that coach ability from a proven mentor speeds growth if you're not being coachable and you question everything you're not you know speeding increasing speed texe winner who was a coach that came up with the triangle offense that Phil Jackson took and he wants six championships with Chicago Bulls and five with the Lakers one time they asked Tex they said Tex who is the one player that knows the game is the most he says oh my gosh there's one player coach he knew everything about the game he says what's the guy's name Jordan Farmar Jordan Farmar he says yes he knows so much about basketball you couldn't teach this guy anything everything we ever told him he said he knows it and he did it his own way guess what happened to Jordan Farmar guy came out was supposed to be a star ended up playing in China Puerto Rico all over the place because he couldn't make it an M because no coach wanted a guy like that on his team because he questions every single thing so he had to leave on somebody the coach to CEO the executive wants you to long con too you need somebody to be able to take direction very well increase the speed tenfold number 10 character everything I said sounds good but if the last ones not in place nothing matters and by the way character isn't just you a church on Sunday and I read the Bible I have character I go to service you know whether I'm you know whatever I do synagogue you know anywhere I go I'm so much of a character person I'm looking for way more than character character to me is your health how you take care of your body character to me is your discipline with your finances character to me is how you treat people around you character to me is you keeping your word character to me is know when you say you're gonna do something you come through with it character to me is you being able to be trusted with secret information that nobody else needs to know about you may be the smartest person in the world but if I give you data that I don't want you to tell anybody I don't even want you to tell your wife about it or your husband about it nothing this is secret information here nothing that's part of character that itself is also part of character when I find somebody who has that and they have these qualities we can take over the world together very simple and by the way if I if I wish I could have video to show you how many times I've screwed up in this area how many times lost money lost time business partners so many different mistakes so many of them because I didn't fully look at these kinds of formula I never looked up and said what are the 10 traits Patrick you look for when working with people once we looked at this I brought it in it increased the probability of the results I got with the individual because my intuition on who I worked with became better and better and better this is something you can get better at when you look at it these are my 10 these 10 don't have to be your 10 you can create your own tend to be working with but these are Minds so by the way you know one of the things I want to tell you is we're growing I'm always looking for people these are anything anybody in anywhere if you're in the States we're looking for CEOs right now for the company CMOS marketers digital marketing editors salespeople those who know Facebook ads YouTube ads but you gotta be an expert and you got to know what you're doing if you're any of those people and you're looking to want to team up with us send me a text message at seven four seven two six or eight four six one once again seven four seven two six zero eight four six one make a two or three-minute video send it to us with your resume we'll get back to you we're looking for a lot of talent right and we have so many different companies that are growing we need talent so send us a text again the one video I want you to watch if you haven't watched it go watch the video how to research any topic I'm gonna put the link over here again for you to watch and if you haven't subscribed to the channel click on the subscribe button right here on the bottom left take everybody bye-bye
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 120,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, 10 Qualities of High Performers
Id: JA10LW60iD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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