How to install a toilet flange! Plus finishing up the bathroom flooring! #543

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all right welcome back everybody my name is andrew and you're watching the kelly's country life and today we are going to be installing toilet flanges so we can continue running flooring in the bathrooms all right so i've reached a point in the flooring in this new house that i'm building where i need to come into the bathrooms so a lot of you are going to notice in new construction you're going to have well a sewer pipe sticking out of the floor just like this and chances are it's going to be either three inch or four inch pipe now just so happens mine are four inch pipe and i'm noticing a lot of these toilet flanges they're combo flanges so don't be confused when you go and pick them out they'll say three slash four or four slash three so what that means is a three inch sewer pipe would actually fit on the inside of this and a four inch pipe which is what you're typically going to see will fit in on the outside of this so this will actually slide down into it now the problem is this is just rough in plumbing this was done and capped so we could pass rough in plumbing inspection we actually have to get this trimmed off set at a specific height and we need to prep the floor to do that so let's get started all right so one of the first issues that we're going to have is i have built up concrete around this pipe most concrete guys they're going to do their best to get that perfectly flat and level but whenever they're coming up and hitting a piece of pipe sometimes you'll have build up there in rough edges so i am going to use a masonry wheel here this is actually for concrete and masonry it goes on the end of an angle grinder i picked this up for like 12 on amazon and we're gonna run it around here before i cut the pipe knock down these high spots in the concrete and then we can actually cut this pipe off and get ready to install our flanges all right so before grinding concrete and making that dust i'm gonna wear a respirator it's not good stuff to breathe and i'm gonna put on some glasses here but all i'm gonna do is just run around the pipe knock down that little bit of high edge in the concrete that we have all right so now that we have that concrete ground down around it i'm going to cut the pipe off flush with the concrete now i know that we're putting in a very thin floor and you're going to read a lot on the forums that most people say this flange should be on top of your finished flooring whatever that may be that could be something extremely thin like quarter inch thin or less if you're doing a vinyl plank laminate like us or it can be very thick if you're doing a hardwood floor so you need to know at what half your flange is going to sit in order to be on top of that flooring there's lots of different ways you can do this let me show you how i'm going to do it let's get this pipe cut off first so i'm going to use an oscillating tool awesome for this job you could use a long blended saw like a sawzall bend it down against the floor cut it off lots of different things you could do to cut this pop off but it's just so hard to beat a multi-tool for a job just like this [Music] all right so now's a good time to take a piece of sandpaper kind of clean up the edges because keep in mind the flange will actually fit down inside of this pipe so nice rounded edge to feed it into uh will work out good for you so let me clean this up real quick okay so there's a couple different ways you can go about this if you know your floor is hot you can go ahead and set your flange in spacing it up off the floor or whatever height you need for your flooring or if you happen to have some scrap pieces of flooring like me you can go ahead and set this down the floor glue push this flange all the way down until it sits on the floor and remove it but then there's a problem with that now whenever i come out laying my flooring in i have to notch i have to slide it underneath this it's going to be very difficult to install a flooring so what i'm going to do is not install my flange right now go ahead and run my floor into the bathroom actually run it over this hole and it just so happens i have a large hole saw bit so all i have to do is find the center of the flooring cut down right through here and i have a perfectly cut hole all around the pipe then i can install the flange right down in push it to where it's perfect on top of the floor let me show you what we've got going on here so now i have ran the flooring to the point that it is covering up the pipe so i found dead center of the pipe it's four inches inside so i came over two inches drew a line up came over on this way drew line up two inches so now i have two lines that i can bring together for a reference point now i have a mark on my board where i can come back later i know where the pipe is cut that piece out real quick with my hole saw and i can insert my flange all right so as you can see the flooring is in so i'm going to go ahead and take this hole saw bit drill down and take my flooring out now keep in mind you do not have to do this a lot of times you'll go ahead and install this before your flooring or you can install this and run your flooring right up to it right underneath it space it out like i showed you i'm just being a little extra particular here just so happen to have the right size hole saw so i decided to go ahead and run the flooring first but you don't have to do it this way you can run up to it underneath your toilet's gonna cover any gap that you leave around all right let's see how this works out [Music] [Applause] all right that worked out really well all right so now that we have our pipe exposed we can actually put our glue on and put our flange down in here but this is where i want to explain the difference you see i'm holding two different types of flanges here i originally started out with this style because it's all i could find locally it is very hard to find some of these toilet flanges actually i had to order this one offline and i have been looking and looking for this style have not been successful finally found some today because i decided i really want to go with this metal ring version that has a stainless ring i highly recommend you get this one um there's a couple different companies that make it od and this particular one soo chief but they're very very similar the cool thing about this one is if you put this one in first before you come lay your floor and work in your home this one actually has a knockout in it so if you install this in here like this well nothing can fall down in there and then whenever it comes time to install the toilet you hit this ring with a hammer pull it out and it's ready to go so it gave you some protection here is the key the big difference between the two well one the metal ring i think it's going to be quite a bit stronger and two when you install your toilet flange your toilet bolts go into these holes right here and rotate around so you have to be very particular about where you install this flange right here you cannot install it to where these openings are perpendicular to the wall because that's where your bolts have to drop in and then they need to rotate around imagine your toilet sitting here with two holes right here on either side of it so you have to make sure you offset this flange just a little so if you were to drop bolts down in here and spin them they will actually catch on some of this plastic now the plastic's kind of the reason i decided you know what i'm not going with this style because if that plastic ever breaks it's kind of very difficult to get out of glued flange it's possible with difficult i trust this stainless flange a whole lot more and here's the cool thing about it you put it in here any way you want to because that rotates i can now rotate it around and line it up perfectly with the wall to where the toilet will sit and those bolts can go in so i can glue it in not have to worry about getting everything absolutely perfect because this glue sets up so quick highly recommend go with the steel flange version all right now probably one big drawback of having your floor down first before you do your flanges well the glue you do not want to get it on the floor at all i doubt you could get it off of this vinyl flooring so read your local plumbing codes a lot of them require a specialized purple primer believe it or not some do not require primer even though people are going to argue that fact i happen to read our state building code and on non-pressurized pipe up to four inches if your glue meets a certain astm standard which mine does you don't even have to use primer but it's always good practice to use it and again your inspector may require that you use a purple type of primer so they can make for sure that you have actually primed it so keep that in mind all right so what i'll do here is put some primer all the way around on this piece of pipe and we'll put it around on the inside of this pipe and then you immediately come behind it with some of your glue and go ahead and put it on both pieces now you got to work rather quick here so i'm going to go ahead and put this in and i have a rubber mallet handy now i want to beat this flange down so just above the floor it's barely touching the floor right now now i can still rotate it around as designed and your wax ring is gonna actually sit in this flange and up high enough that with this flange space slightly above the floor like it is the toilet's still going to cover that completely now if you don't have a rubber mallet and you're using something a little more brittle like this plastic have you a scrap piece of wood to put over the top of it before you bang this flange down in like you just seen me do all right so the good thing about this rotating ring is now these two big open slots right here for my square headed bolts to drop into and slide around i do not want them evenly spaced off the wall because again when the toilet sits down it'll have two bolts right here so you want that ring slightly rotated off to the side so when you drop those bolts in spin them around now when you slide the toilet down and cinch those nuts down on those bolts and they go to pull up they're not going to pull up out of these open holes right here they're going to pull up actually on the slots that they're designed to slide into so just to make for sure that i have everything need right where it needs to be do some quick spacing with a tape measure here make sure i am nice and even off the wall and leaving myself plenty of room for those bolts to slide around in all right so what i'm going to use to drill these holes this drill actually has a hammer drill function i'm going to click over to it it makes a heck of a racket and i have a masonry bit right here that happens to be the perfect size for some 3 16 and these are inch and 3 4 long capcom screws these are made specifically for going into concrete so i'm going to drill through the floor all the way down into the concrete you want to go in further than the screw is vacuum up because some of that dust is going to settle in the hole so you always drill a hole that's deeper and then i'll tighten these down this is done this toilet won't rock or go anywhere in the future [Music] all right i am very pleased with that install and i can assure you we're not going to have a rocky toilet on this install right here so i just want to show you those holes real quick as you can see here is the wall and you can see the square slots where the screws drop in i have positioned it since you want the two bolts that hold the toilet down to be perfectly square to the wall and they need to be in this smaller slot not these larger slots so the bolt will just pull right up so that is critical [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so so so so so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so all right well living room kitchen this bathroom is done along with that uh toilet flange laundry room and the half bath here with its toilet flange so all we have left for the people that are watching this for the flooring is the closet there the bedroom and the pantry and those are like uh you know not super odd shaped rooms shouldn't be much to it now eventually down the road when we do our railings and stairs um we're going to do the same flooring up there in the loft and i'm actually going to have to do a lot of floor prep up there not really looking forward to that so there will be more flooring later on down the road hopefully y'all enjoyed this hopefully you'll learn something about stalling toilet flanges i did and uh enjoy the progress on the floor and we're getting there catch on the next video
Channel: The Kelley's Country Life
Views: 678,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm, farmstead, homestead, homesteading, john deere, john deere 4066r, firewood, chainsaw, chainsaws, stihl chainsaws, garden, gardening, country living, stihl, stihl MS170, cutting firewood, sharpening chainsaw, cutting grass, mowing, woodmaxx, woodmaxx chipper, log splitter, county line log splitter, 25 ton log splitter, stihl ms260 pro, pto wood chipper, food plots, barndo, barndominium, pole barn house, building a pole barn house, toilet flange, installing a toilet flange
Id: ZnZ7upKDvxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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