You don't need a wetsaw

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folks uh about the fact that you don't need a wet saw to be professional and efficient here's a couple snap cutter edges this one here is with a Sigma Series 3 that edge and then this is with the RTC razor there really is hardly any difference but you know I've been saying that we can cut with a grinder and so I'm going to freehand this one the key to uh making a good cut with a grinder is um this piece of uh scrap board and um basically I just made a line I'm going to follow it just going to use my little DeWalt Grinder here and we're just going to cut right through it okay as you can see this is an Italian porcelain let me there's the edge and uh you know maybe a high-end uh um rails saw might do a little better but that's as you saw marking it out freehanding it allows me to cut just as well with it next cut I want to talk about is toilet cuts and for the sake of this what we're going to do is we're just going to pretend this is a toilet uh flange and it's always a pain to get those aligned the key to it let's just say that we're T we're getting laid out and this tile happens to set right there in the flange the way we do it the way I do it I set that tile on it I take one of these just extender rings I map it right above it then what I do is I take this I Mark the inside perfect so we Mark the inside perfect Take It Up Bring It On out here lay the rest of it out let's just say that this this one is a a brick [Music] set see just going to give myself a half right there Then set this piece right back directly on it where it belongs then what I like I use a carpenter pencil and I just map it out half inch past then what we do make that first art cut and then what I try and do I'll work the edges and then the middle if you notice I'm pulling on the in I'm pulling in towards that's keeping the pressure off of this Edge if this Edge were closer which we'll do on another one it becomes pretty important that you don't flake it out you know what I do I keep this loose and I just come in here is a a [Music] [Music] all if I could get it align that'd be awesome but there you go and then the final thing I want to do sometimes we have a small piece of tile that's going somewhere and you need to uh have a a grout joint and then an even smaller piece what usually works really well is if we just cut a false grout joint and then that can be filled in with grout the reason for that is um as you know trying to fit little tiny slivers at top P often is a a pain and they get out of whack this allows it to be a solid single piece and so all I do there is I put this the front edge I put it here now most of the time if I'm cutting I pull first if I'm if I'm just going into it a little bit I pull just like that the key to making this work really well is being able to adjust this that way the stuff isn't all flying back in your face you can keep it down and also by cutting into this you really keep the uh wheel cool the wheels aren't anything special they're just the skilla wheels that I buy at Lowe's for uh under n bucks thank you very much
Channel: Tile Nation
Views: 1,399,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZgNasC4hirI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2013
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