Double Exposure Cinemagraph - Photoshop Tutorial

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Hello everyone in today's tutorial we see how to create an awesome double exposure animation or cinemagraph using Adobe Photoshop Alright, so let's get to it Alright, so let's go ahead and open Photoshop And then I take the image you will be using or you can use the same image. I'll be using here You'll find it down in the link from description below And now the first thing that you are going to do is to cut the model from the background So I will be using the quick selection tool to do that And I will try to make a selection. It should be easy because we have a white background so just try to Cover all the areas in here Alright and now I'm gonna open the select and mask and I will try to improve the hair selection as you can see we don't have a really good selection for the hair So we'll be using The refine edge to do that but first I will make sure that smart radius is on and I will try to improve The hair section or you know bring back some of the hair we don't select All right now and I will do the same for the beard All right now in this radius in here we'll put around 40 pixels to 30 And this will improve it even more and I'll press OK, all right now, we'll apply a layer mask On the selection by one click click on this layer mask icon and you can see we have a layer mask in here now I'm gonna press alt or option And that would one click on the style mask and this would allow me to enter the layer mask mode and as you can see, we still have some gray in here and a little bit of Dark areas inside the white area in here, which is our selection All right. So we need to get rid of this greatness in here that we have using the Dodge tool and burn tool so I would switch to my burn tool in here and in the range I will put shadow and for the exposure I will put around forty to fifty percent and the rest are getting rid of this gray areas in here as you can see Just like this and I would do the same in here Try to find All this area that is gray in here All right. Now I always switch to the Dodge tool and I would do the same but this time I will make sure that the range set to highlights and Exposure set to 50 to 40 percent And I will go this time to the white area in here and I will get rid of this gray areas that we have All right now I think that we have a decent selection which is always good and Now we can exit from the layer mask by one click on this layer in here Now we have our selection. All right. Now I'm gonna create a new file. So I will go to file new and I will put 1924 dwell in a default height 300 in resolution and RGB in car mode and of course you can choose wherever Width and height you want you can do that and ever press ok All right now I will switch to my move tool and then I will go and drag this image and open it in here Alright now we'll zoom out and our press ctrl T or command T And then I'm going to press shift also, you know shift option on a Mac and they will drag it down So it will fit with the canvas and I will put it down a little bit. So the shoulder will match Then we'll make it a little bit bigger. So Will Center it just right here, and then I would want click on this check mark All right. Now I'm gonna create a new background. So we'll select this background in here it's white and I will go to adjustments and I will choose solid color and I will be using a grey color Or maybe I would add a little bit of color to it Maybe a bluish color I think blue which will be good. Well, you know just a little bit of blue that's You blue so I'm gonna keep it like that and the whip is okay All right, and I will delete this old background All right now I'm gonna open the video file that I will be using which is this one and Of course, you can find it down in the link from description below, you know, just download this if you want to follow along And I will just take it and open it in here And it will open as a smart object and that's what we want so I'm gonna one click on this check mark to commit to change and then I'm gonna copy the same a Little mask that we have in this one So to do that I will press alt or option on my keyboard and then I will hover above the Slide mask and we'll want click on it and drag it to This video file that we have in here as you can see there is a little bit of preview of the lion mask Which is means that we're gonna make a copy of it and I would just let's go and there we go we have the same night mask applied on this video file - Now I'm gonna link this chain that we have in between the video file in here and the layer mask So I will just want click on this chain and it will disappear which means that there is no link Anymore now the reason why we did this so we can adjust or you know move this video file alone, and we can do the same for the lamb ask but we want to do it for This video file. I'm gonna select it and I will press ctrl T or command T and I will make it bigger As you can see we have this road as I want it to be aligned with the shoulder of the model But also with the neck so I'm gonna rotate it just a little bit And I would try to do that Maybe I would make it bigger As you can see I want it to be this Like this maybe I will rotate it even more and of course you can use whatever Video you want or whatever position you want for this video? but if you want to use the same as I am using With the same idea I'm doing now you can do that Alright, I think this will look good So now we won't click on this check mark to commit the change All right. Now I'm gonna make a copy of this Model layer in here again by pressing alt or option they will take a copy of it and put it on top and then I will change the blending mode of it to lighten All right now I need to delete this part so we can see the road that we just adjust it so to do that we can use our brush a regular brush and Black as my foreground color and also I'm gonna make the plasticity of the brush to around 25% All right, and I will make sure that I'm selecting the land mask and I will sort the leading In here so we can see the road It's all about the road All right, so something like that and I believe there is a an earring here, so let's see if We keep is visible. So The road will look like it's going inside our ears It will be interesting. So I'm going to do that. I Really like this idea of the road going through the ear Yeah Alright now I want the eye of the model to be visible so to do that we can go back to the video file and Then I will select the layer mask of a and again I will be using the same method so I will delete using a black color So I'm just gonna delete this part so you can see the eye of the model and from the nose in here And I think I Want the build to be black so it will match With the forest that we have in here Yeah, something like this it would looks interesting All right now I think I would go back to the first layer in here and I Will delete even more on this part? Yeah, something like that All right Now let's go back to the video file and again I will select the layer mask and it will just Hide this house that we just revealed in here All right so our Last thing that I'm going to do is to add a Little bit of adjustment and also I want to add Something in the background. So I'm gonna use the same video file that I have in here. I will add it In the background and I'm gonna blur it and make its black and white So I'm gonna make a copy of the video file by pressing alt or option again, and I'm gonna drag it under this Model layer that we have in here and that will delete The layer mask because I want it to be The whole video in here so I'm gonna right click above the layer mask and choose delete night mask And you can see we have the whole video Now I will go to image adjustments and the better choose black and white And you know because it's a smart object. I can apply the adjustment in it as a smart filter All right. Now we have it's black and white. All right. Now I'm gonna add the blur to it So we'll go to filter and witch with blur Gaussian blur and I will add around Seven to ten radius pixel, so I'm gonna keep it line and opus Okay And then I will change the blending mode of it to soft light and I will reduce the opacity to around 50% And you can also go back to the background that we have in here and you know Because it's a solid color. You can just double click on it and Change the color to whatever you want if you want To add more color to it or you know make it brighter. I think it would be interesting to add a little bit of color to it or even make it darker as you can see I Think this looks really good and Orbis. Okay. All right now I will add a level adjustment so it select this first layer and I would go to adjustment and I will choose level adjustment and Then I will go to RGB in here and I will choose red And I will add a little bit of colors from this slider that we have in here So just a little bit and I will go to the blue Channel now, we'll do the same Add a little bit of colors That's like this. I think it looks really interesting Alright now it's time for us to animate this so I'm gonna open the timeline in here If you can't find it just go to window and choose timeline alright now I will one click on this tiny creates video timeline and this would create it but as you can see the video is way longer than the other file except for this Level adjustment, which is following The duration of the video so you can easily change that by just grab it like this But we're not gonna do the same for the video in here we're gonna adjust it alone because it's a smart object so we can open it by double click on it like this and as you can see it will open in a new tab and I also want to make it loop seamlessly so this is the right way to do it to open it in a new tab and then Adjust it to whatever you want and then save it because it's a smart object And also the video I'm using As you can see it will start from the morning and then it would end in night and Because it's longer than 5 second if I just use this first part You can't see the the night part and we want that so I'm gonna start it from here I think just right suppose here So we just crop this part like this Then I will go to the time in here and I will double click on it and it will put 5 seconds And we'll just to be precise. It's 5 seconds like this and I'll piss okay Now I will crop it again like that and now we have 5 seconds, but It won't loop seamlessly. We need to do that so first as you can see, we have it in here in a Video group so I'm gonna right-click on it and choose ungroup layers So we have only the video in here and then I'm gonna create a copy of this video layer by dragging it to the new Layer icon, and now I'm gonna select this copy that we just created and I will go just right about the middle Just right about here and I will cut it and now we have two parts So now we know that the last frame of this part will match the first frame of this part so I'm gonna select this part and pull it to start from the beginning and I will do the same for This second part it will start from the end and then I will go to the middle of this part just right about here and I will crop it just like that and they will do the same for this other part in here will go just always about the middle and I will crop it and Now I'm going to add a fade transition in the end of this part and a fade transition in the beginning of this part So I would go to the strange is an icon and I will take this fade and I will drag it to The end of this part and I will do the same for the beginning of this part. And now if I preview it By one click on display button You can see it will loop seemingly As you can see Alright now I will close this tab and I will make sure to press here to save the changes in the smart object and Now we have the time matching with every layer in here So let me put the time to five second and now we can preview it and see it in action And as you can see, it looks really good. So now it's time for us to save it. So we'll see how to save it as a GF or a gif format and We can also see how to save it as a video. So in case you want to Publish it on Instagram. And of course, we know that Instagram doesn't allow a Jif format So we're gonna do that. So let me stop this and then I will go to file Export and they will choose save for web legacy So we're gonna see how to save it as a GIF or a gif format so gonna wait for it to progress Alright, so it's finished progress in now as you can see It's a really large file and if we save it like this it will be around 53 megabytes, which is really not good for the web so the first thing that I'm going to do is to put down the size of a to 600 and We won't get outside of it to apply my changes And again, I will wait for it to progress as you can see All right, as you can see it's already Smaller for the web. So the preset that I'm using here is of course you need to choose a jf format or care format and for the color algorithm I have in here perceptual selected and diffusion in the second one and just uncheck Transparency because we don't have any transparency in here and for the colors It's actually up to you if you want to use 128 the size will be reduced but Also, the colors would be reduced for me. I keep it 256 because I have a lot of colors in here and I want it to be in a really good color setting and For the data, I put 100% and whites in the matte and in the web slab 0% and for the lossy you can put around 10 to 20 I think I'm gonna put about 20 and you know Just keep everything else the same and click Save and you know, give it a name so I'm gonna name it busy Exposure and they will click Save Alright now let's go and preview the gift that we just created so we'll open it and there you go Have a really good cheer format that is ready for the web All right. Now, let's see how to render it as a video so again, I will head to file export and I'm gonna choose render video and I will give it a name first. So I'm gonna name it busy exposure can And you don't just select a folder I'm gonna select the same folder in here and for the formats I'm using is H.264, I think it's the best one and presets of course high quality You can change it to medium if you want the size to be reduced and you know Just keep everything in here the same and click render And again, we're gonna wait for it to progress All right now let's go and see Our video which is this one so it's player And there we go. We have a really good Double exposure animation that is ready for Instagram, but seriously, follow me on Instagram All right, so I hope that you enjoyed and you liked this tutorial And it was a little bit helpful for you Don't forget to subscribe and comment and you know, let me know if you try this effect. I would love to see your result and Have a nice day. Thank you for watching
Channel: Letsgettoit
Views: 2,121,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop Tutorials, How-To, Photo Manipulation, Photo Effects, Photoshop, Adobe, Tutorial, Help, Tips, How-to, Education, Adobe Photoshop, Class, Course, Learn Photoshop, Double Exposure Video, Cinematography, Cinemagraph, Blending Modes, Video, Free, exposure, double exposure, double, photoshop tutorial, photo effects, multiple exposure, Composite, Animated Double Exposure, Double Exposure Animation, GIF, .GIF, Graphics Interchange Format, Instagram, seamlessly loop, seamlessly looping video
Id: bX_h98OW4-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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