I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! A Real Stanley No.2 Plane

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Guy can talk the ears off a elephant...also has a cutie wife

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gatogrande 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

this guy also took stanley's cheapest hand plane and made it work really fuckin well just by honing the blade, the iron, and sanding the handle and reconfiguring it.

that being said, that cheap handplane has quite possibly the worst adjustment method ive ever seen. definitely get one that has a single knob/lever to adjust blade angle and height rather than the 2 thumbscrew version.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ss0889 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ha I totally found one of those cleaning out my mom's garage.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wranglerstar is pretty much living the BIFL life. He restores a lot of old tools and tries to only buy high quality stuff that can be repaired/rebuilt.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MercHarris 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so welcome back everyone I am very very excited about today's video something has come into my possession that I have looked for for a long long time it's the Stanley depression-era number two smoothing plane consider by a lot of collectors to be the most elegant and beautiful planes jamily ever produced highly sought-after highly desirable and today we're going to start a full restoration I am so excited to get started on this series I've been up all morning researching and and I've learned so much about these little planes I just wanted to kind of share the highlights with you so grab yourself a cup of coffee mrs. W just made me my favorite blend here and my Yeti mug so this is now take what I say with a grain of salt I'm not an expert I just I just bread as much as I could on this particular plane but this is the smallest I believe of the Stanley smoothing plane the first ones were built by the Stan Lee company and around 1869 and then when they took that's what I think when they took over the Bailee company right there and they went through several iterations and there's different little different things you can see on them and kind of and start to help date where they were they came from so in what was it it was around Oh probably the early part of the Depression when the Stanley when they started putting their mark right there in the lever cap right there and what's really nice about this one is a magnificent is a mask immaculate condition it doesn't look like that way or look that way because it's all rusty but the thing is so nice about it hasn't been messed with you know this probably whoever had this this is kind of a specialized playing and I would imagine that someone that would invest in something like this back in the day was probably a probably a proper carpenter and here at sitting today probably at the way the way that it was or last you everything looks original to me so the I'm what I'm thinking is that this is they went through several types this is probably in the type 15 or the 16 and this would be in probably built in the Depression area so we could have been in the 1920s to the 30s or so I'm what I'm thinking is it's a type 16 judging from what I can see and just from what I've read and the cool thing about that is that people that are in know consider this particular vintage the Depression era belt number 2 is to be was one guy said the Venus Zenith of plan Lee's plan Lee Stanley plane production 70 years of evolution and Pattinson and R&D and research went into produce this also as I said earlier considered to be the most beautiful and graceful and just aesthetically pleasing just quite beautiful little plane by a lot of collectors so let's take it apart here and we can kind of see some of the details so we can we take this apart you can see we've got a we've got the lever cap here with a stanley orange on there so we know so later years that these would have been blue in the 40s and 50s and 60s and and so we know that that that this is black and so you have the chip breaker and the iron there I mean it is in good condition probably all original look at that look at the Stanley logo embossed right there on the adjuster I mean it really is an excellent condition this is just beautiful earth Allah brass adjuster there everything's free and works well goodness well re-machine this here and the sides and we'll replace the paint this is then this is going to be a great a great project one thing I don't have they don't have that Stanley Orange right there I was thinking I bought when I was at the hardware store yesterday I bought some I'm some paint for this and I bought red I was thinking that these were red but when I read today they're not they're supposed to be orange so I'll have to try to figure out where to find that it would be nice to kind of go back with the original color so let's put it up on the bench here let's take everything apart and we'll get started on this beautiful little gem it's just nothing like a nice project like this on a cold winter's day and a woodshop is there so let's let's break it down with all these components so we've got the cap they're not we've got the the iron got a C on there we've got the chip breaker get all that stuff off there so this I'm sorry I don't sometimes I get the terminology wrong but I believe this is called the Frog it's always thought that was a strange a name but it will separate the frog here light you to use some thread breaker let's see I'll take him up you're good what this is going to be nice hopefully this screw will come off here just as easy you just won't believe how nice these little planes turn out they're just a labor of love great project pick these up at a garage sale we market junk shop for and I thought of anywhere from $10 to 20 I don't fit doesn't pay much more than maybe $30 for one there's the screws with little washers that's some nice machining in there I got the brass screw let brass up cleans up nice olive grasses there's nothing like solid brass is that backwards strength let's backwards Tran sorry for the interruption there Jack brought me breakfast out this W makes the best state breakfast sandwiches and I just love look at that solid brass that's neat isn't it here's the screw that holds the detention on the cap and this is in such good condition I don't even really know if we need to I don't need to think we need to repaint it I think we can I think that this black on here they call it what I read they call it Japan me and I don't know exactly what that is I mean it's like must have been something like paint you know of course you know they didn't have couldn't go down the hardware store and get a can of krylon back in the day and these screws are brass here and be really careful and have a screwdriver that fits in there properly not found these um these British footprint screwdrivers that I use for woodworking where they seem to just work perfectly with these old screws series comes apart nicely this screw here looks older that is that brass as well well that's nice so that's a that's a brass screw look at the polish still on it is astounding to me with a steel insert tap what is neat isn't it all right we've got one more piece we got one more screw this one here can be kind of a bugbear sometimes you know not this one is nice and loose what a dream what a dream this is a real treasure this look at that so there's a there's a screw what a handle complete condition too might just take some steel wool to that man and it's not a bit of rust on that he'll clean up these machine surfaces here clean all this up and I'm just going to be nothing to it so to do the beginning work on this because they've got a pretty good heavy coating of rust on there I'm going to use a fine a 220 grit my belt sander here now when we do the final leveling we'll do that by hand on the stones on a piece of flat glass you know with it all it's all assembled but this haven't is just going to use very lightly or just you put on your very lightly just to kind of get some of that gunk and the surface stuff off get us a good start [Applause] so let's take a look at the progress that we've got so far so you can see there I've got the main body of the plane really cleaned up haven't touched the bottom yet now we'll finish the bottom by hand and we'll I'll explain that a little bit later but I have used the belt sander and a roll lock tool there to work on those polishes we still have one more grit one more finer to go on that but beautiful and I've got some double lot stainless steel or steel wool that will clean this up and we'll leave that original one the only thing we need to do is to get in there and to clean up those these machine surfaces we want so we don't want any paint or any rust or anything coming in contact because this connection these machine surfaces they need to be they need to be metal to metal they need to made up really tight that's what gives the plane a good plane of stability right there and so if you look at this here's the Frog and I've been working on this here and so I've cleaned up all of these some Sheen surfaces you can see there it actually had just a real light layer of corrupt or rust on there and it had a little bit of paint on there and I got rid of that so by cleaning these up and here as well so here's really important this is where the Frog comes in contact with the base of the plane and that needs to be really rock solid and so I have kind of machined all those not machines but cleaned up the machining on all of those gotten rid of the pink and it should be better than it was before so as far as the eye here's the chip breaker that was pretty rusty I just hit it now the belt sander I just use that very very lightly it's just kind of a little to knock the heavy rust off don't get too carried away up with it and certainly don't get the metal up to a temperature where it's too hot to hold with a bare hand but that cleaned up really nice there we'll want to polish that too a real shame Titan polisher because the chips roll up there it makes the plane work more effectively and then here of course is the the iron of it's really pleased to see that we've got it a original family keep a logo there okay Stanley USA iron there clean that up as well stayed away from the ends with them but just lightly touch the ends will finish all that by hand and there you can see that I'm the chisel edge it will touch that at all and what that was in such good condition we don't want to fool with it we'll do that by hand and then lastly the clip here it and I was able to be very very carefully with a roll lock I'll explain this here in a second to to not get in there and to mess with that original orange and I'm using a very fine scotch brite grit it doesn't remove any metal but that looks like them I think these are yeah there are cast beasts you can see that these were cast probably cast in sand and it has a just a beautiful luster on it and by very carefully this pitting was not too deep it's going to let a polish out and look it's going to look really nice it's better to leave the original black jet japan-america if you can it's hard it's hard to match that machine that it has it just looks it looks cool so that might my right hand tool the tool that I go to for restoring axes in any type of tool and the first one that I recommend you buy if you have a compressor is a small angle pneumatic angle grinder with what they call a roll lock attachment and what a roll lock attachment is is you can buy these little sanding discs and all sorts of grit but I don't use anything anything heavier than a scotch-brite pattern for restoring these old tools like this and fitting of what I'm using but on the heavier stuff like the chip breaker and things I'll start with a course which is the brown it's a real heavy heavy one it'll actually remove tiny bit of material but it's very minut and then the medium will go to red or the maroon and then finish up with the blue or even the green and on real delicate pieces like this right here I'm just using the green and the nice thing about the roll lock as you can see it screws on the back of it just goes in there and you can get the roll like attachment to use it on all different sorts sorts of tools but this is if you have a compressor even if it's not a very big one because you use this so lightly this is a tool that is they when they first came out they were really expensive and now they're not anymore I bought this one this was just a made in China Taiwan it was a it was branded in the Mac name was made in Taiwan but I've used it for 14 years or so playing it it's just and I don't think it was well you know maybe 40 50 60 bucks you can get them for less than that I'm going to pick out one that's a real high value when I'll put it in my store regular marcom but if you want to restore something I'll show you here it's just it is the tool especially for acting and you can get pretty get pretty good with it you can know you can really control the speed of it and then not get too carried away so I just don't get in any hurry we'll just show you how effective it is here this is the of course the fine scotch-brite you see how quick and easy it is with a nice finish you can get in it the way that it's designed you can get in nooks and crannies really well like here's a this would be a hard thing to polish right here but we can just get in there real careful stay off the edges just a matter of a few minutes you can you can just do anything with this it's really great for I use it for this polishing the machined area and the Frog here and carefully get in there clean all that out I even was able to use it to polish the adjuster handle with this very careful wonderful tool must-have tool all of this [Music] that's a angle grinder pneumatic roll lock so let me get the rest is polished up and then we'll take a look at the brass here we can do with that so that's about as far as we can go with the with a roll lock there we're going to have some hand work here but that turned out really good didn't it look at this look at this cap that's nice that's got a nice finish in there got it got got in there real good we'll do a little bit more handwork with it with the fine double op steel wool but really cool to be able to preserve that orange in there that was nice of course there's the chip breaker and everything will do sharpen those by hand here's the the Frog well put some in there my hand will oil everything up clean all that up out that looks nice so let's turn over to the screws on the brass well that's all we're going to have time for today we'll pick up pick up the part to tomorrow but man that it isn't that a beautiful little plane that is I have to say that's my favorite one of my collection that's one I didn't know if I'd ever come across so it'll be I'm looking forward to the this summer will allow mrs. Duffy nah we like to go around and go to local garage sales and different things I'm always on them always on the hunt for these and I have I've got a restored number 8 just to Bailey just a beautiful condition I'll have the number 1 and I've also got in my collection I've got a number a number 5 that's in pretty rough shape it's going to need a new handle it's going to need a new the would nob on the front but I think the rest of it will clean up pretty good so yeah maybe we'll have to move on to that I just not sure where to find a handle for a number 5 it's a pretty big plane but now maybe that's something we can do believe it or not it's snowing again today and we're forecast this week that we have a about a 40% chance of getting more snow all the way through the weekend so might be back still stuck in the wood shop for a while now we have or still a family still really struggling with is the sickness that we have mrs. Debbie's got it terribly I've got it terribly bolted got it bad and I'm just feel like I'm running on about three or four cylinders and she's not feeling well either so keep us in your prayers we are I just can't believe how long's is holding on we just don't typically just haven't got sick for a long time and I know what this is all about what else was there there was something else I wanted to talk about must have been really important well I guess that's it for the day so again I want to thank you for watching and if you'd like to check out some of the my favorite items like the little hope is oil dropper that's a good one right there and and a roll lock I'll put that one that's a good value on Amazon I'll put down there and in the subject getting so you can always check those out at Wrangler marcom why do I push Wrangler marcom well it's a it's an Amazon affiliate link and now if you go there and find something you like if you purchase it you know we make a small percentages like seven or eight percent but it all helps to support the channel and all goes back into the channel so we always appreciate that support so thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 144,151
Rating: 4.8102555 out of 5
Keywords: family, family vlogs, vlogs, wilderness, how to, homesteading, homestead, off grid, do it yourself, diy, wranglerstar, modern homesteading, vlog, stanley plane, bailey plane, prepping, canning, preparedness, food storage, shtf, sustainable, garden, farming, camping, woodworking, hand plane, hand tools, stanley, stanley planes, tools, stanley block plane, restoration, woodwork, stanley hand plane, block plane, stanley tools, wood, veritas, stanley plane identification, vintage stanley plane
Id: V7L42TO4FEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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