Old WW2 Hand Plane restoration - 75 year old Stanley Bailey no4

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[Music] this is an old number for Bailey hand plain it's really old it's really rusty so in this video we're gonna give this some much-needed love and restore it to its former glory luckily all the parts seem to be here so we're gonna start by disassembling everything getting everything nice and clean and I will take you from there thank you into this episode let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright that was finally the whole thing taken apart I had a little bit of trouble getting alas growed this guy but that's all taken care of now most of the parts are looking really good I've had them submerged in 35% vinegar for a little while and it's always amazes me how effective vinegar is that removing rust it's super cool to see how easily it comes off these parts so while that guy sucks a little bit longer I'll start on these guys cleaning them up getting everything nice and flat polishing up these pieces to look really good and by the time we finish through these we'll tackle the main body of the plane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was two of the main parts done the Frog is nice and clean and this lever cap I think it's called is also nice and shiny this guy I decided to send up to a 1200 grit finish it gives it a really nice satin finished look and since this part is gonna be very visible that is gonna be looking really nice so now that these two are done it's time to check on the main body of the plane yeah there's definitely something that's happening in here it's been bubbling and burning away for a couple more hours now start to put on the mask and get this thing out of there it's vinegar really smells bad and I don't think it's any good for your skin either is this crazy just look at all the problems coming up to the surface of that thing all right holder parts of cleaned off the nasty vinegar smell is gone and man I gotta tell you I'm really happy with the condition this plane is in that vinegar actually left a super nice and clean surface and there's just a small amount of rough spots left that will clean right up which was scotch brite but one thing that is definitely not in a good condition anymore is the paint on this thing Italy just peels off in places here so the next step will be to get that old paint off of there get everything nice and primed and ready for a new paint we're gonna repaint it in its original black color and then obviously we'll have to regrind all these surfaces and get them looking really nice and flat [Music] [Music] all right so well I think we got most of the paint off the base of that plane however this chemical stripping compound that I used to get the paint off of there which is the same stuff I used on the machinist vise at first I did one coat which got most of the paint off of there but then I decided to do a second one and leave that on overnight but when I came back this morning the entire thing was rusted so into the vinegar it goes and while that is bubbling I'll tackle the wooden parts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see I've gone through a lot of sandpaper this is 120 grit this cast iron stuff is really tough to sand so the combination of this thing being cast and all the rusticles on it means that it has too many surface imperfections for me to get it completely smooth however it is now actually very flat which I can see holding a straight edge against the surface here and using a square I can see that the sides are 90 degrees to the bottom here so I'm actually very happy with that I'm not gonna get it completely smooth but a couple of small surface imperfections just gives the thing a bit more character so now I'm gonna go up through grits finish sanding this thing mosk up all the areas that are critical and can't get any paint on them and then I'll paint it and then begin assembly [Music] alright that Charles enough sending Lester painting [Music] [Music] [Music] that's group let's get this thing that's Janie all right so we're almost finished most other parts are done I also just cleaned up all the screws so they are nice and shiny and to give them an extra layer of protection we're gonna blacken them using some cold blue which is this stuff here and I've got that ll cup here the idea is that we take these shiny screws dip them in this liquid and then they'll get a black hard rust permanent coating on the outside of them all right that was all the screws done they all have the black protective coating on them and since they were like shiny polished to begin with they still have that shiny quality to them only now they're black after taking him out of the bluing liquid I quickly rinse them off in some water and then dip them into some oil and then once everything is dried off they get this really nice durable shiny surface but enough about these crews were actually just one part away from having everything done and that part is the blade I figured I'd save this for last because I also need to sharpen it so I'm gonna clean up give it a nice sharpen and then assemble the whole thing it's gonna be exciting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's it we are finished with our Bailey number four hand plane this is actually the first template that I ever owned and I am really happy it's this one so after I assemble it I spent a little bit of time setting it up and as you can see I've made a whole bunch of shavings with it and it works it works quite well looks wise it's definitely not perfect you wouldn't mistake this for a brand new one but I'm quite happy with the fact that you can see that it's an old plane it's actually about 75 years old and I actually really like the combination of colors this thing ended up happening with the fresh new matte black paint job and the shiny bits and pieces together with the wooden parts that are perfectly smooth but still have these darker areas from the old finish that soaked into the end grain and also think that the combination of these shiny brass bits together where that wood looks really nice I also polished up this little brass knob in the back here which normally is all brass but on this model it has this plastic wheel which is backlight I think that's how it's bronzed because this is made during the war era so they have to save on brass so yeah all in all it's pretty sharp its brief flat it's square it works and I'm gonna be using this for a long time to come hopefully so I'm gonna go play a little bit more wood just because I can because it's fun with my new plane I hope you liked this video if you did make sure to give you a thumbs up it actually makes a huge difference if you do and if you're not yet make sure to subscribe and ring that bell so you get notified every time I upload something you asked for now thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: Alexandre Chappel
Views: 45,269
Rating: 4.9507613 out of 5
Keywords: plane, hand plane, hand plane restoration, tool restoration, bailey, stanley, bailey restoration, stanley restoration, tool rescue, rusty, perfect restoration, war era tool restoration, hand tools, hand tool restoration, carpenter tool, carpenter tool restoration, restoring old tools, restoring old rusty tool, stanley plane restoration, bailey plane restoration, stanley no4, stanley nr4, stanley nr.4 restoration, bailey nr.4 restoration
Id: 28UFO_UqWV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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