Be Free from Worry

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welcome to the believers voice of victory from Kenneth Copeland ministry download the notes at KPMG org slash notes hello everybody we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland welcome to the believers voice of victory broadcast father we thank you for this broadcast today and today we cast the whole of our cares worries anxieties and concern over on you forever once and for all according to your word in Jesus name Amen hallelujah I'll tell you what let's don't take any more time let's get right back over into first Peter chapter 5 now those of you that missed their the broadcast I'm not gonna take the time to go back and and and catch you up you can you can go to KCMO or go to our website be vov in you can catch up with with what we've done and you need to do that because you need to go back over it again and again and again you don't get all of this and in one time around first Peter chapter 5 we've been talking about the command and the Covenant this is the Old Covenant in the blood of animals this is the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus the pure blood of God now praise God anytime there's a command it's going to be followed with the government you do this and this will happen that's just that that's what this book is all about all the promises of God in him are yes and a man now somebody comes along and says well you know now sometimes no is an answer that's not what that says it said yes and amen but now you have to you have to accept and receive the command and then be responsible to it and then God will to his part he he releases power in that command and when we receive it it's the power of in the command that brings the Covenant to pass amen well that's that's another teaching all together but now let's get over here and let's see what the command is first beat of five and let's read once again in verse five likewise you younger submit yourselves to the elder yay all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility now that's a command that's not a suggestion when you find anything that God says do it that's a command vote it's not a just well you know you might try to do this it's not an option no no no no Amen for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God there's a command that he may exalt you in due time that is the Covenant yes that's the blessing right now how do you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God casting all your care upon him for he cares for you let's read it from the amplified translation once again casting the hope of your care all your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him once and for all don't take him back don't take him back for he cares for you there's the promise he cares for you affectionately cares about you watchfully in other words if you will cast it over on him to take care of you can trust him you can trust him to fix it the problem is you cast your care over on him then you start worrying about it you have to realize now think about this again we've demonstrated this this is my opinion and I hand my pen to Gloria and you come um said brother Cobra let me borrow your pen well I can't Gloria's got it I didn't say I don't have a pen I said Gloria's got it amen thank you where you gonna just keep it well yeah sure she's going to keep it unless and here take it unless I take it back it's my pen it's mine that word that mess is yours and the minute you start worrying about it then God by promise he eat he is bound to his what's called unbeli fear yeah you start worrying it's fear where is a sin we found that out already for two weeks now that study done well we can hang but now wait if you just start thinking about it worrying about it he gets back in your mouth well you know I know I just don't know what I'm gonna do about that you better cut that off right right you better better cut it off and say oh oh no no Lord I ain't taking that back no no no you fix that if you'll leave it in his hands he will try now then once and for all I took communion not long ago before God got on my knees I read these scriptures both out of the King James and out of the amplified and I took communion and I said father I take you at your word and at your command I thought about this I prayed over this for days and I'm just just working it in my spirit I didn't just you know just say well that's good I didn't just jump off do it I've meditated on it and meditated on it thought about it thought about it no more I thought about it the bigger it got and the more I realized were just not thinking about it I'd been messing stuff up that I that I had turned the care of it over on him without thinking I just got to thinking about it now yeah well it's time to quit that you made a decision yes ma'am that's a decision from which there's no retreat and about which there's no longer an argument that's right and so if some days did it got on my knees took communion the body that was broken for me broken for all the curse he was made a curse for me and that god bad body wasn't broken for me and he went to hell for me and he took that curse where I don't have to pay the price and this blood promises me that the God of all grace has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have resisted awhile make you perfect establish strengthen and settle you and up here he said he will exalt you in due time that's his part he will exalt me over all of those worries all of those cares any situation anything after you resisted for a little while he resist the devil yeah you know he said right here whom you resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world after you have suffered a lot the same word translated sufferers translated up here is this well that's what a Christian does that's great that's the suffering that a Christian does we stand by faith against everything he comes up with and everything Jesus more for us on the cross he bore our sin we resist sin he bore our sickness we resist this man he bore our worries and cares and we resist them now and by your blood and by the power in this blood and by the power in this word in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with the help of the greater one that lives within me and with help and power of grace to help in times of need i covenant with you that I will never worry thank you I will never be concerned anxious about anything again as long as I live on this earth in the name of Jesus and by the power of that name I covered it amen that's right and I drank the blood now listen to this I said father greater one that lives within me sir I boldly declare and by faith I hold you responsible sir thank you to interrupt stop correct in any way necessary to get my attention should I ever begin to worry about anything praise God on that the I'll not let the Sun go down on it in Jesus now that's the way you enter come in now in someone's case that is in the worry habit I mean they're just all kinds of things worried about stuff all the time then take take your a tablet or a journal or however you keep notes and whatever you've been worrying about ready dude and and you think about some see this is what I'm talking about that you go through your meditation period before you enter into blood with a blood covenant with gone you you receive this yes sir I don't do this i yeah I see the command and I will do it and you will help me do it but now help me Lord point point out these things to me and you catch yourself thinking oh no no no no no no you write that one down however all the care over no no no that's a worry I'm not gonna write that down it's it's gonna be in the area of Finance family health because both the three-fold cord of the curse is spiritual death sickness and disease poverty and debt that's the threefold core of the curse so all your worries are going to come in inside those those three areas of life and you know they get all muddled up together but now the three-fold cord of redemption is salvation healing and Jesus our high priest our milk today the the one who receives our tithe the one who blesses us with all blessings praise gun that he is he is the high priest of our finances so there you have the redemption there you have the curse all these worries are going to come in here you're gonna put in operation that this threefold quart of redemption Jesus has broken the power of this curse and every time you see it write it down write it down write it down write it down write it down write it down write it down and actively actively resist every one of those what's happening to your children what's happening to the economy what's happening to the nation what's happening in your family was it were and in your married life or what's happening in your body what's happening and all of these different things spirit soul body and financially socially all of these things write them down when the time comes you meditate in these things and you're gonna you it's going to come it's give you and your husband your your just you alone have whatever your situation is it's going to come and all of a sudden you know now's the time and I'm gonna go before the Lord my my Jesus my Savior and I'm gonna hand him every one of these I'm gonna hand him every one of I don't care that you're rolling you can't here rolling all your and he will cause your innermost thoughts to conform to his will that's one of the promises of rolling all the care now Eddy I mean little stuff your hair any anything that causes you concern anything that causes you any kind of discomfort to worry there's a lot of that stuff ain't worth worrying about and there's a lot of it you just throw it away and quit worrying about it and when you do the Lord will fix it amen what was it what's that story brother Hagin used to tell about scared prayer don't work all that family's out them out in the field working in the thunderstorm come up and they'd they just started running this as fast as they could and and and mom and daddy just fell on the ground and started crying out god help us help us he said get up Marimo get up marry Paul scary prayer don't work let's go to house so that's getting scared growl don't work he also said this he said they were he had one shot one baby and she had the other one and and and he was unlocking the front door of the house and she said she said you wouldn't worry if me and both of the kids died he said well what's the use of worrying about that he's a happy you did you done gone to heaven they no use worrying about that well of course an ear dated her but she and and Aretha came alone she finally learned what he was doing and as he taught her how how these things and that you don't spend time worrying about it you spend time praising God now how much time we got here ten minutes oh good let's go back over here and he'll show us now your the process of staying with it staying in it you don't let the devil get to you under any circumstance now okay let me bring up Philippians four because I want to read that also in the amplified and okay in the sixth verse be careful see the word care see the word carats that same work that that we've been looking at all this good side be fearful for nothing yeah be careful for nothing but in everything that's everything on that list by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving with praise you haven't finished until you praise God because praise is strength praise stars and the enemy prays will shut your mind up when you can't seem to control your thoughts you can't fight thoughts with thoughts but you can fight thoughts with words words of God and when you bring praise on the scene I'm telling you that's the highest form of prayers praise God let your requests be made known to God and there it is there's the command and there's the Covenant and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind your heart and mind through Christ Jesus now whoa hold it Gerta back up when you find the word Christ stop translate meditate the anointed one and his anointing how will the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and mind through the anointing on Jesus hallelujah that's them that's them burden removing you're destroying power of God I mean you're not in this by yourself no but you have to you have to follow the checklist now listen to what listen lists in the employ translate do not fret there's the command do not fret or have any anxiety about anything but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition definite requests with Thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God and God's peace will be yours that tranquil state of soul assured of its salvation through the anointed one in his anointing and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatsoever sort that is that peace which transcends all understand I shall garrison and mountain guard over your heart and mind if Christ Jesus now I'm looking at verse four and I take it this means that if I'm not rejoicing always I'm not obeying the word well if I'm dead rejoice in the Lord all that's a commenced earned about I can't pay this bill or I was concerned about being sick or my kids I have not rejoicing no no now how are you gonna rejoice you gotta get rid of that cash that's shot that's that's what we're talking about but here's the process boy he didn't just leave us out here trying to figure out how to do it look at this finally brother verse 8 whatsoever thing whatsoever whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things praise God those things which you've both learned and received and heard and seen in me do them and the God of peace shall be with you now listen then something comes up whatsoever whatsoever things are true well now brother Copeland I know but you know but now what takes you know what they said about hurry is true yeah but that's not a good report so you don't be thinking about that then you've rolled all that care over on the Lord let just get rid of that whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are good report if there be any virtue or excellence and if there be any praise think on these things take command yeah of your thoughts Oh what does the scripture say judge yourself and you'll not be judged I can tell you to judge what somebody else's no our judge judge yourself by your own good intentions and your doing that your judge your judging yourself in this I'm only gonna think these things that's right now tomorrow we can get into the process of doing that right how do you manage those thoughts how do you do that how do you take authority over a thought and get rid of it praise the other word tells us how to do amen well we're out of time we hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland ministries be sure to get the notes at KCMG org slash notes and remember Jesus is Lord
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 26,501
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: 4933595963001, freedom, gloria copeland, jesus, kenneth copeland, peace, stress, word of god
Id: VHAqdfS5gbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2016
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