Shop Work: Stanley Sweetheart No.6 Handplane Restoration

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hey everyone welcome to Fisher shop so today I'm going to be restoring the stanley number six hand plane I've never done it before so this ought to be interesting stick around and we'll see what the final product looks like let's get to it some of you may have seen in a previous video of mine how I managed to pick up five old hand planes from a gentleman off of Craigslist and this is one of them to Stanley number six and it is in definite need of some restoration there's a lot of surface rust there are some pitting on the sides of the plane so we're going to have to work on getting that taken care of I've done a little bit of research on this process and what others have done and what others have been successful with so I've geared up and I've got everything I believe I'm going to need to tackle this project so the first step is to disassemble the original hand plane and break it down to all of its components I took a piece of 4-inch sewer pipe and I stopped up one side and I was able to fit all of the pieces down within it so that we can fill it up with distilled vinegar and this is a trick that I got from Jay Bates's video on hand plane restoration so thank you Jay and I was able to pour in a full gallon and let that sit so we are at about 26 hours now and if you look close you can still see there is plenty of activity going on in there but I think I'm going to go ahead and pull the pieces out and just see what our progress looks like and see if I can clean them up so here the components fresh out of the vinegar bath and what I've noticed right away is that this surface rust seems to just basically fall right off now which is a real real good sign so I think with the the wire wheel we should be able to get most of the rest of that off and get it back down to bare metal so I chucked the wire wheel directly into the drill press and this worked really really well just had to be sure to wear my heavy leather work gloves so that I didn't get all scraped up but the rust just practically fell right off you can see to talk easily getting rushed right off of there didn't have to spend too much time on that but for the hard-to-reach areas where I couldn't get in there with the white wheel I just used a dremel tool and a small little brush attachment here are the components after the wire wheel brushing I was able to get a lot of the rust off the base unit here turned out really well had to use a dremel to get into the tight spaces where the wire wheel wouldn't reach and that worked out okay went through several of the little wire brushes but that's okay the brass knobs are looking awesome pretty excited about that and I'll be even able to do each individual screw and washer and get them looking as if they were brand new pretty excited however the pitting on the clamp here is very noticeable now so I think what I'm going to have to do is probably try to sand that down and get her smooth again because it after the rust came off it is very noticeable I think so with a sanding cylinder attachment on my rotary tool I was able to grind off all of the pitting that was on that clamp and then I just attacked it by hand with various grades of sandpaper and got it's perfectly smooth once I was happy with how it looked and felt I taped it off and gave it a fresh coat of paint then I fastened down some sandpaper onto my bench and flattened the bottom and the sides of the base unit and my goodness this was quite a workout my arms are still sort but once it was perfectly flat then I could tape off all of the areas that I did want to get paint on and and that includes the tiny tiny areas on the inside of the base unit where you don't want to get paint either and there was there's a couple of areas in there that I masked off like once that was finished I could tape off the bottom and actually fold the tape up on the front and then again on the back and press that in and once I got a pretty good adhesion I just took out a sharp utility knife and cut off the excess and I wanted to get a perfect line it passed so that when I take the tape off I just have that perfect edge of pain so putting on a fresh coat of enamel paint and this is high-gloss black crystalline spray paint nothing special but I sure love the look of the gloss here's the Frog all taped up and getting its coat of paint then what I do is I put on a buffing wheel into the drill press and put on some compound and I started work with the chip breaker and iron in the clamp and getting them all buffed up and nice and shiny and that went pretty smoothly then I sanded off the letters on the clamp except it I needed to do some touch-ups so I actually use this splinter and some paint to do that turn down okay so now it's time to sand the handles so I took the long rod from the back handle and put it in the front along with a spacer as it was a lock it down with some nuts and actually chuck it into the drill press and took a little bit of plain and fiddling but I was able to get it to spin just right so that I could go through my four or five different sandpaper grains and get it perfectly smooth I actually sanded it down to like a thousand so when I stopped it if man it felt like glass but for the other back handle I had to use ten gallons of elbow grease and just work at it and work at it and work at it but eventually I got it feeling just as nice as the the front handle and super smooth so I used mineral spirits to take the dust off and I put on one coat of mineral oil just to kind of penetrate and bring things out bring the grain out a little bit and once that was done I could put on three coats of spray lacquer and that gives it the nice gloss and the protection that it's going to need so here I am taking the tape off of some of the are my painted pieces and took some time to sharpen up the iron going through my my diamond stones and then finishing things off here removing the burr so got that all nice and sharp and so on the bait when the baits going to dry Here I am taking a tape off checking the lines and the lines turned out really really well here I am peeling the tape off of the bottom of the Frog and then the top and yeah all the lines looked really well so there was hardly any touch-ups that I had to do and now it's time for final assembly so putting in the adjustment screw for the Frog and reverse threading on the brass depth adjustment knob making sure the levered catches on the inside and then seating it in place screwing it down but still leaving it just a little bit loose because I know that there's going to be some fine adjustments that are needed but once those are in I can put in the the screw that holds in the Phaedo clamp and putting the chip breaker and the iron together putting on the back handle that takes two screws and then the front knob only takes just the one but once I got those in place I can drop the iron in and raise the depth adjustment and then drop in the plant and it just takes one little tweak and in a time boy it looks nice so here's a before and after comparison wow what a difference and once I got it all assembled I just couldn't wait to try it out so I clamped in a piece of wood into my vise and gave it a shot so check it out all right so how do you think I did if you think it turned out as nice as I do then be sure to hit that like button down below and if there is a better way to do it or a more efficient way then please let me know because I've got five other planes to do and if there's a better way to do it then I'm going to need to help so if you're new here please hit that subscribe button check out my other videos I know that there's lots out there that you would like and we'll see you next time all right get out of here [Music] and the waterwheel really definitely definitely was though Wow really definitely awesome totally I'm a very good driver very good driver alright so how did I do if you think it turned out as nice as I do then be sure to hit that like button if you don't then leave me a verbally abusive comment that can make a grown man cry great excuse me I need to get that very important phone call all right so how do you think I did I'm like falling out of the stool crowd you dirt I got to take this thing off before I could put the back handle off going [ __ ] all right so how do you think I did if you think it turned out as nice as I do then be sure to hit that like button and if there is a noisy TV upstairs then that is my wife
Channel: Fisher's Shop
Views: 48,870
Rating: 4.9481001 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, hobby, shop, craft, diy, stanley, bailey, handplane, hand plane, restoration, restore, tool, sweetheart
Id: wweL7yl2Gfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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