Understanding Scale | Inkarnate Livestream

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hello everybody okay i'm just want to verify that the audio is working hello everybody in chat oh look at all these lovely people i love it awesome we got 15 concurrent viewers sweet yeah i've been looking forward to this stream let's just first verify that audio is working and there's not too much feedback give that a moment i'm really excited to show you guys a little bit about scale today it's going to be a lot of fun let me know if you're getting audio audio is working awesome thank you phillip so for those of you who don't know today we're going to be understanding scale and i'm really excited to explain that to you especially in tools also hello welcome hello yeah awesome thank you joy great awesome go ahead and make sure to clone and edit this map i put it in the it's in the description in the below or you can find it in the chat basically we're going to be going over various types of maps and how to apply scale to those as you can see on the screen we're going to be going over world maps regional maps and there's all kinds and then battle maps so we'll be going over how to apply scale to those three types of maps and just as kind as a caveat just to let you know this isn't the only way to go about it as a dm if you're running a campaign you have a lot of options when it comes to scale and how to go about it and there's a lot of different styles concerning scale so it's going to be kind of exciting to go over all those variations so make sure that you again clone edit the map if you want to follow along let's go ahead and get started so first let's just define what we mean by scale in scale it means the distance between two points on a map that includes one shoreline to the other one point of interest to another a forest to a point of interest all those define scale okay so it's distance between two points but it's also how big your stamps are going to be on a map and so that's the other part of scale so we'll cover both of those points because scale can be kind of confusing ah okay it's all right if you don't say much zedekiah king it's all right so let's go ahead and get started hopefully you people you lovely users have done uh uploaded this or cloned this and are at it so the first map we're going to talk about is a very large scale and that's world maps and normally when i make my world map i generally make my landscape first my land shapes and then i go ahead and start making a scale right away i make a scale and the reason why i make a scale is so that i already know what the distances are on how big the land mass is so i've made this scale and i'll show you how to make a scale as well there are options this is a group and it should be properly named as well it should be called scale and it's a group you can just rename the group or edit it lock it open it up and see how you made it and so having a scale immediately right away especially on a world map allows you to start placing things on it and what i do is i like to do this i like to take the scale and say okay what are the distances between these two shorelines we're looking at about 900 900 miles you know so and if i want to check how long this one is i could say this looks like and width it's about goes to zero to roughly about about 500 or so so this is what i do right away you make this scale add your increments and just you know there is no right or wrong about the increments that you want to use i know that numbers can be kind of intimidating and it seems like uh it's kind of scary it's not as scary as you think it's just a little bit of math and yes math is scary and complex you know there's a variety of people who find math to be intimidating they hate it there are those who love math and it makes perfect sense to them god i wish i wish i was one of those people i am not one of those math people i am way better with visuals and graphics in the art than i am with the math part but hopefully showing you in this video scale will be a little bit easier scales the objects and portion of tiny tiny things so scale has to be adjusted yeah absolutely so with a world map you're you're always thinking with a larger scale so for me for this one i chose the individual increments to mean 150 miles or if you're obviously if you're in europe then it's going to be the metric system since the majority of our users are in the united states we're going to use imperial and it's okay if you want to switch over use metric it's fine so for just for this map i chose 150 mile increments you can go with other increments 60 miles 75 whatever it's entirely up to you that's how you want to decide okay so again create your scale first that's the first thing that you want to do outside of making the landmass is create a scale and then use it as a guide to decide how you want things apart because i get a lot of questions about how do i how do i make it you know 60 miles between or 100 miles between this poi and that poi so let's go ahead and do that right away let's jump right in i'm going to go to that catalog you just press the o key f key to go into the the catalog part and i'm going to choose fantasy world because that's the style that this first one is in and i'm just go ahead and put down some mountains so this is the second part of scale the second part of scale is knowing is how big is a mountain in relation to a tree the first thing you got to know about maps is that they are representations of reality and don't have to be exact duplicates of reality and by that i mean if you look at a mountain and then you put a tree next to it you'll notice that at this scale both at 100 the tree obviously a mountain is so much more massive that you would not see an individual tree at all so it's you're making a representation of a forest you want it to be visible right so you obviously wouldn't make the forest this small you'd make the tree a little bit bigger is this out of proportion to the mountain yes of course of course it is but you also want to see your forests you want to see your pois okay so it's this is a matter of personal preference for me whenever i'm scaling up any whenever i'm scaling or deciding the proportions for any map i place a mountain first and the reason why is because the mountain is going to be the largest thing that you're going to see on a world map right it's huge mountains are massive okay so this is going to be basically your anchor stamp that you're going to use to relate the proportions of all other stamps that's always important so this is that proportion part we're not worried about scale and distance between two points we're worried about proportion obviously this mountain is massive if we put it on the scale it's like 450 525 miles wide that's huge and i'm not even going to worry about that but i do want to bring it down because when you look at the landmass look how large this mountain is that's not going to work right so you want to create a mountain that's going to be small enough to where there's room on the rest of the landmass for players to run around for you to do your time skip travel or if it's going to be a hex grid it's up to you how you want to go about traveling that's up to your dm honestly when it comes to world maps time skip i prefer that over hex crawls or using a grid it is entirely up to you as a dm you have lots and lots of options so let's bring the mountain size down to where we want it i'm going to go to about 40 that's the size i want and then i'm going to go ahead and make a mountain range real quick and we'll just put a mountain range along this ledge here so this is that proportion part so once you've added that mountain range now you have something to use as a guide to decide what's going to be best what's going to be best for putting down your points of interest or your trees and everything else like that so we already did uh the mountain part so now we can put in trees i'm going to keep it to scale so this is just my personal preference i like my my trees to be a little bit more visible so that people can see them so let's go ahead and apply the tree in here like this all right and normally with mountains there's a there's a lot of forests at the base of the mountains it's not always the case but that's what i like to do so now we have a scale we have some guide here we have trees and we have mountains and then we can decide on the pl poi kind the kind of pois that we want now because maps are representations there are a couple routes that you can go with your pois okay that is you can go with a highly stylized out-of-scale big poi and it's just stylized you're not worried about whether it's going to be to scale to the mountains or not okay now if you do want your towns and pois to be a little bit closer to the scale of your current stamps that's the mountains and the trees that we have then you can use just simple poi icons from the world style like this and i'll show them to you let me get them real quick there's also some in parchment it's up to you but you can use these very simple icons just scale them down and then this way you don't have to worry about whether or not they're to scale uh with the trees and the mountains if you just don't want a representation like a small little scene you just want to use an icon and i know that is a personal preference for some people because i know that on when it comes to scale there is a spectrum of people there's ones who say i want the most realistic that i can get it and that's perfectly okay and there are those who want to stylize their pois by putting you know a little icon in there that has maybe like a village or let me check real quick and i'll show you what i mean let's say you want to put down this thing right here okay now this thing is huge compared to your mountains but you're not focused on whether or not uh whether or not it's to scale you're focused on what it looks like so that players know what they might be walking into when they go to this location okay yes and i will mention grid as well for now we're gonna just use scale so let's go ahead and do what we just talked about let me add a few locations on the map and decide how i want the scale to work so let me go back let's put in another location maybe right here okay and let's say that you want these locations to be 100 miles apart from each other right or whatever the increment might be so you take your scale i'm going to go ahead and put on my highest layer and just go like this up to it and just decide what on the distance so right here currently between this poi and this poi it's well over 300 well over it's about 300 miles or so so that's how i go about deciding if i want the players to say oh well or if there's time skip travel it's going to be 300 plus miles and it's going to take this number of days depending whether your players are on feet on foot or whether they're on horse or they're traveling by river and a boat so it's up to you and how you want to go about that but this is how i go about making sure that there are accurate uh increments that proper metric or distance between my pois if you're super focused on that okay so if you are focused on distances between pois create a scale like i just made here and then just move it around up against it okay and if you're not satisfied with the scale you can also just make the scale smaller right by just zoom making it bigger or smaller okay so those those options i'm going to keep it back so this is how you do basically understanding distances between two distances the scale is not the only way obviously you can apply a grid if you wish so going over to the grid tool and just show that grid i always put my grid on layer negative five let me make sure that it's set there layer negative five because i don't want it to overlap my stamps so i'm putting it underneath it's okay but don't worry about it denis this is recorded you can always go back there's you can just go back a little bit and just go over it okay and this stream is going to be a little bit shorter thank goodness i've already done this setup so today's stream will probably only be about an hour or so so the next step is also knowing travel outside of the scale the distance between the two things you can use the grid okay and you can set what you want the grid to be at all right so just know that the smaller the numbers the larger the grid is going to get if i go up in numbers that means i'm having more and more grids more and more squares in the grid okay so going up and down this is how you decide how big your your grid squares are going to be and for me what i like to do is i like to sometimes have uh my pois be specifically within a grid if you're going to go with a grid style like this in this way you can understand like the distances between the grid and you can decide how many square miles or kilometer each grid is so if we wanted to go with the original assessment of 150 miles and you could say the same thing that these grids equal a distance of 150 miles each square miles so if i was to put these next to each other this is these are about this is about 300 miles right here these two squares okay so this is about 150 miles apart from each other 300 miles apart from each other 450 miles apart from each other okay and just that's how you do the math whatever increment you decide in the first part this first section all you're going to do is just double it up and then add another 150 and then add another 150 and add another 150 the way that you do the small increments in between those are 75 those are 75 because a half of 150 is 75 so 75 plus 150 equals 225 so that's how you work that okay so just whatever your starting increment is all you have to do is just keep adding those increments and then cut that increment in half to do the half point so 225 375 525 675 900 okay and it really depends on also in the end when you finish it your scales don't have to be this detailed you can just include a 0 150 450 and then maybe 900 at the end okay it depends on the style that you're going for okay so let's go back real quick to scale what or to um what's called uh your i wanna say i lost myself your proportion okay let's go back to proportions so it's up to you what you want to decide just to review what we just talked about it's up to you on what kind of pois that you want to use whether it's just a single dot and that's closer to the scale because obviously if you're trying to go to closer to realism you're never going to see uh this the poi it's going to be so small that you wouldn't see it so go with those small little tiny pois instead and make them big enough to where your players can see them okay so this is how i generally approach uh world maps is one scale distance between two points or if you're going to go with a grid because you want to have movement on your grid with your players then make sure that you set the increment for what each grid size is 150 in this case but for you you can do whatever you want 60 square miles 90 square miles this is all relative it's entirely up to you how you want to go about it obviously when it comes to vtt and printing things are a little bit different especially with the printing because these calculations have to be uh trans translated over to inches or the metric whatever it is that you're using okay i'm not going to focus on vtt or printing right now i'm only going to focus on just the scale in tool and maybe in another video we can go over the vtt and printing type setups i'm not going to worry about that here okay if there's any questions about world maps you want me to continue on with more of the demo with world please ask those questions in the chat and we'll quickly address those if those don't get asked within the next couple of minutes then i'll switch over to regional maps and how i go about doing regional maps okay so please ask any questions in the chat we'll go over that i hope that i explained that well if it's confusing please let me know i want to make sure that i clarify all this stuff so it's not complex because scale doesn't have to be complicated it really doesn't it's really just understanding some very basic math and then putting together your scale and then understanding how to deal with proportion and proportion just to recap is all about placing your first stamp which on a world map again is going to be your mountains that's going to be your base stamp that all other stamps are going to be scaled to okay since there's no questions for world maps i'll go ahead and move on to regional maps and how i go about that now there's a lot of ways that you can approach regional maps there's hex crawls it's a little old school i know that there's an a5e guidebook there's like a whole bunch of stuff that talk about that let me see if i can remember what that is let me check i do believe that uh in 5e 5th edition there are suggestions for a province equals one mile per hectare i think kingdom is like six miles and i think it's like six or sixty miles i think for a continent but you don't have to follow those rules if you don't want to oh savina shiel yeah have a question please ask let's do that feel free to ask your question and we'll answer that okay and i'm going to just turn off the grid for now or switch over to a different grid while questions get asked excellent i'll wait for that question i'm going to quickly just describe a little bit about the regional while savina adds their question to the chat so oh here we go hold up there's some chat delay yes there is some chat delay i'll slow down then sorry about that i think there's a 60 second delay i will wait apologies for the for that i'm gonna quickly save while that's happening how do you place volcanoes and scale them scale them properly um it's generally the same as your mountains okay so uh a technically a volcano is an unstable mountain um hot magma comes up through uh cracks in the surface of the planet um and those are like thermal vents as you have something called conduction i can't remember the name of it but there's a term for it where plates go overlap each other and then that crust becomes weak and then hot magma spews up okay and generally when i scale uh a scale a volcano i do it the same as i do mountains so let's just add a mountain at a volcano and i like to put mountains inside or volcanoes inside of a mountain range because volcanoes can be responsible for some formation so let's say that i want to remove this mountain right here and i want to put a volcano right there so i'll switch over to the catalog okey f key i'm going to type in volcano oopsie because there's a c there my mistake let's say that we want to use this volcano okay and you generally just want to keep it to the scale of your mountains that's really what i do i always keep it to the scale of my mountains let me make sure that i have it on the right layer i want to make sure i fit it in here now wait a minute why are these something's not working here okay we'll go back so we'll put the volcano let's say let's put it up right here sorry about that you want to put a volcano right here or in this corner right here um i would generally scale it to about the same size about a relatively the same size as a mountain really yeah absolutely so uh and just this isn't really scale related but something similar to it make sure that you add in some just some small mountains around it okay i just watched a really interesting volcanology uh tutorial last night so that's super cool that someone mentioned uh mentioned a volcano in the chat that's cool awesome i get to apply a little bit of what i know about it um please savina let me know if this answered your question if you still have more questions about the volcano if you feel like no uh scaling to around the same size of the mountain isn't good enough let me know and we can try to figure it out together as well as with philip if it and anyone in chat if you're aware of this information feel free to share it i'm all i'm open to all things i'm not a master uh at this kind of stuff so plea please correct me if i've made some false information i don't mind being corrected all right i don't my ego is not that big just just just slightly so savina get back to me let me know if this answered your question if not clarify a little bit more maybe we can go into depth over that and i will wait i'll just go ahead and add some stuff to the map while savina figures that out so i'm just going to put in some mountain ranges here and wait for some questions to get filled in here because i was moving a little too quickly it sounds like naughty me not in naughty how dare i okay i'm just going to put in some hills just for fun and i'm going to wait for savina to get back to us you generally find a lot of foothills at the base of mountains as you would kind of expect okay looks good just waiting on savina okay i'm just gonna throw in some stuff they're going for scale okay yeah volcanoes are like some of my favorite pois on a map i absolutely love them okay well i'm not getting a response yet about the scale i'll just wait a couple more seconds to make sure i'm not jumping the gun here yeah and this just just just so you know um it's the same thing with karsts uh with mesas all those things okay so uh if you're gonna place a mesa a karst or those other large rock formations you can scale them relatively close to the mountains i would expect a mesa to probably be slightly smaller than a mountain but i mean it just depends geography is very complex and diverse and there's a lot going on if you need help then i definitely recommend going over the explore page and looking over maps of users that you really like you like the style you like their scale hopefully they're cloneable you can go over them and be like oh yeah i love this that always helps if you clone and edit and look over users maps that you really like their scale go check it out and see what they do because scale is all really a matter of preference because you can make the mountains huge you've seen rpg video game maps sometimes they have huge mountain ranges that are just totally out of proportion with the rest of the stamps and that's entirely up to you so remember it's all a matter of personal preference um me personally i like a little bit of stylized i don't like to make everything so tiny because i want my viewers the people to look at the map to really use them okay you use the path tool to draw roads would you recommend drawing it to match your scale or is that going overboard eric um no i don't think that's going overboard i mean there are various ways to go about doing distances with travel so let's put down a couple things on the map and go over it so what you're asking is if uh if we have two locations on the map and then we go ahead and take the path tool and then we just place it down let's go and quickly make a path and have it go from like here to here okay this is what we're gonna do we're gonna look at this it does help a little though i have been studying volcanology and volcanic eruptions for three years now it does help a little oh okay well i'm sorry savina that i couldn't have been a more of more help um from what i understand about scale it's relatively around the same as your mountains you don't have to uh it's nothing extra special or anything like that i mean if you want to be accurate about whether or not a volcano is on a fault line or not yeah absolutely and that's where you find a lot of volcanoes and stuff like that is on fault lines and stuff so i mean you could look at the san andreas fault line you can look at the fault lines that are over in hawaii where there's a ton of under there's a couple underground volcanoes and still very active volcanoes volcanoes on this one of the larger islands i think that's unfortunate well maybe uh i'll have to dedicate a guide uh to showing a little bit about uh volcanology and how to implement it into your maps because and again that's purely a matter of uh of personal preference whether or not you want it to be realistic with the volcanoes on a fault line and they're scaled properly with the proper arrangement that's all up to you it's personal preference i will dedicate some time to look over volcanology and to try to apply it more if your preference is more realism so let me know savina if that's something that would interest you and let me know also if realism is your personal preference and then maybe we can look into some kind of guide or tutorial that will help with realism and i'm going to go back to eric chris that question sorry if i pronounce that last name wrong eric um so let's say that you were saying that there is distance between these two lasers two locations so let's take the scale and you're saying would these two locations be like travel time it's kind of looking around uh this looks uh roughly around 370 miles away from each other and you're asking how do you portray that in travel and travel uh eric is that what you're asking i'm gonna go back over the question just to make sure to verify that i understood it okay um yes you could match it to scale um if you wanted to sometimes what i do and this is just a dm guide for myself is what i'll often do is add in like the day length so if this is 350 miles you could say that this is like a five day travel and this is not accurate you can change it but often what i do is i'll create little little things on the map to help me so you could say that this path is a five day travel and it depends on how you want to do your travel as well whether you want to do time skip or whether or not you want to actual have like a regional map that actually takes your characters through each section me personally as a dm uh time skip is the best way for me to go about traveling and the reason why is because then you have to make more maps and you as a dn you might not have time to uh make every single regional map hex crawl battle map whatever that you need so do less work for yourself and try adding in time skip for most of your traveling on world maps and that's my personal preference if there's like a region that you want to travel on foot horse or by boat then create a regional map and then pick uh the grid the grid increments and the scale that you want to use that's how how i've gone about it i personally just find it less work to do time skip for almost everything generally at least at least for world maps and even in regional maps because i don't want to make 50 maps for a campaign or a module that i'm working on right now i'm currently working on a module and i made the mistake of kind of going with making all these regional maps that you could travel on and i was like oh what the fart did i do that for like there's all this time skip that i could do so this is one way to go about it it's just say five day travel for this and then increment that put that in okay i'm going to quickly read thank you as much interest i'm mostly interested in proper scale and proportion in relation to this the surrounding landscape it doesn't have to be irl realistic maps of course absolutely i would just use um if you wanted to go super realistic i would just go with satellite images instead uh but you know obviously we're a map making tool we encourage you to make maps so yeah i will probably take some time to dedicate dedicate some time to make a guide on more realism and i'll probably have to coordinate with philip because philip is uh really good at scale on maps like these so philip is kind of the zemester perfect just wanted some insight yeah awesome i hope that helps um just oh it's just as a general rule of thumb always give yourself less work as a dm okay always because the more work you give yourself the more time it's going to take and the more frustrated you're going to get the more you're going to want to give up so give yourself less work do time do time skip do do do do time skip okay now if there's no more questions about this world map we'll go ahead and move on to the next one hello adrian welcome if there's no more questions i'll go ahead and save this volcanoes are awesome sabine by the way i'll i i definitely will try to make maybe a little tiny image guide first just try to break down the simplistic um explanation of tech plate tectonics and where to put your volcano and how to scale them properly again just just for those who missed it uh your mountain you're generally going to scale your volcanoes relatively to mountains okay about the same this is not like an absolute it's just a general rule of thumb okay all right if there's no more questions i'll wait a couple seconds and we'll move on to regional maps i think i think everyone got the general gist of that so i'll just quickly review and just review this last one sorry for the being repetitive world maps large scale okay world maps are large scale that means many many miles many many kilometers the our planet itself has about 26 000 plus miles in circumference okay just to put it into perspective just how big your scale on a world map is going to be 26.8 k miles i don't know what the translation to kilometers is there's someone in here who uses metric feel free to translate that but 26 000 miles almost 27 000 miles is huge so you get a general idea that your world maps are going to be on a much larger scale again the increment that you decide to use is entirely up to you i went with 150 definitely create your scale first so that that way you know how much distance you have between your shorelines between your mountain ranges all those things are going to be helpful to keep things relatively within the right travel distances and all that kind of stuff okay it doesn't look like there's any questions so we'll move on to regional okay so as i was saying before with regional maps there are multiple ways to go about your regional traveling if you want to do time skip you absolutely can now if you want your characters in your campaign to it be more exploring look for side quests go adventuring around looking at the biomes and things like that then i absolutely 40 000 kilometers by the way is what it is in uh the metric system from imperial to metric that is huge so you can see there is a giant scale when it comes to world maps but with regional maps there are multiple ways that you want to go about scale and that means both distance between locations and also the size of your stamp set again that's going to be you're comparing them okay so let me quickly go over again what was mentioned in 5e and you don't have to follow 5e rules you can actually do whatever you want but just to remember the reference it's about if it's a province about one mile per hex with kingdom it's about six miles per hex and and with a continent it's about 60 miles per heck now 60 miles per hect is huge that's a lot of traveling and a lot of time so i don't recommend going with your 60 mile especially for a regional map because that's just so much more time so much more traveling and so much more to explore and so much more content that you have to add to your map i recommend going with a smaller one and hex maps are kind of outdated you don't have to go with a hex map if you don't want to but for some of you old school folks who do like hex or or using hex i generally like to go with about six miles per hex that's a lot of travel especially on foot that's a lot of material and content you're going to put into each hex okay and you don't have to use hex i'm just using hex because hex has multiple directions it's easier to do traveling on a hex in compared to let's say using a regular square grid if you use a squared square grid you'll notice that there's you only have a very limited amount of direction just the north east south and west there are no diagonal traveling so i prefer hex if i'm going to do a hex map then i then i or if i'm going to do a regional map with traveling then i prefer hex just a personal choice it is a big mother we are all living on yes it is huge our planet is really our planet is tiny in comparison to other planets i'm sure if you've seen uh diagrams the earth is actually really really really really really really small but we're not going into cosmology maps oh i'm saying skunky because how did hexmaps get outdated i thought they were just a different style uh chunky yeah you're right uh that's that's not entirely accurate statement um i've talked with some dms and they've told me they feel it's outdated i don't know if that's accurate or not when it comes to hex maps it it really is a matter of personal preference i i disagree with that friend or that person who said that they're outdated honestly i think hex maps are extremely useful and it is a matter of personal preference so it for me hex maps are an exploratory style of map okay and so if so we'll set let's just go ahead and set what the scale we want it to be let's go back to grid set it to hex and i set it to grid set 20 so i go with 20 and so the grid is all the right size we're going to zoom in and we're going to side and increment so we looked at a couple we could go let's say that it's 6 miles so 6m oopsie it didn't work let me go back type in 6m let's just say that these are 6 miles okay that's what these are at so six m each so each one of these things that you're exploring is six miles and i've made a couple uh a couple of things just for fun this is a swamp stuff you'll see right here that i've went ahead and saved these so you have grassland here you have pine forest here and you have swamp here and the way that i go about my hex maps is i'm not worried so much about whether my forests like these trees let's say that six miles these trees are huge obviously they're massive but it's just a representation of a biome on a hex okay you can if you want be more realistic and just scale them down quite a bit but you're going to see a heck of a lot less and it's going to be a little harder to tell what this biome is so i scale up just because i prefer it to be stylized and i want my players to see what they're walking into and it doesn't have to be um to scale in that way at least proportionately it doesn't have to once you add in mountains you can consider whether or not you want to change the scale a little bit but me me personally i like to have my hex biomes a little bit larger and have a little bit more detail in them so players know what they're walking into in each x i'm going to quickly look at this real question uh most rpg players and board game players i run prefer hex over square absolutely i agree most board games that i play even even video games use a hex use a hex grid it's always much prefer over over square savina i'm new to being a dnd gm and i think that hex maps are the best to use for region and world yeah absolutely and that's all personal preference you can set hex to this world map for me personally i would go with much smaller hexes for world traveling because there's so much more to it this is my personal preference like for here i would have a hex be like 60 miles because the dnd does recommend 60 miles per hex and you're just exploring a lot more i don't include a scale personally when i do a grid it's i don't use both i don't say i'm having a scale and a grid choose one over the other either have your scale or have your grid that's just my personal preference because you're going to have conflicting data con conflicting metrics because you'll have a scale that may not be to scale to the actual grid sizes as you can see here look at this obviously if i was making this 60 miles per square or per grid that wouldn't work because it's saying it's 150 miles so pick one or the other or conform your scale to fit to the grid it's entirely up to you however you want to go about that again scale is all a matter of personal preference and what you want until you actually get to printing and vtt that's a whole different ballpark i'm not going to go into that again like i said i'm not going to worry about that so let's just put the hex grid back to 20. okay so that's how i generally work out my vor ngo i don't think i'm familiar with that is if someone wants to clarify that for me so this this is generally how i go about uh my regional hex maps is i generally just create a bunch of biomes within a hex i group them together and i'll just place them everywhere so if i want i just go copy paste copy paste copy paste so this is like a rather large forest okay so you're looking at a really really big forest this is gonna well not really really big if it's six miles this is uh let's see here six times one two three four five seven uh it's gonna be about 20 i think it's about 20 20 odd square miles i've got to recalculate the math if someone else here knows it let me know but this is how i would go about doing hex maps or just create a whole forest within the hex so if i have uh if i have a forest and i want to put it in then you just fill in the whole the whole hex like this it's up to you me personally copy and paste is just a fast way to fill in the hexes just make each biome first group it always rename your groups oh a troll in the chat oh gotcha well that person might have to be removed philip if you see any trouble let me know you should have access to booting and kicking and other stuff like that if you don't let me know but here is the the other way you can go about it just fill in the entire hex with a forest or mountains it depends on how you want to go about it again it just depends on the scale how much distance you want your players to travel the various biomes they want to explore it's all a matter of personal preference seriously it's it's a lot hello and thank you for doing these streams i'm always learning a new way to use the tool thank you very much i appreciate it okay if let me just save and i want anyone if they have any questions more about the regional i kind of hope i explained it there is no general rule of thumb outside of uh dnd 5e which gives you uh direct measurements that you want to work with but you don't have to follow those that's the beauty of being a dm is it's really all up to you and remember the scale will determine how much work you're going to do okay so if you're going to have something on grand scale know that you're going to have more locations more maps to make more to work with so you as a dm you want to make a smaller module that's maybe 5e levels 1 through 4 then maybe you're going to want to drop your scale down so it's really up to you but more scale generally means a little bit more work okay and a little bit more more sessions like how many sessions do you want do you want it to be 50 sessions do you want to be six sessions that's all up to you that's a matter of personal preference okay again if you have any questions on regional let me know hopefully i didn't uh skip anything uh if you have questions feel free to ask them if there are no questions we'll move on to battle maps and we'll go through the metrics of how i go about battle maps and what the standard grid is for battle maps okay i'm just gonna go ahead and ch excuse me change up the grid settings to what i want them to be real quick and a square they should be right not seeing any questions quite yet but we're getting there so i'll just wait a couple seconds and then we're going to go over battle map scale and then hopefully we'll be done this will be a nice short stream it won't be super long and i think in the future i'm going to be clipping out uh some of these so maybe um because some people have mentioned in comments that these videos are super ridiculously long and sometimes it's very very difficult very very difficult to watch the whole thing so i'll try to do snippets of these clips like maybe a small clip for the world maps a small clip for the regional maps and a small clip for battle maps okay did i miss a question two comments above skunky ask a question you sadly skipped oh well that's not naughty uh how did hex maps get outdated oh i think i actually asked that question oh no wait for grid style itself opacity color what do you think is best oh thank you for pointing that out i appreciate it i'm sorry that i missed that question so when it comes to like the grid it depends on the map that you're making and what you want the players to see and it depends on the contrasts of your map so great example let me let me just show you what i mean so let's say that we're working on a map and the ground is really really dark right like this okay you're obviously going to notice that the grid is a little bit harder to see right you'll notice that it's all i can re the only reason why i can kind of see it is because there's a shadow on it right you zoom in you can kind of see it right okay so what i would do personally is depending on what the overall color palette and contrast of the map is should decide should decide what kind of grid settings you're going to use so at a distance it's super hard to see this so what we can do is turn off the shadow altogether so there's no shadow whatsoever and you'll notice that the shadow is gone and maybe we want to switch over to the grid being white now it's going to pop out a lot so what we're going to do is just drop the opacity down quite a bit okay and by doing that it's this white against this dark texture makes those squares pop out more and therefore more visible and easier to see so really your grid settings are going to determine on the just general brightness and lightness of a map okay so that's really up to you i hope that explained it if there are more specific questions uh skunky that you have please let me know and we'll we'll go over that i hope that it kind of explains it grid settings really just have to do with the overall composition of your map and how visible you want the grid to be and if the players can see it really well if it should be light or dark because of the textures being light or dark that's generally how i go about changing my grid settings okay i hope that answered it let me know there's seems to be a lot more questions so we'll go over this uh um joy baker i don't have scale issues in regional it's perspective that kills me um let's quickly just go over that go over that comment real quick um maybe we should go over a perspective tutorial in the future um you might want to clarify a little bit more in the chat what you mean by that because the stamps already have a forced built-in perspective so unless you're trying to force a different perspective from what the stamps are at i don't really understand that question so we'll go over that later let's go to the next question i'm currently working on a west marches campaign where each hex will need a bunch of bullet point info about what is in the hex so that multiple dms can be consistent about the world exploration exploration that's not a question but that's good information and i do put in a lot of dm information into the maps like if i'm making a module i put in a lot of dm information that can be deleted from the map so the dm has them i'm toying with accomplishing this by importing the regional map from incarnate into world anvil and adding the metadata there for each text as a pin do you recommendations on how to do how best to do this okay so sw do you mean putting this information into anvil world anvil is not associated with us so i can't answer that that question when it comes to world anvil but if you mean how to put that information in incarnate then yes i can help you with that so let me define what you mean by helping you sorry about that can't really explain that's okay joy that's quite all right if you're on our discord feel free to ask that question you can dm me or pm me whichever your preference is and we can maybe go over that i am on discord go check out our discord server by the way there are a lot of people that can also help you with further scale questions so with sw do you mind defining or clarifying what you mean do you mean switching over to world anvil i can't help you there but if you again are talking about putting the dm information in incarnate i can totally show you how to do that it's not related to uh a scale necessarily to this particular um put this particular thing because we're focusing on scale but i can go over just briefly how i go about adding that in we're at 10 52 i kind of want to wrap this up within the next oh probably with the next half hour or so i'll wait for sw to kind of verify what they're talking about again again please don't ask questions about world anvil because i actually don't know i don't use world anvil and as a little teaser we might be expanding our tool to go beyond just map making okay sorry the text limit is killing me yes if you can do this in incarnate that's what i'm looking for to avoid world angle and doing the tool would love that so okay so currently there are two ways to go about that there is this the note tool okay so you have this note tool and you just place it where you want let's say over this grid right here and then you have a series of notes just say note and then add in your lore or whatever so that's that first step and you'll notice that the note is there it disappears when you're not when you don't have the note tool selected so the only way you can see your notes is by clicking the note tool and you'll see your list of notes here click edit go in add in all your information now i do want you to know that yes absolutely we are going to be extending the note tool into a more more of a campaign suite so right now the note tool is kind of bare bones and we will be adding more so i'm really excited to get that note tool really polished buffed and to be more specific for uh dms to have more information stored for their their campaign so right now slightly limited um there are other things that you can do besides notes often i'll put information and text right next to a hex it depends how much information that is if you're putting a lot of information per hex a lot of lore geographical information um it counters uh all that information i would put that in the notes and i would not put that put that information on the map itself i would put that in the notes and just so you know notes are only visible for right now inside the map so there are no notes outside of maps but don't worry that is on our to-do list we will absolutely try to turn incarnate into more than just a a map tool but a full campaign suite but that takes time we have limited uh amount of developers we've already got a whole bunch on our list so just kind of keep your eyes out keep your eyes peeled for more changes and trust me we're adding a lot so for right now i hope sw that that briefly kind of helped you with where to put your d information notes okay let's go ahead and move along with no other questions let me check uh no other questions that i know of so far i'll move into battle maps and if there are further questions we'll we'll go back and address them i'll try to keep a sharper eye on the chat okay so exciting stuff thanks for sharing of course when the note tool is expanded on will there be a way for multiple dms to collaborate without account sharing i don't know but that's a great thing i like that idea and uh i would check our discord for feature requests check and see if that request is there i'm not sure what to type in search to see if it's there or not but i would double check if it's if you don't find it then go ahead and add it as a request because i do think that um having a i think it's called a kind of a sharing option where two people can work on something at the same time would be a really great feature it's difficult to implement but it would be a really great feature that's exciting to hear absolutely moo this is so sweet news i'll be looking forward to that i know me too i'm excited i'm very excited but we don't we're not sure about its features or when it will be ready yes absolutely we don't we don't know we just know that we would like to expand on it we haven't fully flushed that out our developers are working on a lot of other features right now some exciting stuff and more art of course from the artists so i can't give you too much information just what i know is that we do have plans we are hatching evil plans [Laughter] yeah absolutely yes it would be very helpful i agree i'm going to go ahead and save these changes and we'll move on to the battle map section i don't want to go too far off topic because i'm really really pushing hard to condense these streams into shorter time increments because i don't want people to get lost to the sauce and have to find go through about 20 minutes of whatever to find what they're looking for yes i'm excited too and don't worry we will keep you we will as soon as we have some information to share of course we always share uh what we have when we do have it so we don't keep anything from you sort of [Laughter] okay so let's go into battle maps uh if there's any other questions maybe we can address it after the stream um so for here i am changing the grid settings you'll notice that the ground is kind of bright um and i don't feel like you need to use white as a grid setting so you can just drop that opacity down quite a bit and make sure that the grids are at least enough at least visible you don't want the opacity so far down that you can't see them and you don't want them so standing out to where it kind of takes away from the scenery of your battle map right so when you apply your grid drop the opacity a bit change the color of the grid to whatever color matches the overall color palette of your map okay so just kind of factor that in do you recommend certain stamp sizes to keep things consistent so with battle maps the same concept in world maps the first stamp that you place down which is mountains is this is this is the guide that you'll use okay so if i put down a barrel or i put down a chair that's the first thing i put down then everything else should probably be scaled to that okay so if let me just make an example so we have this battle map here and we have this nice kind of land formation kind of a mound right and you want players to climb up it so let's first set the grid let's just say this is five by five feet this is five feet so i was gonna go and put five feet again going with the with the imperial and not the metric so let's just say and this is pretty standard five feet squares is pretty standard i'm sure other people might go with other things but from what i understand the standard is five feet five feet or five square feet okay and it's really interesting you can find some things online that kind of give you a reference that show a human being inside of a five five pairs square feet so if this is the guide if this square is five by five feet then let's go into the catalog and let's add in something let's say a barrel a crate uh any of those things so let's go to fantasy battle maps and i'm just going to go ahead and immediately put in a crate so let's put a crate down and we're going to see so obviously there some crates can be five by five feet massive crates but let's just say that you wanted a standard crate that you know a person can kind of pick up it's probably going to be about a quarter size of of this so about four of these combine so these are about two and a half feet that's how big they are two and a half feet is still fairly large crate but this is that first stamp right and that first stamp that you paint that you put down is going to be your reference for the rest of the stamps okay so if i put down let's say i put a crate up here and i put it right here i'm not going to worry about shadows or anything but if i put a crate here and now i want to put some other things up here to let's say i want to put a staircase or something i want to put a staircase goes right here then we're going to go into that catalog type in stairs okay and another things that there are a lot of ways to go about scaling with battle maps by the way uh it doesn't have to be the first stamp you can go ahead and put a uh a corpse down let's say that you want to put a skeleton down or a corpse let's say that you want a little bit something um see course is not a real thing so let's not do that so let's say that we have a corpse right okay and if you have a corpse then you have a good idea of of what how big a person is so let's say we scale it up this person's probably going to be this person is going to be about 5 plus feet they could be about six feet tall just depends if this is five by five feet because you've got an extra foot and a half here let's maybe bring it down a little bit more this person is probably going to be roughly about six point one six one i think six point one or six one feet tall okay and we're just gonna put a body somewhere let's just put it here and then we have this is another reference okay so if you if you feel like a crate is not uh anthropomorphic enough for you to use as a reference for how big your character is on the thing just place a good old corpse right there on on the ground and say ah and you don't have to keep it there i'm just going to keep it there so that you know what i'm talking about so from there you'll want to say okay how do i scale properly my stairs here so these stairs are about five feet five feet wide so you can fit about two people going up and down these stairs and you can change it as you see fit so let's just say i want to put this staircase right here it's just so that people can walk up to get to this point okay so that's generally how i go about scale with it is one set your grid size that means just how big your grid is going to be that's not setting the scale like five feet 10 feet that's just setting the grid so you put the grid down first okay so this grid looks good then you say okay now i'm going to set five feet to each grid and then from there you can decide how many feet or how many how wide your thing is so if this is five feet and we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten this is 50 feet across okay 50 feet across that's quite a bit that's a lot of room for your player to run around and do stuff okay 50 feet and i don't know what this is this is probably going to be if this is 10 feet if this is 50 feet and this is probably going to be closer to about 100 plus feet uh going down on the lengthwise okay so it's about 50 feet okay so five feet is the generic unless uh someone else knows about it and then you can start scaling down now let's say you want to add something bigger we've done little things like we have a crate here that's fairly small this person is relatively tiny this crate is rather large um we have this here let's try adding in like a tree okay how would you go about adding in some natural stuff so let's put in a tree okay let's go with what the size of this is this is about 36 this is 36 and this is 36. so these are all relatively within the same scale i don't recommend going uh going too far above or below so if you set it your scan your stamp sizes at 36 make most of your stamps around 36. there are exceptions to that rule i wouldn't do anything unnatural to go above though that scale i would try to stay within 36 or whatever that number is when it comes to like let's say trees and bushes and grass natural elements it i think it's a little bit more okay to stretch that limit because sometimes you want a really big tree and you don't have a really big tree in the catalog okay so let's just put down a basic let's just go scroll through our sizes so i'm looking at these trees and these are all really small like the largest one in this category just seems only about five something feet wide if not six feet so it's okay to go in and scale up if you want to have a larger tree maybe growing right here okay so it's okay to scale up more natural uh stamps rocks trees plants stuff like that let's maybe put in a rock i'll go ahead and type in rock so you can kind of see it and there should be some large rocks here let's take them down to 36 you can kind of see what they look like so it's really this rock is uh relatively small but you can make it bigger let's say you want to scale it up and you want to put it in the corner right here like this it's just a rock here in the corner let's say that you want it to match in with the background then just select it and just go with luminosity and then change the brightness of it so you want to match in better so let's say that you have your stone there and let's say that you want to add in more stones to it so we go to rock there's some smaller rocks here and this is the part where you can just kind of just kind of not worry too much about scale obviously if you want your players to run around to jump on top of the rock use it as a height advantage for increasing your arrow range a spell range or whatever you want to use height to your advantage then yeah make the rock a little bit bigger because you want your player to walk on it because look at this if i put this up on top you'll see that there's very not much walking room on top of this rock if you want a lot of walking room on top of that rock then just make it bigger right go ahead and choose another rock that's going to be a heck of a lot larger like this so that you can fit more players on it and it's a little bit bigger let's just take a look how big this would be i'm going to go ahead and go down where i have some room some space to see the grid this rock is fairly large it looks like it's about almost about 15 feet across and about just shy of 20 feet or maybe more in length okay so use that grid just like we use the scale just like we use the scale to do the difference between two different things use that five foot square grid to decide how things are going to be so turn on your grid right away when you're going to make a battle map that would be my my suggestion turn on your grid immediately establish scale and that way it'll be easier because what happens if you make the battle map first and then you're like okay i want to make five foot square and then all of a sudden you realize that it's like oh my god this staircase is about the size of a house this rock this crate is the size of a small bowl uh this tree is only the size of a fingernail okay so keep in mind when you're going about um your battle maps is immediately put down your five foot grid so that way you know how to scale things properly to know what distances you have to work with so if your players are running away from like a mimic and they need to get to a safe spot up here they know they're gonna have to run jump swim 50 feet 20 feet or whatever to another zone on the battle map that might give you some advantage in the battle so again just to recap put down your grid first establish scale which is five feet that's pretty standard and then you can start putting together your map me i put down the landscape first these hills because i'm not worried about it but when it comes to more recognizable stamps that the human eye is familiar with like staircases man-made items that's where you really want to start focusing on scale like you don't want your staircase to be so big that you know that you can put 50 people on it that's crazy okay so always use your grid to kind of help to verify how big your stamps are going to be i generally do that just right away so that way i know i'm going to go check chat real quick i'm terrible guessing how big things are irl that's okay moo i totally understand if you just focus on using that five foot grid and try to scale it the best that you can okay like it's all right um so one thing i've noticed with players is that some players might be really picky and they're going to freaking get really mad at the d and be like look at this thing ah it's five okay that that you know it's it's personal preference it depends on uh what uh what your players how picky they are you as a dm i would only focus on scale up to a certain point and just ignore any type of player that tries to harass you about you know that you made your create you know an extra foot long or whatever okay so that's just all a matter of personal preference don't worry about that okay is there any other questions so far about battle map scale i'm sure there's a lot more questions maybe there's a particular stamp that you struggle with when you place it and you have a hard time scaling it let me know uh what that might be okay i'm gonna go ahead and read here same goes for mountains and volcanoes because nature comes in all shapes and sizes absolutely some mountains are mouse massive sometimes some are smaller it really depends on how the mountain was formed whether with plate tectonics and conduction uh with you know the plate smashing up against each other pushing the mountain range up whether it was created through lava formations it all depends there is incredible diversity in nature and that's why whenever i mention maps i always talk about what i call the monotony of size issue you don't want all your this is kind of off topic but you don't want all your watch you know this is scale let's go over that i mentioned this in maps all the freaking time and it's something that i call monotony of the monotony of size issue and what i see some people do and it's not everybody but what i see is they'll place down like let's say a grass stamp or a fern or something like this and they'll all make them about the same size you'll notice it's all about they're all about the same size okay and the issue that you hear is that just like uh what king clown oh we'll mention we'll mention legends the legend no it wasn't asking how to make legends he's calling me a legend i'm not a legend but i'm just just a just a mapping dude okay that's that's me i'm just an happy dude so uh as king clown had mentioned in the chat because nature comes in all shapes and sizes absolutely that's so important so this is a scale related issue whenever i'm adding in uh flora then what i at rocks things like that is i try to not use the same scale so these are set to 70 and they're quite big these are huge i realize these are massive um if you want i can just select these and scale them down to something a little bit smaller if you want ferns can be relatively big if you've seen a fern before i'm going to select all on the set and just bring it down to 36 where the scale is it's a little small so we can go boost it up a little bit bigger okay so now that you've picked one large size so what i like to do is go from large medium small that is how i create a more unique and how to make the scale that nature the diversity that nature has so this is a large size fern and what i'll go down and say well here's 25 55 let's try 30. okay so here's one at 30 and i'll add just a couple here and then let's say i want to add more let's drop it down to 15 okay and then i'll add a whole bunch of little ones like this and what this does is it kind of creates this nice smooth diversity that you would expect at least in this stamp obviously you would add a lot more different vegetation that's up to you personally if you want you can go with a whole a whole bunch of vegetation and then go through that small that large medium small scale and that's how i deal with that and i'm also going to change the shadow so it's a little easier to see let's go with select all from this set switch over to none or go over to layer now i'll just go over to object actually sorry and i'll go ahead and just change this because they look weird and i want to have you something pretty to look at okay here we go i'll just move offset a little bit there we go now you can kind of see it better so going through and kind of making uh a variety of sizes of a of a flora stamp that includes trees rocks roxas and flora but it's a geographic formation trees are geology but or not trees but rocks so but having various rock sizes so a large rock rocks uh go through what's called erosion by rain snow water those are all really the same thing they're all water wind sand all these things cause erosion and so what i like to do often is to keep things in a relatively good scale is do that same thing large rock medium-sized rock small rocks because that shows erosion right and it also pertains to scale okay so always doing the keeping those things in mind always try always kind of helps i'm going to read real quick uh okay so are there any plans to address the monotony of size issue already the system can be set to automatically choose a different angle or stand from a set so why can't it handle size automatically that's a great question great question of ogre and the burbs that's a great question and i think you should uh maybe put that in uh into the feature request on discord because and i agree with you i think that's a good idea because that would cut time down right like you're when you're dealing with that monotony of size issue you know you have to put down the large ones but the smaller ones put the medium-sized ones yeah it's more time-consuming so maybe incrementing including size variation maybe we can add something with a density brush so you'll notice there's a density brush up here maybe we can consider varying sizes into the density brush so you have both big medium and small sizes so that's a great idea and you should uh include that in our feature request on uh discord great idea love it i think that actually that would help me too with my process uh jeremy hey jeremy uh go small the large that away your larger ones over the top smaller yeah absolutely so i and maybe i misunderstood this but if you're gonna go with large as you would expect you wouldn't expect the smaller one to be on top you would expect the larger one to be on top right because it's bigger it's taller so with all of your larger ones just make sure they're set to a layer above and that's all so set layer two medium size set that to layer one small size set to layer zero so there is an order of operation in the layers in which you want to show that size issue so large ones put a layer a layer above medium layer below that smaller ones a layer below that i hope i understood that properly jeremy i'm sure you did notice that i had this larger one a layer below and that just doesn't make any sense unless it's a new head or something like that you've got some purpose for it but if you don't definitely drop the layer down okay that's that and again see the smaller ones drop them a layer down as well so you would go layer like layer zero so it goes below this stamp even though that's a layer uh my bad one there we go so that's what i would recommend jeremy i hope i i translated your comment properly great comment and thank you for calling me out on that i appreciate that that is great so just remember that that your larger taller stamps are going to be layer obviously a layer above anything that's shorter than it just like this crate is smaller than a tree i've never seen a crate being bigger than a tree other than a sapling so that it's beneath so i hope i explained right yeah that's exactly what well that's what i was saying perfect ah i'm so glad that i have jeremy here to save my ass um so that is uh some things that i recommend when it comes to scale with that let me check i just copied and posted my question into the discord perfect yeah if you want to have some dialogue with people in general uh if it's a question i i'd relegate it to general um if you're going to make it a request obviously put it in feature request don't ask the question in feature request because feature request has a very specific format and that just makes it easier for moderators to go through them and go through it if you go outside of the format it's more difficult so stick with the format in that channel okay uh is there a way to select stamp by their size there isn't but i absolutely well wait a minute there might be let me check just to verify that just to make sure that i understand that properly [Music] no it doesn't it doesn't look like it i'm just checking the advanced settings just to verify and i don't currently see it no not on incarnate.com oh oopsie i'm on the wrong one actually i'm on next.com my mistake let me uh let me save this real quick and then refresh i'm honestly on the wrong link my bad i'll fix that is there a way to select stamp by size i don't think so but let me just verify that real quick before i talk out of my bun that would be a great idea by the way i don't know so let me just check that jeremy you you so you can't search by size but you do is but what i do is every time i step down and grab all my old stamps and make a group and rename them yeah you could do that um let's say that you wanted uh i'll give an example let me just save real quick it's gonna go in a little slow here i'm just gonna take a switch let's get a little warm in here oh wow it's taking a little while to save my goodness i hope i didn't screw it up let's see okay so i just want to give you also a little heads up if you're having some difficulty with your screen you can also press your command f12 key or right click and click inspect and it will take you to a little console thing in the tab it's basically a developers window where you can inspect to see if there's any errors um and i'll try to set that up in a second to show it to you what i mean it looks like it was just going slow let me go ahead and change this link you can't see it so give me one second to fix this real quick and then we'll address that question where are we at 11 19 about 11 11 15 more minutes or so we'll see if we can cut it down to an hour and a half let me just quickly load the map real quick and we'll move on to the next thing just one moment please yeah the group idea is great jeremy absolutely if if you want to just select you know specific things by size and i would just group them that way excuse me absolutely so just to emphasize what jeremy is talking about so if i just wanted to select all these larger ones and then just group them and jeremy correct me if i got it wrong so you have these larger ones group and just put large ferns large ferns right and then you're going to turn around and make sure that's set to a up a higher layer so this is set at layer one let's go up to layer this whole thing uh now all these stamps will be on the same layer so you can go up up a layer and then you can select all the medium-sized ones like these are the these are the oopsie i don't want to do that let's select these oopsies i think i accidentally selected that one oopsie let's delete that let's just say that we have these are the medium sized ones group rename it and call a medium ferns and then so on you would go on to the next one i got a problem saving sometimes when it takes too long so i just cancel and save again usually fixes okay just want to make sure okay so um just so you know you can go i think there's a shortcut key i think it's command f12 or something like that let me try to find the right shortcut key uh it's going to take you to the developer window maybe it's function f12 let me just verify real quick okay so as you can i don't know if you can see this or not let me just check to make sure that it's in the thing it doesn't look like it um but if you you can go and you can't unfortunately see this but if you press if you right click press inspect if you look to the right side a panel will come out click the tab called console and you'll see a lines of code and you'll what you'll see is a bunch of red text and that will let you know that there is an error with your map now if that happens uh make sure that you just go click our support tab and we'll help you out okay so questions like problem with saving and stuff save that for our customer support we'll be more than glad to help you out myself or philip we kind of manage that uh let me see one of the questions we have here i think this is a state a stage test server guys try to find any clues for future features nice one way okay well i'm gonna save i'm gonna just save this i'm gonna fix this real quick um i don't know if users really need need to see this map or not so i just wanted to have this alongside why don't we i'm gonna go ahead and fix some changes on the map and then people can add some final questions that they have about either one of those scale things i hope i covered a majority of it i'm sure there's a lot more to cover um but again like i said i'm just trying to make these a little bit shorter for you guys so you're not like oh my god get to the part that i care about instead of talking to me [Laughter] okay yeah i'm going to go ahead and just quickly fix this and save it and people can go ahead and ask ask questions and i'm more than glad to answer any questions that you might have go ahead and save what that's weird okay so that's saved no questions so far in the chat i know there's a delay so i will wait i will wait i got about seven minutes and we'll answer those we'll answer questions within that time frame i'll call it good and just just a reminder i will be trying to make uh trying to cut out clips from these videos so that you can just straight up go immediately to these small clips because some people just don't want to watch live streams and then have to go through each increment they prefer to just have that information right there so i'll be doing that and then also we might be introducing time lapses we have a great rich ea community and a bunch of power users and hopefully i'm going to get them to try to record their map process condense them into time lapses and then add them onto the channel because some people just want to watch a time lapse some people want to watch a live stream some people want to watch a really quick five-minute guide everyone has different different tastes so i'm going to try to cater to everyone's needs there's going to be live streams there's going to be all the different content okay talk to me all day you could stream for eight and i'd love it but i know you need to eat too yeah food is usually pretty good you know no no i could no no i need food food is delicious yeah feel free to hey brian yeah brian's here thank you jeremy i never thought of select all of one kind then group i'm just silly though no you're not silly that's not silly i do i do actually recommend just in general jeremy makes a good point in general that grouping is just grouping is just fantastic because grouping puts everything uh all the all the stamps in that group will be on one layer instead of five stamps being on different layers right so that's actually really really helpful and as you know groups are labeled on the right panel you can see what layer it's on and there's also a layer tab right here so with all the objects it tells you all the different layers there's that foreground and background which you can hide the bg and hide the fg layers so you can do those things you can also hide any stamps that are on certain layers like you don't want any stamps to show on layer five boom they're gone right you don't want any stamps to show on layer two boom those stamps are gone so check out the layers tab objects and then you can change the visibility of each one of these layers okay so that's really really important i don't use this too often but i'm sure other people do okay any other questions let's just verify no other questions that i can see so far i'm just going to wait just a little bit longer we'll wait five minutes and then i am going to take off i've really enjoyed explaining scale i was actually super nervous i didn't know if i had enough brain power you know crammed in my cranium to try to explain this properly oh i want time lapse jeremy and your maps are beautiful chefs kiss maps for jeremy so i definitely want you to to do some time lapse of your work and um for those of you who don't know too we just added a couple new channels on our discord we added um a gm channel for those of you gm's dms that want to communicate with each other on ideas and talk about your campaigns and we also included we also included another channel called guides or i think it's guides and tutorials and it's not just my stuff i'm not a greedy little grub i'm putting down every tutorial and guide that i've made and as well as some other people i think hustle has some good ones jeremy i know you don't have any visual guides you only have videos so maybe we can link up sometime today and we can you can share some links with me on some tutorials or time lessons that you have that we want to put in that channel because the the guides in that channel the guides in the channel are vetted by myself or other team members so we just want to make sure that the guys that we have in that channel are of a good quality so forgive us if we're picky in that way and oh no king you didn't you didn't know that you could change the show the layers oh now that you know i'm sure it'll be extremely useful right so yeah any other questions in the chat no so i did fine thank you joy i appreciate it yeah once you know hey you know once in a while you know being a map lord you sometimes get a little edgy and you know you lose you lose confidence in yourself especially with this whole coven thing going on a lot of people are kind of losing it going mental so i know i am i'm going mental so but yeah we're trying to keep it together right with large-scale stuff when you need to figure out how big something is compared to something else do you need a quick and dirty method so you do you have a quick dirty my before large scale stuff when you figure out how big something is compared to something else you mean like a mountain is that what you mean mo yeah let me know what it is i'm assuming you mean i'm assuming you mean a mountain do you mean specifically like and also let me know what kind of map because it depends you do you mean a battle map a regional a world let me clarify a little bit more about what you mean don't have to look up a million things i don't think i understand i'm sorry i guess i'm confused are you do you mean a like a battle map and and then putting a mountain on it i wouldn't even put a mountain in a battle map frankly uh i mean you'd only see a section of a battle map of a mountain on a battle map because a mountain's huge absolutely massive yeah mountains lakes okay yeah okay so and you mean specifically battle maps right and if you do mean battle maps then you wouldn't show the whole mountain obviously that would take up a huge battle map right you just show like maybe the foothills and maybe some of the bottom part of the mountain oh in a regional hmm okay ah well i mean okay so if you're doing a regional map the reality is is that let's say that i'm gonna put a mountain down let me just get this real quick uh i always struggle with this one i mean do you mean like a hex map are you are you using a grid um what what kind of what are you what are you using moo let me know we can maybe go over this real quick let's go fancy regional mountains i could talk with you all day but i do have to eat i do have to eat okay so let's say that you have a regional map um and i think i mentioned this in the beginning of the stream but you're more than likely uh with your mountains mountains are massive in comparison to anything else and of course if you wanted to scale the mountain to be massive to be scaled to trees and everything your mountain would probably take up the entire screen that is how huge mountains are so instead of trying to worry about whether or not the mountain is massively scaled properly i would just go with a representation instead i would say that yes this mountain is really small but any bit bigger it's going to take up massive swaths of your map right so and i would just avoid that personally i wouldn't want to deal with uh having this massive mountain and then your players have to find a way to get around it and stuff and this is personal this is just personal preference and experience i've tried making a regional map where the mountains are scaled pretty pretty large um there are some things you can do there's something called a transform tool and as you can see here here's a mountain and you want it to look a little bit bigger you can scale it up like this just so you know that transforming does come with a lot of weird things if you if you transform a lot let me add a different mountain that has less peaks on it so if you click this you go to advanced settings go to transform go to height one thing you can do to make your mountains a little bit bigger is just to stretch them a little bit to give them a sense of more overwhelmingness overpowering being larger uh that sort of transform tool can kind of help with that because if you were to scale it up let's just try to scale this mountain to a tree uh and even then this is tiny this is a really tiny mountain against that tree and you can see that this isn't gonna work right it also gives you large line work uh it looks weird it doesn't work right so instead go with a try transforming a little bit making a little bit higher to give it that sense of overwhelmness omnipotence largeness scale you know what i mean that's one way to go about it let me just quick and see what people said here uh jeremy says i would use a tree or a house in a world of regional and a bed and battle map great suggestions i totally agree with that either hex grid etc no worries this is just a whole new topic i missed the beginning uh this is actually what i said in the beginning but i don't mind repeating myself again just trying not to worry about making a mountain perfectly to scale because your mountains perfectly to scale or close to scale with your trees is going to be insane i wouldn't even bother with it i would just scale up the mountain large enough to where it has the sense of impose uh being a sense of being imposing and maybe use a transform tool to increase the height because increasing that height will make it look like it is a mountain towering over the over the trees that be my suggestion and what a shame not making maps for two years already but still have punctuation going for better times uh i'm sorry to hear that uh q scale on the coastline of a world map how do you recommend to handle the forever discussion of coastlines being too much straight or too much on the opposite direction um okay so um okay i'm just gonna answer this question it's gonna be the last question okay because i will i will last longer so the way that i go about this um and you're talking about specifically like scale of a coastline this is uh yeah this is somewhat related so let me just do a real quick guide on how i go about doing that so whenever i decide to make a landmass i generally use the edgy brush and you can turn the smooth on or off it's up to you you can change the dimensions of the feature size to whatever you want if you don't want the edges to be super big then you can change that let's say that let's just switch things around let me change uh remove the smooth and bring it down to the smallest thing so this is what it looks like uh with a much smaller so the way that i do landmasses is i make a very large shape first okay and then you go in and this is the reverse sorry i made this section uh the i made this the bg and this the fg but so think of this as the reverse you make something with the add mode of the mask tool and then you go in with multiple passes the way i describe it is like a sculptor right when you're sculpting a large rock a piece of stone you first shave out carve out the main shape right the main shape that you want so let's say that you want the main shape to be uh like this weird shape like this okay let's say that you have this shape okay then the next step that you go in is to bring this the size of your brush down and then go in and make even smaller changes and what you're doing is just multiple passes okay this is not a very good example because there's a huge line width here and all this stuff but that's how i start it's like a pangaea thing think of it as really large land mass and then just slowly shave or not slowly quickly shave away the uh the horns the um like a horn is like this thing right here this would be like a horn right here uh an isthmus carve out a bay or an inlet or an inner c a c that is how i go about it go large first and then go through and slowly shave off to create the more intricate um formations that you want on your shorelines like i said horns stuff like that i hope that answered the question if it didn't then i apologize and maybe i should go into another video that kind of explains that could you make the trees slowly get smaller as it gets closer to the mountains to get the scale to yeah you absolutely could do that um but uh i mean that might look weird right because you'll have large larger trees scaling down into another one honestly i think what would be really nice is if we could create like a forest tool that lets you create those like forests that aren't a collection of individual trees but looks like a blanket okay that's something that we might want to look into and try to figure out but yeah you could totally do that if you wanted to queen zomero that's totally up to you i am going to take no further questions at this time i'm going to go ahead and call it good i please i hope this helped if it didn't help go ahead and say how much i suck in the comments and i promise i will read them and not poo poo you but yeah i hope that this scale guide was helpful i'm gonna go ahead and take my lunch everyone has been extremely uh extremely kind all your questions have been poignant and it's really challenged me to try to find out the right answers for you so i appreciate that if you have any other comments too like future videos or things that you want to see please put that in the comments below you guys have been awesome thank you so much for joining me in this stream and i look forward to the next one and that one is going to be how to create uh underwater scenes using all this uh using uh i think fantasy regional i'm not sure what style that's going to be on discord so go join the discord if you don't want to be a member of the discord you still want to see that stream every stream i do on monday on discord gets recorded and put on third puts on the youtube channel on thursday of that same week so that you're not missing anything okay hey thank you so much everybody you've been great again questions have been poignant you've challenged my silly nuts and i enjoy that so thank you so much everybody i really appreciate it bye everybody and savina sorry i didn't get to your question we'll get to that in the future don't worry goodbye everybody stream perfect just
Channel: Inkarnate
Views: 10,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 0sec (5580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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