How to Cut Round Holes in Tile for Pipes/Shower Heads

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- All right, so, I've cut some baseboard pieces here, out of the tile, and we decided we're gonna put a piece, right over here, covering the whole valve and the pipe coming out of the wall. That way it looks a lot cleaner and it looks way more professional, to see the pipe coming through a tile. That way, if you get any water or leaks or anything, it'll land on the tile and it won't ruin your drywall, like you see there. So, how do you figure out exactly where to do it? The best way to do that is, you put the tile up all the way vertically, and you line it up to the copper pipes. So, you can see I've already made these two marks, about a 1/4" above and 1/4" below the pipe. And then, you bring the tile over here, and you lay it exactly where it's gonna be, lined up to the grout lines, and then you can see I made two other pencil marks there, one on either side of the pipe. Okay. Next, I'm gonna take my speed square, and I'm gonna join these two, and the intersection is where I'm gonna drill my hole. Okay, so see how we formed that square, right there in the middle. That's where I'm gonna drill my hole, right there. And you just wanna kinda put the tile up in place, just do a quick sanity check and line it up, and see if where you're gonna drill, does that look like it's gonna be where the pipe is? And we can see that yes it is. So now we're gonna go ahead and drill it with the hole saw. All right, so here is how we drill the hole through here. So, we're using this diamond bit right here. So this is what we call a hole saw, and it's got a diamond coating on there. And you put this into your drill, and then this is the little guide here, and you put the guide over where you're gonna cut the hole. You pour some water in there to keep everything cool, and it protects your bit here from wearing down too quick. And then you just start drilling it. Now, if you see what I did here with my square marking, that I made a minute ago, what we did was, we got a horizontal and a vertical line here, both going through the center, and those help you line up, you can barely see it on there, but see there's these fiducial marks here, on the inside of your guide here. And that marks north, east, west, and south on there. And so it helps me really get it perfectly centered, over the holder, so when I stick this round diamond bit, it's gonna fit right in that middle section there. So I'm just gonna dump a little water in there, and we'll get started. So, it doesn't take a lot, just like that. Some of it might leak out, but you just hold it down with the gasket. There is a gasket on the bottom of this that will keep your water in there. (drill whirring) And there's our hole. Nice and perfect and round, and right where we wanted it to be. And that folks, is how you cut a circle hole into your tile. All right, so now we're gonna see if it fits. See if we can put it on there without taking the handle off there. And there we go. So we just line it up, exactly as it's gonna fit on the grout lines there. So you can see, you have a nice perfect hole in the tile there. And then, what's gonna happen is, we'll just put a flange plate around that, and it will be absolutely shiny and perfect and new. Just like brand spankin' new.
Channel: jeffostroff
Views: 185,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut a hole in a tile, cutting and installing tiles around pipes, cut a hole in tile, holes in tiles, how to cut a round hole in tile, cut hole in tile, hole tile, making a hole in tile, porcelain tile hole saw, tile hole saw, cut hole in ceramic tile, cutting a hole in tile, Cutting holes in tile, cutting small holes in tile, how to make a hole in tile, drill a hole in tile, hole in tile, How to Cut a Round Hole in a Tile
Id: jAvxftJ3vwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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