Biggest Stanley Plane Ever Made

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Oh so after about 20 minutes of work or so with the 3:20 it's looking a lot better here you can see you can see the flatness now if you look on there you'll see the dull spots they're still a little bit on the corners there vary a little bit but you got a it takes a long time to get those out and it's not real critical for me this isn't a plane that I'm going to use a lot what I do but subsequent sharpening is as I work that down as that gets shorter and shorter over the years we'll pick those up those corners up but I'm really happy with it the way it is so I'll finish this off with a 1,500 put a polish on it we'll go back to just touch up that edge and then we'll I'll show you how leather is your friend so we can just finish up our polish by dragging it backwards rotating it up until we feel that resistance from that edge so here you can see you can see that polish at 1500 polish on there so how this drop is designed to work is it is made to fit inside your carpenters bench and you get a nice sturdy platform right there the jewelers Rouge here you can see is just it's kind of wrapped up in some paper there but you just put a little on there on that leather I guess most people think or feel that the rough side out is the best for sharpening I've used both ways I can't say though I can tell a lot of difference but we're going to we're going to go in a backwards fashion with a lot of weight a lot of weights much weight is we can put on it without bending the tool and we're going to strop this in this motion kind of down rotating up about sometimes I'll go about at least fifty sometimes a hundred and of course the acid test is to see how how sharp it is so I think we're ready to put this all back together now before I put them together I keep my ballast all a little really nice high quality rag in a metal tin and I wipe all my tools down with it so since this is going to be kind of in there where we hard to get to it'll have a tendency to rust so now's a good time just to put a nice protective coating of ballast all or whatever you're protecting of choice is so this here I've been told by people I trust that this should be about maybe a sixteenth of an inch or so not very much you can see there it's just a slight bit I don't know exactly how critical that is every time I pull out the screwdriver someone asks me about these screwdrivers with the beautiful oval handles these are made by the footprint cabinet company in Sheffield England and they are beautiful screwdrivers my friend Declan sent me a set of these that I really treasure I saved them only for my fine woodworking there you can see there looks pretty nice there so let's put it all back together and see if we can't get our carpenters bench perfectly level there it is the evacuation order and still no call for resources to come and help from the Lord local districts I don't get it let's put a little ballast doll on the Frog here when we have it open okay we can put our iron in be very careful at this point we don't want to damage that edge that we put so much time into okay beautiful tool there we go so are you ready to see how the big plane works on smoothing out the bench actually several several of you have corrected me this is not a smoothing plane I guess is called a jointing plane since so many people gave that answer I'm assuming it's right I'm sure I misspoke actually I started without you and I was going to just level this I thought oh I probably don't need to film all that but then I knew there would be wailing of gnashing and wailing and gnashing of teeth if I didn't so I've got one side done here I'll show you and then we'll bring it over and we'll do the other side but what a would have talked about a tool that's a perfect tool for the job so you can see here on the right is a the side that I just completed and then this one here I'm s just started with a little bit but we'll we'll finish this together here but what a nice job it was you know as these two by fours you know these this bench was just built out of Home Depot to buy to buy stock that I planed down there was a lot of movement in it you know it had even though it was kiln dried it had to kind of climate eyes to our area altitude and all of that and what that gave us was you know different variations in the wood was no longer very flat so now you can well you can't see but I can see because of this plane it's so long it knocked down all the high spots and it is wonderfully flat just feels like glass just a perfect tool for the job having that long frame on it lends itself to cutting very flat surfaces are to be able to do a flat surface you know it's the same principle as a road grader that's why Road graders are so long they don't they're not affected by every little dip and dent indentation in the road so if we come over here we can see on this bench now you see the the light colored areas here of course where the high spots or are the high spots that's where the plane is cutting first and as we continue on we'll keep going until we get down into the lower regions there so it's really a telltale sign of what type of condition your bench is in you could do this with the smaller planes as well you're just not going to get you're just not going to get that super flat surface you know the same principle here is when we file crosscut saws you know this this jointer for example this is the exact same principle this filing joint er being nice and long as the plane you know as we file our teeth that's that file that surface area spread over a great distance so anyway I'm digressing let's start - let's start cutting and I'll show you how it works so setting the depth of the blade of course is really critical what I've noticed with this plane is the adjustment is exceedingly sensitive this is a much higher quality playing than these these here are the one of the Stanley handyman series and there's a lot of side notes a lot of slop when you're adjusting them I've never used such a nice plane as this where it's so precise what I lift up the clip just the tiniest increment just a tiny little turn greatly affects the depth of the blade because the number-8 has so much weight in mass once it's in motion it stays in motion it really just powers through anything doesn't seem to be even fazed by wood grains or knots or anything of the sort another nice thing about this big planes you can see here this is my main my main Wilton vise here we Union we want the top of these the wood blocks these oak carton blocks to be this 90 higher than the bench and so I can span the distance and you can see and I can take those down so that they're the whole bench is exactly the same height so there we have it we have an absolutely flat surface area this bench I've never really considered it done until this process here actually there's two more things to do and then we can officially put the lid on this I'm sorry to say you're going to have to wait to see what the final two things are but it'll be worth your wait so that'll come in the next part so as you can see I've got my Nomex yellows on we just got the call or I just got the call they're evacuating a local town to the mountain to the big fire to the north and they are calling local resources to go up there and to try to save the homes that are in the way of the fire so I should be heading up one of those engines and just all packed ready to go I'm waiting for the call and I'll be taking you along for that to be sure so one thing that being on a call with the fire department is I have two bags packed I've got a large bag which has everything that would need to survive self-sufficiently - food for two weeks that's the longest deployment you're able to go out before you come home so that means fourteen pair of socks 14 shirts you know all the things your daily things that you change I don't mind being in dirty Nomex one thing I can't have is is not is a is dirty socks I'm very particular about my socks and I'll tell you fourteen pair of 0.6 socks is a his'n investment but I kind of look at the fire that if a fire go State mob sometimes we get paid a little bit it's not much with that money I reinvest back into it for gear to make myself more effective and more comfortable so that's ready and that mate I could call could happen anytime in the meantime we'll just keep on making our regular videos but I do have a manly manners for you today I was reading through here and I found one that I kind of liked and I thought that it was really appropriate here manly manners it says here don't settle down into an old married man while you were still in the prime of your life take your wife out about give parties visit your friends and you will keep much younger that if you settle into smoking jacket and slipper habit well that's so true isn't it we we're reaching the age now where we have looked at some of our friends some of my friends that are actually even younger than I am they're turned into old men curmudgeonly old men pretty much given up on many things in life that have brought them joy and happiness and and youth and vitality I think this is wonderful advice and one thing and I don't know maybe I've just been blessed with a with an attitude or a kind of a young spirit but I I feel like I'm still a 20 20 year old I mean I of course I got have to wear bifocal glasses and there's a few little things but nothing really to complain about but I do feel good and I still enjoy excitement I still mrs. Wrangler stars very very what much the same way she's young at heart and I think that that's wonderful advice to me as well as to you to take something up if you like you don't go up for some dancing lessons with your wife or go sign up for for whatever it do something you've never done before something that you've always wanted to do when you were a kid because there's no reason why you can't there's no reason not to get out and to enjoy those things so that's it so I asked you to keep my family in prayers and for all of the firefighters that are making great sacrifices in this area I keep them in your prayers as well and and the nice thing about this one is I'll be home at night 12-hour 12-hour shifts and then it's so close I'll bill come home so thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 224,965
Rating: 4.838275 out of 5
Keywords: stanley plane, bailey plane, stanley no. 8, bailey no.8, stanley block plane, block plane, stanley planes, stanley hand plane, stanley tools, stanley wood plane
Id: 4BsKZ9oddXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2015
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