How To Cut A Floor Tile Circle For Toilet Flange

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hi I'm Shannon from and if you're doing a floor tiling project in a bathroom you've probably come across this problem where you've got a toilet flanged in the floor that you need to kind of tile around so we're going to deal with that exact Topic in this video so we've got a bit of a sample floor here that we've been shooting a few videos with and uh we're just going to say that we've got a toilet flange here in the floor yours is going to be wherever this particular one ends up being you know out in the middle of a single tile you could have one where it's you know maybe it catches two or three tiles all at the same time though in that situation it's actually easier but in our case we're going to need to cut a hole for that flange out of the basically the center of a tile so the first thing really that I need to do is I need to find the center of the flange okay so measuring off the tile the last tile or maybe you've just got a line on the floor or whatever I'm at about 15 and one or sorry 5 and 1 8. now our grout lines in this case are about 3 16. so if I just go five inches that'll be close enough to find the center point there so I've got my tile that I want to cut into so I'll just start out by getting a mark at five inches then I've got to find out you know find my my point this direction from the uh from the existing tile rows so I'm lining this up with the edge of this tile getting it straight and I can measure off of there to find the center so right there to the edge of the tile I'm going to be six and one half so that'd be from this side so right there is the center of my flange if my tile's sitting in here like this okay I'm just going to mark an arrow on the tile so I don't turn it I just know that the arrow I want facing away from me okay so there's a couple different scenarios that you might have in most cases I like to be able to have the flange disconnected from below so I can take it on and off in your case your flange might be connected you can't get at it and it could be already fastened to the floor so in that case you want to actually cut your tile to fit the outside of that flange and what I would do is just measure your flange in this case it's seven inches so I'd want to make my actual hole about seven and a quarter inches so it gives you a little bit of breathing room around it then when you put your tile in and go to grout you can grout that space it shouldn't show anyways your toilet should cover it but um and in that case then you're going to want to use a couple of wax rings because this flange is actually lower than it should be in that particular case the reason I like to have my flanges so that they're removable and I put it in after the tile is so that it can sit up on the tile and it gets a nice better seal to the toilet so that's that's the way I'm going to show you how to do it really the only difference is is in the circumference of the hole so in my case because I want the tile to sit up on the hole I need the hole in that tile to be slightly smaller than the whole um diameter of this so we said this was seven inches it's got some screw locations in there so just to make it easy I don't want to have to drill through the tile to put those screws in so I need my tile just to come in you know about that much underneath the flange and then this screwing through it won't be any problem so looks like that if I come in about a quarter inch each way so half inch total so I'm gonna go instead of seven inches I'd go six and a half so I'll just use my uh protractor here to draw a circle I'm going to set this at three and a quarter start at one I should have this set up before we were ready to go okay so yeah so that'd be three and a quarter which will be six and a half so we've got our Center location I'll just Mark that be sure your point the point of your compass isn't uh sliding around on you too much so that you're pretty accurate okay so there you can see that's the circumference or the diameter that we want to cut that tile at so that we can put the tile in place and then slip the flange over without it falling through so what I like to do to cut that hole is I like to use an angle grinder with a tile cutting or a masonry type segmented saw blade in it okay and I'm gonna obviously be using eye protection hearing protection and and a mask for the Dust uh your grinder hopefully has a guard on it to be safer so basically what I'm going to do is turn the grinder on and I'm going to score a line or a sorry score a mark all the way around on that line now I've got a little bit of leeway but I basically want to stay pretty close to that this is going to create a fair bit of dust and uh you know so you might might even want a vacuum going or whatever to to suck up some of that dust but I'm going to get my safety gear on okay so you'll see uh I'm just taking nice short little strokes I'm not pushing real hard I'm just going little by little and I'll make enough passes till I finally cut right through the tile [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so you can see I've gone all the way around basically followed my line that I had there and just got the whole circle started if if we are really close to an edge here you know still in one tile but maybe we're right over here by an edge more than likely it's going to break off right in here so you might want to put a couple of relief Cuts there knowing it's going to break if it's that close like say within half an inch of this hole it's going to be under the toilet anyways but if you put a relief here it'll prevent the tile usually from breaking anywhere else like out here where it would be seen sticking out front of the toilet in this case we should be safe to just keep cutting that all the way around without breaking this so I'll just keep going with that it takes a little bit of time just go nice and slow if you try to force it you are probably going to break the tile or or you know slip and cut yourself also uh I'll kind of be using my knees a little bit just to stabilize the tile too so it's not moving around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so you can see as I got further along there eventually uh you can see that you've cut through the tile so you just keep working your way around until you've got it all cut through and your piece should drop out of there so now we've got our hole cut right through the tile and I've got my arrow remember that I put on there to let me know which direction I had to be and I'm just going to set it basically in place first and dry fit it make sure that this flange would sit down on there and all my screws are going to miss the tile Edge which it looks like it is I'm a little the hole in the tile is a little offset to my left but that's still going to clear all the holes so it would be fine so from that point on then I would just simply install that tile like any other tile knowing that that's going to fit right the first time and it'll sit up there nicely where it should be there's you notice my blade I think this is a five inch blade yeah measures four and three quarters but I think they call it a five inch a four inch blade is a little bit easier to deal with when cutting these smaller holes when you're turning you know trying to shave it around the corner but the five inch does work as you see me just do so so that's how I would cut a hole in a tile for a toilet flange hopefully it was helpful and it helps you in whatever project you're dealing with if you have any questions about any anything else you can go to our form and post up and post up a question and then I can answer it from there you can also check us out on Facebook and Twitter and uh I hope this was informative and thanks for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 6,286,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toilet, Flange, Home Improvement (Interest), tile, cut, hole, grinder, blade, circle, tiling, tiles, floor, Perfect, Repair, saw, wet, home, house, reno, improvement, bathroom, diy, Do It Yourself (Hobby)
Id: T2zEggf6mYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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