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[Music] so welcome back everyone I am very very excited about today's video something has come into my possession that I have looked for for a long long time it's the Stanley depression-era number two smoothing plane consider by a lot of collectors to be the most elegant and beautiful plane shamily ever produced highly sought-after highly desirable and today we're going to start a full restoration so we've got we've got these little screws here everything is steel except for these three pieces we've got the beautiful brass adjustment knob right there polish that up here's one I just finished up right there you can see that's the other one the adjuster screws and then I've got to clean up get up all the thread cleaned up there and here's one that I just finished that little stud for the back reverse handle but all those threads cleaned up a little just a tiny little drop of oil on there we put it back together man this is going to be neat so to polish this brass I use a wire wheel on the grinder good bench grinder like this is an essential tool you want something no less than about 1/3 horsepower I think that's what this one is 23 3 with a wire on one side my granddad always did it and then a traditional grimy excuse me grinding wheel on the other side and it is wonderful for so many things be careful when I'm done if I'm doing a lot of work with a wire wheel like this in my shirt is it's got half a dozen of these little wires sticking in there they fly off be careful using good safety glasses whenever using that but and begin but if you do it carefully it work really good here for cleaning up threads now I'm going to use gloves because I get close in I know the safety Sally's always come out I know you're not supposed to use gloves with tools like this but and I get dangers my middle name what could I say always work on the down then off the wheel meaning it's turning this way don't go into it it will it will jab them take this picture out of your hand so you always want to work on the downhill side but you can see see how those threads there are rusty we can get in there and work on the corner [Music] you can even get these wheels in brass I've never had one but if you were doing really delicate work that might be a good option too but you can see there how good that works so I'm going to it on the small pieces you know like this here sometimes I'll even grab a pair of pliers or a channel lock and get in there because they're too hard to hold on to [Music] [Music] so I think we've got everything sufficiently shined up everything turned out really nice so here's that look at that that adjustment screw the brass I polished the inside of that the best I could with the steel wool that is nice that's my favorite piece right there here's the end so these are the screws they're a little barrel barrel screws that go through the handles here to be able to see those look nice don't thing and I do believe so I learned I learned quite a bit from some subscribers about the plane so I also before I go any further I forgot to mention I'm very sorry this plane was given to me by my subscriber carry and carry this belonged to his father his father's name's was a game and he to get a little history on this carry thought the diss dad is probably purchased this sometime somewhere in Minnesota so thank you carry hope I hope you enjoy hope you enjoy this series as much as I have enjoyed doing it okay so where were we so okay so let's put it we'll get everything put back together so one last thing that I forgot to throw that I mistakenly mentioned so I said that the number two or I thought that the number two was the smallest and we claimed it is not several if you pointed it out that there is actually a stanley number one and it's exceedingly rare not something that any one of us are likely to have and hold I looked at there's a couple of them on eBay and they were in excess of $1,000 so that's out of reach for us but it is a there is a smaller one that's smaller missile alright so let's let's put everything together and see how it looks this is my favorite part you know it's not my favorite part every I'm reluctant to even do these videos anymore because it's just so exasperated there's always the there's always the peers that come out when I do with these planes and like you're an idiot you ruined it you you have taken away all the value it's worthless now you should have left it like it was and I had that comment it doesn't matter the condition of the plane here's a number of six that I'm considering a maybe doing next they prefer weasel like that but they think that that's a more value and and that that's in the not ruin condition but this is I don't know what can you say let's focus on the positive here okay where we start so let's start with the Frog so I learned an interesting thing here with the Frog I asked yesterday didn't know you know what this doesn't really look like a frog once they call this thing a frog and there were lots of different explanation somebody said that this looks like a frog leg which it does not but I guess from from what I from what I read it looks like the most probable reason for it's called a frog is that this portion of the plane is called the wrote right in here where the throat where that the iron comes out and the guys that were producing these this was sound British - because if British always they have that funny sense of humor called this the Frog because you know the frog in the throat so it's right because it's behind the throat you know I don't know if that's true or not but I like that story best it seems to make that that's what makes me the happiest all right so let's put this together we'll put a little bit of a machined surface there up a little ballast all on that it'll protect out of debt here I've got a little my whole favorite things that I bought this little love I was on Amazon getting some Hokies number nine hope he's number nine is that was the old school gun cleaning solvent and I'm really partial to that because my granddad used it and I have those memories that coming back after deer and elk hunting on the kitchen table cleaning our rifles out and the smell of that hope is number nine so I was on that so I was picking them up and this came up at and it suggested there it's a little a little precision oil dropper and I think it was $2.99 or so on it even came with oil in it this is a wonderful thing for if you just for everything I use it all the time to be able to just to put a really you know really small drops of oil I guess let's put that right on there you can see here look how small of a little bit you can put on there you know I'll bet that last a guy a lifetime because you can really control it instead of you know like and I'm the and the cheese containers and a chemist and you know what could I do with my glue you know you by the balls of oil and you know they're gone the year and do we really need it that much now because we don't have a good applicator and this kind of gets wasted so we'll put a roll I've got these I put up a little category in my Amazon store regular Mart calm that has some of my favorite restoring tools or I put the roll lock angle grinder I found a really good one that came with a free little free roll lock attachment and then a really good deal on the try pack of the little disks because I used to buy those locally and they were just so expensive you get like six at a time for $29 I found a whole big ol lot of them for I think it's 21 on there so I've been ordering from them so that throat that or that frog it's got some adjustment in it and I don't I know it one time I remembered about how that should it be adjusted or what it does it I don't remember anymore I'm not to go back and revisit that we're just going to put it together here so we can level out that the soul nice and tight but not too tight it's on there nice isn't it that looks really good okay so let's put that we'll want to put the handle on misters if we don't we don't do this in order then we have to take it back apart again those turned out good didn't they I just love those bratli that's a nice little piece right there that's a let's put a little little drop of oil on here you don't get in there and not going to hurt anything at all is it it feels pretty good handle if I mentioned this or not the handles cleaned up really good I didn't I was going to stand them down I hate to change the original stuff and I just hit him with that double ah steel wool and look how nice not they pretty at Rosewood apparently can't get rosewood anymore or hard to get I guess that's what I was told them up in the comments there all right tighten this guy down here why don't you be more careful there okay now here's the best part look at this right this backwards thread look at that start so that little that little Paul right there fits in between the little drop of oil on here love that dropper this is what will close to nothing I keep coming closer to around see that should fit right in there and roll in nice and smooth and that will that's what adjust the see iron so that brass was nice if that rosewood that's really pretty out the old world right there it's old world okay so let's set this aside we'll come back we'll be coming back to this here the iron and the chip breaker and we'll have to do some work on those but let's put these together I got chastised yesterday for using the cap for tightening these screws that it could break it I thought you know I hadn't thought about that it's probably yeah well I run the risk right what I'm talking about is right here these are a pennant I don't know if they were designed this way it just works out that you can tighten with that that is kind of fragile there and it's cast so that makes sense to me here use our maiden England footprint screwdriver okay so this should sit like that there you can kind of see how the hell that fits back and forth so where you guys out here we come a little bit tight there you can see here that to just that angle that blade will also talk more about that one work or trying it out so this is a little bit tight so we'll just put a little drop of oil it's going on both sides we could maybe even right there on that that Paul it's kind of a bearing surface right there it will put a drop where that adjustment screw goes in there which is put that in right now you can put this as a screw that holds up the clip in that's the adjustment the tension will tension Matt there in a minute now we can put that put this one together would it drop of oil on the threads a little corrosion in there so I'll get that coated I wouldn't hurt us a little machine serves a simple bow stall on there now I can smell all that stuff I can't believe it got be some people don't like the smell of it i I guess when I first smelled it I didn't like it either but I actually liked it now tighten up our front grip okay looks good now for I guess this is our final piece here we'll put our so that's too tight so that's how you adjust the tension on this on this spring clip there as you back that out till that fits over there that's too tight you just roll this out a little bit click right in there somewhere just like that so you can still adjust it a little bit yeah that looks really good point turned out I think a closer look see how everything looks how beautiful is that isn't that neat that just gives me the fizz that is just a gorgeous Vista such a beautiful little plane isn't it and what the purists have is rescue plane I prefer it this way I prefer it to be brought back into usable condition then did this be something or not it's only purpose is just to be value or someone and I look at how good that brass turn out there that gorgeous that is a beautiful little plane I'm so happy that the that was able to keep that orange in there you know look at this looks old to me this this looks like a plane that it doesn't it looks it doesn't look like one I think they look nicer this way then when they're completely restored you know made perfect again and you got all the dings and dents in there with that that's just kind of cool and a neat little plane isn't it I can get three fingers in there I would find it complete to be completely usable it mean it fits my hand very well someone said that these were designed and made for to get children involved I don't believe I don't think that that's right there's just so much commission I mean it could be there's so many opinions put out there that are just not based on anything that's one of the problems with the internet it's not like it sets um I appreciate someone saying that you know perhaps this is the reason or it seems to me that this might make sense rather than justices same features as a fact that's pretty cool though not beautiful all right well I guess we'll have one more part we'll take it back apart well we'll smooth the sole and we'll do the iron and then we'll do a test and I'll show you how to show you how I was taught to set up set it up long because I've just go by to what I learned from Paul sellers Mrs W box books for me and so that's my guide all these things I like it I like his approach but that beautiful it's really really nice now I nearly forgot so I would this is a this is a number six a number six Bailey right here kind of interesting it's polluted you see Peppa flutings on the bottom and that was done I believe to help reduce friction and that doesn't look like it's in too bad of a shape or not there and I thinking about restoring this one and I'm always when I'm looking at restoring these I'm I I'm not too concerned with it covered in rust what I am concerned about is this there's deep pitting and also are all the pieces there this one is a with a Bailey but I don't have a number six with a Bailey right there I think it's a good plain it looks got the book we've got the brass it's all seized up though it's much worse condition than the little number two was but I don't think it's beyond the realm of repairing the only thing that that is that the handles this handle right here is it's broken and this handle here is it's got a chip out of it right there but I wouldn't say that it's not usable I think it's entirely usable to be interesting I've never haven't taken it apart this is the first time but look it there we got the same you've got exactly the same barrel and pieces looks very so it's got a crack in it right there - you see that same pieces as a little number two but I think it's I think it might be worthy of restoring it looks like there's some serious rust here on that chip breaker but that you know that's a piece that could be replaced but it is completely seized up the rear handle is it's also it's bad if there's no fix in that right there but the barrel nuts still in there definitely get so if we could take that out of the see how that looks just might beat maybe we should do this for our next project here it'd be really neat habits number six Bailey's there's the nut yeah you guys let's see another plain restoration knows that number two enough let me know in the comments if you gave me enough thumbs up on this video then I'll know you want to see it and we can we can do this one too maybe we can find a handle on eBay or something alright well thanks for watching and we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 212,749
Rating: 4.8439059 out of 5
Keywords: family, family vlogs, vlogs, wilderness, how to, firefighter, homesteading, homestead, oregon, pacific northwest, off grid, do it yourself, diy, wranglerstar, modern homesteading, vlog, wildland firefighting, prepping, canning, economic collapse, gardening, bug out bag, holistic, emergency preparedness, camping, survivalism, wrol, preserving, fermenting, preparedness, prepper, food storage, garden, offgrid, teotwawki, organic, food preservation, permaculture, yanmar tractor, chickens, farm, family vloggers
Id: 30Oc4KE543Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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