Transform your SHAREPOINT Lists into DATAVERSE Tables & Copilot ready Power Apps

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hello everyone razza here in this video I will show you how you can transform your SharePoint lists into Data ver tables and co-pilot enabled apps in a single experience co-pilot will assist us in our table creation experience by recommending column types column names descriptions and a lot more so let's check it out in action [Music] what do we need to build an Enterprise app we are in the age of AI we need powerful built-in AI capabilities and analytics we need Advanced business logic and Eventing buil-in data modeling capabilities allow us to work with any type of data deep integration capabilities with other areas of Microsoft 365 it should be as easy as Excel where I can simply connect to my Enterprise data and with co-pilot's assistance I should be able to build this application quickly all of this with Enterprise grade security and the ability for the platform to scale and data ver is the answer to all of those capabilities from sophisticated security to the ability to build complex logic to storing data in various forms relational non-relational Rich data types and integration capabilities from a capacity perspective data ver has no limits from a SharePoint perspective we do have the ability to store up to 30 million Rec however you will need to plan for performance you would have come across the view threshold limit or the limits in the number of complex type columns that you can create and more datae is a relational database SharePoint is not datae offers a diverse set of Rich data types it comes with robust sec Security Options that can meet your complex security requirements data verse being the data layer of the Power Platform offers a lot of benefits one of the examples is the ability for power app to handle large volumes of data for data verse which offers the highest flexibility from a delegation perspective data ver being solution aware having native backup facility it's already built for mobile offline we are not limited to the type of applications we can build we can build canvas apps model driven apps power Pages business rules and so much more that databas has to offer I have a SharePoint list called projects that has different types of columns project title single line of text description multi-line status type Choice start date and end date which are date type columns now let's see how we can import this list into a table and data verse by taking the assistance of co-pilot in power apps we have two options to do this one option is we can go to tables and here is the new create with SharePoint list feature if I select this I can enter my SharePoint site pick my SharePoint list and go through the process of importing it as a table the other option is if we go to the home screen and start with data we have an option create with SharePoint list here as well it will import the list data into a data ver table but it will also create a canvas app for us I'll pick my SharePoint side I'll pick my list that I would like to import click next copilot starts viewing its magic it provides a preview of my table it recommends a name for my table which I can edit and change it also plugs in a description for us in this case it states that the data is being originated from my SharePoint list and the primary column that it is mapping to is Title Here is title which is a column of type single line of text if I would like to make it a required field I can do that right here and update description it's a multi-line of text [Music] column status smart enough to know that status was a choice column in my SharePoint list it plugs in the choice values I can add more I can also pick a default choice for any new record that gets created start date and end date both are mapped to date fields once I am ready all I have to do now is Click create app and the process begins and here is canvas power app data is connected to my table called project if I go to edit data here is the table and data verse with the columns column types and all the data coming in from SharePoint and at this point I have a canvas app that shows all my projects I can create new projects I can edit existing projects I can delete a project full crud operations plus this is a fully responsive canvas power app in action now let's level up I also have another list these are the tasks for a project and when a task is created it is mapped to a specific project by using a lookup column experience a task can be assigned to a user assign to is a person type column in SharePoint wherein I can pick users from active directory back to power apps if I go to tables and say create from SharePoint list because I would like to import the next list which is the list of tasks connect to my SharePoint site connect to my task list and click next here is the preview of the table that it would be creating the text columns the choice columns date columns they are being handled fine but when we talk about the lookup column if you notice here currently it does not support the lookup column which creates a relationship between two tables in data ver plus assign to is a person type column in SharePoint it's bringing that data in the form of text so how would I go about mapping this as a lookup column once again that looks up to another table in data verse which is the users's table so to perform the action of importing the data from the tasks table under tables I will head over to import and select import data I'll select SharePoint online list put my SharePoint site URL plugin my credentials click next this will list out all the tables in my SharePoint list I'm looking out for my list called tasks I'll select this shows a preview of the data that it will be importing this also includes all the internal columns in SharePoint I'll click next and now I land in power query where I can perform data Transformations from my task list I am only interested in importing these seven columns so the first step I'll take here is click choose Colum columns remove select all and pick the columns that I would be interested in importing here's project lookup and assigned to is the person type column click okay so this brings in all this information project lookup and assigned to notice they come in the form of a record because they are complex type columns so I need to take additional steps now to get the information out of those columns so for that I will add a column custom column I'll call it project lookup title I'll pick project lookup for the formula and from within this record go and grab the title column information from my lookup list I'll click okay and here is Project lookup title I'll perform similar steps for assign to custom column I'll call this assign to email for formula I'll pick assign two to pick email capital e capital M and then lowercase a i l I'll click okay there I have the email addresses project Lookout and assign to I do not need these columns so I can right click remove right click remove I can even confirm the data types so title text du date I'll pick date now I can click next now if I try load this to a new table called tasks these are the source columns these are the columns that it will be creating and these are the data types that I can select I am still not able to create a true relationship with my project table and also for my assigned to person type column so in order for me to do that I'll open a separate tab go back to tables I will go and create a new table I'll pick set Advanced properties so I get the standard table creation dialogue experience I'll give my table a name the primary column the display name for that is set to name I'll keep it as is click save and this creates a new table called task name is where I would like to store the title of the task I need a date column to store the due date so due date date only save description multi-line description I'll pick text area save priority is a choice column that has three options low medium and high so priority data type choice I'll click new choice this will be the name of my choice set low medium high saved it for my priority column I'll sync it to Priority choices and click save same thing for task status here are the priority choices here are the task status choices for project lookup I'll create a new column I'll call it project lookup data type will be lookup and the table that I want to relate this to will be my project table I'll click save so here is Project lookup this will list out all my projects I'll add a new column I'll call it assigned to once again look up and I would like to relate this to my user table I'll click save that completes my setup for the task table if I head back to the previous tab where I have my power query ready I can now pick load to existing table and select my newly created table which is task now this table if I explore properties and go to Advanced I can see the internal name associated with this table that's what I will search here here is my task table I can select it and now I can start performing the mapping I can autom map so it will try and map The Columns name would be coming from the title column SharePoint I do not see the option for project and for assign to I do see an option it requires the Azure active directory object ID which I do not have because I only picked the email for this we need to create keys in those related tables back to data ver tables I'll search for my project table select this head over to keys and create a new key when I'm doing the look up from SharePoint I'm mapping it to that title column so for the key as well I will try and map it to the title column in my project table I'll call it title and save key created back to tables this time I'll search for the user table selected head over to keys so I'll create a new key the email is stored in a column called primary email I'll call the key email save done I'll head back to my power query tab I'll go back hit next so this refreshes the schema for the task table this time I have options to map based upon that key for the relationships project look up I need to give the title assign to I need to give the email once again I'll start with Auto map project lookup project lookup title so I'll select this and assign to the assigned to email address so I'll use this and that completes my mapping I'll hit next and I will click publish and at this point a process gets initiated which is called a data flow if we head to data flows here is my newly created data flow that's published and currently a refresh action is taking place and here are all the tasks that it has imported from the SharePoint list along with the relationships mapped my project table I will say create an app using this table I'll call it my projects app click create I'll publish this app and play this app here it shows all my projects I can select a specific project and if I head over to related here is the related table of tasks here are the related tasks for that specific project all of this data imported into Data verse from SharePoint if you enjoyed this video then do like comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 23,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft dataverse, dataverse power apps, sharepoint to dataverse, import to dataverse from sharepoint, sharepoint, power apps, powerapps, reza dorrani, how to, tutorial, create with sharepoint list, power platform, microsoft dataverse tutorial, what is microsoft dataverse, dataverse tutorial, what is dataverse, dataverse vs sharepoint, import sharepoint list data to dataverse table, dataverse power platform, copilot create app, copilot, import list data to dataverse
Id: g3HnyQmvkRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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