How to Destroy the Worry Habit

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Kenneth needs to lay off the pancake makeup

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welcome to the believers voice of victory from Kenneth Copeland ministry download the notes at KPMG org slash notes hello everybody this is the believers voice of victory broadcast and we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and we want to welcome you again today to this beautiful place praise gun we got rained out in a our place over in Arkansas in April and so came over here last week like got rained out here but look at this gorgeous day it has just come out so beautiful amen and this is on the KCM property here at in Fort Worth and out the back behind our house right on the lakeshore in fact this is all part of our family area out here and you can see the boat dock over there behind us praise God is good he is good hallelujah and Korie the thing about it is he'd do this for anybody that this is what belongs to covenant people if they only knew it here do it for anybody that'll walk with Him and and allow Him to amen we allowing yes we do Amen father thank you for today and thank you for the abundance all things we praise you and worship you and bless you today in Jesus name Amen amen now we've been talking about casting the whole of your care over on him now we're gonna go to first Peter chapter 5 before we do that I want to read you you've heard me pray this and you and say things about this I want to read it to you we are redeemed from the curse of the law in the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy the first fourteen verses are the blessing of Abraham amen and the three-fold cord of the curse is spiritual death you know sickness and disease poverty and death the three fold quarter Redemption is salvation the new birth healing and Jesus as our high priest our Melchizedek now in the 28th chapter and from the 15th verse on it will come to pass if you'll not hearken unto the voice of the Lord that God to observe to do His commandments and the statutes which I command thee this day all these curses will come on you see you make the command and you are when you obey the command then comes the Covenant you obey the command all the people of the earth so see that you're called by the name of the Lord amen and so forth so on if you don't then the result is the devil has access so you choose the blessing of the curse yeah you should Deuteronomy 30:19 now placed before you life and death blessing and cursing you choose that's she's blessing how whatever he commands do it and the result the power is in the command and the result is the Covenant he'll do what he said that's right now I want to share know what the Covenant says you can't you can't receive it you've got to find out what it says and you have to make up your mind I'm gonna believe this I'm gonna do it seven times and I but I want to point out something here to you in the in Deuteronomy 28 and they're still talking about the curses moreover all these curses of ammonia pursue you overtake you till you be destroyed until them and ya be under thee for a sign and a wandering upon a seed forever why because you serve not the LORD thy God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things what brother Copeland I don't have any abundance yes you do you own everything that's in that 28th chapter of Deuteronomy the first fourteen verses all of that belongs to you you are a joint heir with Christ Jesus that you have abundance God has offered it to you and it's when you begin to rejoice and again I say rejoice for the abundance of all things how they loo you you can't do that worry at the same time so if you learn to do that instead of worrying and take command of your thought life which what we're going through right now let's let's go over there again to first Peter chapter 5 verse 6 humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time how do you do that Lord casting all your care upon him for he cares for you be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world but the God of all Grace who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered whom resist steadfast now the word translated resist in verse 9 is the same word translated suffer in verse 10 so after you have resisted him steadfast in the faith Oh wha you will be made perfect or mature establish strengthen and settle you glory to God that's a life without one look at that verse 10 it says but the God of all grace well that's favor the God of all favor yes who has called us unto Him eternal glory by Christ Jesus it's he's the one that favors us and gives us whatever we need according to his word and according to our faith we received that's part of the Covenant favors and awesome thank God's favor isn't awesome yeah and you know he promised it its blessing it so it you there's no way on earth to earn it it's just the opposite from that shot he wants to treat you and me let's go back to that 4:6 isaiah 43:25 and he said oh I even I am he that brought us out by transgressions from my seat glory daddy will not remember your sins now what's he saying I he remembers what Jesus did he remembers what he did when he laid our sins on him now we need to be removed that's right that's and the reason he did that is so he can treat us by grace that old man's gone the grace thing here is to treat us like we never sinned like sin never happened can't see and when you if you if you'll cast if you stop that worried and worried about obviously that that in itself is a sin because it's fear-based amen down now let's get back over there again and first Peter again I want to read that out of the amplified okay I want to start with verse 6 therefore humble yourself demote lower yourself in your own estimation under the mighty hand of God now what does that mean that doesn't mean well I'm just unworthy I'm just no good no no no no see you have been by worrying and caring you have been acting like you can fix this and you can't and you worry about it cause you can't and you keep worrying and you keep worrying and all time away from you all the time yeah and all the time that's pride I can fix this I can do this well Lord if you would think about half of this I'll handle the rest of it brother that's done now what happened see God resists pride he stands in resistance to it all the time you get over in it then it's that he's resisting you not because he wants to it's because he resists pride and when you get over in pride then you get over into that resistance no dump it dump the whole care over on him take him at his word and the Covenant is he'll take care of it listen how it says it and that he may exalt you in due time doing huh how do you do this casting the whole of your care all your anxieties all your words all your concerns once and for all on him for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watch for me amen so what do you do you find the scripture that gives you what you want what you need and then you pray it out and then you you roll the care of it over on the Lord before and you don't you don't contemplate any failure here the Lord is going to help you you believe him to help you whatever it is healing money whatever and you you just have believed you received it I believed I've received this pin this pin is mine this is favorite this pin is favored I believe I've received the favor of God and we are debt-free now what do you do you spend there you believe for that you sow into that if you're believing to be debt-free you so whatever you believe for you so now you take that scripture that's a covenant Jesus made a covenant in Matthew 6:33 if you seek first my kingdom and my way of doing things yea I will add all things to you so the command was Shiki first the kingdom of God we're doing it and the Covenant is I will add all these things to them so now you take that scripture and make it part of your list over here I'm not worried about money anymore and I've written down that money worried and and I've written that and then I've got that I got the covenant and the promise here in Matthew 636 and you stay thanks I'm doing I'm making this whole list of things like that I'm finding the scriptures that that cover it and then once and for all and we talked about it yesterday there's coming a time I meditate on this and I meditate on this and I meditate on Matthew 6:33 I've meditate on the healing scriptures I've meditate on the family scriptures I'm meditating before God and I meditate and then comes that moment yes I'm ready and you go before God and you receive the the the communion his body was broken he he was broken he became a curse for me he redeemed me from the curse of poverty he redeemed me from the curse of sickness he redeemed me from the curse of sin and it's broken for me and I take it and here's all my I hand you all of these worries I hand you all of this stuff that's been plaguing in my life I hands you this sickness I hand you this this pain I hands you these children I hand you this this my finances all of this had I've been worried about all of this time for all the care of it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the body and the blood and the Covenant of God I dedicate and commit myself and I make covenant with you Lord Jesus I will never worry be concerned be anxious about anything thank you again in my life not one day that I'm on this earth well I worry again about the power of the grace of God the blood of God and the name of God I receive this covenant praise God and I boldly declare the greater one that lives within me will help me heal early and sir I am expecting you I hold you responsible for reminding me take an authority interrupting me anywhere anytime any place that I begin to worry or be concerned about anything yeah and I'll take authority over it run there with your help help with your help now let's go back over here to Philippians chapter 4 where we were yesterday because this is the process let me just say this you cannot be in faith and worry at the same time jump off there's no way you can do that it won't work okay all right 4:12 here's the way you do it see we've given it all now when I worry the battle the battle is in the mind and this is where you deal with him be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving the praise has got to come in there let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your heart and mine through Christ Jesus finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things a good report if there be any virtue or excellence if there be any praise think on these things yes now you that's the command when we're in a our covenant heed to obey that command now the the faith power of God will take authority over these things and something starts coming up and the Lord says yeah uh-huh that's not lovely that's not good report don't think on that I take authority over then I'm not gonna touch that in my thought life anymore no more worry now let's go to second Corinthians and we'll find out how to do this 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 you seen God never commands anything in his word that didn't tell you exactly how to go does he didn't intend for you to do it on your own that's right so now look at this in verse 4 verse 3 though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations so that here's the way you win the battle of the mind the thoughts that's the only thing Satan get through you own and make you worry it all away and get that you know the reason their imaginations is it Satan's a liar truce not anything well you saw it gives you images of things that aren't even and if you take them and start worrying about it they they don't stay the same to get a little worse all the time and capture your imagination but remember how remember what God said to do about that meditating his word then that's John that's the reason that that that little devotional is so good you got something you use all day long you read those scriptures all day every day get your mind on this now casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience Christ and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience what this will be disobedience our fault you're standing ready all the time you get a thought in there that goes back to that worry list no you don't know no you don't in the name of Jesus now what is that about that scripture you don't understand just plain wrote that that's right now here's here's where it is boy you cannot fight thoughts with thoughts you have two thoughts one of them done having authority over the other you have to fight thoughts with words now the Lord's had me demonstrate this from for years and I want you to do it right now begin counting silently to yourself from 1 to 10 now now out loud say your name Kenneth what happened are you thinking counting your yeah your mind your thoughts had to stop and see what your mouth had to say then when you speak scripture whoa it brings a thority in on the scene the Angels listen God listens oh the Godhead listens oh yes I did and here you are out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest LLL the enemy and the Avenger that's the eighth song Matthew 21 16 Jesus quoted this out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise this says strength he said praise same thing yeah the ninth I will praise thee O Lord with my whole heart I was show forth all your marvelous work I'll be glad and rejoice in thee I'll sing praise to your name o thou most high when nuttiest when my enemies are turned they'll fall and perish at your press the devil hounding you with those thoughts you just rise up I don't care if it's in the middle of the night and I don't care where you have to go to keep from waking up the whole house glory to God it might not hurt anything to wake up that whole bunch and just read this read it out loud go read of God I mean tell you the devil pack up his stuff get out and you say Jesus I turned this over to you now fix it I'm going to bed good night hallelujah I remember back with John I had a fever and it his pay as his skin turned just almost red as that strawberry and it kind of felt like crepe paper than any kind of light in this particular sunlight just gave him pain he's hurting this little boy and I prayed over it he got better but then just got worse and so I'm praying over him and I went in there and laid hands on him and and and prayed that went on back got in bed and a little while I got up went back in there check on it yeah and the Lord the Lord said you rolled that care over on me why didn't you leave it with me he said your that the the fear that he said you you go in check on him you took it out of my hands whoa I was worried about him I didn't realize but I went in there and I laid hands on him I said in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth my boys healed of this and I thank you for it Lord Jesus you're my healer and you're his healer and I rolled all the care of it over on him on you went on back to bed I woke up on how are you my feet were already out on the floor and I said no Jesus that's your care you take care of it the devil said what a sorry parent you are I said I am NOT well its cover has fallen off I said I don't care that the Angels put it back Jesus take care of this the next morning went on over to the morning service that and after the morning service I felt this tug on my coat and I turned around it was John he said look at me daddy I'm healed and he pulled his shirt off like that easy I'm healed we hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland ministries be sure to get the notes at KCMG org slash note and remember Jesus is Lord
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 43,947
Rating: 4.8876171 out of 5
Keywords: 4933613768001, freedom, gloria copeland, god's love, kenneth copeland, peace, stress, word of god
Id: wTrhpWwGJ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2016
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