5 Short Hair Hairstyle Hacks That Will Change Your Pixie Haircut FOREVER! #shorthair #hairstyle

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these are five hair hacks that will change your pixie haircut forever over the past 28 years of doing hair professionally I have worked on tens of thousands of clients and what I've found is that when I have a client that has a pixie haircut and they come back to the salon and they tell me how many people stop them on the streets asking them where they got their hair done how many friends gave them amazing compliments on their new cut or how incredible they feel in it I found five common reasons that that happens those are the things that I'm gonna be sharing with you today so yeah let's talk about some pixie hair hacks uh before we dive into the video I also want to say a big thank you to Lifan for sponsoring this video but we'll talk more about the life in Swift hair dryer a little bit later but for now let's dive into hack number one okay number one is making sure that the sides are tapered in towards the ear that means that everything below your recession line when you pull that straight out it's not all the same length gives a little bit shorter as it goes down towards the ear there's a couple reasons that this is very important the first reason is as the sides grow out they're going to get Fuller and as the sides get Fuller it's going to inherently give it the illusion that the top is flatter you can see that's how Hair Works because a lot of it is just an optical illusion unless you're getting a lot more volume in the top as it grows out which for most people that's not happening because as it grows it gets a little bit harder to create more and more and more volume in it so simply tapering those sides in a little bit towards the bottom so it's a little bit more angled in is going to help that grow out a lot because it's not going to feel like it gets quite as full right around the bottom on the sides it's going to get a little bit Fuller up through the temple first because it's growing out even now part two to that is that when you cut your hair a little bit tapered on the sides it's actually going to accentuate volume in the right areas just from the get-go and that is typically having a little bit less volume around the cheeks and a little bit more volume around the temples it kind of draws a line that would mimic if you would the cheekbone structure on most people that's huge because when it does that it's actually not just making your cheekbones look stronger but it's lifting the eye up the shape this lifts your whole face and I personally have never met anybody that didn't want to have great cheekbones I just don't think that's a thing so this does a great job of creating that illusion so that's one taper those sides in it'll grow up better and it'll be more flattering right out of the get-go right at it right out of the gate number two is lightly texturizing the very ends of your hair now as crazy as it sounds this is something you actually could even do at home you can just simply take shears like this now if you notice to look at these shears these are not thinning shears these are texturizing shears if you look very closely you'll see that the hole in between the blades is a little bit larger than the blade itself unlike thinning shears which are right here where the blade and the hole are the exact same size when the blade and hole are the same size you're taking out half of the hair however when the blade is smaller than the hole it means you're taking out less so they're slightly more forgiving and this is important if you just pull your hair up and look at the very ends like this and you just go over those ends just a couple times very quickly like this that's a great way of blending out those ends and kind of texturizing that just a bit and the best part about this is as long as you don't do this anywhere below say an inch of the end so just the very last inch of your hair this will do a really good job of blending those ends it'll do a really good job of giving it a little bit more volume and texture and movement if you've ever had a haircut that looked choppy or it seemed kind of bulky and weird in certain areas and just kind of like these big thick chunks and areas that could likely be fixed by just texturizing those ends this also works really well to just lighten your hair up a little bit many times when somebody comes in and they say hey the top of my hair is laying really flat it feels like I need to go shorter well in actuality just texturizing the ends alone can go a long way to lightening that up but still making it feel like it's got close to the same amount of length that was there because it might actually need that length to balance with the overall shape as kind of a cheat code if you will okay hack number three is non-directional drying I know some of you are thinking right now wait a minute dude wait I cut my hair this short so I don't have to spend time drying it let me explain and show you what non-directional drying is why don't you come with me we're in the bathroom I've got my hair wet and I'm about to walk through the drying process now one of the most important things to me is that I'm using a blow dryer that function well and mitigate some of the concerns of damage that are associated with using any sort of heat on your hair and that's one of the reasons that I'm a big fan of life and Swift and I've talked about this multiple times on my channel this motor runs at 110 000 rounds per minute and when you compare that to some conventional dryers in those dryers you're looking closer to 20 to 40 000 rounds per minute how does this affect you well it affects you because the faster this motor spins it means the faster that air is coming out faster that air is coming out the faster and more efficiently it's going to dry your hair that means it's less time that you are putting your hair under heat or potential damage to get it dry now there are three temperatures to the life and can use one of them is the hottest which is 176 degrees then you have a medium heat which is 122 degrees then you have the cool which is basically room temperature however I'm going to be using the hot setting 176 degrees I'll take this I'll turn this on you can hear that it's loud but you also see that I haven't raised my voice a lot now part of that is because the actual blades on this modeling not to keep out too much but they're actually aircraft aluminum grade to a processing Precision of 0.001 millimeters so I'll take this blood iron and I'll start by just blow drying it Forward okay now there's two things that are going on here one I'm moving the display joy around the watch while I'm drying it so I'm not just doing this and holding this one spot and two I'm starting coming forward okay and then I'll go to this side and then I'll go over to this side then I'll come down and I'll come back back to this side back to this side again now one that's how fast it dries like that but also now that I've gone back and forth again what I call non-directional I can take this and style this to either side and still get control and volume out of it and I also love the fact that this is so light at 407 grams this is shy of a pound in weight now there are attachments that actually are magnetic that you can attach to end of this dryer however for this specific scenario I actually don't think that you need them but if you are going to round brush your hair or something like that after you got it manly dry then you would want to use one of the attachments to control where that heat is delivered or if your hair is Curly and you wanted just to get a diffused look then you would obviously want to use the diffuser be a much better option if you are curious about these dryers there is a link in the description below where you can learn more about them there's a reason that I use this it's not by accident that's going to give me the foundation to create a style that I'm going to be much happier with and this is the same for you but if you don't dry your hair essentially what you're doing is you're allowing it to just basically be however it is and then you're hoping that it's natural Foundation is going to give you the shape that you want and so what you're likely finding is that many times you're kind of fighting that shape a little bit because it doesn't do what you want it to do on the flip side if we use non-directional drying spend 30 seconds to a minute it'll do whatever you want it to do okay I have to number four is the m hairline let me explain why this sounds ridiculous but follow me here if you look at most people's hairlines okay your natural hairline is basically shaped like an m and this is on most folks yes I am fully aware that there are the people out there that don't have this or have different variations of this maybe it's less pronounced or in some cases it's more pronounced now the reason that this is important when we talk about shorter haircuts is because that shape of hairline actually does a really good job of elongating the neck from the profile but also from the profile it lifts the eye up again and kind of really draws more attention back up the shape and towards the crown which is really kind of where we want to focus the volume at now when you cut it really square and the back very blunt or even if it's soft but just as straight across the line it just tends to look not as natural now granted I know a lot of people are going to say yes this is an opinion though you know just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't like it and that's fair some people might like it a little bit more square and that's okay there's nothing wrong with that I'm not really speaking about the opinion of whether or not you like it I'm specifically talking about what it does to your eye and where it draws attention and that to me for a lot of people I think is very important even with the shape cut well it will still bring your eye down more than if you have it cut into an end take it for what it's worth but that's number four okay air hack number five is using a product not just a product the right product not just a specific right product the right kind of product that was a lot I know I apologize so work with me here so there's kind of two camps that I find when I talk about Pixies can't remember one is a group of people that again cut their hair so short because they're trying to get out of the day-to-day maintenance I don't want to style my hair I definitely want to put product in it don't like the way the product feels and I just don't want to deal with that time but then there's a large group of others who do want the best overall look from their picks when I say specific product I'm speaking of waxes and pomades some of you are probably gonna be saying well let's back up here a second why didn't you say a volumizer and the reason I didn't say volumizer specific is because when we're talking about hairstyles as short as pixie cuts if the shape is cut into the hair and you style it meaning you dry it the way that I was just showing you non-directional the likelihood of you getting the right amount of volume in the right areas it may not be as big but the correct volume in the right areas is pretty high because you only want so much volume in it to begin with where it starts to kind of take away the overall feeling of a pixie a pixie is supposed to have movement and texture and be a little bit tighter to the head than some of the longer shapes now we're moving into getting your hair to have more texture because Pixies are very based on movement and texture so it really sets them apart so how do you note that you're using the correct Pomade and or wax that's going to be different person to person so I can't share a specific one but what I will share is kind of a way that I approach how I choose which one is going to work best for what client the more greasy oily thin in the texture liquidy that that product is there's a higher probability that that is going to be a little bit more shine and a little bit less control then you move into the harder waxes if it's very stiff to the touch it's almost like a candle wax the harder it gets the likelihood is higher that it's probably going to have a little bit more control and a little bit less shine now there are exceptions to those rules completely as painting this with a very broad stroke getting one that's kind of in the middle it's got a little bit of shine and a little bit of control is a really good way to start because you don't want it to be so shiny that it just lays your hair limp and you don't want it to have so much control that you get no shine so not using any product is a bit like not accessorizing an outfit you can have a great outfit hey it looks phenomenal but then once you start accessorizing you start adding all the little things to it all the little touches it really makes it so much better you've got this great cut that's made to have texture and movement and it made to be fun but then you're not giving it the accessories it needs to really show all of that off all right before we take off I want to say a huge thank you to life and for sponsoring this video and again do not forget go ahead in the description below you're going to find a link where you can learn more about the life in Swift and yeah you should do that you should check it out it's a really solid dryer like that's just honest and uh otherwise I appreciate you hanging out today I hope you learned something if you did do me a favor hit that subscribe button and you know let your friends know I come up with a brand new video every week so uh join the family and we will see you next week there we go thanks for hanging out I'll see you next week take care now bye
Channel: Justin Hickox
Views: 656,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: seBjk2tT7kk
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Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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