How to Create a World Map | Inkarnate Stream

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um okay so i don't know if if you guys i'm gonna  go ahead and just start with the stream thank   you for everyone's input that's awesome um and i  think yeah let's see here uh if you guys go in the   in the um the string chat one i put the got this  guide up here hopefully i fixed the spelling   errors grammar um maybe i should be going to  school but um but there's a guide there if you   want to know the steps of which i'm going to  go through and for those who are listening in   so when you first build your map like generally  pre-planning is what you want to do like you draw   a little sketch of your world you sketch out the  landmass shapes so there's a level of pre-planning   involved uh i didn't really do anything  like that for this stream because you know   it's if i had everything planned out it probably  would take even longer to go through everything so   i'm really just gonna my goal will be to make  three or four landmass shapes using a certain   using two different techniques and i'm gonna try  to squeeze in as many biomes as possible within   some level of realism but um and i am using  a tablet i'm gonna tell you right now that if   you're using a mouse making land shapes is not  nearly as fun so if you if you can if you can   afford it definitely get a drawing tablet it's  going to like speed up your process so if any   of you guys here are like a dm or you're in the  gig economy and you're trying to sell your maps   definitely like invest in a drawing tablet  because you'll make maps and like you're   going to cut down your your work time so much by  buying a tablet that would be my suggestion but um   there are two methods that i go about making land  masses um the first one is like kind of a pangaea   kind of thing where you just make a large shape  like this and you're basically gonna looks like   a statue like think of this as a piece of stone  and you're just going to cut out everything   so you take little shapes like this and you  want to make a go to subtract sorry about that   like you want to make like a bay or an inlet or  you're going to make some kind of like like a horn like that is that's one way that you can go about  it like this is the method that i usually go about   making my land masses like that and but there are other there are other  methods and you go through also there are various   passes that you might go through too so like  you've done one pass and then you do another pass   and you just keep sculpting until you get the  little shapes that you want including making   islands stuff like that so there's that kind of  pangea method where you make a supercontinent   and then you just break it up into a bunch of  other little ones so there's that way and then   the other way to go about it is to use the auto  generate which is pretty good subtract that out   here we go um i'm sure you guys can find there's  a world generator and this basically decides how   much ocean it's going to be i usually try to drop  it to about 50 and then you select the generate   button and it's going to generate a bunch of land  mass for you and then i mean you're never going   to find a single click we're like yeah this is  going to be my world map i mean it's going off   onto the edges so it's going to be the same thing  you're going to go back over it like this with the   subtract mode and a smaller brush and just kind  of go over it and kind of create your shapes like yeah like that i like that you know this is  kind of the other way to go about it like there's   just there's not a tool that we have quite  yet that just allows you to just in one shot   boom there's your beautiful land masses and you  don't have to like go over them again or anything   if we don't have that feature yet that'd be super  cool like i think it would be nice if we added   some more toggles inside of this generate new  world this world generator panel so that way   you're more fine-tuned like oh i want to add  rivers i want to add an archipelago like that   would be cool so until we add that feature these  two methods are the way to go the using the world   generator and then just subtracting what you don't  want or uh just do that super continent method go ahead and get rid of all this stuff okay i personally like the super continent  so i'm going to do that real quick and last time i had um i  had added some stuff as well some serious lag it's not good there we go oh  i noticed it on a finer brush okay what's what yeah right yeah well i mean as a since it's a  web tool yeah you're gonna experience that like   if we were a um an executable like a download  a bull like application then yeah you probably   would have less lag but at the same time like the  online model kind of allows for a lot of things   um like it's just easier to add new material  instead of having to rewrite the code every   single time you know like we're doing so many  updates and an executable requires doing more and   more lines and of code each time like updating it  and it's so like the online model is just quicker   and easier for us as a group but i do think that  we are with some i think in a meeting i had heard   that we will explore an executable option and i  think it's going to be for windows specifically   now maybe mac 2 i don't know i'll have to ask but  fairly soon we'll we'll be looking more into that me personally i i like the online thing i  but i also have like pretty fast internet   so i mean if you don't got a  fast internet then i would say   and you don't have a super powerful machine an  executable will probably work better for you okay so i kind of want a lot more space   in between my continents i don't want them so  close together unless you're going for like   you know a world that's nothing but just  archipelagoes you know you could you could do that just depends on what you're  kind of going for there was   one thing in this one where i wanted  to make like a shattered kind of world   um and i'm sure you guys have seen those world  maps where they have like kind of like shattered like this and the trick is just to kind of  make rays kind of going away from it and   make some lines going around it for some reason my  computer is going super slow because i'm recording   and then you just delete some  of the little islands in between   and i'm gonna make just an island in the center and just go with that kind of spider web kind of  effect to kind of create these shattered islands   right now it's kind of looking like a  pizza hopefully it won't be like that forever so the method is pretty simple create your  basic shape and then just like a piece of   stone with a sculptor you're just sculpting away  at the pieces that you don't want that's really   as simple as it is like i think a  lot of people get intimidated by   world maps because they think oh well i  don't wanna i don't know how to start with   making crazy landmass shapes it's like you're  probably not going to make a fantastic land chat   land shape with your first pass like just adding  it down like ah this is perfect instead like   starting with something really large and globular  and then carving it away because it's actually in   my mind easier to just remove to subtract what  you don't want and to have to add what you do   want like it's just it's just in my  personal experience it's just so much easier and if you guys have any  questions about what i'm doing or   like if you're like oh how did you use  that tool in that way like don't be shy   unless you don't obviously don't  want to be recorded but ask questions and it's okay to be shy okay ah there's so much here that i  don't want just this is too much here and just so you know that the smaller that  your your landmass shapes are that means the   smaller your stamps are going to be so like  that's kind of the thing to keep in mind   when you're making your land shapes is  like how small do i want the stamps to be   how much detail do i want in the last stream that  i did i did a mix between with the pois between   making the capitals and the most important  locations um having like actual front-facing   pois and then i use just regular symbols for  little villages and towns so i mean it just   depends if you want to add like a legend in your  map and i'll get more into detail on the pois   later let's just finish up landmass that i want  i'm still not satisfied with this so it will take   some finagling once i'm satisfied with  some of the shape then i can go ahead   and kind of start adding stuff i kind of  want to make a decent landmass shape here okay and then hook over okay and it's still very very  circular it looks like to me so   we're gonna try to break up some of that circle there we go that's a little bit better and there's not much to work with here so stamps  are going to be so small it looks like to me maybe this is broke off from here okay and this will be like a c area here's a smaller c   and and i probably want to put down some  lines for where i want my polar caps to be technically not something you have  to do it's just something i do   so that way i like i at least know  where my lines are where's my equator okay and i'm going to pull out the grid as a guide and let's see here let's say um five six six   okay that's fine that looks  like four so one more up there okay so these are going to be my polar caps and i  think i probably want to make an equator line too   um these lines are just helpful for knowing  where what kind of biomes you're going to have   i mean this is a one of those interesting  debates someone in our um someone in the map   gallery posted a really interesting biome guide  and i think i'm actually going to suggest that so   because this is actually pretty good so if you check the stream chat one uh i take  you over to this biome tutorial that hustle made   it's actually pretty good um i don't know if  i'll follow this all the way through because   i'm trying to fit as many biomes as possible  but this is kind of i think somewhat helpful   okay let's go back 183 changes let's save it do you have any questions so far okay so we've got our equators and  our polar caps oopsie don't want that   okay let's take a look and i think for now this  looks all right i can always go back um one thing   that i noticed is that you will backtrack between  steps like maybe you've done step one through six   but you're still not satisfied like backtracking  is perfectly normal i do it all the time   like these shapes are not set in stone like as  i add mountains and other stamps and stuff like   that likely these will all of this will be  subject to change and frankly it should be   you know subject to change you want your map to  be excuse me you want your map to be fluid and   you don't want to be all set in stone because  if you have this expectation of what you   want your map to look like exactly then you're  probably going to get discouraged and say ah this   isn't what i imagined it to be so forget it i'm  going to drop it so sometimes let the map itself   create itself meaning you know as you're making  something let things be subject to change   it's it's really going to help because i get put  off earlier we were talking about how easy it is   to get put off like you're working on something  and literally about 10 minutes in you're like this   is garbage i'm going to destroy it immediately  don't give up on it like if you're that frustrated   about it then you know step away for a minute or  just save it and go work on something more fun   so i mean battle maps are just kind of more fun  to make because i guess they're just easier world   maps are a lot more work because you're building  a whole world instead of just a little region   so don't get discouraged like it's probably not  going to look the way exactly the way you want it okay so let's now put down our mountain ranges  and how do i put down mountain ranges and why   should you put down mountain ranges second in the  list um because you're going to be using it for   scale um so like if this is the size of a  mountain then you're gonna scale your trees   your pois and other things to relatively the  scale of the of the mountain i mean obviously   if you're doing stylized points of interest  pois then you can make your pois as big as you   want i mean if it's stylized but if you want  to be able to fit more then yeah then just   use little symbols so first i'll put down  mountains and uh how do you place down mountains   like technically there's plate tectonics and you  know you know in the real world how do mountain   chains actually form like there's all that stuff  and i would recommend you go out and research that   if you if you're going for the realistic approach  um for the purpose of this video and uh just to   keep it short i'm probably just not going to  worry about how realistic my mountain ranges   are formed so there's no back history to this  so there's no law or anything to this world   so it's not really necessary to like try to go for  realism with the mountains so how do i lay down   mountains whether i'm being realistic or not first  i size it um like this this looks kind of massive   so you're going to think about how big you want  your pois to be and so i think okay this is how   big my mountains are this is the size i'm gonna  go for you're gonna i start at the top so that   some of the mountain is overlapping the shoreline  so it kind of looks like there's more depth there   and then from there you'll just kind of  snake like meander it so you're just clicking   and slowly going down and creating kind of like  like river meanders the way a river meanders   like these kind of s shape when you lay down  your mountains to me that's like really really   really helpful and just one straight line  go down like that you place your mountains   and you're going to do it to every  single one of your land masses   and i probably will go with different  types of mountains for each one let's see here this is higher up this  technically right here is a polar region so   i should technically erase oh my mouse is just going so slow and we don't want to select that so above this  line we're going to want like snowy peaks because   this is like a permafrost line let's go with these  ones it should be the same size and we're going   to go do it again start at the top and go down  i'm just going to connect these there we go okay unfortunately we don't have these  brown mountains with snow on them   that would be super nice but we're  texturing we'll fix that problem and we're going to do the same  on all of them let's go ahead and   add a different mountain type let's see here  this is closer to the equator so we're going   to think tropical so we're going to add some  mountains i'm going to go with the green ones and i'm looking at the shape of  this so it's probably going to go   down like this so we're going to add our  mountain and kind of make that s shape and also be careful for  overlapping of your shoreline so   see how close this the line work  of this mountain is i push it away from this because this happens a lot there'll  be people will overlap and it's just a matter of   just zooming into your map and looking for these  mistakes now i usually do that part at the end but   i'll mention it now so if people end up leaving  the stream at least the information was given   have one mountain range there one there and  i'm going to select all these texts right here   and lock them make them a group because i keep  accidentally selecting them and there's a lot   when you've got some options here in  the left panel you can edit the group   rename the group or lock the selection and that's  great because now you won't accidentally select it and we're going to continue make  laying down our mountains and   also figure out where we  want certain types of biomes these mesas might be kind of nice to put them  around here let's just take a look where we want   to put them i think closer to here and i don't  make mountain ranges with mesas it's not really   the same thing so i usually individually place  them and i make some space between the mesas and don't forget you can also cycle through   stamps just check the key bindings it should  be here let me make sure that i have it stamp tool next in the set so it looks like it's  going to be a command key i think no   wait my keyboard is messed up so but you can  cycle through stamps or go up through here   i know a lot of you guys are already  know how to do all this stuff   so this information is just for new  people who are not familiar with the tool i think that's actually pretty good right there  i don't need to add any more maybe just one   right there okay and then we're gonna add more mountains let's see here i'm gonna stick  to the same scale so i'm gonna click one   of these double check 60 okay again start  the top and we're going to stop at the line   and then we'll go ahead and add the next  mountains i think we'll go with something dark oops it looks like i'll have to single  click some of this stuff there's so much lag let's save it and then refresh the page see  if maybe i can keep from creating all this lag what other things are you  doing close all this stuff   if anyone has any questions please let me know okay let's refresh okay let's hope that it's not  quite as laggy as it was before   and we're going to continue on  our mountain creating process just the same thing just snake them or  around see there's a hop right there oops   not sure how to avoid that might not be able to okay and we're gonna come  back to all these mountains   i think i'm not going to have any mountains  in this area this might be the only one we'll   have some mountains and so once you've  done that then something i like to do is take each mountain and kind of drop the  size down because if it's all the same size   it kind of looks weird so adding  in various sizes of the mountains   here and there kind of  breaks up that size monotony and you're pretty much going to do it to all  of the mountains you do the same thing with   the brown ones and you just kind of gauge  it on how you want it to be it's up to you i like to have them get a little  bit smaller at the end sometimes   just whichever style that you want  to go with we'll put one over here i'm just kind of creating more natural shapes now even though this looks super odd i might  go back and fix that it's okay we go back to   that later let's just finish adding all these  and if they're on the proper layer they should   hide behind the stamp so i think  these are all on layer zeros so the the collision box should work properly okay we'll add a couple here we're  going to fill out some spaces okay and i think let's see  okay we'll go with even smaller and i like to put when you're kind of making these  ranges like the medium size like the arrangement   would be like large medium and then smaller  that's generally the the method that i go about so   i have like these two medium ones coming  out from the large ones and then they get   smaller as they go out so that is kind of a way  of creating more realism in your mountain ranges and i'm just going to do the same thing here  but you're just going to kind of just add   mountains here and there to  kind of fill out the shape you can even create some interesting formations and then we'll eventually add in foothills   and um that will take up a lot of space  so i don't want to add too many foothills   okay that looks good let's just zoom  out and take a gander at it real quick   just see how it looks so far i'm just not  satisfied with that but i'll come back to that   later because trying to make everything perfect  right now it's just not realistic so i just   come go back to it later because a lot of this  stuff is probably going to be subject to change like if you're eventually i'll probably delete  some of this stuff just depends on if i find   enough room for my pois what kind of pois i'm  using a lot of uh outliers that kind of decide when you're doing some changing or editing  to your mountain ranges pois and such   okay let's take a step back okay and then we're  going to go with this even even smaller size again again try to like overlap like have a mountain be  in front of another mountain or behind a mountain   like that so overlapping i stress this one so  much and i feel like i'm a broken record when   i say it i think some people even got a good laugh  out of it the other day ago that was pretty funny   all right let's go ahead  and take a look looks good   let's go up here and let's see if i can make this  better um since these are lower peaks technically   these wouldn't have a lot of snow on them so let's  go with making the smaller peaks without snow   maybe that would be better technically this is a  permafrost so there'd be snow on everything but   maybe this will just make it look more realistic because i don't just don't  really care for those white   those small white peaks just looks weird go small don't be afraid to cover up some  of those some of that line work too like just create transition between the ground  texture which we haven't applied yet but we will and so some transition between the ground  texture and the stamp okay and we're gonna do   the same thing here and i'll go back and fix that  other one mountains are kind of a lot of work but   they're super important um like personally i  would definitely try to make your mountains as   imposing as possible because that's the largest  land feature you're going to see on a map so make   them really good put some thought into them like  don't just put down a range and then call it good   play around with it um you know because it's so  big that's the thing that's going to pop out the   most you're going to want to take some time to  make sure that your mountain ranges at least   before you finish your map look pretty decent  and imposing you know they're creating the   um kind of like the negative spaces  where you're going to be putting stuff   so think about think about your mountain ranges  as you're applying them don't do just one single   drag and say yeah this is good i'm done don't  do that you definitely want to think about it and we're going to go ahead and quickly fix these  little mountains because they just look hooey okay some ones are small that's  fine okay so after you've done   mountains we're gonna quickly save  and then we'll go on to foothills that was fast that's good okay so  foothills all right foothills this   is where you're just going to take  basically the corresponding hill   so you have for use this green mountain here  green mountains then there's green hills and these are basically going to  be the foothills of these mountains   and i like to put them in between between little little gaps like that and then just   place big ones first relatively large mountains  for or um sorry relatively large hills first   and then just like with the mountains you're  going to put smaller hills around there and not every single thing has to have foothills  so i maybe i'll just have this side have foothills   and maybe this side doesn't i'm not sure yet  because there's not much space right here   for foothills so maybe just when there's if  there's just enough space for you to add them   and once you've placed all your  big ones then place smaller foothills technically you could keep  going down just keep making even   smaller and smaller and smaller  let's take a look the one there there here and here and then we'll  go even smaller we'll go down to 20.   let's go even smaller than that so  add some little little foothills here   and what's really nice about placing  all these stamps first is that   when you get to the point where you're going  to want a texture and you're figuring out what   kind of textures do i want to put down  like you're you're already going to know   that you're going to want some kind of texture  that's going to blend in with both the hills   and the mountains so it's like it's does you're  letting the tool do some of the work for you   so think about that when you do your texturing  you're going to want to blend and we finished   right there let's just take them back out  a little bit yeah so there's not much room   in this island so i'm thinking about my pois  in the steps to come and seeing how small   it is probably just going to use symbols  and then maybe i'll do what i did last   time have some of the main cities or  capitals be some kind of special icon let's look for brown hills first let's go with a little bit larger there we go  and there's not much space so i'm not going   to add too much just a little here and there  don't forget also to overlap always overlap i'm probably going to keep saying  that until people go freaking insane   it's the same method just place small ones  around the medium ones just like you're placing   medium-sized hills next to the large  mountain okay those look good at least   they're acceptable and i'll probably do the  same for up here because i want more transition and there's a lot of space up here and make sure to do some overlapping too and then we can go with small and of course it all looks awful  right now because we haven't added   textures but that will change  let's go with even smaller we'll put one there okay all right maybe even one  closer to that equator line which we will delete   those lines later so we've got foothills here  and here and we'll probably put some foothills   down here maybe not quite as much i kind of like this section right here i'm  probably going to end up filling out some   of that there because this is nice i don't  want this little tiny piece of land here so we'll add in again large stamps overlap that is huge might be too much and then after this step we'll go on to cliffs   and cliffs just like hills are  ridiculously time consuming i think i've mentioned it in previous streams  but i mean there's just no getting around   having a decent map of any kind including  a battle map i guess it's easier   with battle maps to uh to make to make a map  but when it comes to world maps i mean you   really want to just kind of take your time with  it because this is going to be your entire world   and all your other maps are  going to be based off of that map   so you know if you're going to make a world  map make it good take some time work on it like if you don't like the way it looks  you can always come back to it work on   a battle map you know whatever it  is your preferences so i know a lot   of people here like to make battle maps  other people like the great callum likes   to do isometric though lately i've been seeing  some battle maps from him so that's super cool okay i think just a little bit left these dark  mountains here and do we have dark mountains medium oh there we go right there  my bad dark hills add them in then we're going to do some  saving and we'll work on cliffs make these super small make this area super hilly this will be kind of  like a mordor kind of biome 122 changes that's   good i'm not entirely satisfied with all of it  but that's okay we'll address the rest later if anyone has any questions feel free okay all right so next on the list should be cliffs  and cliffs are as i've mentioned terribly time   consuming um they're not they're not necessary  on a world map because technically you wouldn't   really see them and if i was to apply a cliff  onto this map they would technically be like a   mile high it's just so i think the scale is  just wrong but i like adding cliffs so much   um to maps that it kind of gives it a sense  of dimension so i will be adding cliffs   and this is just for those who want to know  like where to add cliffs and when and all that   stuff and i generally have clips cliffs coming  from the mountains and then kind of going out   and you just kind of attach the  line work so like if i was to take   this cliff and then put it here  maybe make a little bit smaller   and then put it there and then from  there you can kind of create a line you got some cliff there and  then you want to add more cliffs   so you can add even more add some cliff match  up that line work and one thing i like to do   often as well is to kind of make these  plateau type rocks you're going to piece   them together like this and then  we're probably going to group them like this and you go to group and i would definitely name it   oops did not let me do that  for some reason or another okay we'll go to this rename option here we're going to call it cliffs okay so at least it's named and this works  great because you can place them around   and put them up against close to  other rocks like that and then   we'll copy and paste this from place  to place seeing where it looks good i'm going to go through all these various ones  you can even put them on hills if you want just depends what you want  what you think looks good and i kind of create this sense of like a  step coming down from the mountains and then   flattening out oh i think it's called a step okay there we go nice we're getting there okay and until we get the right tool you  know for now you're just kind of piecing cliffs together to kind of create what  you want until we get kind of a tool   to fix that so that kind of looks  good right there yeah i'm digging that so it goes down and i'm going to move some things  around which is what you would expect i don't   really want those there i don't really know if i  actually want hills up on that part where that is   so maybe it's best to not put the hills here maybe  a couple we'd be fine like there and there but just put this over here overlap put up behind  that mountain and then we can kind of add these shapes let's go with  actually this one might be better   there we go nice and you can copy and paste  these you can open it up as a group and flip them   so it's facing the other way  so it's not always the same just depends on where you want to  put them i think i'll put it up here and put another one hmm no let's just get rid of that we won't do that let's just keep going with lining up this stuff okay that looks alright and i actually do want   some of that there actually this might look  good right there okay and this same method   you're just going to push all the mountains  up here i'll probably put cliffs along here   along here um no cliffs along here so this  one will be kind of a have most of the cliffs   i don't think i'll put any on here and then  maybe some cliffs here there's not much room always kind of factor in just how  much room you have to work with   excuse me and let's also put some  cliffs along these coastlines and then we'll reshape the coastline to fit around around the cliff let's see here this is always the toughest part figuring  out where you want some of your clips to be and this is that cool part where you can kind of  grab your thing and figure out where i want to put   this at i think right about there should look okay  it's the same size as this one so drop it down that looks alright i'm just going to add some  last pieces in here let's flip rotate that   one here then we'll add one here and then  let's also add some to the other side as well gotta find that one that i like there it is so i'll put that there there you go nice okay okay  so we'll add some more depth there it is and we'll put one here and i'll have to move the   the hill and in fact probably put in plateau rock  here there we go gives it some more dan knight more dimension okay this is overlapping that  too much there we go should be fine there let's take a zoom out take a close look like  i said cliff thing like a broken record the   cliffs are just so time consuming but you won't  regret it um if you if you use the cliffs then   yeah it's your map's gonna look like it's got so  much more depth to it so i recommend it if you're   intimidated you don't have time to do the cliffs  that's totally okay like you don't have to add   cliffs to your map the world is so big that  technically you wouldn't even really see   see the cliffs if you were sticking to scale it just depends how much realism you want okay and once you kind of get like a feel for it   then you get really good at like laying down your  cliffs like like yeah it's time consuming and it's   very frustrating but you do get a feel for it and  it's like okay cool it's actually lane cliffs it   gets kind of fun once you get that feel like hey  i'm getting pretty good at laying down cliffs now doesn't actually solve the problem of  not having a cliff or wall tool but   it makes it at least it's a  more positive way to look at it okay and i don't want this to take forever so   i'm just gonna do the last couple mountains  here and then we'll move on to the next step   let's see here been going for 54 minutes  that's not too bad not too bad at all and please speak up if you have any questions okay yeah that looks good let's zoom out take a look yeah it probably  won't look better but it's going to look   pretty bad until we've pretty much added the  textures because it just looks super weird   and that's okay let's go ahead and  randomly add our plateau islands in okay i'll add some of the opposite the flicked one let's take a look yeah that looks alright awesome so those cliffs are good um i don't think  i'm gonna add them anywhere else though it might   look weird if i only have them in one place we  won't know until we just move on and get to that   so we're 80 changes let's go ahead and save that and i'm going to save and i'm also going to  refresh the page to make sure that i'm not   dealing with old data it's a good time to ask  questions if you have any if it's not that's okay let's look over our guide steps all right we are at cliffs so we're at rivers  and lakes that's step six and uh you know besides the debate on how realistic rivers are  it's just knowing basically where rivers start   and where they end i think a lot  of people already know what that is   rivers start and their headwaters start in  the mountains and then they meander down   down the mountain or downhill or quote unquote  south and then they go out to sea um because   i'm just looking at the size of these mountains  and you think yourself okay most rivers at   this scale like this is the point where i am  going to go with realism i'm not going to add   because i'm just looking at  the scale and i think okay   there's no way that you're gonna actually see  a river at this at this kind of like distance   so i you don't even have to add rivers  uh i would definitely add in your lakes   and they would have to be pretty small i mean if  you are going to do rivers then i would use the   path tool at like the smallest size that you can  possibly get but i'll make one path to a river   and just to show how it works  for those people who are watching   and we'll be watching later but you're going  to want to go with 100 opacity and you're   going to probably going to want to drop  it all the way down let's just put a test   thing up and just see how small about that  size and i'm also going to get rid of the blur i don't need it and we'll go with a  different color too so you can see it there we go   um even then these are kind of  big so let's go with the path tool   and a river would start like  here and it would meander   like this and then go out to the ocean like that  and path tools work pretty good um because you can   hide paths behind things let's go down  one layer just see what that looks like   it should yeah see some kind of hides behind but  just depends but i i the path tool is probably   about the right if you wanted rivers on a map like  this the path tool would be the way to go about it   but again because the scale is just so small  yeah you probably don't even have to put rivers   on the map so we can actually skip rivers and  just do bodies of water first so like a lake   and lakes um my approach to lakes are i usually  have them fairly close to the mountains because   rivers form and then they go down the mountain  then it fills up a lake and then sometimes that   that lake has a river that goes out  to sea so i'm just going to add one   lake here decent size one not too big technically this would be huge because  it's about the size of a mountain and we'll have to fix those  we will probably have to fix those mask effects which we can actually do now so if you go to mask effects go to  advanced settings you can turn them all off   i'm not going to do that i'm just going to  turn off certain things like the ripple effect i'm not even going to bother with the ripple  effect just get rid of it or if i do have a ripple   effect i usually like to just add one ripple and  what decides like what what you want your mask   tool to be is just how big are your rivers and  what it looks like or with your legs so i can kind   of see this white line from the stroke or from  the ripples and it doesn't really look good so   like at this point i wouldn't even bother having  ripple effects so that way you can kind of see   the body of water better like that to  me just looks better and we'll play more   with mask effects later let's so let's not  do that let's just add in a couple lakes that one's huge i'll leave it there technically  that would be frozen so i'll end up painting that   i don't want a lake there i do kind of want  a lake here it'd be kind of nice to have one   the hard part is figuring  out where it's going to be   i actually i'm going to fill in some land  there too let's just do that real quick i kind of feel that this just needs more  shape there we go and we can push this out okay now let's go ahead and add a lake and  i'm not using the edgy brush to make the lake   i am using just the regular circle brush   because if you try to do it with the  edge brush you're going to get like these   big lobby shapes and you don't want that with  a lake i like to just do a more fine tune shape so you go with just the regular  shape and i'm going to put like a   bunch of them right here because  maybe this will be kind of a swamp that's technically a massive swamp it's huge but that's okay there's a big old swamp there and then let's take a look 33 changes and i'm  trying to think what other lakes i think swamp   that one lake looks good maybe even add one more  lake here and make this kind of the largest one   and we'll even put an island on it or an island in it and i might make that a little  bit bigger too if you're going   to put a poi on it then you might  want to consider making it bigger i'll go to the add one i want it just big enough to where  i can actually fit something on it   it looks a little too centered actually  let's put the island not so centered   maybe put it over here on the side  like this there we go much better all right large lake we have a couple  lakes we have a marsh and there was   we're gonna want to put some desert area  in as well so i'll figure a place for that   i might actually have to put down a bunch  of a bunch of stuff to make that work if i am going to put a desert in then i probably  want to put it i'm going to put it closer to the   equator and i'm going to make some mountain  ranges that kind of quarantine off the desert   so i'm gonna put a bunch of stamps here and i'm  gonna be just doing it by hand instead of dragging because this is such a small  landmass that it's like super hard to um to just drag a mountain range so this is kind of quarantine that's why  you've got a desert here and it's okay if uh if your desert goes from ocean  to ocean that's okay as well it's   they have oceans like that or um they have  deserts like that so this will be a desert   and to signify that it's a desert  i'm going to add in a couple dunes   technically you won't be able to see any dunes  at all from this size it's really just a reminder but i'm going to throw one down  just to remind myself like hey   this is where a dune is going to be  and i'll make it big so i can see it really the best way that i do um  marking biomes is to use a base texture   and we'll get to that part now because  we're pretty much done with bodies of water   the next part is just to kind of lay down a base  texture and you're going to want to use your base   texture is probably going to want to be a texture  that matches whatever the base of your stamps are   so like with this one i'm going to use a  texture that kind of matches the base of   the mountains that one looks a little too dark  so we'll go with something a little bit brighter super super slow wow this can't get any slower okay  there we go that's the one i want that looks good and then we're  gonna do a snow texture up here let's take a look this one looks super bright so i don't know  i might go with something a little bit darker yeah that looks super bright if you don't  find the kind of texture that you want like   immediately you can hsbc let's just see if i can  find a matching texture first that might look good with this and then we can  also do future blending don't   have to be perfect and i'm just  going to make this whole area this color because it's all permafrost  and i'm going to do the same down here   eventually i'll have to change  up those mountains as well to fit there we go and we're going to want  a texture to go well with those dark mountains a little bit maybe a little bit darker  this might be too dark we'll take a look oh nope these work fine and we'll go up a little  bit too okay and then we're gonna go with a green   texture for all those mountains let's see here  let's try this land yellow just see how it looks does look a little too bright maybe a little bit darker let's go  ahead and hsbc filter drop down the brightness   to 90. we'll see if this looks a little better   ah yeah that's a little better and we're  going to do the same down here to this one already it's looking so much  better when you add a texture to it okay it doesn't look terrible and then  with this desert we're gonna go with   two with two colors we're gonna make the whole  island brown but then we'll add in a sand texture and let's go with this one and you're going  to have to drop down the size to fit it in and this is i think this is going to be subject  to change but for now this is what we got i'm going to delete that because we'll  come back to that later and we have to   just figure out the rest and i actually don't  like these mesas so i'm gonna get rid of them let's take a look at what we got okay  these are pretty good for the base texture   i'm gonna have to do some fixes and  stuff but this looks all right let's save   it's a good time to ask any  questions if you have any okay we're saved let's just go ahead  and add a texture to these ones   and i'm gonna go with just making this all  one color for now and i can play with it later and we're definitely going to have  to go back over a lot of things and i think we might even take some stuff from parchment there we go take a look so  far so good we'll get to the second   layer of texturing when it comes to blending  let's go ahead and take a look at our list and see where we're at we are with adding your base texture  so and we're going to skip   borders and countries because this is  a world map and not a political map the next step is going to be we're going to  go ahead and add mount we're going to add   forests and other types of forests whether it's  swamp or a pine forest whatever so let's go   over to the catalog we're going to open up  and placing trees can be kind of difficult   um normally i would recommend using the density  in the area brush but because i'm streaming   and trying to make a map at the same time  i'm just going to do single click drags   so but normally you would want to use the area  and density i wouldn't recommend doing single   clicks unless you're doing fine details let's  actually make our swap first because swaps are fun   you're going to want to try to find a swamp  tree let's see i don't want to do that   oh we don't want to do that let's go  to swamp and this part's kind of fun let's see how big this technically  this tree is huge but that's okay and i'm not editing in 2k or 4k so it's going to  look a little blurry we'll open it back up later   but basically i'm going to line all  of these little pools with trees and i want to overlap and again i'm just doing single  clicks for the time being this whole thing is kind of a swamp it's massive okay and then i also like to do with the same  thing with the mountains and the hills you know   you've worked you've done one size a tree drop  it down another size and just have some smaller   trees and it's just to help with transition  like usually not trees are all the exact same   monotonous size so you know breaking up the  sizes in the trees kind of helps with that   and you can even go smaller than that  i'm going to go with really small and we're probably going to end up retexturing  some of this as well so you've got your swamp and let's just go through the full step and  we're going to add in some swamp colors   and i like the green i think we  should go with a swampy green   i think there is some good textures for that let  me see what do they have for swamp let's check   i like that color right there let's just  see what it looks like when we apply it yeah that looks good in fact this texture could even be a little bit darker let's change it let's go  with increasing the contrast and let's also   offset it to where the darker parts show up  so you see this darker line right here that   was in the texture so now when i apply  it here it's going to look a little bit   more green because i added so much contrast  to it just try to put it before the mountains   and i think i kind of screwed up in some ways  with this cliff here but there's your basic swamp   and we might add some more stuff to  that later let's go ahead and add some pine tree or let's see let's go with tree 3.  and we're going to want to make sure that we   are scaling it about that big they're technically  really big compared to the mountain but any   smaller and it's just going to be too much  work so it's okay if it's just slightly too big   i'm going to do single clicks again  because it is laggy super super slow   in fact we're going to save and refresh and i don't think i like that at all i'm  not a big fan let's go with a different tree so just type it in select what you want and  then press delete and you can get rid of them   let's save and refresh the page see if  my data it's just me going super slow let's refresh okay let's hope that fixed some  of that lag let's jump right in we're gonna add some coniferous trees let's see if this bright green one let's see where we're at with size yep that'll do   and let's just place one and  just see what it looks like yeah i like that so that was good so i'm going  to just single click and try to hide some of   the line work of the mountains and kind of just  do some overlapping you see a lot of trees and   forests at the base of mountains that's not the  only place you find them but it is pretty common i'm going to place some in here all in here i definitely want to overlap  there's no real large forests   it looks like quite yet i might have to  make a really thick forest over here perhaps that's going to require doing some of  this and it's going to go super laggy and because of the collision boxes  it might not be able to apply   to all of it so i might have  to do some single clicks let's see ah lag is a pain i'm just gonna keep adding oh and i  see some arrows there i'll fix that wow okay so let's go ahead and fix  some errors that i made real quick   i'm noticing right here there we go all  right let's take a gander take a step out   so far i kind of like that looks  all right some forests here not much   eventually we're going to try to find a spot where  i can put a fairly large forest and then label it   so i can show you how i label forests i  think i do have a guide for that as well   i'll plug that into this into the street or  into the voice chat let's just keep adding   stuff and eventually i'm going to save too and i'm  going to make sure to overlap over the shoreline and again over the line art over the mountains  and behind some hills behind the mountain maybe even some the base like right there oopsie  that might have to go wonderful but here we go okay and i don't want to be careful one  there okay so that looks pretty good i'm enjoying   the overall color scheme with that there's just  an interesting swamp that kind of is in between   these two formations and we're going to put  some forests in here as well let's go with   maybe let's see here this brownish deciduous  let's put it down and just see what it looks like yeah that looks good so now  we're going to go ahead and place   a large forest right here so this  way i can show you how to label let's go with a different route actually let's  do this am going to actually type in the name   of the forest i'm just going to type in forest  like this and we're going to curvature the hair like this like see that's the size what am i doing rotate it so put if you're doing a forest i'll  technically i do the labeling last but if you   wanted to do it another way you just line the  trees around the label and i wouldn't label   all your forests i would only label a forest  that's like super important like something that   your players are going to go to or if you're  writing a novel then it's going to be there   so we're gonna go ahead and just put this  forest put these trees around the label   be careful not to accidentally uh hit the  label okay there we go so now you have this   forest and you've got the label and you  can i'm just going to end up deleting or i'll just leave it there for now but that is  how you're going to label your forests and i'll   show you how to also label mountain ranges when  labeling comes so i just did that one because it's   just quick let's take a look right all right let's  save it and we'll continue on adding our trees okay let's take a look let's continue with  trees i'm going to stick with the same tree type and i'm just going to do what i did before kind of  pepper them here and there i'm doing single clicks   i'm not going to bother with  dragging it's just too much work make little clusters and again you're  definitely going to want to overlap and let's put a forest right here i wish there wasn't so much leg okay there  we go and it's the same thing before too i   think i'm just gonna add a couple small ones  just on the outside just sprinkle them around   let's zoom out and i can kind of sprinkle them  around normally your the inside of your forest   like the inner part the interior is going to be  the most dense and you kind of want the forest to   kind of diffuse a little bit as you're going away  from it so it kind of gets a little more scattered like the interior is the most dense   and i'm seeing some errors here there's  a looks like there's a hill right here that's not doing right so  we'll add that there okay   let's take a look yeah that looks pretty  good so far i didn't really technically do   that here with these in a smaller version so i  should probably stick to that that same method drop it down just sizes go to 60 and then i'm  just going to sprinkle them here and there zoom out so at least i can get a lot of it done okay there we go let's add some around here all right let's take a look so far we're doing  all right we're at two hours and i've done   a lot of trees forests we've done our  mountains our hills and our base textures and we're going to want to figure  something out about this shattered   island right here we'll figure out what we want to  do with that and i'm thinking i'm going to go with these kind of karsts right here but  i don't like the color of the green   so we're going to play with hsbc kind of  get the color we want we'll go with hue   and i'm kind of would like to go with a more  brown and the way to accomplish that was   maybe get it to a purple or red  and then just drop the saturation and also change the brightness  in here so now we have that and they still looks a little too purple  so i might select those and fix it later   but let's go ahead and add a series of like  jagged type of rocks that are all kind of   emanating from the center island which i'll end  up doing something more there but not right now   this part is going to be time consuming and how  i do this there isn't really kind of a method   um sometimes i look at the stamp i look at the  size and then i try to look somewhere on the   map or in the area that i'm decorating to see  where it'll fit it's just less work instead of   having to reshape everything to fit to where you  want it to be you just kind of place where you   uh where you know that that particular stamp is  going to fit again overlap go over the shoreline just add in i'm going to make let's go with  a different method i'm going to go with large   large ones first and then just build  small ones from there around it so big big like that let's take a look and see what  we have yeah it looks cool   i'm just not a fan of that purplish  color so i'll change that later they pretty much did this  same method when i was making   the lands of nowhere series it's  just this is exactly how i did it minus all the fancy filter work okay we're getting all the large pieces together okay and i'm not so sure about this shape i  might get rid of it i don't know we'll see let's   just add some stuff to it just see how i like it  let's get more specific let's get some large ones there we go that was something  big i'm going to flip it we around okay and then i'll make some small smaller  ones that are kind of overlapping this one   these big ones just like with the  mountains and the trees big small big small oops i see an arrow right there don't want that okay yeah we can keep going and we'll make sure to fix that  purple because that just looks weird even though purple is a great color it doesn't  really work for this area or at least not that   base texture technically i could make all this  purple too maybe that maybe that's worth it   we'll take a look let me select all these cars  and just see if i can get   the color that i'm looking for i  don't know why i have all caps on let's go with okay get rid of that  purple see if i can get more of that red and maybe make it a little bit  brighter i'm trying to see here okay and we're probably going to have to change  our texture let's go with something grayish   it already has gray there well i can  change it with hsbc so we'll get to that   let's just go with this texture for now and then  we can mess things change things around if we wish just to make sure those stamps kind of blend  in with the base texture there's kind of this   random island here that doesn't really have  any spikes on it so i might change that up okay maybe even have some there let's take a step  out take a look looks good let's go ahead and add   some more texture and then we'll add some more  stamps let's go with some snow texture and we're   going to put it up here like this i'm gonna do  the same thing down here add this snow texture and i'm gonna have to fix these mountains we'll fix all of that okay there we go looks good  and i think it's okay to save   and while it's saving feel free to ask  any questions it's okay if you don't there will be a section in the end where i'll  probably stop recording and just have a q a and we   can maybe go over some some people's maps and do  some overview and you know i really enjoy it when   a bunch of people like come on and just kind of  help each other out i've been seeing a lot of that   in the voice chat lately so that's really awesome  i've said this off camera or off recording before   but we have the best community definitely ask  anyone just about anyone in our community is   willing to help so don't be shy definitely  shout out to like cheryl sl mumby to cynthia   and a few others there's jeremy callum  all these people will are willing to help   so come join our discord and find some of  the best some of the best mappers out there okay let's jump to the next step let's add  some pois start with our largest pois first   and specialty locations um let's  go with specialty locations first   and we're gonna go ahead and  make like some cave systems let's get this right okay and if a stamp doesn't look good as  you see how the color's off you can use   the blend modes go to luminosity and boom that  stamp blends in and so this is technically a cave   and we'll make sure to label  these special pois as well   so this goes into a cave system technically that  entrance is freaking huge massive but it's okay   and we'll probably put a little tower  there or something as like a guard   tower or something let's figure out what stamps  we want to use for our pois let's go with   this technically this is way too big but i'm going  to go with exaggerated large pois on some of them and we will open this map in 4k and i don't  think that looks good either let's go with an orc   tower instead in fact let's yeah let's go with flat that's fine perfect awesome unfortunately you can't  see it that well unless it's in 4k   but we will do that once we finish putting it all  together we'll check out all of its glory in 4k   all right so you got a little tower here and  you've got i think this is a really big pui   but if it's like an important location  it's okay to make it to exaggerate its size   let's also add in some craters i don't um  i don't have any lore or anything or any   backstory normally you would have this when you're  making it so i probably won't uh i haven't really   thought ahead on what what kind of things i'll  be adding so i'm just kind of just going with it and i want to put let's just say like it's a mining thing and i want to do the same i want to go with  the blend mode luminosity so it blends in okay so there's our first poi it's kind of big   let's get rid of this and let's think about  some stuff we want to put in the mountains   so you have like an orc location  here let's put like a dwarven hold let's check out some dwarven stamps let's put in   let's see here is this the right  size make it a little bit smaller   so we're going to say these are kind of a  dwarven mountain so we'll add a couple things   put one on top here and let's use a small  one to kind of create a kind of a village   at the base of the mountain and we might even want to put some trees  to overlap to give it even more dimension   since it's elves or i'm sorry  dwarves let's go with some dead   trees because they're going to chop down  all that wood for all their special toys let's just make sure that i have my trees being  the right size that's about right we're going   to place just a couple technically these are  really big trees let's put make a little smaller making even smaller okay all right so we're going to put down all  the pois that we want all the different locations   and then we're going to connect them with roads  primarily paths let's also add some fun stuff   like a world tree in here and i think the world  tree might be good in the center of this island   let's get rid of all this stuff   and let's make sure the island is right first  i can place the tree and then from there i'll   shape the island around it so let's just get  rid of the entire island and then we'll shape the island out and i'm going  to not use the edgy brush and i'm also going to make a series of  small little islands so let's make it big   and then we'll subtract from  there let's make it fairly big then we'll take a smaller brush and kind of  create like this shattered islands around it   that looks good we're going to go with subtract   at the smallest size and just going to do  like these kind of curly cues like this to kind of get your shattered broken islands and we're gonna keep doing  it just keep breaking up just do some dots okay there we go looking good okay there's our world tree   let's see here what other classic things do  we want let's probably put in them a volcano that'd be kind of nice i have there are some volcanoes right  there perfect and let's go ahead and put the volcano in the center of this mountain  range so i'm going to move things around   and we're going to go back and grab that volcano  we're going to place it right here and it is   kind of kind of bright with a darker color  and to make it blend in better you can   overlap some of these mountains so it  overlaps you're not seeing any of the base so it's just kind of nicely snuggled snugged   in there and we're going to want to  put some mountains behind it as well drop the layer there we go put it behind it  same thing here just put it right behind it   there we go and then we'll also take some small  mountains and also break that transition up we're going to add a couple more mountains and  technically these should be in the snow level but   considering it's a volcano should  be okay let's also add some smoke coming out of the volcano get it nice and big and then stick it out there we go nice make sure it's on a layer  positive five i would think that would be best   okay lots of smoke there we go let's zoom out take  a look things are looking good let's make some saves don't forget that there is a guide  in the voice channel for anyone that's new   i have not been keeping track was going in and  out of the uh the stream so make sure that you   pick you go into the stream chat one  and look for how to create a world map   again you don't have to follow the rule follow  it from 1 to 15 you can leave out certain steps   this is just kind of a general idea an  outline on how to create a map it doesn't   a lot of the things in it are not necessary unless  you want to so you know you might want to try the   method and then maybe break up the method to where  whatever works best for you like the whole point   of having an order of operation is to speed up  your process like most people who are making   maps are probably doing it as a dm so if you're  a dm you probably don't have time on your side   you're probably extremely busy trying  to pump out all these maps and so   you're going to want to come up with an  order of operation for map making that   makes your time that utilizes your time like  you want to make a map quickly but at the same   time like you want to do it quickly but you  also want to have like a level of quality   so those steps 1 through 15 should help  with that again just try different things   you know try things out of order if he works  best to do it to do step five first before   you do step four or whatever that's okay do do  whatever works best but i i generally always   end up going back and doing doing steps because  i haven't finished some of these landmasses here   don't have anything on it and that's okay because  i just don't have in mind in mind what i want to   add and speaking of which i'm going to go  back and kind of delete a bunch of stuff   oopsie i accidentally just  painted my background green   let's go ahead and go back and reshape some of  these land masses i'm going to get rid of this just looks weird let me get rid of this and i'll probably have to fix some of that  and i'm going to get rid of some of this   and let's go with using the edgy brush add let's  go with four let's fix some of this it's fine okay that looks fine and i'm gonna do the same thing i'm just  gonna add a couple little tiny islands here and there and definitely going to add a lot of  little islands around this broken spot don't forget to also check  that biome guide by hustle   i think i put that into stream  chat number one so it's not uh it's helpful if you're confused about if you  want realism in your map and you're not going   for my kind of more fantasy style with this one  then yeah that that that biome guide is probably   what you're going to want to pick if you're  not particularly worried about realism it's   not something that's on your mind or not as much  then you don't have to use that guide because you   can really put your biomes in any way that you  want it just depends on what you're going for   okay let's see let's go look  at our guide where we're at and we are at adding our major poi so let's  continue with pois i kind of want a desert   temple going on so let's go with let's  expand it all so i can see all of it oh boy there we go okay um i think the dunes  are just too small and so they probably won't   show up so i'm not going to bother with  adding dunes at all but i am going to put a this here and let's just take a look and  see how big it is to the other poi that i have   just so i know i think a little bit  bigger is fine pyramids are pretty big just put a pyramid somewhat close to the  center and we'll keep adding pois let's add a jungle temple and we'll go put that here and i'm going to put it on top  of this thing it's kind of cool   and i think i'm going to put one  tree overlapping it at the top let's go ahead and make sure it's the right angle  oh there we go so one tree kind of overlapping it   and maybe another tree overlapping there and  then put one in the background behind it as well uh it's just so small you can barely see it all right well i look forward to 4k so you  can see it let's also add an olympus temple   kind of a greek one and i'm going to put that  on top of a mountain and let's put it up here pick a mountain we want to put it on top of   and or you can put on top of a hill  let's put it on top of this hill here   there we go and we'll put some snowy trees  in there as well which i forgot to do   please do as i say don't do as i do  because not making a lot of mistakes okay let's take a look and use this  as a scale okay that's about right and i'm gonna probably gonna end up overlapping  some stuff let's make sure that i'm on the right   size let's go down one one there we go and  then we'll add some trees sure accidentally overlap let's zoom out take a look you can even add some snowy forests we're going to make sure that  that center is nice and dense   we'll do another forest  right here we'll make it big and make sure the center is dense overlap and create some clusters i love  to do little clusters of trees   and threes and we're going to drop down  the size so there's some transition okay it's coming along and we're  gonna do a save here pretty soon   oh my gosh i really do sound like  bob ross i gotta work on that okay zoom out take a look ooh cool though the  transition between these two textures is   going to be fun let's go ahead and zoom  out take a good gander we're gonna save   where are we at now it's almost one so it's  been three hours this is pretty good progress   for a world map to get this much done so  we're moving right along i actually kind   of like the last mat the last world map demo  just a hair better but that's okay and we'll   have to figure out that but let's continue  adding in our trees excuse me in these regions oopsie oh no these trees should  be in the back not the front yikes there we go okay add that and we're gonna continue to add even smaller ones i notice that mountain is just completely covered there we go not i mean all right sweet yeah this is gonna be cool  when it's done okay so let's add more poison   okay let's take a look so slow let's add some  capital cities some settlements oh these are nice   well i like this windmill let's go with a capital  every place needs a capital let's put one here and i think i'm going to put it on top of a hill  because i love putting things on top of hills   it's just the way i like to do it okay let's go ahead and shift through there we go um that looks good okay there we go that might just be still  too big we'll put it right there   and let's overlap it with some little buildings  like these little buildings we'll be fine put some there and one right there  just to kind of give it that city look   okay and we'll add a windmill  in here just for fun right there   there we go cool technically this city would be  massive so you don't really need to have all that   i just thought it looked cool but let's just put  these closer together instead so it's not too   much to overlap and put this close together i  just this straight line right here just looks   super odd so like adding these stamps to kind  of overlap it a little bit really looks nice   and you can do the same thing with trees you know  have some of these trees just overlap some of it same thing with the smaller ones there we go all right let's add so we got a  capital let's add in some towers and i like to put them on top of mountains so they  don't have to you can put them on top of a hill   if you want let's put one on top of this hill and we'll put a couple of them  around on top of some other hills technically you would be thinking out in advance   where these would be going but because i  didn't do that i'm just kind of putting them willy-nilly that looks good nice okay let's check out some  other options i definitely want to get like a   human temple involved and it doesn't have to  be on that continent it can be on this one again my strains obsession with  putting things on top of hills and i kind of like it right there and  we're going to throw in a tree to break up   the overlapping a little bit let's  zoom push in there we go cool like that   nice and eventually we'll have to label  that for us let's make the changes save all right saves have been made  let's just refresh the page any questions please feel free all right let's keep going won't jump into 4k quite  yet let's just kind of get   most of the stuff done and then kind  of get a better look at it in 4k let's say about another another hour left in  this stream eventually i gotta take a lunch we've got two pois here we've got one poi here and maybe  that forest will be considered one   there's a lot going on on this  continent that's pretty good   not every continent needs a lot of stuff on it i  think just that temple is going to be that pyramid   this mountain let's add in a kind of a  mordor-esque got a tower think they have one   let's take a look pretty sure it's in  here there it is we'll add that in there and i don't mind making it somewhat large make sure it's on the right layer and we will  get rid of that those lines in fact i don't think   we need them anymore so we can just search for  group which should have not that one let's see oh no that's interesting okay so we got rid of our lines nice okay let's  go ahead and add in some of the final stuff   we've got that and we're going to need some  locations to walk to we're going to need   some ports for people to get to so i will  make a couple small towns let's take a look so this is where your player is going to end up  and then travel up to this location and there's   pretty much no pois around this it's just going  to be this and we will add in some more texturing   later let's keep going how do players get to here  let's add a little village a little port town oh see i just realized something i used  the wrong style that's an isometric   and i don't want to put isometric i'm using  flat so i kind of made a mistake there don't do that there we go just flat  okay and you can put that down there let's keep adding stuff this can be important town  over to here and we'll add a couple other towns as well you can probably put it on top of that hill path goes down that way it should be all right we   want to have a path to go around  this way or maybe it's only sale and let's add some villages around here  so people can walk around right over here one right there overlap it okay let's take a look so far so good  let's also take a red texture and kind of blend in that stamp into it   let's see here i know i got some red stamps  in here red textures this will do just fine drop the size and the opacity i want to be  too bright just add in some red here and there there we go it looks cool now we'll add more pois later let's  go ahead and figure out our paths   leading to each thing we don't like that  one there we go and let's change the   size white white should be okay it sticks  out that's what we want and we're gonna go   ahead and connect our pois and the same thing  with like rivers and mountains and stuff just   you kind of want your roads to kind of  meander a little bit to go to each place same thing here we're gonna just cause  some meandering go around some hills go around so there's some trees there you go  it's pretty much laying down your roads and   also you can change your roads like if you want a  thick line to represent a major highway or if you   want the dotted line to mean it's just a regular  path and not a major walkway so it just depends   for this one i'm just going to use the same  for everything i'm just going to bob and weave   through everything go around mountains go through  trees and we'll make sure it's on the right layer   as well because we want it to overlap so it  looks like the path needs to go down a layer to where it's behind some stuff go  with negative five that should be okay so we've got paths leading up to this and  we're going to want a path that's going to   go through the mountains maybe something  like this and then leads into this forest   and maybe even a long way around  it goes all the way around   to get to it that's fine too we'll add  some more locations along here as well for now we're just going to connect all our poison okay and same thing here oops  let's do this instead through here there we go i want to do the same thing here  so this leads into the swamp   that leads out of the swamp  and then goes to this location and same thing here this leads  out of the swamp and goes to this location and we're going to want to see a mountain pass through here there we go oh there's some other location  down there let's go to that as well okay let's zoom out yeah  looking good cool let's connect   these locations and then we'll  add in some more pois as well i like to add more pois after i add  paths because it's like it's nice to know   where things are going you look and you say  oh cool this is this looks good but i want   some location here i want to add some location  here sometimes you don't want too much negative   space but you want a little bit of negative  space because what makes this positive space   stick out is this negative space try not to  add too much and let's go ahead and add some   buildings around this lake so that we're going  to look think about maybe like a snowy lake town   let's go ahead and use this human city and we'll  put it along here and we'll even add a small one because let's just say the city is fairly decent   size let's expand all and we'll make  some of the city [ __ ] around that lake if i can get it to burn   super slow okay there we go here are  some little pieces that we can add here add one there i'm just going  to add them here and there   i kind of want this city to  be lining all the way around and we're going to want to put some stuff on  the island maybe a put a windmill along one of   the shorelines overlap right there see can barely  see yeah that's overlapped okay and then we'll put   maybe something on the island maybe like a  ruin so we're gonna look for a ruin stamp okay there it is we'll put  that there and we'll want to   create the landmass so it conforms  underneath it so we're going to add   we're going to use just a regular circle  brush for something small like this i don't   recommend using your edgy brush so we just want  to make sure the stamp is got land underneath it and now we're going to want to  create paths that lead to it and we'll go around the mountain range  and we'll put another one that goes   through maybe a dangerous mountain  pass so we can maybe say through here there we go okay cool i like that and this  i like that how do you get to it by boat let's check out other locations maybe something  nice right here would be good like a little city   let's add one right here and then  we'll put it on top of the hill okay and we'll build a path that goes to it go through here through  this pass there you go okay yeah looking cool and maybe even have  a path that goes along the shoreline   and through these trees to connect it  there so if you want to go that way and we'll add some more locations in  here as well let's try putting in a pit i think we have some good creators in here let's  take a look uh that's the one i want right there   and again i'm gonna end up using the luminosity  blend mode so that it blends in with that back   with the bottom texture nice and then we're also  going to create a path leading to it there we go sweet moving along eventually we're going to  have to touch this these land shapes that i   haven't even worked on yet and i'm going to end  up putting a structure on top of this plateau rock oh fantastic world let's take a look and see  add in some random stuff i don't have any elf   stuff yet oh and i think i'll do that over there  on that land mass let's go with something else let's add maybe kind of a random  dwarven location right here add that there and let's keep  adding in some more locations there's only that one desert stamp but i can use  this ruin and put a ruin over by this desert if i   can if i can find it let's put a ruin right there  and we're going to want to create one little city   so that there is a point to where your players  are going to land and we're going to add in this i didn't care for the way that turned out i generally like to have a little town on  the coast so that your players have like   a port town that they can go to travel to the  places and then come back and then they can go   and leave and i kind of want to add in some  elf stuff there's a nice forest right here   and i kind of want to add some elf stuff so we're  going to add an elven city in the middle of that   dense dense forest we have there  and let's start with a centerpiece that is huge let's just make  sure it's on the right layer   okay cool and then we're gonna also put some other  stamps in there the city is going to be pretty big you just use these ones scatter them around there we go and then we don't want to forget our   elephant towers and i'm going to put some of them  on top of the mountain as kind of a lookout point it's not working so let's let's put it right there cool and there are ways to get  to it we have a path great we're getting close to the  labeling some final texturing   i'm kind of trying to hope to wrap  this up within the next 45 minutes for those of you who are new to the stream  who just showed up go check voice chat number   uh voice stream or chat number one  you're gonna find a guide that i'm using   how to create a world map so  that's useful if you need it   okay and i'm also going to refresh the page and  we're going to finish up the last several steps if you have any questions feel free  just remember that it is recording   at least i hope it's recording my last stream i  my recording device didn't work and i'm not even   certain that um i'm recording what other people  are even saying it's just probably recording what   i'm saying i'm gonna have to figure out an audio  setup to where i can catch everyone speaking okay so that's not working here we go we're almost there thank you troopers  appreciate you guys sticking in for the stream don't look don't look there's  a lot of goodies don't look yeah we got quite a few new and fun packs  coming up so i think we just released the orc   and treasure packs i think i have a map on my   on my profile page that kind of shows off some of  that so if you want to see go there to my profile   i'm not sure if other people have used a lot  of the orc pack i'd have to check through ea okay so we are sorry say again oh   oh yeah you should totally i mean are you  cool sharing it with people can you put   it in the voice chat or yeah yeah i want  people to see it because it's pretty cool okay let's continue we're going to add a last  bunch of pois and then we're going to call good   i think i want to add some specialty stuff   like in the water and whatever so let's start  with adding this moon gate this gate thing i kind of have this habit of putting it with  world trees see if i can step away from the habit   and put it somewhere else maybe in  the elven area maybe i'll put it on   top of a hill or a mountain or something  like on top of this hill might be cool oop it's not really on top there we  go okay and let's add in a whirlpool let's add in a whirlpool with  a tower actually be more fun and i'm going to make it somewhat larger and i might not put it there either i might  put it somewhere else like maybe the shattered   islands is a good place to put this whirlpool  tower and a bunch of other little whirlpools just stick one there that's kind of nice did you post your map and stream chat one awesome ah naughty boy it's all good okay let's see where we're  looking well i kind of feel like i'm neglecting   these shattered islands a little bit so let's  let's cheat and let's go into parchment world   and i'm stepping a little bit from fantasy  world and i'm gonna use some parchment stuff   i really like these um whatever these  things are what are they called again a jagged rocks i really like these things these  things are super cool i kind of feel like they   should be also in uh in fantasy world but i'm just  going to make some jagged rocks along the coast and you're going to want to watch your layers and they're facing in all different directions oh  i'm not sure i hope this will will turn out okay   it might look weird if you have some jagged  rocks on the shore and then there's some flat   so that actually doesn't look  good i don't want to do that   might want to consider some  other kind of landscape maybe just some small little hills  or something would look better   let's just try placing them around just sometimes you have to experiment you  don't really know what's going to look good   until you just start putting stamps down like i find myself doing that all  the time like ah this looks terrible   i'm just gonna put down something random okay yeah that looks okay they might be  a little bright so or a little dark so   i might select them all once they're put  down and kind of play with the brightness okay let's click all that okay so dark mountain medium let's do that select them all change the brightness   yeah there we go that's a little better let's  take a look we have a little more contrast okay all right yeah that looks fine okay nice  still got to do something with these islands so   i better put some kind of thing there let's  just try putting some small mountains there   let's go with the color that's already there kind of cheating a little bit nice that looks good and we might put one poi there let's put one hill down and  then maybe put something on it i know i got some nice right here as  soon as it'll pop up let's say let's   just add this lighthouse it's not really a  lighthouse we're gonna make it something else maybe put a village on top of there  and then put this on top of this one like that and then we'll put a village there oops too big let's make sure i got  the right size that's about right okay all right and we're going to add a  oh where'd my time go there it is this path's gonna oops i think   using the wrong kind of path here  let's click the right path there we go technically i should put a port town  there but i'm not worried about it there we go up to there oh we're getting so  close to done nice there's this random island   right here which i haven't done anything to  that's kind of problematic and these don't   blend in very well either this light against this  dark oops not even sure what to put here i think   i'm just going to go with these kind of mount  these little medium-sized mountains put them here sometimes i don't sometimes you  just don't know what you're going   to do with something you can delete it or  just randomly play with it it just depends okay i'm going to add some random pills in there   and i'll probably put a poi there as well just  so there's something going on in that island and we'll put another pair another row in here and put it on top of here there we go and maybe even make  some really really tiny hills just to break that up i'm just doing  single clicks not crazy drags or anything we are moving along sweet we're  going to be done here pretty soon   nice and oh yeah i guess one i guess no village  but maybe a drop-off point would be good so there would be fine okay let's take a look and let's go ahead and just try to  wrap it up because we're at a half hour   we're going to move on to just texturing  in the ocean with a darker blue and then we'll add our filters and then  any other final details we want to add   let's just make sure this looks good okay yeah a little too dark but that's all right so for your darker parts or for your deeper  parts of your ocean just take a darker blue   with a low lower opacity like  this and just kind of fill in   the areas and try not to touch where the  white of uh where the outer shadow is and just kind of fill in this space here here same thing around here in the  deep part of the ocean here and we'll apply some filters to do some work  as well and i don't think i'm going to have   a legend because i'm not using little tiny  pois like i originally thought i was going to   but if you were to have a legend then just  use little symbols and use them repeatedly   and then just put them in a little uh  legend kind of scroll thing that we have legends are pretty self-explanatory but okay same thing i don't want to  do that same stuff inside of here   a little dark in there a little dark there  and then even darker in some of these regions   so i drop the opacity so that when i do  apply it it does look a little darker and we're going to get the  filters here shortly into labeling okay and i'm just going to go with really goofy   labels because i've been having  fun with goofy labels lately oh actually let's um let's  texture some things properly here   let's add some snow right here to kind of break the transition because  you've got this flat line here   and that looks really weird so  just adding this snowy texture   and let's actually boost the opacity all the way  up so that way yeah perfect there we go now you   have like this a little bit smoother transition  you can just kind of randomly put them in little   spots too here and there they don't have to be  perfect same thing here we'll add some transition there we go so now it's not just this flat line okay nice let's see here same thing here  we're going to add some transition okay maybe even some here technically it's above some of the lines that  i originally had put there but that's okay   okay i think so there are some small islands like  this one that has just absolutely no pois of of   any kind and that's really that's just okay let's  just do some quick labeling of every single poi   that i have and i'm just gonna go with some  really weird names and i'm going to just pick a okay that's fine make a bold and i  also want to play with the line height and i'm going to put it here i generally like  to put my texts um so to where they're not   accidentally like connecting with a path because  now you've got this white line contending with a   white text so when you label try to put them in  a place that's not kind of like covering your   path depending on the color your paths might be  bright red and your text might be it might be   a different color so maybe that's not a problem  but i generally try not to overlap text and paths i'm just gonna go with some pretty typical  names or goofy names like lake town see you could put it up  here but it kind of clashes   with it so i'm going to put it  here where it doesn't clash so much and there is curvy text that you can  do as well but i'm i think that one's   pretty self-explanatory let's go with snow temple here and this one is kind of a kind of  a cavern so we'll call it gob cavern and it's kind of blurry once you go to 4k this  won't be quite as blurry so it should be nicer   this is just a small town and it looks like because there's they're  so close together you're going to see   these texts are really small to each other  um let's call this a shrine something easy   we are reaching near the end this is a gate of  some kind that leads to somewhere an elven city what's a cd okay and let's label this one okay it's coming together oh i didn't put anything  on that island either oops i'm not i don't know if   i need to label every single tower but we'll  see and let's go with enabling this big city again don't want to overlap that text little indiana jones reference oops almost done appreciate everyone's patience  we get to that last part where we just add in our filters oh that's not good if you are going to curve it let you  do something like that there you go oops oops jesus oh my goodness  i don't know how to spell okay let's take a look all right sweet  moving along most things have been labeled   you're also going to want to label your oceans and  your seas and i usually like to drop the opacity   when i do my ocean leaving and i'm  not sure what to call this place and you can either put it in one  place or you can do the curve thing so you want to do your spacing and you're going to want to rotate and  you're going to curve put your curvature and i like to put it in the somewhat of the dark  spot because it makes it stick out a little bit   more so c of seven and we are almost done i'm  not worry about labeling other things as long   as you get the general idea we're gonna save we're  gonna apply some filters and then we're gonna open   it in 4k and then we can kind of go over it a  little bit there will be a q a that's recorded   and then i'll turn off the recording and  then you can just ask other questions because   some folks may have questions and they  don't want to be recorded and that's okay   so for filters i i'd really like using  the silhouette uh if you don't if you're   wondering where all the textures at you need to  click this search all toggle up here and then   it a second to load and then all the styles  will pop up here and you go select all come on oh yeah yay might be slow there we go put the vignette  on and we're going to go all the way up   it's going to create this kind of vignette around  your mat which is kind of nice because it's going   to make everything in the center pop out more and  then i also like to add a kind of paper old paper   texture and i like to play with various blend  modes to do it this one right here works fine   let's make sure that it's the intensity  is all the way up i'll take a look at it okay intensity is all the way  up that looks a little too much 66 that looks fine and you can add  another filter to blend in the colors   um let's just go play with the different ones   so you got clarity that's going to make things  pop out saturations is going to add more color   you can add faded let's go through the different  ones see which one looks best since i have color   on this map i don't recommend using a filter  that's going to like to get rid of all your color   because we took all that time to do the texturing  it's like ah well when i do all that if i'm   just going to go with like a monochrome  color i like this red sky one this is nice   um let's go through the various  ones kind of a night scene overcast and parchment it kind of gives it that  red color and there's this cold warm   which is kind of this purplish one and that's  the one i'll probably go with and i just adding   the cold warm filter because i'm just allowing  for the various diversity and various textures   so they'll blend together so filters are really  good when you have like this large variety of   textures that you're using but they kind of clash  because there's so many of them using filters like   the cold warm the parchment and whatever using  those ones kind of melds the colors so they kind   of match a little bit more and i think that is  going to be the end of it i don't think there's   really anything else to add unless there's  some things that you guys think we should add first we'll save and then go to  4k and then review it and then   look for that final stage which is the one i  always forget which is always go over your go   through a final run and look for errors and  mistakes and overlapping and stuff like that   so that way you're not you know so excited  to publish your piece you forget to do it   so let's open it at 4k resolution it's  probably going to be a little slow to load oh excuse me yeah super slow load especially with obs running very very slow oh my this is going to take a second oh my hmm very slow oh really does that help it's just something to do while waiting all right so this looks like the finished piece   and we're gonna take a look and one thing i like  to do is to like go over and look for mistakes   that i made and even fix things because once you  go to 4k your shorelines get a little bit more defined and you can see them better  and sometimes they look odd so   like some of the finishing touches just to  fix mistakes and to touch up the shorelines   i'm going to turn the filter  off because oh my goodness   it is going so slow even with the filter off  it's probably still going to lag quite a bit   so the finishing touch for shorelines is go down  to like the smallest size go to subtract and   generally go down to like maybe size one or size  three and just go around your shorelines like this like i said it's going to be a little slow it's just to kind of break up   make your short lines a little better it's  just kind of that fine one of those final steps because things things like this this little sharp  edge right here that looks weird just finding all   of those kind of mistakes because once you get to  4k you can see everything a heck of a lot better   it's like all this stuff like and i'm going  to go in and just use this small brush instead   for fixing mistakes just little tiny pieces  of landmass that kind of get in the way   so just getting rid of those things i never did  label that either that's okay let's just keep   looking for inconsistencies things that don't look  good like these big blobs that look super weird just kind of cleaning up your your shorelines oh man so slow but oh see there's an  error right there the whole thing just now i'm doing undo at my gotta be careful when you do the undo it works better oh my gosh what a pain huh i don't think i'm going to undo it  i'm just going to fix it this way okay and i'm trying not to take too long i never  did anything with this landmass right here i   should probably just get with it  but i'm not gonna worry about it   let's just take a look around see if there's  anything else that looks really weird   this stuff right here oops  that is add what am i doing am i here and look at this i kind of screwed up  right here this little string right here   get rid of that this little string here 4k is like a curse and a blessing  at the same time man this is slow   i probably will just make these fixes off camera  so you guys already know basically what i'm doing   in here i'm just going in and fixing the little  pieces of lip mask that aren't doing looking good   and also trying to make sure that mountains aren't  overlapping and going over my shoreline into the   sea because that looks weird so i'll just save  it and i'll make the changes later and i'll do a   recorded q a and then i'll turn that off recording  off and then we can just kind of chat and hang out   for a little bit i am going to take my lunch in  like 14 minutes but basically this stream is done please ask questions because even if you  uh even if you're like afraid to do all   the talking i don't mind because i kind  of want these questions to be heard for   for other users and i'll repeat the question back  to just in case my uh my mic my audio isn't being   picking up everyone else's stuff too it's going to  sound weird it's going to sound like i'm talking   to myself now is there any questions that you  guys have before we before i quit the recording all right no questions so  i'll stop the recording now all right
Channel: Inkarnate
Views: 58,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FYvXiYm3Ty0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 34sec (9694 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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